Friday, April 29, 2011

Journal for April 29th…No Comparison

5:44 AM

Psalm 89

God, there is no one -- not in heaven or on earth -- that compares with You 6. If all the angels, bright and glorious surrounded You, they would still pale in comparison 7. There is just no one like You. Perhaps it is Your faithfulness that sets You apart 8, or it could be the wonders of creation itself, the heavens and the earth are Yours. In fact, You created them! They were Your idea!

So was salvation for those of us who rebelled against You; who have sinned; who have gone our own way. Happy are the people that have found Your salvation and the result is their praise; they know the joyful shout! 15 They walk in the light of Your presence; I am so grateful for Your presence. In fact, I rejoice in Your Name -- who You are and what You have done -- all day long 16.

It is true, my protection, not just in this life, but in eternity to come is You. 18 You are like a shield to me, as undeserving as I am. Anything I have comes from You and is a result of Your righteousness, not mine; Your merit, nothing I have done; the death and blood of Jesus Christ, not my flawed offerings.

May the Lord be praised forever. Amen and amen. 52

Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; thank You, Lord, for making me whole; thank You, Lord, for giving to me, thy great salvation so rich and free.

In my heart there rings a melody of love. Yes, You are the love song I will sing forever!

There is none like You; no one else could touch my heart like You do. I could search for all eternity long and find there is none like You!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Journal for April 28th…Trust

5:42 AM

Psalm 28

May the Lord be praised, for he has heard the sound of my pleading. You always hear me, even though sometimes You are silent to me v6. You are my strength in every way, and a shield that protects me -- often when I make some really dumb choices. Bottom line is, my heart trusts in You v7. Sometimes my mind tries to sort things out and fails in the area of faith; and sometimes I am impatient and move ahead before You signal me to; but deep down inside of me my heart trusts in You. I believe the whole story: You came, You died for me; You rose again; You will return (this is where the mind says "oh, yeah, it's been so long, are you sure?", but my heart trusts in You); and I have bought into the whole thing about a New Heaven and a new Earth someday…I'm in, hook, line and sinker! I believe it, and You know I believe it. Therefore, my heart rejoices v7b, and I praise You in song.

To God be the glory, great things He has done; So loved He the world that He gave us His Son! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the earth hear His voice; praise the Lord, praise the Lord, let the people rejoice.

You are the stronghold of salvation for Your anointed v8,9 so save Your people, bless Your possession (that would be me, my family, my church, and all true disciples), shepherd us. I know You will carry us forever.

Thank You, Lord for my salvation and give me the mind of Christ today; guard my heart and the love I have for You…be first, I am second; keep the truth of Your Word active within me, even when my mind roams to the world; give me wisdom when opportunities arise to share with others about Your love; reinforce my faith as protection against my enemy; and may Your Word, the Spirit's sword always, always be useful in my grasp. Like the song says: "prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; prone to leave the God I love." But I want to be second and always give You the preeminence, first place in my life.

Come quickly, Lord. The world is a mess; it needs a real Savior, and You're the only One.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Some Favorite 3rd Verses to Well Known Hymns

Here are some of my favorite all time verses to well known hymns. They just happen to be the third verses. You’ll remember the choruses that go with them.

In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, a wondrous beauty I see; For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died to pardon and sanctify me.

And when I think that God, His Son not sparing, sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in; That on that cross, my burden gladly bearing, He bled and died to take away my sin.

My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part but the whole, was nailed to the cross and I bear it no more; Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

Journal for April 27th…Music

5:44 AM

Psalm 27

The Lord is my light in a world of darkness v1 and despair; and while evil seems to get the upper hand close by and far away, the Lord is the stronghold of my life. I give You praise this morning, Father God - Savior Friend, for Your dependability and goodness toward me. I have asked one thing -- and everything else comes down to this really -- It is to dwell in the house of the Lord, gazing on Your beauty and to seek You v4,5. Heaven, the source of light and life is my destination…and all because of You!

I will sing and make music to the Lord v6…thank you, Lord, for the gift of music. I don't sing as well as some others, but my heart loves to lift a song to You during the day.

My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like You; all of my days, I want to praise, the wonders of Your mighty love!

Then sings my soul, my Savior, God to Thee: How great Thou art, how great Thou art!

Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God almighty; Who was, and is, and is to come!

