Monday, September 29, 2008

Disaster Affects Everyone

Yes, I haven't posted since August -- as my daughter is happy to point out. I was posting regularly until disaster struck -- Hurricane Ike. Disasters change everything. Let me name a few....
First, it interrupts the flow of life like bloggers. Why? At least for me, because I am a Victim Chaplain and I led a team of responders to care for a large, chaotic shelter of evacuees from the Beaumont area.
True, it was only open for a week, but it interrupted my routine.
Second, it interrupts the lives of the people living in the stricken areas. It destroys homes, washes away heirlooms, and robs a family of their pictures and memories. It causes the loss of income, even jobs, and the interruption of schoolwork. It separates friends and families who have to evacuate to different places.
Third, it affects the lives of responders like our Victim Relief Team from Kaufman. Schedules and families are put on the back burner while responders care for the needs of others.
There are other lives and institutions that are affected, but let these examples suffice for my purposes here. 
We are trying to raise funds to equip a Disaster Response Trailer. The radios are paid for, but a generator and other essentials are yet to be paid for. If you can help let me know. We are in need of about $4000.
God bless your ministry today.