Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Amazing Grace…a journal note

5:36 AM

Grace. Lord, You are full of grace and goodness. Of all the descriptions of the meaning of grace, the one that has my attention right now is how grace, once given, always increases the value and worth of its object. Your grace came into a life like mine, riddled with trespasses and sins, and by nature on the side of wrath and darkness, and gave it value. The highest price that could have ever been paid -- the death of the Son of God -- was paid for me. That's the value and worth You assign to me. And to all who are saved by grace, through faith. Amazing.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Killing Jesus: A History

"Mary Magdalene cautiously steps forward and looks inside. She smells the myrrh and aloe in which Jesus's body was anointed. She clearly sees the linen shroud in which the body was wrapped. But there is nothing else there.

"To this day, the body of Jesus of Nazareth has never been found."

So ends the book Killing Jesus: a History, by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. But then comes the Afterword. There you will find these words:

"After the crucifixion, the disciples of Jesus underwent a radical shift in behavior. They were quite positive that they had seen a resurrected Jesus and soon went out into the world and fearlessly preached his message. Known as apostles, the men paid a tremendous price for their faith."

The book is one of history, well worth reading for any Christian and non-Christian alike. It does not pretend to be a book of theology, but never disagrees with scripture and the truths of God. As a matter of fact, the writers draw upon the New Testament narrative for its framework and foundation. Many other sources are added to clarify and magnify the events of Jesus' life and death.

So to those who asked me if I have read it: yes. Is it worth the read: yes, most definitely.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Getting Back on the Road…Journal for 11.04.13

Have you ever veered off the road just enough for one tire to fall off the asphalt? You find yourself easing it back up on the road so you can continue safely on your journey. If you don't recover, you could find yourself off the road completely and deep trouble.

That's how I feel we are as a nation…and as the church in America. We've got a tire or two that has, for whatever reason, left the main road. If there isn't some kind of deliberate corrective action taken we could find our nation in the ditch. We would be in good company, for the Romans, Greeks, Medes, Persians, Babylonians, Egyptians and other formerly great nations are already in the ditch. But there is little comfort in mutual misery and loss.

While I have my own political convictions, and am ready to stand up for the Constitution of the United States and defend her against all enemies foreign and domestic, I also realize something very important. The key to a nation's recovery -- on whatever level -- is the people of God. It's not the military, which party is in power, or who gets elected president. It comes down to those of us who believe in the one true God.

Let me cite God's Word: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land."

What we are facing is a spiritual problem. When the Bible can't be carried in public schools but states and judges embrace Islamic Sharia Law (which, by the way, flies in the face of our U.S. Constitution), it signifies a deep spiritual problem that mere politics will not fix.

If you are one of God's people then join with others in doing your part. Get your spiritual act together, come before God and seek His face. We can pull this vehicle back up onto the road and watch God heal this country.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Praying for a nation at war…Journal 10.23.13

We should pray today for a nation that is at war with God and God’s people. Not Iran. Not Syria. Not Egypt. Yes, those nations and others oppose, persecute, disenfrancise, and even kill believers. But my prayers, this prayer, is for the United States.

The U.S. was not founded on the grounds of tolerating religion in general – though it did tolerate any faith. It was founded on the grounds of protecting and promoting the exercise of Biblical faith…the Christian faith. This is clear when you consider the first right guaranteed in the Constitution is the right to exercise religion without government interference. It is also clear when one reads original, primary historical sources (that means the writings of those that were there). They expressed clear, unapologetic faith in God, in Providence, or in the Divinity, as some called Him.

The key is the believers. God’s blessing on a nation and the promise of restoring that nation to greatness is tied to professing believers. “If my people, who are called by my Name, shall humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways, and seek my face, then I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.”

Oh Father, please heal us; please humble us so that we are in a position to submit to You. Forgive Your church for our sins, weaknesses, and worldliness. Help start to turn back to You….soon, please. Soon.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

About Angels … 10.15.13

From an Evangelist I follow on FB:

ANGELS: No one who bows before the authority of Holy Scripture can doubt the existence of angels.

