Thursday, June 28, 2012

Journaling for June 28th…On Two-faced “Christians” from Psalm 28

8:46 AM

Psalm 28

Lord, there are people that "speak in friendly ways with their neighbors, while malice is in their hearts."(3)

This not right…especially for Christians. When so-called Christians do this they inflict irreparable harm on other people, churches, church leaders, and pastors. They talk one way, because it's the church way, but their heart isn't with You.

For example, Father, there are people that leave a church saying cruel, mean, and false things about the pastor or others. But when one sees them at a community gathering, a restaurant, funeral or other event they shake your hand, smile, and act like you're old buddies. There's no remorse, no apology, not even avoidance. They caused lambs to stray and hurt many others, yet they go on as if all is well. With all this stuff left in their wake, they sail on.

Lord Jesus, forgive my sins and help me to have a forgiving heart; a sensitive spirit to others; and an honest relationship to all people. I don't want to ever treat Your Bride with such disrespect or cause "one of these little ones to stray."

May the Lord be praised…the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him.(6,7) My heart rejoices, and I praise him with my song.

"In my heart there rings a melody… there rings a melody of love."~

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journaling for June 20, 2012…about the battle

7:21 AM

Psalm 20

I am grateful, Lord, that your followers may come to You -- to Your dwelling place -- and seek Your answers; Your help; and Your presence. Father, my prayer is not that You fulfill my heart's desires (4) but that my heart's desires be pleasing to You…that my whole purpose would be Your whole purpose for me.

Victory? (6) Lord, I don't need victory in open battle. It's the inner battle where the victory is needed. Like Your servant, Paul, I am engaged in warfare inside me. I live in a culture where believers mask the battle and don't admit to it…but we all fight it.

I try to imagine heaven's atmosphere -- the environment. The pressure is off -- no battle for my mind and heart. No temptations that lead to sin, anger, selfishness, and gossip. Yes, it's beauties and wonders I am longing to see, but Jesus will be what makes it heaven for me.

So, Lord, never mind the king (9), give victory to me! Help me fulfill Your purposes.~

Monday, June 18, 2012

Journaling for June 18, 2012…Thanks for technology

Lord, You have been so good to me. Everything I have is from You and it is so undeserved. Thank You, Lord for my salvation, family, ministry, health, and future with You.

Thank You for the technology that allows me to share some of my thoughts with friends and others. Today I am testing my new laptop to make sure it's all set up. What a chore!  This journal post is a trial run, Lord.

I got a little sentimental this past week as Father's Day approached. Just remembering my dad and his "barbaric" ways. Help me be a little more barbaric, Lord, if it would please You.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Journaling for June 14, 2012…Musings on hate and love

John 15

Lord, You say an awful lot about hate in this chapter on discipleship…mostly verses 18-27. If love is an action, not just an emotion, then hate is also an action. I've heard people say "why do you hate me" when they have been wronged. The offender often says "I don't hate you." One is the recipient of an action; the other is talking about an emotion.

So how do I define love? Well, Lord, if I listed all the things hate would do then love would be the opposite. Hate (temper tantrums, lashing out, criticizing, judging, gossiping, undermining, etc) is all about "me".

Self-centered, self-righteous hatred can come in all forms and carry all kinds of labels. It can fly planes into buildings or split a church and run off the pastor.

Lord, help me to understand the nature of hate…and love. Help me to come down on the side of love -- because You did when You loved the world so much to give Your only Son to pay the price for man's hatred. Thank You for Your love…an action called the cross.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Journal for June 12, 2012…Words, words, words

7:06 AM

Psalm 12

My words are my words, Lord. I am responsible for what I say; I am in charge of my own speech (4). And speech has power. Words mean something. Lord, I pray my words today will not discourage, hurt, or embarrass anyone else.

Your words are always pure, without pollution of any kind (6). You are in heaven; You are holy; You are the source of everything good and right. I am on earth; I am not holy; I live on a cursed planet where what is worthless is exalted (v8) -- and I would be cursed, too, if it were not for the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father for the true vine!

