Saturday, April 18, 2009

Be Encouraged ... the Bad News is Really Good News

Far too many Christians are discouraged by the economic news and world-events. Our president is making friends with our enemies, chumming it up with those who would destroy us, and bowing to those who support terrorism. At home the economy goes south - people lose their jobs, taxes go up, and vital government agencies, like the Dept or Defense, are told to make cutbacks. Let's give money to banks that don't need it, but stop funding the F-22 Fighter. 
Alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual perversion, gang murders, lawlessness, and godless liberalism have soared. The enemies of Israel are preparing to wipe it off the face of the earth. The nations are encircling the middle east, as if a great war will one day occur there.
What's a Christian to do?
Be encouraged!! Didn't our Lord say these things would happen first? We are the conquerors, the winners, the ones who will be vindicated by the King of All. If Jesus is in complete control and is working all things for our good, then why the long faces and discouraged emotions? 
With Jesus, the best is always yet to come. Be positive. Be encouraged. Aren't you the least bit excited to see what God is going to do next?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Christian's Perspective on Obama

You should be excited...”don’t be anxious abput anything...”, as Paul would say. And I’ll tell you why.
First, be sure that Obama’s policies are unbiblical, ungodly, unconstitutional, and un-American. He will be accountable to God. (Hopefully, the voters will hold him accountable in four years).
But never fear. Everything Obama and his rogues do, plays into the hands of a great God. As believers, we are behind enemy lines and we should expect nothing less than tribulation, persecution, and turmoil. This world is not a friendly place for anyone, especially believers. We've had way too easy in America.
What is occurring now is a precursor to “something”. Perhaps the great tribulation. Perhaps the greatest revival America has ever seen! In any case, God is moving the world in the direction it has to go. And I think the Lord Jesus is guiding His Bride into the direction she needs to go. It’s actually exciting, not so scary.
Am I concerned for our country? Of course. But the United States is not my destiny. I believe that political conservatism will be re-energized and rise up to reverse and redeem some of Obama’s errors. And I also believe that Christian conservatism, a biblical world view, will gain strength and credibility because of these events.
Sometimes you need “darkness” to come along to contrast with “light”. In that case, Obama’s gang certainly meets a need. LOL
Don’t fear. Wait and see what God is up to. Whatever it is, we need to make sure we’re ready for it...ready to pray, ready to witness, ready to do whatever He opens for you.