Angels were not born, they have not always existed, but were created by God as a complete company never to be reduced by death. Angels are supernatural spirits, actual beings, usually invisible to the human eye and untouchable to the human hand.

They are generally free from material bodies, but often appear with physical bodies. Angels, I believe, are not sexless like so many people suppose, but are always revealed in Scripture as being in the FORM of MEN. Masculine pronouns are always used to describe them - "his, he, him." Since all angels are masculine, it is impossible for them to marry or reproduce themselves.

FALLEN angels are workers of Satan, while FAITHFUL angels help in the ministry of God. As we Christians come to the sunset of life, angels will escort us into the very presence of God.

(Dr. Reg Dunlap, Bible Conference Ministry).

Monday, October 14, 2013

Hold on…10.14.13

Hold on, my child. Joy comes in the morning. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. Hold on.

The Bible calls this time on earth temporary, and it calls our afflictions light – in view of the surpassing greatness of Heaven. Now, more than ever, hold on.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The world needs now more than ever.

Sat 4:07 PM

The world seems to be on a downward spiral. The United States is becoming a no-impact player in the world. We've lost our moral compass. The faith of our founding fathers is shunned and outlawed in the land they founded. We allow the killing of babies before they are born; homosexuality has received legal , protected, and equal status with heterosexual marriage; divorce, pornography and child abuse, and human trafficking are rampant. Oh yes, the world is declining and America is leading the way.

Christians are imprisoned, tortured, enslaved and murdered around the world. That's because true believers are Outsiders -- they don't belong here. The moment they received the Gospel they found themselves behind enemy lines.

But there's good news. The Gospel thrives in conditions like these. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. We must remain true to Christ. And while I pledge allegiance to the United States, politics and national interests must take a back seat to the Kingdom of Christ.

Please, fellow believers, reject "churchianity", gossip, theological snobbery, and get your act together in the Body of Christ. Be a caring, productive member of the Bride of Christ. Love the church and the people in it as He does. Our faith has to get real. Lost men, women, boys and girls depend on it. The Kingdom of God deserves it. "Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow." Yes, we owe Christ and His Kingdom, not any kingdom of this world.

It's a paradigm shift -- we need, us believers, need an entirely new and different way of thinking, acting, and conducting our lives in the world -- but especially toward each other.

With Jesus, the best is still ahead of us no matter what is happening in the world. The world needs us now, more than ever.    -dwd

Friday, October 11, 2013

Journaling…Oct 11, 2013…You are my Foundation

5:27 AM

Psalm 11

Lord, the unrighteous, do not go unnoticed. There are detractors that try to oppose those of us who claim Your Name and try to live for You. They are hurtful and sneaky v2. And when the foundations are destroyed there isn't much the righteous have to stand on v3. But You, Lord, are on the throne of Heaven v4 -- up and apart from the slime of the world.

Yes, You came here, endured here, only to die here…for me. For all those that believe in You. You, Lord, are righteous and You love righteous deeds v7. And You promise that the upright will see Your face. Thank You, for such promises, Lord.

You are the One that made us righteous. I have nothing to offer You, nothing I can bring -- I bring nothing to the table of value. You, most excellent God, have saved me through the brutal death of Your Son, Jesus Christ. You, Lord, are my foundation now.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Prayer Journal for Oct 09, 2013

5:36 AM

Psalm 09

Lord, this Psalm spoke to me today in several ways, but the very last phrase of the Psalm is the one that stands out this morning. "…let the nations know they are only men."

After reminding us that You are God and that You are seated on the throne of Heaven ruling and judging the affairs of the world, the prayer is that we would remember who we are -- only men.

Father, this world has always been a harsh and evil place. But right now it seems to be setting up for something big, something climatic. Israel and the middle east are, of course, center stage. Great nations in Europe are but shadows of what they used to be. The United States is about to experience an upheaval of some kind.

Lord, we are but men and we destroy, wound and cripple things and people with our godless rule. I only pray the blessed Gospel will spread and flourish in the midst of the adversity. Help those of us that claim Your Name to live the roll and act like children of the living God and risen Savior.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

We Are Mobile!!

We are mobile!

