Monday, April 30, 2012

Journaling for April 30…Peace among believers

My first journal post in a while. Accepted the responsibility to teach at a school the last 6 weeks of the year..and that’s while I continue to drive a school bus. I still have my devotions and journal but time has limited posting.

Psalm 120

I certainly identify, Lord, with the psalmist…deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue (2). This is just plain gossip. Lord, forgive me for ever gossiping about others in the name of openness and sharing information. I have been the recipient of hostile, damaging gossip so I know what it feels like. You have walked with me through the valley of that shadow…and I thank You for it. I called to the Lord and He answered me (1).

I am for peace; but, Lord they are often for war (7). When I speak it makes no difference at all. Wanting peace, unity and fellowship, I have received war disunity and division. That is not the way You intend for Your people to behave. Are they really Your people? Certainly not led by the Holy Spirit.

May my family and my church seek, protect, and maintain the unity and love that is found in Jesus Christ. We are His people by the grace of God. Help us not be haughty, selfish, or worldly toward each other.

Jesus be the Lord of this last day of April. It promises to be a busy day in many ways; please walk with me and let me sense Your presence all the way. Be first. I am second.~

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journaling for 4-19-12…There is a plan

42 years plus a day.

Psalm 139

You are in all places, Lord. You are everywhere I go; You see everything I do; You know every thing I think of, dream of, wish for. You know my good thoughts and You know the despicable, disgusting thoughts, too. The darkness cannot hide me from You…nor would I want it to. The best part of this, however, is that there is a plan.

Now, I don't understand about my days being written in Your book and planned before a single day began (16). How that lines up with my autonomy is a mystery. But that's not the point. The point is, there is a plan! No life -- my life -- is not pointless without the Creator's plan. There is a direction for my life…a purpose. For that I am grateful, Lord. Just like there was a plan for Your presence in the world. You came with a specific plan to give Your life as a ransom for me. Every life, like Yours, has a purpose. A high and lofty purpose. It must be a holy purpose, too, when one considers the source of it.

When You find an offensive way in me (and I can assure You, Lord, that You will) please remember that I am dust; just flesh and bones in a fallen world. Forgive the offenses because of, and in the Name of, Jesus Christ and His blood.

You know so much about me, and yet, You love me; died for me; and will bring me to Yourself one wonderful day. May You forever receive praise and thanks from the heart and lips of this redeemed servant.

A hedge, Lord… that's what I ask for around my family and my fellowship of believers. A hedge of protection -- a bulwark that never ceases! You are my mighty fortress, Lord Jesus. And I thank You so very much. Help me be second today.~

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Journaling for 4-17-12…When songs of praise are out of place

Psalm 137

The Jewish people were being led away captive to a godless land; their city and nation was destroyed. Yet, their captors asked them, out of curiosity I suppose, to sing some of their worship and praise songs. They wanted to hear what they sounded like. They weren't interested in worshiping the true God (otherwise, they would not have destroyed the temple.)

Sometimes, Lord, singing songs of praise and joy are not fitting -- like when a Christian is in an unholy place. An unholy place in their heart; an unholy place where God is not honored by the activities occurring there; or when a believer is engaged in sin of some sort. There are entertainers that will throw a gospel song or other spiritual type song into the middle of songs about lust, romance, and worldliness. It doesn't fit. It's out of place. Just to sing a song or make an album of Christian songs doesn't purify the life.

Song of praise and adoration belong anywhere a life is surrendered to Jesus…in conflict and pain or joy and victory. Songs of praise are always fitting in the life of a true disciple.

May my life be worthy today, Lord Jesus, of songs of praise to You.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Journaling for 4-11-12… Some thoughts on seeing God in Person

9:10 PM

I was thinking today about me, God, holiness, and how far away I am from where God is.

The gap between where/what I am, and where/what God is staggering…I have no idea!

And then I was thinking what I would feel and what it would be like to be in God's presence… would it be boring after a while? Would I ever lose the wonder of seeing Him for the first time?

