Thursday, November 7, 2013

Killing Jesus: A History

"Mary Magdalene cautiously steps forward and looks inside. She smells the myrrh and aloe in which Jesus's body was anointed. She clearly sees the linen shroud in which the body was wrapped. But there is nothing else there.

"To this day, the body of Jesus of Nazareth has never been found."

So ends the book Killing Jesus: a History, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. But then comes the Afterword. There you will find these words:

"After the crucifixion, the disciples of Jesus underwent a radical shift in behavior. They were quite positive that they had seen a resurrected Jesus and soon went out into the world and fearlessly preached his message. Known as apostles, the men paid a tremendous price for their faith."

The book is one of history, well worth reading for any Christian and non-Christian alike. It does not pretend to be a book of theology, but never disagrees with scripture and the truths of God. As a matter of fact, the writers draw upon the New Testament narrative for its framework and foundation. Many other sources are added to clarify and magnify the events of Jesus' life and death.

So to those who asked me if I have read it: yes. Is it worth the read: yes, most definitely.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Getting Back on the Road…Journal for 11.04.13

Have you ever veered off the road just enough for one tire to fall off the asphalt? You find yourself easing it back up on the road so you can continue safely on your journey. If you don't recover, you could find yourself off the road completely and deep trouble.

That's how I feel we are as a nation…and as the church in America. We've got a tire or two that has, for whatever reason, left the main road. If there isn't some kind of deliberate corrective action taken we could find our nation in the ditch. We would be in good company, for the Romans, Greeks, Medes, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians and other formerly great nations are already in the ditch. But there is little comfort in mutual misery and loss.

While I have my own political convictions, and am ready to stand up for the Constitution of the United States and defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic, I also realize something very important. The key to a nation's recovery -- on whatever level -- is the people of God. It's not the military, which party is in power, or who gets elected president. It comes down to those of us who believe in the one true God.

Let me cite God's Word: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

What we are facing is a spiritual problem. When the Bible can't be carried in public schools but states and judges embrace Islamic Sharia Law (which, by the way, flies in the face of our U.S. Constitution), it signifies a deep spiritual problem that mere politics will not fix.

If you are one of God's people then join with others in doing your part. Get your spiritual act together, come before God and seek His face. We can pull this vehicle back up onto the road and watch God heal this country.