Holy Spirit, I only ask that You help me seek Your face today. Hear my voice v7 and be gracious to me -- not because of my merit but that of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the risen Son of God. Show me Your way v11 as I wait for the Lord v13.

Lord, You have been good to me in so many ways. Thank You for my salvation--for letting the light of Your truth shine into my heart as a young boy. Thank You for my family--wife and children; for my mom and dad that introduced me to You. Thank You for church and true believers that want to put aside the worldliness and pettiness and grow in power and presence of Jesus Christ.

The world is a mess, Lord. Somehow I pray that our president and elected officials will start to make righteous choices that please You and let us continue to worship and serve You openly. So many believers around the world do not have that freedom.

Thank You, Lord for so many things… and I thank You for Heaven: first, because that is where You dwell, and secondly, that is my home, too…a new Heaven and a new Earth! I believe this. I really do.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Journal for April 26th…Level Ground

5:41 AM

Psalm 26

Father and Savior…the One who loves me more than I can imagine: Hear my prayers today, not because I have any merit of my own, but because You gave me standing in Your courts through the merit of Christ Jesus, Your Son.

Truly my foot stands on level ground v12 in a world that is upside down and out of balance. Your Word remains constant and true -- that is my level ground. So I will praise the Lord in the assemblies--among Your people. Encourage Your people today, Lord. Help my family and my church family to keep their eyes on You and the truth of Your Word.

Psalm 86

Teach me Your way, Lord v11 and I will do the best I can to live by Your truth. What I want, Lord, is an undivided mind that respects You more than it loves the world. I may disappoint You but I will praise You with all my heart v12. I pray that my life brings honor to Your Name, for Your faithful love for me is great v13 and more than once You have delivered my life from the depths of Sheol -- or at least what seemed like it to me. There are arrogant and ruthless people that attack me v14 and would be just as happy if I were dead and gone. Spirits of destruction are after me and my family and my church all the time…they are relentless. But You are faithful still.

Thank You Lord for my salvation; my family; my health; my ministry; my life; my church family…all of these are a gift from You. Not one thing good comes because I deserve it, it's all a matter of grace and goodness on Your part. That's why I pray today for my brothers and sisters that are suffering and living for You in tough places. The very mention of You could bring their death. It is Your blood that binds us together, for we all come to You the same way, through faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Praise the Lord!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Journal for April 25th…His Compassion

5:44 AM

Psalm 25

Father, I begin by acknowledging Your superiority over everything, over every creature, and over every person…especially me. You are compassionate v6, forgiving v11, gracious v16, full of goodness v7, and demonstrate Your faithful love v6 to me all the time. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways v7; I ask You, for the sake of all You did to and through Jesus for me, "forgive my sin, it is great." Only someone with Your great compassion could hear a prayer like this and tender such forgiveness.

You have things to say and show to me, and only to those who belong to You v14…reveal these things to me. Teach me Your paths today, and guide me in Your truth v5 because You, and You alone, are my salvation. I don't stand a chance in eternity without You -- without Your grace and unmerited mercy.

I thank You for Jesus, Your Son, and all that was accomplished for me, by Him on the cross. I look forward to Heaven, Lord, where worldliness, sin, and my own human desires are no longer a threat to our relationship. Truly free…that's what I'll be…truly free. Free to love You as I should and really desire to do; free to serve You as I should and really desire to do. The New Earth and Heaven look better all the time, Lord…and my finite abilities can't even begin to imagine a place without the pain, the sorrow, the sin, and the death we have now.

In the Name of Jesus Christ and through the power of His blood, please put a strong hedge of protection around my family today; and around my flock. We tend to stray and get distracted throughout the day, but protect us from our enemies and the spirits of destruction that are relentless. Thank You, too, for the Holy Spirit that lives in me. I am not a worthy temple, but I am a willing one. Be first. I am second.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Journal for April 22nd…Words of Destruction

5:43 AM

Psalm 52

Father, apparently nothing really is new under the sun. Even people in David's day loved to tell bad news about someone else. They "love any words that destroy" v4 and are eager to share harmful tidbits of information that hurt and damage others. And I'm talking about believers that do this! Your servant, David, called it "destructive behavior" v7. Forgive me, Father if I said anything hurtful or destructive about anyone to others. I know better.

