Friday, March 30, 2012

Journaling for 03-30-12…to the God of eternity

Psalm 90

Father…from eternity to eternity You are God. There is no other. You created me and one day I will return to the dust from which Adam came. Time is of no consequence to You. A thousand years is like a few hours in the night--as I sleep they come and go unnoticed. What a stark contrast between You and I. Eternal, holy, wise, strong, and good verses temporal, sinful, foolish, weak and dirty…but the there is another difference. You are the Savior, I am the saved! You love me that much. You never go back on Your covenant…for that I praise You and am forever grateful.

So teach me to number my days and develop wisdom in my heart. Just turn, Lord, and have compassion. I pray that I will be able to see and recognize Your work, and that children will also. For the sake of Jesus Christ, let Your favor be upon me and my family. Establish the work of my hands. ~

Help Your church to minister to You; to love one another; to be a refuge and place of sanctuary from the world. But, Lord, minister to us -- the church You gave Your life for -- and supply us with the resources we need to continue. Thank You, Lord, so very much for the landscaper that is providing Your building with a makeover and update. I appreciate that provision from You.

Lord, we have families in our fellowship that are suffering conflict and adversity. I surely pray that You would favor them; help them; have compassion on them; and satisfy them with Yourself (Ps90.13,14).~

Be honored today, Lord Jesus, the lives of the believers I know, and in the lives of believers around the world. Be glorified. Be magnified. Be first. I am second.~

Monday, March 26, 2012

Journaling for 03-26-12…God is gracious and kind

Psalm 86

Father…of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior; and my Creator. You are alone in Your holiness, kindness, power, and authority. There are no other gods like You (8). So, I ask You to protect my life and those You have given to me. Be gracious to me, for no one else is gracious like You (3).

I will call on You all day long…let us talk and fellowship together throughout the day. Bring joy to my life…though I don't deserve such blessings. I know You are kind and ready to forgive (5) -- that's a wonderful thing to know, Lord…ready to forgive. Selah.

Teach me Your ways -- Holy Spirit, please help me to learn Your ways (11). Give me an undivided mind! That would be my prayer, Lord…an undivided mind.

I praise You, Lord, with all my heart (12) and look forward to the day when my praise is pure and comes from pure heart and undivided mind. But I know Your faithful love for me is great (13) and that You are a compassionate and gracious God. Give me strength for the day (16).

Because of Your graciousness and kindness I know it's not a waste of time to pray for my family, each by name. I pray also, for my church family, Lord…actually Your church. Help us to grow -- first in Christ and the power of His might; but also numerically…we will make disciples, Lord, with Your help.

The world, as You know, Lord, is hell-bent on destruction, but You are gracious and kind, quick to forgive those that come to You through Jesus and faith in His work on the cross. Be glorified in Your people today. Help me be second.~

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journaling 03-22-12…Seeking God

Psalm 82, 112

Father…I come with a heart and mind that seeks after You; a heart that wants to be closer and love You. But my "self" gets in the way. There is a dark side to my nature that contrasts with Your light and life, with Your holiness and goodness, and with Your mercy and grace. I am being transformed, but the process is slow.

Forgive my sins, my inadequacies, and my tendency to live my own way without consulting Your Spirit. Fill me today with Your Spirit, please…even though there is no heavenly cause to do so except that You love me. I appeal to You, Father, on the same basis as David: on the basis of Your mercy, love, and compassion.

Please, Lord, based on the Name and blood of my Lord, Jesus Christ, not on any merit of my own (I have none), please put a hedge of protection around my family and give us wisdom and spiritual strength. And I pray for my church family that is growing in so many ways, but needs Your blessing to continue and increase. Please, Lord, be gracious to us. Help us to live for You. Help us to genuinely give You the preeminence so that we are second. Help me be second.~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journaling… 03-21-12 Worship is an action word

Psalm 81

Look at all the things we can do in worship sing, shout, lift up a song, play a tambourine, blow a horn (1,2)… and there is so much more revealed in other scriptures. Worship begins in the heart, but works it's way out in action. Part of worship is also to listen to God (8,13). He knows the ways we should follow (13); He would subdue our enemies (14) and He would satisfy us honey from the rock (16)…I believe that is His own personal presence more than anything else.

So, Father, help me worship You today through action, but also through listening. I will listen more closely. What will You tell me? Lord Jesus, I am sorry for being such a disappointment at times. Thank You, for being patient with me, for loving me, and for using this imperfect man. Be glorified today, for today I am second. ~

Monday, March 19, 2012

Journaling 03-19-12…Resistance in the World

Psalm 79

Father, sometimes Your people stray and live according to their own ways. The story of Your chosen people, Israel, should motivate us to be more faithful. Your people become the object of reproach to their neighbors and a source of mockery and ridicule (4). Perhaps the world is more angry when we profess to be Your people but do not live it out, than when we take an unpopular stand for the Truth. If we claim allegiance to You but do not live our lives for You it seems the world is tired of the hypocrisy.