Then I thought of the Grand Canyon. I've been to a lot of places and seen a lot of sights but I remember the GC. It was amazing. Now I know that some people raft down the Colorado River, or ride mules to the bottom; but mostly people just go to a place made to view the scenic splendor of the Canyon. It's marvelous. You can stand there for hours and never get tired of looking at it's beauty. And, as the sun moves across the sky the colors and tints and hues constantly change into all new dioramas of glory.

That must be the way it will be, Heavenly Father, Lord of glory, God of all Creation, when I see You face to face. If I survive the initial blast of glorious splendor, and after I regather my new supernatural senses, the glory of God must be constantly changing from glory to glory; from one majestic impression to another… the colors, the rolling billows of mist, rainbows, and glaring light…light in which the sun and stars pale.

How can anyone stop watching, adoring, and loving the God of Creation…the God of my salvation.

I can't imagine how wonderful the New Earth and New Heaven will be -- and who can tell the glories of the New Jerusalem?! Yet, the source of their glory is the Father. I wonder if I'll even look away from Him to see the rest of my eternal home. The Lord God, and the Lord God alone, will be enough to keep me transfixed for millenia after millenia. Praise be to the Lord of glory, righteousness, and splendor!

Journaling for 04-11-12…God’s comfort and ways

Psalm 131

Father… I want to begin by giving You praise for Your consistent character, Your faithful love, and dependable holiness. You are high above the sin and convulsions of this world. Yet, You sent Your Son here to die for sins; resolve the convulsions; and save those who would believe.

I will not get involved with things too great or too difficult for me (1). Help me to calm myself and quiet myself like a baby in its mother's arms…except it would be Your comfort that I need. The truth is, I am a little child. I am Your child. Help me to live up to the "family" reputation today. (2).

Psalm 101

Help me, Lord, to pay better attention to Your ways (2)…the ways of integrity. Today, as best as I can help it, I will not set anything godless before my eyes. In this day and age I see godless things all the time -- it's impossible to avoid it -- but as far as I am concerned, it will not be an intentional thing. Fill me with Your Spirit and give me Your wisdom and strength to live out this day for You. Help me to truly be second.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Journaling for 04-05-12…He is God

Psalm 95

Father…You are to be worshiped as the King above all gods. You made everything and have all creation under Your control. And You are the Rock of my salvation. These are just a few of the reasons I should shout joyfully and enter the place of worship and sing to You in song. Lord, today I worship You…if I dare. After all, I am far from holy and Your holiness is not even understood by me. Except for the Name and blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, I would not be able to come into Your presence or even have a chance at salvation and eternal life. Thank You, Father, for the gift of life; the gift of salvation; but mostly the gift of Your Son.

There are two kinds of people that claim Your Name…those who worship You as if they are Your sheep; who place themselves under Your care and trust You. Then there are those that harden their hearts; whose hearts go astray; and do not know Your ways. I want to be counted in the first group -- a worshiper that entrusts his life to You.

Prepare our hearts as a congregation -- prepare me as an individual -- to worship You on the anniversary of Your resurrection. Be glorified in our worship; I pray You will be honored by our worship.

This day is Yours…not because I just gave it to You, but because You made it and are sovereign over it. Jesus is Lord. I am second.~

Monday, April 2, 2012

Journaling 04-02-12…Let the Praise Begin

Psalm 92

Father…it is always good to give You praise…to sing it, declare it, perform praise with musical instruments. You have made me rejoice, Lord, by what You have done. There would be no rejoicing without Your works. O sure, the wicked rejoice for a season but they will be eternally destroyed. (It makes me grateful for my salvation).

The Lord should be exalted now and forever! I will praise You as eternity for me begins at the home-going of all believers, then the marriage supper of the Lamb, then as I am privileged to see the New Heavens and New Earth come about, and then forever after that…I will praise You. Praise that is unpolluted by sin, sinful thoughts, and worldly dust -- praise from a pure heart! Finally. Yes, You will be exalted forever.

I say, let the praise begin!

This day is Yours. I know not what it will bring, but it is Yours. Be glorified somehow in this day through me or others I have touched. May Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, be praised and worshiped…and obeyed. That's why I pray, Father, in the Name of Jesus, Your Son. He who was dead (for me), is risen forever!~