Lord, Your love is faithful forever and ever v8, so I will praise You forever for what You have done. We caused the world to fall; we brought the sin that caused the world to be cursed. But You, Father, remain faithful and close by -- if we want You to be. And You gave us other people to share, grow, and love with. My family is like that; and church should be like that. We should all be able to say "in the presence of Your faithful people, I will put my hope in Your Name, for it is good." May our worship reflect the collective love we have for You.

Your Name is good. Being in Your presence is good. Knowing Your Messiah, Jesus Christ is very good. Being a man with failures and a nature so contrary to Yours, You still put me in ministry. Amazing. You have given me the ministry of reconciliation, not destruction. Forgive my sins and reconcile me to Yourself through the blood of Jesus. Then help me reconcile others to You, too. Reconciliation, not destructive words and actions.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal for April 21st…Knowing Him

5:41 AM

Psalm 21, 51

Father, what a wonderful way to begin my prayers, with the words You give me in the Bible. I could not express the thoughts of my heart any better than You have already given me. 51:5 I was guilty when I was born, so v 10 create a clean heart for me, Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me…restore the joy of Your salvation v12 and give me a willing spirit. Lord, if You would open my lips v15 then I will declare Your praise today. Yes, I will give You praise for Your magnificent righteousness and mercy.

Psalm 21…I know this, any victory that I experience is Your victory v5. You give blessings forever and cheer me with nothing less than the joy of Your presence v6. Your presence -- how great is the blessing of Your presence…that the Creator and sustainer (and Judge) of all that there is should even trouble Himself to have a relationship with me. How did I deserve this? I deserve this because, and only because, Jesus died and suffered grossly for me, in my place. You made it happen. Everything that was needed so You and I could have a relationship, You did it! You devised the plan and pulled it off! And I believe it!!

I am grateful that my family believes it, too. And I am grateful that there are people, friends of mine and co-church members that believe it, too. It is for these, my family, friends, and co-members that I pray in the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood that You, Father, would put a strong hedge of protection around us all today. The enemy, like a terrorist, is at war with us whether we know it or not. Help us/me to be vigilant and strong in the fray.

Give me the mind of Christ; help me react from the spirit, not emotions; may Your truth guide me; embolden me to witness should the opportunity arise; keep Your Word in my heart and mind; and increase my faith in You and Your promises; and, Lord, continue to move throughout the world in the lives of my fellow believers -- most I won't meet until Heaven -- that suffering persecution today.

We will continue to talk, Lord, throughout the day, so be real to me and fill me with Your Spirit. Thank You for Your Spirit.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal for April 20th…Desires

5:47 AM

Psalm 20

Father…let me praise You this morning for Your faithfulness. You are consistent in all You do -- and I know that is an understatement. We can be counted on for rebellion and selfishness, but You are faithful and so good to us. You even gave Your Son, Jesus, to pay for our sins. How unselfish is that?! Thank You for Your many gifts, but mostly for You.

What a prayer: May You the desires of my heart and fulfill my whole purpose v4. The problem with that is my "heart desires". I am not always sure that what my heart wants is pleasing to You. So first of all, help me desire what You desire. Make the desires of my heart consistent with Your will, Your character, Your plans. Then You can "fulfill my whole purpose." I want to know what Your purpose is for me.

Fulfill all my requests v5…as long as those requests are unselfish and are more interested in the Kingdom. You see how I struggle sometimes with knowing what my requests ought to be. That's why the desires of my heart should line up with Your desires.f

Thank You, Lord, for even caring what my heart desires and requests might be. Thank You for answering my prayers in ways that are best for Your Kingdom and for my life, not how I see things with my limited perspective. You are very gracious to me in that way.

In the Name of Jesus, who died and rose again, I pray for forgiveness and cleansing of sin today. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow! Hedge in and protect my family today, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood; also my church family…all the kids, teens, and adults; give our elected officials and all the bureaucrats they appoint wisdom and an inclination toward righteousness.

You could vaporize me in a moment and take away all that matters to me, but instead, You have died for me and invited me to be with You. Then, on top of that, You have even allowed me to serve You! Amazing. Thank You for Your salvation…and for Your friendship.

