Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Living in Texas...Living in the World

In Texas we go for months wondering if it will ever rain again. Then, we go for periods of time wondering if it will ever stop! Then we fight against the bugs and little critters that try to invade our homes and businesses all summer. And how about the storms that roar through with hail and tornadoes that wipe out a block of homes or a small town in just minutes.
But these “problems” were here before Texas was settled. I guess that’s what we can expect when we build our homes and cities on the frontier! As long as we’re living in Texas we’ll be faced with these nuisances and inconveniencies.
It’s the same with just being a Christian in a fallen world. Sin, violence, hatred, unfairness, and road rage…it’s all a part of being on the planet. As long as we’re living in the world we’ll be faced with these nuisances and injustices.
Thank God for His redeeming love. He sent Jesus to redeem us from this and give us a real future. As long as we live here now, let’s live for Jesus each and every day. The world needs what have, and needs to know what we know.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Oak Hill Tragedy

My father and mother developed a brushy 60 acre plot of land in the 1980s into a park called Oak Hill Mobile Home Park. A few years ago they sold half of the development to investors who continued to operate the western section as Oak Hill.

I lived in the area and my wife, Dawn, was the office manager for my folk's business when they still owned the whole park. We are familiar with the streets and the homes that occupy them.

So it was a real surprise, a gruesome surprise, to hear on the news that a woman took her life and that of 3 of her children in the Oak Hill Park. Though I live about 60 miles away now, it still kind of hit close to home.

All around us are struggling families, single moms, and kids caught in the crossfire of life. We must tell them about Jesus and the reality of His love -- the hope we have in knowing him. Life is more than the immediate problems we struggle with. If we can only get people to see past their circumstances long enough to see and receive the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I Remember Jerry Falwell

I've met, and talked, with Jerry Falwell on several ocassions, and I've been to Liberty University and have seen the student body that admires him. They would rise to their feet and cheer wildly every time he took the stage. But I remember some other things about Dr. Falwell.

I remember that he started in his hometown of Lynchburg and went door-to-door sharing the gospel with every single person in town. That's a lot of praying, a lot of shoe leather, and a lot of hard work. He was just trying to win his neighbors to Christ when he founded a small church on Thomas Road. If the media and secularists had a clue they would see that soul-winning was where Falwell started and it was always the heart of his ministry.

I also remember that he started sending out a Bible correspondence course to anyone wanting to study and prepare for ministry. That turned into Liberty University where lawyers, pastors, missionaries, politicians and business administrators are trained to impact the world for the Kingdom of God.

The media and secular commentators only remember his days with the Moral Majority and what they call political activism -- taking a Biblical stand on abortion, homosexuality, and religious freedom. They say he brought evangelicals into the mainstream of American politics and off the sidelines. There's some truth to that. But more importantly he was willing to take a stand -- he took a lot of bullets and barbs for the rest of us.

No one deserves to go home as much as Jerry Falwell. He looked forward to it all his life. Now it's up to use to carry on with the battle.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Not Acts 2, But Close Enough!

There we were, the "whole church was together." Just like Acts 2.

Then we prayed. Just like Acts 2.

Then there was "the sound of a mighty rushing wind." Just like Acts 2.

But alas, instead of tongues of fire we got lightening like crazy! And, we certainly got an outpouring!!

Of course it was a springtime Texas thunderstorm. A wallcloud rolled over the church with 60 MPH winds and horizontal rain. Awesome.

If you miss Wednesday night prayer meeting you may miss a lot of excitment.