Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Journal for 11/30…Psalm 150

5:31 AM

My Heavenly Father, glory to Your Name. Be exalted -- You are exalted -- in all the universe. The world is a mess, Lord, but You know all about that. Your grace is greater than any and all sin…if only people would/could see that. We are too self-consumed and suffering from the curse to recognize Your love and mercy. I believe in You; I embrace the gospel; and I want to follow Christ. Help me put Him first today and be second.

Psalm 150

For Your abundant greatness and powerful acts (saving me is one of them) You should be praised! You, Lord, should be praised in every way and for everything and in every place.

You, Lord, should be praised…

IN the sanctuary and in Your heavens (1);

FOR Your powerful acts and abundant greatness (2);

WITH trumpets, tambourines, lyre and harp, dancing, flute and strings, cymbals (3-5);

BY everything that breathes (6)!! …that would be me!

Be praised today, Lord, in my life and in the life of Your people. ~

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal for 11/29…Exaltation

5:34 AM

Father…and I am so glad that I can call You, the Creator and God of everything my Father…I want to start my day with You on my mind. I'm mindful of Your Lordship and try to conceive of Your majesty, power, and light. Thank You for my salvation and the relationship I have with Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me, Spirit of God, to abide well in Jesus today.

Psalm 149

Lord, You rightfully enjoy, and deserve, the exaltation of Your people. Let me be one that exalts You today in some way. You take pleasure in Your people (4), though sometimes I don't see how. We are so worldly and "self" motivated in our corporate activities. Lord, I pray that our assembly will praise and honor You…that it will give You cause for pleasure. I'm thinking ahead to the worship time(s) we have coming up this weekend. Let the exaltation of God be in our mouths (6).

I pray for two friends who will be undergoing medical tests this week, Lord. I pray for Your healing in their bodies, but for Your presence and grace even more.

Lord Jesus, You are the Reconciler. Several marriages and friendships are in need of Your reconciliation today.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, and the power of His blood, I pray for a hedge of protection around my life and my family today. Guard us and help us to please You with our decisions and activities. Help us resist the devil so that He flees from us.

My church family has a great opportunity this weekend to demonstrate faith and worship in some ways that are new and uncommon for some. Don't let us miss this opportunity. Begin working now in our hearts and families to convict us of sins we need to forsake and vows we need to keep -- to You and one another in Your church.

Help me abide in You today, Lord, and have You on my mind and heart. I am second.~

Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal for 11/30…Praise to the Creator

5:34 AM

Chilly morning, Lord. Thank You for the seasons and cycles of life. Even this fallen world enjoys the basic cycles of beauty and life that You created. How awesome the New Earth must be.

Psalm 148

You, Lord, set all creation in its place; all You did is give the command and all things were created (5). And nothing You created will pass away unless and until You say so (6). You set all created things in position forever and ever. That's just the way it is. Yes, we tarnished it with our sin, but You will aright that disorder some day along with Your salvation of those who put their trust in You.

You, and You alone, are to be exalted. Your majesty covers heaven and earth. (13) Help, Lord Jesus, to exalt You today in my heart and life.

Father, You created me, then You re-created me in Christ when I put my simply childlike trust in You. Forgive my sins and make me clean in the Name of Jesus Christ and through the power of His blood. You have the power to repair what I have broken.

Thank You, Lord, for so many undeserved blessings in my life, not the least of which is a personal relationship with You. Lord, I am drawing closer…please draw closer, too.

You are Creator; You have all the majesty. Be praised today as You deserve. I want to be second.~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal portion for 11/23…Thanks

6:58 AM

Lord God, what a wonderful gift I have in Your Word. You are the master gift-giver! Everything I have is a gift, unearned and undeserved, from You. The world is in crisis--our nation is in crisis--but You said in Your Word that it would be that way before You come. You said that in this world, on this earth, we would have tribulation. The good news for believers is that there's a New Earth coming. Again, completely undeserved.

