Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I remember the good ol' days with good ol' fashioned sins. I remember when smoking a cigarette was as close to devil worship as you could get. You were a "good Christian" if you didn't smoke, didn't cuss, didn't drink, didn't gamble and didn't dance. Oh, and I remember that in some church circles you weren't allowed to have "mixed bathing". Do you know what mixed bathing is? It's when boys and girls swim in the same pool or on the same beach. You could make certain church people freak out by showing up without a tie!
Today Christians are smoking joints (marijuana), shooting up drugs, cutting themselves, having online sex, getting abortions, beating their spouses and children, abandoning all standards of decency, and experimenting with homosexuality. This is not to mention the acceptable behaviors of slaughtering other reputations with gossip, splitting churches with power plays that match those of the corporate world, and stealing from God with lousy giving.
Between you and me, the next time I see a Christian have a cigarette, I'll just assume they're engaging in that "sin" to avoid something worse like getting high, cutting themselves, or beating up on someone.
Please, have a cigarette. You won't hear a sermon from me.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


That's one of the stories you'll find on the FoxNews website today. In Pakistan there are believers living in a tent city because they were burned out of their homes last Christmas. This year, they've been warned that they will be burned alive inside their tents!
Why? Because they will not deny their faith in Jesus Christ!
So if you think the Christmas season is stress for you, just remember your brothers and sisters living (for how long?) in Pakistan, China, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, and many other places where faith in Christ is not welcomed....not even tolerated.
Hmmm. That's starting to sound a lot like places in the U.S.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Something Better than a White Christmas

"Come, let's discuss this," says the Lord, "though your sins are like scarlett they be as white as snow..."
You can dream of a white Christmas -- and I used to have plenty of Christmastime snow when I lived in Connecticut -- but an even greater reality is to dream of a place where the people are clean and white like snow. It's a real place called New Earth. (More on that later).
White Christmases will melt and become a memory. But when God cleanses your sins, you are truly whiter than snow.
The pigment used to make fabrics red or purple in the old days was like a permanent dye. If you got it on your hands it wouldn't come off. You were literally, "red-handed." But God says that even though our sins are that way -- permanent and indelible -- He is capable of cleansing us completely. And it's all because of the scarlett and crimson flow that came from the Messiah's sacrifice.
I think that's better than a white Christmas.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Twinkle, twinkle little star

"Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are?"
And it's a good thing to wonder what that star is. It's probably not so little. It's probably 10, 100, or 1,000 times the size of earth. We just can't always tell by looking at stars from a distance just how big they are; how many moons they have; or what they're made of.
God is that way...don't underestimate Him just because He looks little to you. The fact is, He's a lot bigger than you can imagine. And the closer you get, the more you'll come to appreciate Him.
The magi appreciated the stars and that appreciation for God's creation helped them comprehend God's signs. It was a long trip, but they made it into the presence of deity!
It may seem like a long trip to you, but follow the signs God gives you and you'll find yourself in the presence of deity eventually.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A Person Can Only Take So Much Christmas

Have you been to the mall lately? It's a madhouse!! People pressed for time and short on money have everything on there mind but the reason for Christmas. You can only take so much.
And have you watched the news lately? Christmas is being dissed by the mainstream media and Christians are being ridiculed for wanting a simple manger scene displayed in public. The nerve of those Christians! You can only take so much Christmas.
Have you seen the Santas lately? I mean, they're everywhere. There's more Santas in Dallas County than in the skies of Bethlehem 2000 years ago. A person can only take so much.
But then, when we remember that Christmas is about Immanuel -- God actually being with us -- it helps us see that He loves us. But God was with us for a reason: thogive His life as a ransom for us. Now we know HOW MUCH God loves us.
A person can only take so much of Christmas -- but can never get enough of Christ!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How do you know where God would have you serve?