What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear; what a privilege to carry everything to Him in prayer!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journal for April 19th…Creation

5:42 AM

Psalm 19

Father, how majestic You are! Creation reveals You to mankind -- good and evil alike. All day long, and all night, the natural order shouts out "I am here". The heavens truly do declare the glory of God v1. The sun, clouds, the movement of nature are constantly saying that You exist and care for us. Nothing is hidden--You are not hidden v6.

And then, Your Word is so perfect that just reading it revives the soul v7. Sometimes I am slow to sit down and engage Your Word, but I am always glad that I did…even when it points out sins or failures that I have because it cleanses me, too. Only Your amazing Word could amplify sin then cleanse it, too. You truly are wonderful. This humble, redeemed human being wants to praise You this morning. Today, Lord, I pray that even the meditations of my heart -- that no one else hears -- will be acceptable to You v14. It takes a Redeemer like You to break sin's hold and bring a person into a relationship with His Creator.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior of all who believe, I pray for a hedge of protection around my family today; around my church family -- every adult and every child; and for the leaders of this country -- for their spiritual awakening to the truth of Your Word. It's revealed in the universe around them if they would only see it.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Journal for April 18th…Morning Praise

5:40 AM

Psalm 108

v1 Father, what a great psalm You've provided for a morning prayer: "I will wake up the dawn" with praise. And You, Lord certainly deserve praise and honor from all Your creation--and especially from one like me who You have saved with Your grace and mercy.

v1 "My heart is confident, God", but sometimes my mind is wary of circumstances. So I pray for guidance; I pray for protection; I pray for unity and resolution. The world is in chaos, but You said it would be. My church is under attack, but You said it would be. I, Your servant, am under attack, by You said I would be. My family is under attack, but along with everything else, You said it would be. I get tired in the battle sometimes, Lord, but I am confident in You. v12 "Give us aid against the foe, for human help is worthless." So true, Lord. The best efforts of people cannot thwart the spirits of destruction. Human help is worthless. What we need is You…Your presence…Your power…Your love and grace. We are spent.

As this week begins, fill me with Your Spirit. Don't just forgive my sins, but cleanse me from my sins, in the Name of Jesus the risen Lord, and in the power of His shed blood. I need and want Your understanding and guidance. v6 "Save with Your right hand and answer me so that those You love will be rescued."

Lord, I sing praise this morning for Your faithful love v4; and Your faithfulness (that doesn't depend upon mine); and I pray that Your glory v5 would be over the whole earth. Someday it will. Even know You have people all over the world living for You, even dying for You. So why is Christianity so difficult where I live without persecution? It's a fallen, cursed world, Lord. Thank You for coming into to and saving me. Your grace is truly amazing, and Your mercy/compassion is beyond my understanding.

Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; thank You, Lord, for making me whole; thank You, Lord for giving to me, Your great salvation so rich and free!

In my life, Lord, be glorified today…somehow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Journal for April 15th…Armor

5:45 AM

Psalm 15, 45, 75

Father, I give You praise this morning for who You are…the Creator of all that is. From nothing You made everything, including me, and are the rightful Ruler over everything. I want You to be the rightful Ruler in my life today. I really do want to be second.

There are forces in the world, and some of them attack my family, friends, and Your Bride, that would hurt me and draw me from You. Some days there is joy in the serving; other days there is pain and confusion. Heaven sounds really good on days like that.

75:1 I give thanks to You, God, I give thanks to You, for Your Name is near. Thank You for being near. Forgive my sins and failures -- I can only ask that in Jesus' Name -- and fill me with Your Spirit today.

Thank You for my salvation and give me the mind of Christ. Guard my heart to defer to my first love, You. Increase my integrity and help me be led by Your truth. Use me as a witness somehow today, Lord, if You can use someone like me. Help me keep Your Word before me. And never let my faith slip…I will trust You, Lord to help me and guide me…I already trust You to save me forever. Now let me pray for my fellow believers. May they be strong today. The believers, the church members, that want to be Your followers. Don't let the world get them down and draw them away from following. I also pray for the believers that would cause your servant harm, and do harm to Your Bride in the process. Help me "forgive their trespasses, Lord" because You've forgiven so many of mine.