Grace Fellowship has a mobile app for Android and iphone. Go to your app store or Google Play and install ChurchLink.

Click on the icon. The first time you do a page will come up in which you can type Grace Fellowship then press the button NEAR YOU.

It will list some churches including Grace Fellowship with a green icon and church pic.

Click on Grace and it will ask you if you want to make it your favorite. Say yes. That’s it.

From now on when you click the ChurchLink icon on your home page it will go directly to Grace Fellowship.

Announcements, a new Prayer Wall, dates and times, sermons, pictures and all kinds of stuff are now found on your smart phone – whereever you go.

Sunday School is not just for kids

About 233 years ago some Church leaders in England began classes on Sunday for the children that worked during the other 6 days. Hungry and overworked in the mines and factories they were drawn in droves, literally, to Sunday School.
Sunday School began an outreach to the unchurched, unloved, and unreached. In England over 250,000 children attended weekly, 4,000 in Manchester alone.
The phenomenon spread to the United States. In the industrial north children were drawn by the thousands. In Chicago the response was overwhelming. But hoards of unwashed, orphaned, and lost children learned about God and His love.
Around 1870, however, the government decided to improve upon this wildly successful movement. The Education Act was passed that promoted sports on Sunday and drew upon the children and adult church people for participants.
So today we have a small group of kids that come to Sunday School and an adult population that would miss even worshiping the Almighty God with His people for an NFL game or baseball game. Yes, far more Christians engage in sports events on any given Sunday than Christians that engage in worship and Sunday School. After all, Sunday School is for kids, right?
Well, for adults that would come we are starting two new classes. Steven Hawkins will teach the Book of Daniel, replete with implications for world. Michael Hague will teaching about Work and Money. Many believers could use the biblical perspective on these.
The other classes for Ladies and Young Adults will continue as they are. But you better sign up quickly for the class you want. Class size is limited on Daniel and Work and Money.
Come to Sunday School and bring a kid. We have classes for them, too!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Journaling for 02.21.13…God’s grace, love, compassion

5:31 AM Psalm 51

Father, from the very beginning of my life, at conception, I was sinful. It's the nature I was born with--the tendency to rebellion; the aptitude for unrighteousness. Yet You are full of grace, love, and compassion. The lie of Satan is that You cannot be trusted…that You are out to get me and can't wait to do me harm. The truth is that You love me and see me as Your child. Even with my rebellion and sin You call me Your own and take pity on my plight in the world's kingdom.

Give me a willing spirit. Do not take Your Spirit from me. I will teach others about Your love, grace and compassion. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.

Let me declare Your praise.

There is so much, Father, that I have to be thankful for. You have been good to me--more than I would ever deserve. Most of all, You have opened my eyes to the gospel and the loving sacrifice of Your Son in my place. Christ, and Christ alone, is the way to You. If only others I know could see this and give their life's priorities over to the King.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Journaling for 02-20-13…The great God loves me

5:38 AM Psalm 50

Father, You speak to the righteous and wicked alike, for You are over all the earth. You have the right, as Creator and Judge to speak to whomever You want; declare whatever You want; and judge every person according to their conduct and worship.

What can I possibly give to You that You don't already own? All creation, even the creatures of the field are Yours (v11). You possess it all.

Yet, You have a relationship with those who believe in You! You say "call on Me in the day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor Me." (v15) You want to help me. You have provided for all I need and promised eternity to me; promised a new heaven and new earth to me; promised a home with You forever to me.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for dying in my place; paying for my sins; for opening my eyes so that I can see You, understand the gospel; for affording me the necessary grace for salvation.