We are surrounded by lost and needy people...on every level. It can overwhelm the person of good will. Where do we start? How do we meet all these needs? How do we choose who to help?
First, we must remember that Jesus did not help everyone in Palestine. He didn't raise all the dead people in Bethany's local cemetary. Only Lazarus. And He didn't return life to every child that died in Israel. Only Jarius' daughter and the widow's son. With all those needs around Him, and with the eternal power of the One and Only Son of God, why didn't He just fix everything? He could have...but He didn't.
Seeing a need is not the invitation to get involved. It is where God is at work, in the midst of these needs, that we should get involved. God isn't working on every person, every place, all the time. He is at work in the lives of specific people, at certain places, at any give time. If we are close enough to Him -- where He has our ear -- He will reveal where He is at work and invite us join in.
It's not up to us to choose where and when we'll serve! And frankly, that's a relief.
"Lord, show me where YOU are at work today and invite me to join in."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In Every Life a Little Rain Must Fall

I could wax philosophical and compare these days of rain with life in general. You know, there are days of sunshine, rain, even days that are partly cloudy with intermitent rays of sunshine coming through. Days and days of rain tend to get tiring. Right?
Well, the truth is, the sun is shining full bore in all its glory! People leaving DFW in a plane will rise above the bleak clouds and see the sun as bright as ever. Whether we see it on the ground or not, the sun is still up there -- somewhere -- shining as usual.
In our darkest days (I'm talking about life now) there is a God that is still reigning, ruling and shining in heaven. He is still worthy of praise and glory. Nothing about His character or substance has changed at all. Like the sun, He is above our storm maintaining His place in the universe and in heaven.
Yes, in every life a little (or a lot) rain must fall. But thank God this is not our end. These rainy days will end, and so will this life. This life will give way to an eternal life in the presence of God. "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus; it will be worth it all, when we see Him."
Hang in there. The rain does stop...eventually.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Story Time with 'Mr. D"

The following article, written by Khindra Kent, that should appear soon in our local paper:

Dr. Darril Deaton is the Lead Pastor at Grace Fellowship Church but once a month “Mr. D” comes to Helen Edwards Early Childhood Center to visit with the students. He brings with him value building stories and fun characters that really hit home with the kindergarteners he speaks to. “The students love seeing Mr. D. They look forward to his visits and really gain valuable life lessons from the stories he tells,” said Mrs. Kent.

“He is a positive male role model that the children can look up to,” added Mrs. Havas. Mrs. Dawson commented, “I love how the stories are interactive. He always has a repeated word or phrase in the story so the children can participate.”

The stories he tells cannot be found in any book. Mr. D tells stories that he creates on his own about characters the kids can relate to, like Mean Margie who doesn’t have any friends because she bullies everyone and Billy who doesn’t like the rules. His story telling style keeps the students involved, and when the tale has been spun and it’s time for him to go the children have learned a priceless lesson.

Before coming to the school, Mr. D asks the teachers what kind of lesson they need. A suggestion from Mrs. Gillenwater to have a lesson about the student’s need to always be first inspired ‘Me First Mikey’. Me First Mikey always insisted on being first at everything, but soon he realized that he had no friends because he didn’t share or take turns. Mikey was lonely so he changed his ways and started saying ‘You First’. Mikey made many new friends and realized that being nice to others was much more fun than being first at everything.

So if you ever hear a kindergartener from Helen Edwards talk about Tattletale Timmy, Lazy Larry, Friendly Freddie or Super Sally you will know that Mr. D has been spinning another yarn that perhaps has made an impact on their life in a positive way.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Socialism and the Gospel

So I heard about this professor that took the average test grades of the whole class and assigned it to everyone. So on the first exam the whole class got a B. The ones who studied hard were upset, the loafers were delighted. So the next exam, the ones who usually worked hard saw no point in making the effort, the loafers did even less. Everyone got a D. The total productivity of the class declined sharply as the professor took from the hardest workers and gave it to those who didn't work at all. But at least everyone was equal -- the playing field was leveled -- and everyone failed.
Socialism never has, and never will work. It only makes us equal in our suffering, and never provides the opportunity for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
But Christians should not get discouraged. The Gospel of Christ is suited for times like these. It transcends the cultural, political, and economic lines of a civilization. Everyone, the workers and the loafers, will eventually give an account before God for their sinful nature. In hard times, which socialism will surely produce, the Gospel becomes more attractive to people of every race, status, and gender.
I certainly oppose socialism -- where the talented are punished for excelling -- but it provides us with an opportunity to see that government does not have the answer to man's deepest woes; GOD DOES.
Through Christ we can come to the One that made us and loves us more than our government ever could.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Remember Our Roots