I pray that all Your people, especially the ones I have been given as friends and flock, will fulfill You command to love one another, as You have loved us. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all You are to me -- and all You are going to be in Heaven: King of kings, Lord of lords!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Journal for April 14th…Foundation

5:40 AM

Psalm 14

Father, I would be forever lost without You and Your plan for redemption because I am included when Your Word says, "all have sinned" and "not one single person does good" v1. All means all. I will refrain from judging others, Lord, as if I'm in a position to do so, for I'm a part of this fallen world. I have to tell You, for You already know, that I am drawn to the world because I came from it. But now my heart truly wants to serve You. Deep down inside me there is a flame of belief.

I want to show the same mercy I have received toward others. I want to be gracious and forgiving, because I have been graced by You; forgiven by You. Yes, the fool says there is no God -- but there are Christians that act just foolish by living their lives as if there isn't one. Help me love the unlovable today. Bless my enemies, Lord. Save my adversaries from Your judgments -- or chastisements.

Psalm 104

Lord, v5, You establish the earth on its foundations; it will never be shaken. That's the way I want to be: established on Your foundation and never be shaken. Honestly, Lord Jesus, I get rattled but I try to maintain my composure for the sake of those around me. Thank You for the foundation of the gospel; the sure hope of Heaven; the indwelling of Your Spirit; Your Word that I can retreat to. Oh yes, You have blessed me and given me a foundation.

I also thank You for my family; for my ministry; for my health; for my friends who believe in me--I believe in them, too. We need each other: You, me, family and friends. Don't let destruction spirits come between the truly faithful.

Be praised today, Father! You are my Creator and my Savior. Your kindness is just as amazing as Your grace. Help me to love the way You love.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journal for April 13th…His Generosity

5:45 AM

Psalm 13, 43

13:6 Father…without any doubt about Your love I want to praise You for Your generosity. You have been so good to me. Yes, there are adversities and conflicts, and they tend to rob me of the brightness in my eyes v3. But You are able to restore that brightness; You are still generous. I must thank You for my salvation--devised by Your genius; offered by Your grace; provided for through Your mercy. More than generous.

I thank You for my family, each and every member; I thank You for my ministry, letting me be useful to You; I thank You for my health, which is more valuable as time goes by; I thank You, too, for my church family.

43:3 I ask that Your light and Your truth will lead me into Your presence today. I must confess my sins so no barrier remains between us. Thank You for the access I have into Your presence today. This world needs You. I need You each step of my way.

Forgive those who trespass against me and sin against me. I pray that I would not grow bitter or sour toward others. May Your Word be the standard for their conduct and love. You told us to love one another, and with Your help, Lord, I want to show love…even to my detractors and those who don't want to follow You.

My sins grieve Your Spirit enough, but Your light and truth will lead me to Your mountain! Straight to You! Fill me with Your Spirit today -- even during the mundane work and unexciting times, as well as big decision times. Make Your Word speak to me as I study and read today.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, the One and Only true Savior, and in the power of His blood, please put a strong hedge of protection around my family, my church, and my friends.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Journal for April 12…Loyalty

5:48 AM

Psalm 12

v8 Worthless things, Lord, worthless things -- the world pursues, cheats for, lies for, and kills for worthless things. Forgive me, Father, for all the times I put worthless things first. Some worthless things are good, Lord…they are just not the best things, so in the big picture of eternity, they are worthless. It's not easy to give You pre-imminence in all things -- it goes against my human nature -- but in my spirit, in my heart, I want You to be first. I want to be second.

You know all my sins and the thoughts that run contrary to Your thoughts. Forgive my sins, and even better, cleanse me from my sins for the sake of Jesus and what He did for me on the cross. Fill me with Your Spirit and give me true wisdom.

v1 Loyalty is in short supply here on earth, Lord. You said "the loyal disappear" -- and that's true. People will turn their back on each other … on You! … in just a moment. And for what? Worthless things. I want to be loyal to You today, Lord; I want to be loyal to my family; and I want to be loyal to Your Bride, the church…my church.