Now, I ask, Father, in the Name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, that You hedge in my family today; hedge in my church today. Protect us from the evil one…from ourselves, too. Thank You for rescuing me and for the salvation You have given to my family. May we serve You to Your satisfaction in this hostile and difficult world. Help us to remember You and see You, for You are Lord of all.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Journaling for 02.04.13 … Words of bitterness or praise

5:38 AM Psalm 64

Father, what a difference between the words of the wicked and the words of the righteous. The wicked "aim bitter words" at other people in order to do harm and get gain. (v3) But the righteous, or upright in heart, rejoice and offer praise to the God of their salvation (v10). Lord, count me among those that praise You and offer encouragement to others. You are the one and only Creator and Redeemer. If only everyone would embrace Your love and believe the gospel -- that Jesus has paid it all.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Journaling for 02.01.13 … A prayer to my strong tower

5:37 AM Psalm 61

Father, there is much evil in the world. It seems to get stronger and stronger. Evil men get meaner and more wicked. What a godless place this world has become. No one is safe…except those who belong to You. Oh sure, believers are tried, persecuted, and murdered, but there is a refuge for them that no one else has. You, Father, are my strong tower and I can find shelter under the shadow of Your wing. Even if the body is sore with pain, and the heart is tried and broken, there is a refuge for my spirit in You.

I am not a good vow keeper. Weakened by a human, or carnal nature, I can't even keep New Year's resolutions. I try, Lord, not to make hasty vows to You that I cannot keep. However, this I promise: I will trust in Your Word to be the truth; I will confess that only Jesus Christ is the way to You; I will cling to the old rugged cross and embrace the gospel as the sufficient price for my sins.

Living for You, Lord, may be more difficult than dying for You. This world is not a place conducive to holy living and the truth of salvation. But in my weakness today I pray:

First, I give praise and thanks for my salvation, my health, my family, my ministry, and my church family. You have blessed me beyond all that I deserve.

Second, I ask, in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the power of His blood, that You place a strong and impenetrable hedge(from the outside or inside) around my family and my flock today. None of us deserve Your loving care and protection, but we belong to You, and that's the way You are!

Third, help me and those I love be a light, however dim or bright, in this present darkness.

Fourth, I ask that You care for Your Bride, the local expression of her that I'm associated with, and bless us with other Outsiders to fellowship with, wage war with, and worship You, the Almighty God, with. You know our needs. Please, Lord, strengthen Your church…for Your sake.

Thank You for this fellowship and the knowledge that You are with me -- in me -- this whole day. May Jesus be glad that He gave His life for me. May there be no disappointment today. Fill me with Your Spirit. Help me be second.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Journaling for 01.30.13…God’s great favor!

5:34 AM Psalm 30

Father, remind me to sing to You and praise Your holy name throughout the day (v4). I want to be counted among those that are grateful to You and show thanksgiving. Your anger lasts only for a moment, but Your favor lasts a lifetime (v5) and beyond. Clearly Your preference is to show favor and not anger. The giving of Yourself on the cross, Lord, shows the lengths to which You will go to show favor.

Weeping, Lord, may last the night (and this world is the night, filled with darkness); but joy comes in the morning! (v6) There is a "morning" that introduces an eternity where there is no night, no tears, no suffering, and no death. Thank You, Father, for so great a salvation!

Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; Thank You, Lord, for making me whole; Thank You, Lord, for giving to me Your great salvation so rich and free. \O/

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Journaling for 01.29.13 … God’s holiness

5:37 AM Psalm 29

Amazing thought, Father, about Your holiness. (2)" Give the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness." When Isaiah was brought before Your throne the seraphim were not shouting "glory, glory, glory", or "majestic, majestic, majestic", or "awesome, awesome, awesome". You are all these things and more, but they were shouting "holy, holy, holy"!

Anything less than absolute "holy" cannot be in Your realm. The unholy angels were immediately thrown out of Your presence forever. Lord, we don't stand a chance, I don't stand a chance, either…except for one thing. You love me. Your love drove You to die in order to make me holy. My mind, Father, cannot grasp this completely, but I certainly believe it. And I am certainly grateful for it.

At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light; and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith I received my sight; and now I am happy all the day.

Help me, Lord, to be practically, what You have made me positionally: holy.

Put a hedge of protection around my family and my church in the Name of the risen , Lord Jesus Christ and the power of His blood. You are holy and exalted.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Journaling for 01.28.13…Praying judgment on others?

5:38 AM Psalm 28

Father, You know everything. You don't have to learn it, You just know it. You know all about me and my ways. You are glorified in Your knowledge, and exalted by my worship as well as my failures. Both point to Your excellence and superiority.