This nation, though many want to deny it, was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Not all of our founders believed in Christ, but they believed in God and the Bible. They believed in smaller, less intrusive government; reasonable taxation, but only after the people approved; and every person's right to worship as they chose. 
Sure, some of them had slaves. But they wrote into the Constitution that importation of slavery would end in 20 years -- thus, killing the perpetual slave trade, and eventually slavery altogether. 
I'm a descendant of a slave. That's right. The first Deaton in America, spelled Deighton, came to Virginia as an endentured servant -- a slave -- from England. His life was not his own. He had to work at any job he was given without complaining; could be abused and whipped; and had no will of his own. He was not captured and taken from his home, like African slaves, but slavery in any form is ungodly and disgusting. At least our founders made a way for that travesty to end.
Today, people want to forget the heritage that laid the foundation for this great nation. We can lose it all in a generation. The WWII generation is almost gone and aren't left to help us fight this tyranny. The rest of us need to wake up; speak up; and rise up in defense of our founding principles.
More importantly, on this 4th of July weekend, we need to intercede for this nation -- perhaps God will teach us a harsh lesson from this experience and then restore our greatness. Our most important "roots" are those that are in Christ. After all, He is the vine (roots on up) -- we are merely the branches.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Problem is ME!

Reading the first letter of John this morning for a devotional time. It, the Word, tells us not to love the world or the things in the world -- because it's passing away and has no lasting value. (People, of course, have lasting value, so love them. It's the "things" of this world we are not to love.)
Again, the Word says the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of one's life are all from the world, not from the Father.
So, who can I blame for my sins? For my wrong thoughts? For my wrong ways? I could blame the world, but I'm responsible for my own priorities. I could blame the devil. It's true he lays a snare for me and all believers -- but the Spirit helps us side step those traps if we want Him to. So the devil can't be blamed for my sins. After all, he's only being himself.
No, it's me. It's my own "flesh", as the Bible puts it. It's the junk that's inside of me that acts out. 
The problem is ME!
The good thing is this: Jesus is the remedy. Whew! Thank You, Lord.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Keep Your Eye on Israel!!

Sometimes nations get so self-involved that they forget their lack of significance. Like individuals, nations can get an overestimated view of themselves. One example is the question many Americans have regarding the Bible and end time events: "Where is America in Bible prophecy?"
The answer: it isn't there. The U.S. doesn't play a significant role in the consummation of the nations. That suggests one of two things:
1. America either no longer exists as we know it, or it has at least lost its influence and power -- it's no longer the one and only superpower.
2. Israel is the center of Biblical prophecy. The whole of history hinges on Israel -- not Rome, not Greece, not Europe, and not even the United States. Maybe one reason America isn't mentioned in Biblical prophecy is that America is not important to the story...Israel is.
In the news today, focus on Israel. Israel is where the action is going to be. And one other thing, to President Obama: you push Israel aside at the peril of the U.S. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What We Know For Sure About the End of Time

The truth is, there isn't a lot that we know about the end of time. Yes, the Bible describes some of the "WHAT" events in vivid detail -- but many of those passages equally describe events that have occurred in world history. 
We don't know WHEN it will happen. The Bible doesn't give a date, only general events that would accompany the end of time.
HOW? We know a little about that. The world will be destroyed by fire instead a flood like the last time. But never fear, God establishes a new earth. Don't ask how. We don't know. But God is pretty good at creating things from nothing.
The WHO of end times includes all humanity with certain personalities that stand out -- there's a political, charismatic dictator that rules the world; a one-world religious leader that wants to bring all religions under one unbrella. Yeah, like that will happen. There are many other personalities that people like to talk about. But lest we forget, there's only one Personality that matters. The whole of time and eternity revolve around Him. We call Him Jesus Christ, but in that day He will have a new Name -- actually a lot of them. We'll have a new name, too. Sorry mom, "Darril" ain't gonna hack it in heaven.
Talk about all the details. Speculate on the when, and draw the obvious parallels between current events and Biblical prophecy. But all of that is secondary.
What we do know that is important is this: It's all about Jesus! He is the One we should concern ourselves with. Everything revolves around Him.
Well, that's it. The one thing we know for sure is that one day God will put a stop to all this idiocy and King Jesus will come again to earth -- this time to rule, not die. And Jesus accomplishes all He sets out to do.
One other thing. If you've entrusted yourself to Christ, you're in good shape when that day comes. And, if you continue to reject Christ, there will be hell to pay!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hate, murder, assassination, terroism, jihad and more

I used all those trigger words so someone on the internet will be alerted to this subversive article.