Psalm 143

Hear my prayer, Lord. You know what I have been seeking Your will about. (1) No one alive is righteous in Your sight (2) so my prayers are based on Your faithfulness and Your righteousness, certainly not mine.

As I look back, Lord, I recall the days of old (5). Previous times of Your faithful deliverance, answered prayer, and personal help. If You were big then, You are still big today. You will not leave me hanging without reason.

Thank You for letting me experience Your faithful love in the morning time (8). Thank You for this time when we talk and think about things together. Here's my prayer today (I couldn't say it better myself): Reveal to me the way I should go, because I long for You (8). Show me Your ways; Your direction; Your Kingdom priorities for my life.

Holy Spirit, teach me to do Your will…lead me on level ground (10).

I thank You, Lord, for my salvation -- the greatest gift of all for a man otherwise lost to life for eternity. Thank You for my family: my parents who introduced me to You; my wife and children that serve You. Thank You for my health. I certainly don't take it for granted, Lord. Thank You for my ministry…for letting me fit into Your Kingdom work.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong, because of what the Lord has done for us!

May this day be one of thanksgiving, prayer, and abiding in You, Lord. And may Your words abide in me. Today, help me be second.~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal for 11/22…Prison

5:30 AM

Psalm 142

You are certainly gracious, Lord, to give me insight and wisdom through Your Word and Your Spirit. The world is filled with conflict and adversity -- some, I must confess is of my own making. Like prison, the earth has its own culture and the prisoners are willing to harm one another to advance themselves; to advance their personal agenda; to advance their own selfish ends. Adversity, sin, and conflict is like a prison that binds up our freedom and joy and keeps us from experiencing the liberation that is in You. Free me from this prison so that I can praise Your Name.(7) You, Lord, came to set the captives free! Now I understand.

And one day I will be free completely and in Your presence. I will take my place among the others who have been freed and give You the praise You so rightfully deserve. Until then, help me to live for You in this prison and show others the way to liberation.

“If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain." This is my humble prayer today, Lord. Give me grace, enlarge my impact for the Kingdom, guide and correct me with Your hand, and protect me in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood.

Please, help me be second.~

Monday, November 21, 2011

Journal for 11/21…His Kingdom come

5:38 AM

My Father in Heaven…hallowed and praised is Your Name. I pray for a manifestation of Your Kingdom and Your will on earth. I pray for this in the life of believers and Your church… and in me.

Psalm 141

Listen to my voice when I call to You today (1), and may my prayers be pleasing to You and honor You like incense that rises up and pleases the senses (2). Help me to abide in You and for Your Words to abide in me. Do not let my heart turn to, and love, anything evil (4).

I pray for Your protection for me and my family. Keep us from the snares and deceit of evildoers (9)….including Your enemy and mine, the devil.

You will, Lord. That's what I want in the long run: Your will to be done; for Your Kingdom to be magnified; for Your Kingdom to be expanded. May the decisions I make, and the circumstances that would honor You, occur for Your glory.

Begin to even now to convict our hearts as we approach the Prayer Weekend. Bring Your people to a place of confession and forsaking of sin. Show Yourself to be real, mighty, and active on behalf of those who are called by Your Name..and call on Your Name.

I offer these prayers to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of God, and the power of His blood. Help me be second.~

Friday, November 18, 2011

Journal portion for 11/18…Constant God

5:34 AM

My prayer today, Lord, goes up to a God that listens; One who is there. Thank You for always listening, even if I don't receive a response exactly how and when I want it. I know You hear me. Your Spirit even speaks to me through my spirit - a spirit, by the way, that is alive because of Your quickening! You are the One and Only Creator and Master…the Owner of everything. You own it; we simply borrow and use what is Yours.

Psalm 138

You, Lord, will fulfill Your purpose for me (8). Of that I'm sure. I'm not always clear on what Your purpose is, except in the big scheme of things. I know what You have called me to do, though I don't always do it well, but I'm not always sure of the details. But, then again, You will show me when it's necessary for me to know. The main thing is that I renew my mind and offer myself as a living sacrifice…and to abide in You and Your Word.