Could I really pray the way the Psalmist does, Lord? Speaking of hypocritical friends and two-faced people he prays: "Repay them according to what they have done--according to the evil of their deeds." How could I ask You to repay others for what they deserve and not expect the same for myself? I certainly don't want You to repay me for what I deserve.

Thank You for the cross, Lord. Thank You for the price You paid. All the "repayment" I deserve was charged to You. What amazing love and sacrifice!

You, and You alone, are holy, good, and kind. Anything good about me is from You and because of You. Forgive my sins and inward inclinations to be worldly. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for getting a hold of my life and not letting me go. I truly want to be second. \O/

Friday, January 25, 2013

Journaling for 01.24.13…The King of Glory

5:34 AM Psalm 24

"Who is He, this King of glory? The Lord of Hosts. He is the King of glory. Selah." Father, make no mistake about it, I believe You are the self-sufficient, self-energized, ultimate and only power in the universe. You made everything. The earth and everything in it, the world and its inhabitants, belong to the Lord (v1) for He laid its foundation on the seas and established it on the rivers. "Everything in it" includes me.

Thank You for loving me the way that You do -- a love I cannot match. For You, King of glory, gave Yourself for me! I believe this…I know this.

Exercise Your rights today, King of glory! This is, after all, Your creation.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Journaling on 01-22-13…Amazed at God’s faithfulness

5:06 AM Psalm 22

Father, let me praise You for Your faithfulness to me; for Your deep and wonderful love. Lord, You have never been a disappointment to me. I, on the other hand, have disappointed You innumerable times. You are holy (3) and You are enthroned on the praises of Your people. In the past You have answered the prayers of our forefathers and rescued them. We are still in need of rescuing today, Father. May those who trust in You cry out for Your assistance; and won't You please answer.

Lord Jesus, I just cannot imagine the sacrifice You made for me…all that You suffered when You didn't have to do it. How much we humans take for granted -- how much I take for granted. Forgive me, Lord, for my failings; for taking You for granted; for not following the Spirit as I should.

How amazing is Your tolerance, patience, and love. If You had my nature You would've wiped us all out by now! But You're not like me. You are holy; different; higher; better. Thank You for the cross, Lord.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Journaling on 01-21-13 about God’s superiority

7:15 AM PSALM 21

Father, men celebrate the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. today; and men celebrate the inauguration of a president; but I celebrate Your Word and the promises You give. Your glory is great and You give blessing to Your people. It is through the faithful love of the Most High that Your man is not shaken.

You assure me in Your Word that Your enemies will eventually be captured and seized (8) and burn in a fiery furnace at Your appearing (9). Lord, I want to be counted on Your side. Sure, there is adversity and mourning on this side of Heaven, but ultimately You will have the last say.

"Be exalted, Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your might." The world is filled with evil, but You are good. You even saved someone like me…for that I thank You.

I pray for my brothers and sisters that are persecuted today; in prison; being tortured; separated from family and enslaved -- all because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. They suffer greatly. We are being persecuted to some degree, but not to the point of physical harm. Be glorified in, and comfort those, who are living and dying for You today, Father.

You are superior to and judge over all men. So as many celebrate and commemorate the living and the dead today, be it known that I, Darril Deaton, acknowledge that You are over all; that Jesus died and rose again for me; that He will be King over all authorities and kings.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Journaling 01-18-13…Thank You Holy Spirit

Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit. He is my source of wisdom and understanding. He helps me with the written Word. He convicts of sin. He loves me and tells me so in my spirit. He helps me worship You in spirit and truth.

Thank You, Spirit of God for saving me and causing my new birth in Christ; for making my salvation happen. Thank You for Your guidance and counsel over the years, and for the evidence of Your leading in the lives of my children and their ministries.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for helping me through the thoughts and meditations of my mind and heart so that I can understand the Bible and teach it to others. Thank You for the gifts that are Yours, and Yours alone. You have used me in ministry to the Father and to other people. You make it possible for me to serve You. So, thank You for my gifts.