I want my government to know that no matter what they do, I am a loyal, traditional, law-abiding, constitution-loving American. Even though I can't stand President Obama's liberal and un-biblical positions, I want him to know that I would jump in front of a maniac and attempt to take the bullet for you. Here's why:
1. Jesus took the bullet meant for me when He voluntarily jumped in front of the assault on my soul and died in my place. To be like Jesus, I would have to be willing to take the bullet for a sinner like you!
2. I'm afraid I don't know if you're a true Christian. Nothing you've said indicates that God has much to do with your life. So I want you to stay alive long enough to give your heart and life to Jesus -- the real Jesus -- not the radical, angry, get-all-the-white-o-people Jesus. 
3. Jesus told us to love our enemies. I'd rather not consider you an enemy, but in the spiritual sense you're against most of what I believe about God. So, I should pray for you and your salvation.

That's enough for now. I'm hoping that you, Mr. President, will live a long prosperous life until you give it all to Jesus. That's the only true meaning one can have in life -- an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus.
So let's get rid of hate, murder, assassination, terrorism, jihad and such. Let's move beyond all that to Christ.
You want a lasting legacy, Mr. President? In the end, only what's done for Christ will last. So live for Jesus, that's what matters

GF's Website

If you haven't done it lately, you need to explore the website for Grace Fellowship. ( It has all kinds of stuff on it -- and it's updated all the time. You can find information about the church, of course, but also a gillion photos, information about everything from VBS to missions. 
Our message from the previous Sunday(s) is available for listening or viewing!
In addition, there are a number of good articles on the left hand column. Scroll down and click on one of the very relevant and real subjects. Everyone is covered... children, parenting, teaching, and all kinds of things. These articles are changed weekly and it doesn't take that long to read them
I use the one that's always aimed at pastors (you're not allowed to read that part) LOL.
So check out the site -- DAILY.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Remember The Karate Kid? He would always say that: "What goes around, comes around." Everyone got excited at such a wise and wonderful insight. But even experts in eastern martial arts can occasionally stumble upon an eternal truth.

It was God that said, "cast your bread upon the water, and in due time, it will return to you." 

What you invest in the lives of others; what you invest in your church; what you invest in the spiritual truths of God will all one return to you. I can't say when, and I can't say how....that's God business. That must be why Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." How you treat others will ultimately affect how you're treated.

The converse is also true. If you invest in false realities, Satanic deceptions, and selfish attitudes it will come back to bite you. I can't say when, and I can't say how... that's God's business. But it will get you.

Live for Jesus, that's what matters. \O/

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Be Encouraged ... the Bad News is Really Good News

Far too many Christians are discouraged by the economic news and world-events. Our president is making friends with our enemies, chumming it up with those who would destroy us, and bowing to those who support terrorism. At home the economy goes south - people lose their jobs, taxes go up, and vital government agencies, like the Dept or Defense, are told to make cutbacks. Let's give money to banks that don't need it, but stop funding the F-22 Fighter. 
Alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual perversion, gang murders, lawlessness, and godless liberalism have soared. The enemies of Israel are preparing to wipe it off the face of the earth. The nations are encircling the middle east, as if a great war will one day occur there.
What's a Christian to do?
Be encouraged!! Didn't our Lord say these things would happen first? We are the conquerors, the winners, the ones who will be vindicated by the King of All. If Jesus is in complete control and is working all things for our good, then why the long faces and discouraged emotions? 
With Jesus, the best is always yet to come. Be positive. Be encouraged. Aren't you the least bit excited to see what God is going to do next?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Christian's Perspective on Obama

You should be excited...”don’t be anxious abput anything...”, as Paul would say. And I’ll tell you why.
First, be sure that Obama’s policies are unbiblical, ungodly, unconstitutional, and un-American. He will be accountable to God. (Hopefully, the voters will hold him accountable in four years).
But never fear. Everything Obama and his rogues do, plays into the hands of a great God. As believers, we are behind enemy lines and we should expect nothing less than tribulation, persecution, and turmoil. This world is not a friendly place for anyone, especially believers. We've had way too easy in America.
What is occurring now is a precursor to “something”. Perhaps the great tribulation. Perhaps the greatest revival America has ever seen! In any case, God is moving the world in the direction it has to go. And I think the Lord Jesus is guiding His Bride into the direction she needs to go. It’s actually exciting, not so scary.
Am I concerned for our country? Of course. But the United States is not my destiny. I believe that political conservatism will be re-energized and rise up to reverse and redeem some of Obama’s errors. And I also believe that Christian conservatism, a biblical world view, will gain strength and credibility because of these events.
Sometimes you need “darkness” to come along to contrast with “light”. In that case, Obama’s gang certainly meets a need. LOL
Don’t fear. Wait and see what God is up to. Whatever it is, we need to make sure we’re ready for it...ready to pray, ready to witness, ready to do whatever He opens for you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Answer to a Dear Friend's E-mail


It's always good to hear from you...even when you're mad!! LOL

Well, this "king" infuriates me, too. And so do the people that voted for this yo-yo. Okay, now that I have that said....