I know Your love is eternal and You won't abandon the work of Your hands or fail to keep Your promises. You glory is great and I will sing of Your praise (5). Increase my strength as You did David's (3), please.

You love is constant; Your faithfulness is constant (2) and You are constant. Praise goes to my constant, consistent heavenly Father. Because Your love and faithfulness are constant I know that the promises You have made about eternal life and Heaven are constant, too.

I pray that You will find some pleasure in the life of this inconsistent servant today, Lord. ~

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal portion for 11/17…Malicious talk

5:40 AM

Psalm 137, Proverbs 17

Lord, may my fondest thoughts and highest praise be reserved for "Jerusalem"…the place where You dwell. (137.6) The world offers little joy except for the places and people where You are at work. One day, however, all the things that corrupt the earth will be done away with and believers -- because of Your grace -- will be with You in holiness. To You belong all the glory for what You have already done, and for what Your Word anticipates that You will do.

Malicious talk is so hurtful and unnecessary. It's one thing to see it in the public arena and politics, but it's so out of place (but common) among Your people. Help me to always "conceal offenses and promote love" and not gossip, which “separates friends” (17:9). Gossip is certainly a killer, Lord. It kills friendships, fellowship, worship, and reputations. Help me rebuke gossip and reject participation in it.

“If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain." 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Be first today, Lord. I struggle to be second, but it's my heart's desire.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Journal portion for 11/16…His eternal love

5:36 AM

Majesty! Worship His Majesty! Unto Jesus be all glory and honor and praise. Majesty! Kingdom authority…You Lord are worthy of ALL praise. Adonai -- You are the Owner and therefore the Master of everything. We use and borrow what You've created, but it's not ours. Like a teenager that has "his" room, "his" car, "his" video games, "his" cell phone -- none of which he invested in or paid for. The real owner is the parent(s). We think what we have is ours because we use it. It is Yours -- all is Yours, Lord.

Psalm 136

Twenty-six times in this one Psalm it says "His love is eternal". I'm picking up a theme here, Lord.

Not only are You eternal, but Your love is eternal. Paul put it this way, "love never fails." True love never fails. What we call love, Lord, is not the same thing, for it fails with the circumstances and our feelings. Thank God, Your love never fails. I fail far too often, but Your love doesn't fail me. You still love me.

When I am down, discouraged, and disappointed, You still love me…and will eternally! I must remember that You love me no matter what.

When I sin -- even deliberately and willfully -- You still love me. So, please, Lord, forgive my sins…all my sins…and cleanse me by the washing of Your Word and the power of Your blood. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit (whose first fruit is love). Help me to remind mindful of Your eternal love. Be first, Lord. I want to be second.~

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Journal for 11/15…Who Chooses?

5:34 AM

Father, another day. Here's praying that it be a day of praise and thanksgiving to You. You alone should receive praise and glory, for You made it all; sustain it all; and all things will find their fulfillment in You. Thank You, Father, for salvation. Thank You for Jesus Christ and the chance we all have to find forgiveness and reconciliation. It's all You!

Psalm 135

Praise certainly does belong to You, for You choose whomever You wish. We mortals think the choice is ours, Lord, to receive or reject You. But it is You who have chosen us…You have chosen me! As You told Your disciples, we don't choose You, You choose us -- to be with You and then live for You.

Of course, You know it's hostile here. Even in areas where there are so many "Christians". We are even hostile toward each other! It's driving me crazy, Lord (figure of speech).

Help me keep my eyes on You today, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit and Your encouragement. Answer my prayers if they are worthy and if they comply with Your will.~

Monday, November 14, 2011

Journal portion for 11/14…Some Praise

5:45 AM

Father, I want to thank You for so much, but this morning for the relationship You have drawn me into. I am thankful that You reached out and pulled me in. Without You I am nothing and I have no future…no purpose. You gave me a lot when You gave me Yourself.