Of course there are many, many other believers that experience the gravest persecution because they love You in a pagan culture and will not recant of their faith. They choose Jesus, then live their lives and give their lives to worship Him, and Him alone. ~

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From my Journal 03-13-12… God’s Presence

Psalm 73

Your presence, Father, is my good (28)…time after time I have made You my refuge. I tend to "wander, Lord; I feel it, prone to leave the God I love." It's my default condition to go my own way and do my own thing. Time and time again You let me suffer the consequences of my "wandering" then provide refuge when I return -- much like the prodigal father.

I am always with You (23); You hold my right hand and guide me with Your counsel, but then when it's all over You will take me up in glory! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Father, thank You for times of worship and prayer. The world is absolutely lost in chaos, sin, and disaster; and it will only get worse. When I tried to understand all this (16), it seemed hopeless…until I entered Your sanctuary. Then, I understood the world's destiny. Lord, help me remain in Your sanctuary: close to You; receiving guidance; acquiring understanding. Coming into Your presence, Your sanctuary, makes all the difference for me. What an amazing privilege!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal portion for 03-08-12… God acts on my behalf

Psalm 68

May the Lord be praised! Yes, Lord, be praised and honored today. You are the One that bears my burdens; You are my salvation (19). You have acted many times on my behalf (28) especially on the cross where You died for me; paid for me; loved me unrestrained.

Father, I thank You for cross…for giving Your Son so generously and graciously for my sins; so that I might be saved and have an everlasting relationship with You. You have already proven Your love for me on the cross -- and many, many times since.

Sometimes my morning prayers sound all the same, Lord, but the praise and thanksgiving I have in the early morning quiet hours is the same. I thank You for my salvation, for my family, for my ministry, and for my health. Thank You for bearing my burdens (19) and seeing me through so many conflicts.

I look forward to so many things -- in this life and afterward. I may not see all my desires and expectations completed on earth, but Lord, I've seen enough; been blessed enough; been used by You enough to fill a lifetime. Heaven, which to me means Your presence, is a wonderful place. Be glorified on earth as You are in heaven.

Fill me with Your Spirit today and walk/talk with me all day. I love You and want to praise You with my life. I am, after all, second.~

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Journal portion for 03-07-12…God bless the nations

Father, my kind and faithful heavenly Father…I come to You this morning grateful for so many things. I can hardly express my gratitude and wonder. So clearly You have orchestrated exactly what You intended to happen. You truly care about Your people and my family.

Psalm 67

Let the peoples praise You…all the peoples and all the nations (3,5) and let the nations rejoice. Until now I have not been very connected to the "nations", but I pray there will be rejoicing in other nations because of what You have done. You can take a life, any life, and use it to Your glory. I would be exhibit A, of course, but I can certainly think of so many others. History is replete with examples of people You have used -- people never thought worthy, smart, or good enough to be used my You. Bless the nations, Lord. May the nations rejoice because of what You have done.

I pray, Lord, that You would continue to be gracious to us and bless us, undeserved as it is. 1,2) Look at use with favor so that Your ways may be made known on earth (to the nations). May Your salvation be made known among the "nations".

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

I pray that You will always have the preeminence and that I will be second.~

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Journal portion for 03-06-12…God is awe-inspiring


Father, how awe-inspiring are Your acts toward me and my family -- indeed, toward all mankind (5). From the wonders of creation and nature, to answered prayer, to divine protection, to an intimate, personal relationship with You…to the Cross itself! Your acts are awe-inspiring (3,5).

Shout praise to God; sing praise to God! Even when You test us take us through fire and water (10,12) and bring us out with abundance.

God has listened; he has paid attention to the sound of my prayer (19) -- sinner that I am. He has never turned His faithful love from me (20) -- even when I was not faithful.

Lord, walk with me today. Talk with me. Abide with me and help me, Holy Spirit, to abide in You. I truly want to be second.~

Monday, March 5, 2012

Journal Entry for 03-05-12…My God who answers prayer

Psalm 65

God, You are the One who hears prayer(2). Even if iniquity overwhelms me You, and You alone, atone for my rebellion(3). Thank You for Jesus -- for giving up Your Son to die in my place. I owe You everything.

I want to thank You, Father, for Your grace that removes my guilt and Your mercy that heals my hurt, my pain, and the consequences of living in a fallen world. I am no longer of this world but I am still in it. Help me live among these people; help me love these people; help me live for You and not myself.

Before they were born we gave our children to You. After they were born we dedicated our children to You. So they are Yours…for Your service…anywhere, anytime, and however You choose. Thank You for being good to us. Thank You for my family, for my health, my ministry, my life.You answer prayers In righteousness (5). After all, You are the God of our salvation.

You have answered our prayers in many ways…in many wonderful ways. Thank You for the undeserved privilege of bringing our earthly, human concerns and desires to You. Just help me focus on Your desires, Your ways, and Your will, and not my desires. Walk with me today. Let's talk. Help me put You first today. I am second.~