God used to allow idiot kings to take the throne in the Bible, too. Sometimes to teach the people a lesson; sometimes to make things bad enough to draw people to Himself; but sometimes so His people will repent of their sins and get their act together.

I suppose all these can be true of Obama. But let me warn you: it is going to get worse before it gets better.

Did you see how the Republicans in congress--every single one except 3--stood up to Obama. It's about stinking time!!!! Finally, when faced with disaster, defeat, and overwhelming evil, they finally grew a collective backbone, returned to their basic principles, and did the unpopular thing....but the right thing.

That's what Christians can do now. Return to our principles, no matter how unpopular, and speak the truth. Fight the battles. And die if necessary. It's about time for believers to realize the war we are in -- have always been in -- and be the people of God.

This is all a great opportunity for the cause of Christ. Really. So keep your eyes on Jesus. They can take your income, your freedom, and your home, but they can't take Him away!

Praise His Name for this opportunity. Now, if the church will only grow a backbone, too.

“May He give you what your heart desires and fulfill your whole purpose.” -Psalm 20:4

Monday, February 9, 2009

She Did It!

I knew she would, too. Today, Denise (my daughter) passed her "bar exam" for counseling. She has spent countless hours studying for this exam. Today she passed the text easily. She's smart. She's good. But please don't tell her I said that.
Anyway, she's on her way now. I'm proud of her.
Praise the Lord!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Someone recently e-mailed me and said that with the liberal, ungodly socialistic package being shoved down our throat that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting smaller. As a conservative I am as upset as anyone else at the things in this legislation. 
Example? Millions given to renovate colleges and universities for future generations of scholars. Sounds good, but in the fine print no Christian college or faith-based school -- not even secular schools that allow worship on campus -- are disqualified from getting funds. On the other hand, it pays for all kinds of money to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (abstinence-based education is not one of the options).
Any way, my point is that if the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be dimming, that's no cause for alarm. First, because nothing happens without being sifted through God's divine will. And, second, because I keep my eyes on a different Light. The world is not able to comprehend it, nor extinguish it. If anything, it's getting brighter!
So, Christian...look to the Light. Look to Jesus and "the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I am not preoccupied with tithing and giving!!

I challenged every member of Grace Fellowship to tithe, "give the full 10%", this year. Since before Thanksgiving I have been reminding and encouraging the church to give according to the Biblical ideal. 
Some people might say that I'm preoccupied with the giving of our members. Wrong. I'm preoccupied with the blessing of our members.
The promise, folks. Focus on the promise. "If you tithe, give the full 10%, I will pour out a blessing that you will not have enough room to receive it." That's it! It's the blessing I want FOR my people, not money FROM my people. It's the blessing!! Get it? The blessing!!
So give the full 10% as a starting place of stewardship and test God's honesty. God wants to bless you more than He wants your dough. Trust Him.

This Could be the Year!

Last year at this time there was no way of knowing that my dad would die in a couple of weeks. There was nothing to indicate that he would soon  pass away early on a Monday morning. So, in many ways I approach a new year anticipating that anything, and I mean anything, could happen.

That includes the second coming of Christ. He could come at anytime. This could be the year that Jesus calls His church home. That would great!!! I have so many loved ones and friends I'd love to see again -- not mention the chance to bow personally in the presence of the Almighty God and His precious Son, my Savior, Jesus.  

It seems to me that the world is rushing to a climactic event -- and any climactic event that may occur in the world always includes the personal involvement of Jesus Christ. So even economic woes, wars and rumors of wars, and the moral failure of our country are a part of a greater, holier picture.

I know 2009 could be the year that the church could really shine. A chance to be the Body of Christ it is supposed to be. Stop all of this traditional churchianity and move outside -- way outside -- its worldly  comfort zone. The church is the supernatural reflection of Christ on earth, or is supposed to be. You don't see it, but it belongs to Christ and should start looking like it.

I am praying that 2009 will be the year that the church acts like what it is supposed to be -- the Bride of Christ in the world.

Our best opportunities lie before us.  This could be the year that your life makes a difference for Jesus. It's up to you...and me.