Thank You for my life; for my salvation; for my health; for my family and my wife; for a ministry to serve You. Everything I have, am, and will be is in Your hands and is a blessing from You. Help me be loyal today to the One Who gave me so much. Thank You (such inadequate words). I am second.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Journal for April 11th

Psalm 11

v4 Lord, You are in Your holy temple…Praise Your Name for that! Your throne is in heaven, not here on earth…in heaven where it is out of reach of sinners; it is holy and untouched by the greed, meanness, and sin of earth; it is above and beyond my reach unless You make it possible for me to enter. And Your Word says that I should have boldness to come before Your throne through the blood of Christ--on the basis of what Jesus Christ has done.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Your crucified and risen Son, and the power of His blood -- the One that died for my sins--I come into Your presence this morning confessing my sins and seeking Your pardon. Your grace, Father, is all I have to depend on. Go beyond forgiveness and pardon…please cleanse me from my sin. I know You can. Others will not see me as righteous, but I know You will … because of Jesus.

v5 You examine is all, the righteous and the wicked. I pray that when You examine me that You see the mercy and love of Jesus there. I have no other claim or merit before You but what He has already done for me.

Lord, this will be a busy week for me -- should You allow me to get certain things accomplished -- and I ask for Your assistance and guidance. I pray in the Name of Jesus that You would be a strong hedge of protection around my family today; and a hedge around my church family. Certain members are under attack and do some things invoking Your Name and Your will…even when it is contrary to what Your Word teaches already. Rebuke the forces of darkness away from us and give us spiritual wisdom.

May Jesus be glorified in some way in my life today; in my family today; in my church today.

Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; thank You, Lord, for making me whole; thank You, Lord, for giving to me Thy great salvation so rich and free.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Journal for April 8th

5:48 AM

Psalm 68, 8

Lord, it is true that Your Name is most excellent throughout the whole earth. A lot of Names are shouted at us every day -- from celebrities, politicians, products and places -- but only Your Name is excellent…at least to me. It is the Name of Jesus that gets Your ear; it is in the Name of Jesus that I can ask and receive; it is the Name of Jesus that renders peace to my heart when whispered in prayer.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…there's just something about that Name; Master, Savior, Jesus…like the frangrance after the rain; Jesus, Jesus, Jesus…let all heaven and earth proclaim: Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but there's something about that Name.

So, Heavenly Father, I come to You this morning in the Name of Jesus. Forgive my sins; strengthen me where I am weak; and give me Your wisdom and love…all for the sake of, and in the Name of, Jesus.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal for April 7th

5:37 AM

Psalm 67

Lord, I don't know where to begin with praise this morning. Mere words are inadequate to express how good and wonderful You are. Your word says "May God be gracious to us and bless us; look on us with favor Selah so that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among the nations." v1 You have certainly been gracious to me, Lord, and to those around me. And You have blessed me with undeserved blessings -- especially with the blessing of Your presence and peace. The only reason You could look on me with favor is that You have imputed to me the goodness and righteousness of Jesus…again, undeserved. But I truly pray that You would be known among the nations.

For example, in Japan, Lord, there are believers. Fill them; empower them; embolden them as they dig out from under all the heartache and hardship of the recent disasters. May they witness to others and share You incredible grace. Around the world where there are upheavals and revolutions please make Yourself known to the open-hearted and distressed peoples. Show Your grace to many.

Psalm 107

"Let them give thanks (those God has helped) to the Lord for His faithful love and His wonderful works for the human race." These words will be my words this morning, Lord. I give thanks to You for Your faithful love and wonderful works in me -- and what You've done for the whole human race. Can't people see that the fact that food grows up out of the ground is Your blessing; just like the air they breathe and the rain and sunshine. But the most wonderful "work" You've done for the human race happened when Jesus died for all our sins and then rose from the dead! Yes, I give You thanks for that, and may many believers around the world do the same.

Please, Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ, the risen Savior, put a strong hedge of protection around my family; also around my church family. We are struggling through fallen world but somehow we found Jesus along the way. Thank You a million times for that; but now protect and guard us today. May we glorify You somehow today as You fill us with Your Spirit.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Journal for April 6th

5:43 AM

Psalm 66

v8 "Praise our God, you peoples, let the sound of His praise be heard." Lord, there are people that give You praise, even in this culture of death, violence and selfishness. There are still people all over the world, perhaps in the minority, that praise You. Please count me as one of them. I tend to go the way of the world -- it's my nature. But You saved me from myself, my sin, and eternity without You. For the plan of salvation I give You praise. It is an ingenious plan that only You could make happen. You are holy and great and good; no one but You could have worked the plan and make the plan work. Count me in the people from all over the world that praise You today.

"You let men ride over our heads" and we go through fire and water in this life v12; but You will bring us out to abundance. The world is not a happy place today; people are lost; people are abusing and misusing one another. Yet I have a Savior -- One who saves/rescues me from all this…maybe not now; maybe not today; but eventually I truly believe Your Word about eternity, Heaven, and being with You.