Praise at night is certainly fitting. You should be praised all the time -- and when time is over. My hands and my heart will be lifted up to You today and tonight. Help me to praise You without ceasing…to pray without ceasing…to make intercession without ceasing. I am second.~

Friday, November 11, 2011

Journal for 11/11…the poor

5:41 AM

Almost slept through the night, Lord…but tried to pray for some folks as long as I was awake. Thank You for always being there. You are God…the one and only God. And yet, You take a personal interest in me -- my soul, my life, my day, my feelings, my circumstances. Thank You for the blessings and benefits that come from knowing You. If only I could live up to the service and worship You so rightfully deserve.

Psalm 41

Happy is the man that cares for the poor (1)…I believe that to be true, Lord. Christians have the responsibility to care for those that are truly poor. The problem I struggle with is this: The government has taken on that role and robbed the church of its responsibility--or maybe we abdicated and abandoned our responsibility years ago…I don't know. But this is the problem. I can't tell who is really "poor". So many of the poor have wide screen TVs and cable; they choose to be poor and not work; they game the system and take advantage of the true givers in society.

Lord, I have no doubt there are truly poor people -- like that home in Waco for adults with mental disabilities, they have no one and no money except that home--but Lord, so many people are not, or don't have to be, economically poor.

Now, there are those that are "poor in spirit" -- I can help those people should they want to be helped! Lord, give me the wisdom to help the truly poor, but also give me the resources, too. All I have is yours.

I don't have much money (I'm rich compared to most of the world), but if I don't use my resources for You now, it will be too late in eternity to do it. Give our church the resources to do a better job in ministry, discipleship and worship.

Thank You for the jobs you've given at least 3 members of our church this past week--others are still trying. Please bless them with good paying jobs. The ones I'm thinking of would be tithers, too, Lord.

Well, I guess what I'm asking for is wisdom and resources. LOL… who wouldn't want those?! Whatever You provide me with, Lord, remind that it's all for You. Be Lord today. I am second.~

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Journal for 11/20…God is great!

5:39 AM

Father, You are the One and Only God. Yes, there are other "gods" that people put before; and there are religions that pray to and worship false gods. But You are the Creator and should be recognized and worshiped by everyone. No one has done what You have done. You gave Your Son to die for me. He did it willingly and in obedience, and now I can have eternal life. Be praised by all Your people today around the world. Help them…so many are sick, hungry, persecuted, and dying.

Psalm 70

Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You (4), no matter what their circumstances. I know that's easy for me to say, living in relative freedom and comfort; but this is where You put me for now, and I will rejoice in You. Anyone who is truly saved will say, "God is great!" Hurry to help us, Lord God…You are our help and our deliverer (5). David said "Lord do not delay" and John ended the Revelation with "Come quickly, Lord Jesus". Your people anticipate and pray for Your help and salvation!

Help me be second, Lord.~

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal for 11/09…just a vapor

5:39 AM

Psalm 39

Father, You are eternal. It's hard for a man to grasp that concept of eternal…forever. We think 70-80 years is a long time, and if we are suffering it seems even longer. But we are only a vapor (5). In the big scheme of things--eternal things--we are vapor. You should be praised for being the Almighty God and having the nature of immortality and life. We are the opposite.

If this life is going to mean anything, it will be related to You and how we worshiped and lived for You. Men frantically rush around gathering possessions…possessions that end up in someone else's hands! (6) "Things" are not eternal, You are.

Lord, help me be less concerned with "things" today and more concerned with You and my relationship to You. I still feel a little under the weather, but rejoice that I have the capacity to feel at all! Prepare my heart and mind for intercession and in leading my church in the practice of intercession. Our/my relationship to You is the most important thing of all, not what we earn, have, or can possess.