Lord Jesus, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to be my counselor, my strength, and my friend…God in me. Amazing.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Journaling for 01-17-13…Satisfaction

5:32 AM

Psalm 17

Father, You are the One and Only Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. Men are drawn to the world because they belong to the world; yet those who come to You through Your Son, Jesus, have a hope and a purpose beyond the world. Thank You for the cross, Lord. Thank You for the price You paid. Guard me as the apple of Your eye (8). One day, when this is all over (and it will be over) I will see Your face in righteousness -- not through my limited, worldly eyes/perspective -- when I awake I will be satisfied with Your presence (15). Your presence will be enough, Lord. I will not long for material things or worldly comforts, for You, Lord, will be enough! I only hope You will be satisfied with me.

Thank You, Holy Spirit, for effecting my salvation. Thank You for wooing me, drawing me, and then convicting me so that I would receive the gospel; so that I would embrace the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior; so that I could believe the astounding story of His death and resurrection. Thank You.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Journaling for 01-16-13…What is good about me is God

7:06 AM Psalm 16

The sorrows of those who take another god only multiply.(4)

Father, You are my Lord; I have no good besides You. The only thing good about me…is You. Born into, and part of, a world of sin and rebellion; yet You sought me and somehow gave me the heart and mind to receive You.

There are many other "gods" in this world and even I am drawn to follow them. Your servant, Paul, called the stomach the god of those who live as enemies of the cross. Even believers follow their feelings and seek to fill their appetite for worldly things. Maybe it's time for worldly things to be taken away from us. Then perhaps we would come back to You.

The sorrows of those who go after other gods only multiply. I see Christians suffer and cause division and unrest because they worship -- perhaps not intentionally -- other gods (their own self-importance, vanity, self-superiority, worldliness).

You, Lord, are my portion and my cup of blessing -- not the things You provide, but YOU. (5) And I know that You, not others, hold my future. No matter what happens, Father, let me be glad and my spirit rejoice in You (9). Help me, dear Spirit, to keep the Lord in mind always. (8)

Yes, Father, Your Word clearly shows why the world is in upheaval; why people are driven to substance abuse and suicide; and why even Christians cannot get along and rejoice in Your presence: The sorrows of those who take another god only multiply.

Today, Lord, be preeminent…be first. I am second. \O/

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Journaling for 01-15-13 … Abiding

5:29 AM Psalm 15

It occurs to me, Lord, that a person doesn't have to be completely upright in heart, honest, and acknowledge the truth in his heart in order to abide with You. Sure, the one that abides where You are and remains in the place of worship, does not slander or harm his friend; and he honors the ones that fear the Lord; and he doesn't take advantage of the innocent or weak. But, these are not actions that bring us into Your presence, they are the result of being in Your presence.

There's no way that I, or anyone else, could be righteous enough to come into Your presence on our own merit. However, once we abide with You, Your the righteous characteristics become who we are. These things You've listed in this Psalm are not the ticket into Your presence but the result of being there.

Thank You, Father, that I do not have to depend upon my merit to enter Your presence. It is by the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that I have any standing at all. The invitation, Lord, to trust You and come in Jesus' Name come from You…and I accept the invitation. Abide with me and may Your Spirit teach me, mold me, and transform me a little today. You will have Your work cut out for You for I am unholy, lost, and worldly in my natural state.

Thank You for the cross, Lord. Thank You for the price You paid. Be first. I am second.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Journaling for 01-14-12…God with Me

5:44 Psalm 14:5

"God is with those who are righteous." (v5) Of course, Lord, the only righteousness a believer has is the righteousness given to us. Jesus, Your Son, is our righteousness. You consider us righteous, not because of our life choices, actions, or way of living, but because of Christ.

Because of my belief in Jesus and embrace the gospel -- the fact that He died for me and paid for my sins -- You have somehow determined me righteous. You treated Christ the way I should be treated…He was abandoned, tortured, and went through death for me.

Anyway, thank You, Father for declaring me righteous and then being with me because of it.

Lord, I praise You this morning for Your grace and mercy -- I need so much of it. Your kindness and love are contrary to a world that is bent on hate, anger, suppression, and meanness. Be glorified somehow in my life today. I am second.