I pray for our president today and all of our leaders. May Godly wisdom somehow come over them. Won't You strengthen Your people and give us the courage to witness about Your goodness and glory. I bring my family and my church into Your presence this morning -- not that they aren't in You mind always. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Your crucified and risen Son, and the power of His blood to cleanse and defeat sin, I ask that You place a strong hedge of protection around them. Hedge us in and protect our hearts and homes and lives today. Thank You. Thank You so much for all You do…and will do.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Journal for April 5th

5:43 AM

Psalm 65

Lord, You have given me yet another day to serve You. So many people, including believers, are struggling so much that serving You gets lost in the fray. Don't let that happen to me. v1 "Praise is rightfully Yours, God…" And You are the One that hears prayers v2. It's true that iniquities overwhelm me v3. There's no point in pretending to be better than others or full of my own righteousness -- I have no righteousness except what You give me in Jesus.

You establish the mountains v6 so please establish me…establish Your church and people.

Lord, "You make east and west shout for joy" v8. I think of the voices all over the world that oppose You and Your people. Yet there are those who are joyful because I believe You have a remnant of believers everywhere. So in the east and the west there are shouts of joy because of You. Let me join the chorus today and praise You. Your kindness and goodness are for those, like me, who trust in You. Be praised somewhere -- everywhere -- today, just like You are in Heaven.

In the Name of Jesus and by the power of Your risen Son's blood, please put a hedge of protection around my family and my church today….around me, too. We need Your protection and care.

Thank You for so many good things You have given me -- all undeserved. Thank You for my salvation; my family; my ministry; my health. These gifts are from You; may they reflect Your glory today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Journal for April 4th

5:44 AM

Psalm 34

v19 "Many adversities come to the one who is righteous, but the Lord delivers him from the all." v22 "The Lord redeems the life of His servants."

Father, You remind me that adversity is a part of being in the fallen world. Right now the lightening and thunder of a storm are flashing and rattling outside. The storm is over the homes of the saved and unsaved alike. It's a part of the natural order of things. But in Your gracious love and mercy You also remind me that You are still there and will ultimately deliver me through the storms. Thank You, Father for the way You care for me and watch out for me. I want to praise You for Your great goodness. You are so powerful, yet so gentle and kind. Why You love me I will never know; but how You love me is clear: You gave Jesus to die in my place. That makes me one of Yours because I believe it all the way.

Thank You for forgiving all my sins and weaknesses, but at the same time I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit and guide my steps today -- even the insignificant and small things would appreciate Your touch and input.

Psalm 64 v1 "God, hear my voice when I complain. Protect my life from the terror of the enemy." Satan, the evil one, is the ultimate terrorist. Protect me and my family and my church from his terroristic ways. And, I don't want to be a complainer, but when I do bring things to You, thank You in advance for hearing me. I need someone to talk to, and You're the best listener ever!

Be glorified somehow in my life today.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Journal for April 1

5:38 AM

Psalm 31, 91

I don’t know why Jesus love me; I don't why He cared; I don't know why He sacrificed His life; O, but I'm glad, so glad He did!

91:3 "He Himself will deliver You from the destructive plague." Lord, we're surrounded by destructive spirits. You know I'm preaching on that Sunday because on the road to the cross You came across destructive spirits. There are spirits that want to destroy my church, my family, my ministry, and all my relationships -- even the relationship I have with You. I can see it in the self-destructive ways people live. It's as if they are driven by an invisible enemy…which they are!

But I thank You, Lord, for the promise that You Yourself will deliver me v3. That Your faithfulness will be" a protective shield." Praise You, Father, for Your faithfulness and goodness.

You even indicate that there are angels You will give orders to concerning my protection v11,12. Here's the thing…help me be somewhat worthy of Your protection. I have little to offer Your Kingdom: only the gifts and abilities, love and grace that come from You.

I do pray, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and according to the power of His blood, that You would put a hedge of protection around my family; then around my church family. Without You, Lord, we are in a battle with no weapons and no chance to succeed.

To God be all the glory… and may You have the glory forever and ever. Thank You for Jesus; than You for my salvation; my family; my ministry; my health… my eternal home in Heaven.