My hope is in You, (7) deliver me from all my transgressions (8). Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord and help me nuture the relationship I have with You. May the time I spend as a vapor translate into something eternal in Your Kingdom. I am second.~

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journal for 11/08…His Majesty

5:38 AM

Father, I'm feeling a little "under the weather" today, but I'm reminded of how healthy I really am, and that the body you designed for me will fight this little bug off in a few days. Your whole creation is amazing! Substituted for 7th grade science yesterday and am reminded of the geological wonders that pour from Your genius. You, indeed, are an awesome God…the only true and majestic God.

Majesty…worship His majesty; unto Jesus give glory and honor and praise!

Lord, it's still a battle down here. The earth is still fallen and cursed. Sin continues to grip humanity and plagues Christians, too. One day we'll be delivered from all this and worship Your majesty in person -- face to face. And all because of the debt You paid for me on the cross. Indeed, majesty belongs to You!

Psalm 37

"Darril, a man's steps are established by the Me, and I take pleasure in Your way. Though you fall, you will not be overwhelmed, because I hold Your hand."(23) "Turn away from evil and do good…I do not abandon my faithful ones." (27,28)

Thank You, Lord for the encouragement and promise of Your presence. I am only a "faithful" or "righteous" one because of the faithfulness and righteousness of Jesus Christ. All that I have of eternity value was gracious given by Him; imputed unto me. That's why I will trust that You establish my way and help me when I fall to not be overwhelmed.

You are always first; make me second.~

Monday, November 7, 2011

Journal for 11/07…a Morning Prayer

5:47 AM

Good morning, Father. Thank You for all You have done for me; for all the blessings given without merit. I would like to praise You today because of Your grace and mercy, forgiveness and protection.

Psalm 37

I want to be counted today among those who trust in You (3) and that does what is good. I want to take delight in You (4), not the world, not my works, but in You. Make the desires of my heart conform to Your will and Your ways. Help have the mind of Christ more and more.

Help me be patient, even "silent" (7) before You and wait expectantly for You and what You are working out in my life.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Risen Savior, hear my prayers and fill me with Your Spirit. Lord Jesus, walk with me and talk with me throughout the day. It's not easy to be second, for my nature is to put myself first. But today You be first. I am second.~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal for 11/02…Trust and obey

5:36 AM

Psalm 32

This is really quite amazing, Lord…the forgiveness of sins and help. You are truly amazing, Lord. You forgive transgressions and cover sin (1) -- that alone is cause for praise and much thanksgiving. In addition to that You give instruction and show me the way to go (8). Your eye is on me and You give me counsel (I'm not always the best listener, Lord). Your faithful love surrounds me because I trust You. Sure, my trust is not as mature and complete as it should be; but I trust You more each day.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Today, I will be glad in the Lord and rejoice (11) -- not because all my circumstances are good and happy, but because You are good; You are forgiving; You are there for me.

Be glorified today, Lord, as we talk. Help me to abide in You and Your Words abide in me. Be first, Lord Jesus…I am second.~

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal for 11/01…Nothing to prove

5:34 AM

Father, You have been so good to me. In affliction and conflict You have always loved and cared for me. You did not always seem to be there (22) but You were always watching, protecting, teaching…You saw it all (7).

Psalm 31

I was reminded today, Lord, of a time when I was in my 20s and our church has in a tight spot. We needed a larger building along with some other things. I read verse 8 in my devotional times and began to use it in my prayers: "You set my feet in a spacious place." I know You remember, Lord, but I want You to know that I remember, too. Soon, quite by "coincidence", we learned a school was vacating the church building they had been using. Being the first to inquire of the owners, we were able to get our "spacious place" and increase our ministries and service to You and to others.

So many other times, Lord, You have helped me…You have nothing to prove to me. Calvary alone proves Your love and mercy for me. Many other occasions remind me of Your provision and goodness. So much so, that if You don't answer every prayer, if you don't rescue me every time, it doesn't matter. I remain indebted to you on so many levels and will always believe. You have nothing to prove to me. You have already given me far more than I deserve.

That's why You should be first and I should be second.~