I believe Your words will prevail today in the lives of many who trust You. They will prevail in judgment, too, for many who do not honor You.~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Journaling for June 7, 2012…Deserved Praise

6:56 AM

Lord, I thank You for another day -- another chance to serve You. My mind will be at war with my spirit, but this whole world is a cursed battleground and right in the middle of it!

There is much to be thankful for and You have always been, and will always be, worthy of all praise and honor. You are the Creator, yes, but You are also the personal Savior and Redeemer. You have even called me Your friend. All of that is possible through the excruciating death of Your Son, Yeshua, on the cross.

Psalm 67

May God be gracious to us and bless us; look on us with favor. Selah…just think about that: an almighty God that looks on us with favor -- after all we've done. Your way, Lord, yes, let Your way be known in the earth, in this nation, in my church, in my family, and in my heart.

You have blessed us; You will continue to bless us. All the earth reaps the benefits of Your creation and Your generosity.

Experiencing your disappointment and judgment is better than not experiencing You at all.

One day the whole earth with honor, respect, and worship You. It's inevitable. In the meantime, help us -- those who confess Your Name -- to give You appropriate praise. ~

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Journaling for June 2, 2012…Restore us once again

7:16 AM

Psalm 136

Father, You are so merciful and gracious -- You have good reason to just wipe me off the face of the earth; to vaporize me; then forget about me. But, to my amazement I know that You love me and already paid the supreme price of love by giving Your life for me. "Thank You" is a shallow response and there is no way that I can ever repay what You have done. There is no doubt that I You, and You alone, are the Master of the universe, the Creator of all things, and the Redeemer of me.

I think of how You restored Zion and caused the people to rejoice. You gave refreshment to a people that were parched by sin and rebellion. Like streams flowing in the stark wilderness You renewed, revived, and restored the life of Your people. I believe that is Your nature…it is Your way.

So today, as one needing forgiveness and redemption myself, I pray for this nation, the United States. Never in our history has everyone been a follower of Your ways, but the Word and the principles of the Bible were the underpinning and agreed upon basis for laws, citizenship, and progress. It is these principles that led to the abolition of slavery, overturning the practice of child labor, the establishment of most hospitals and mental care facilities, the advocacy of freedom around the world against Nazism, Totalitarianism, and the inhumanity of man.

Today, Lord, as a nation, we have lost our bearing. Forgive us for abortion, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, and other moral transgressions. Forgive us for turning from the foundations on which our nation was built and blest.

Like Zion of old, restore us again. Help true believers to remain faithful and strong in the face of hostility and opposition. Be the Lord today in the lives of those who claim Your Name.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Journaling for June 5, 2012…Not destruction but restoration

7:39 AM

Psalm 5, 35

Sometimes the people we minister to and pray for are the very ones that turn on us, accuse us and join the lynch mob to hang us out to dry (Ps 35:11-16). It's mystifying to me, Lord. Why don't people that claim the Name seek reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing? What benefit is there to the Kingdom for people to enlist others in their campaign of hurtfulness, involving the innocent, and harming a wider circle of believers?

You know, Lord, I find that in the journals of David he asks that his enemies and detractors be destroyed, taught a lesson, humiliated and driven away (ie. Psalm 35). But I find it hard to pray for that. I want my enemy's heart to be changed and his behavior toward me to cease. If we were friends, I want to be friends again. If we were co-laborers, I want to serve together again!

I always allow that there may be something to the accusations -- that some sin, error in judgment, mistake or weakness on my part -- may contribute to the division. That's why I don't seek their utter destruction, but would rather enjoy the peace of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the Lordship of Christ…for all of us.
I remember the statement from Mac Brunson: "Believers on the battlefield will fight the true enemy. Believers in the barracks will fight their brothers."

My experience through the years is that there is far too much fighting among the brothers. We are often so inward looking and selfish that we find reason to complain about the music, the lighting, the sermon, the organization, other people, etc, etc. It's all about us and what we like or don't like about the church and its members. And God help the member that fails, or sins, or errs in some way! In the meantime, while we fight against each other in the barracks, the world goes to hell in a hand basket!

Lord, help me to be a conveyor of peace, forgiveness, mercy, grace, reconciliation, and fellowship. Help me be a Kingdom builder, not a people destroyer.~