Thursday, November 18, 2010

With Christ in the School of Adversity

That’s right. Adversity is more than a painful experience or a challenge that threatens our peace and happiness. Besides being a “normal” part of living on this cursed planet, it is also a school where we learn a great many lessons. One lesson (and there will be a test later) is about how faithful we truly are. We also learn a lesson about the faithfulness and love of Jesus.

Sunday we will attend class with Jesus in the School of Adversity. Check out Matthew 14 then join us in person or via the internet as we attend class together.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts on Second Chances

"Lord, when I read about Peter slipping into the water I think of myself failing You. But then You didn't reject / discard Peter. You reached out and took him by the hand and drew Him to Yourself. Thank You for giving me one chance after another. I walk and sink; walk and sink; walk and sink. But each time You rescue me and draw me to Yourself…and then continue to work in and through my life. I just pray that when it's all said and done that You receive the glory and praise You deserve."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sick or Not, God Remains Awesome

I've been sick all week. You know, a cold with sore throat, larygitis, coughing, sleepless nights. When your head feels kind of woosie it's hard to concentrate on important things. One thing is certain, no matter how I feel God is still the same -- He remains awesome.

One friend of mine had a clear MRI this week; another friend's brother succumbed to our enemy, death; another friend's house burned to the ground; but Jesus died to rescue us from this cursed earth. he remains awesome. Thank You, Father, for everything.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Used My Miracle Mouthwash

Well, I'm sick with a head cold, sore throat included. So, I made up a batch of my Miracle Mouthwash (actually got it from my doctor) and boy do I feel better!!
Try it. See the previous blog for the recipe. I forgot to put in the recipe to add a normal dose of Mylanta to the concoction.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


My doctor gave me this formula last year when I was sick. It works!!


Cut the back or bottom of the Orajel tube with scissors and empty the entire tube into a cup.
Add twice as much Benedryl as gel
And about 20cc of water (a spoon used to measure medicine or a cup that comes with Nyquil can be used to measure the water)
Mix the contents

Take 5cc to 10cc by mouth, swish it around and gargle deeply, then swallow.
Repeat every 2-3 hours as needed.
The Orajel and Benedryl help numb the sore throat; the Mylanta is to make swallowing them easy on the stomach.

There you have it: Orajel, Benedryl, and Mylanta -- all cherry flavored. Don't make a face...try it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Great Prayer from Thomas a' Kempis

I cant' seem to copy and paste this prayer into this blog format. Please go to link I've provided and make this prayer your own. ----->

Monday, August 2, 2010


I've added a new element to my blog. It's called "Faith Comes by Hearing" and makes the New Testament available to my viewers. You can listen to the Word in the English Standard Version (a good translation). So, go ahead. Take advantage and have a listen.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's not about us, and it's not about NOW

Humans are physical by nature. God made us that way. But since we are under the Curse of sin we think in the NOW and have lost sight of eternity. But life is not about us, and it's not about NOW. Life, real life, is about Jesus Christ and what He has in store for believers.
The earth is temporary, but we invest all our emotional and mental stock in it. Truly, we give very little thought to what outweighs everything else -- the Lord and Heaven.
Worship, life, and love... it's not about us, and it's not about NOW.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Heaven just keeps getting better

I really enjoyed working on my message today about Heaven. We're studying the New Jerusalem and WOW, today I was into the River of Life, the Tree of Life (which is totally amazing!!), and even the natural wonders of the New Earth.
Think of it, mountains, trees, valleys, sunsets, waterfalls, precious stones, rivers and so much more. I wonder if the New Earth will have beautiful rings like Saturn does now; or maybe numerous moons. Why not? God always improves and advances on His work.
It's exciting; just plain exciting.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Many of you know that I'm preaching a series on Heaven right now. In the process of reading, studying and preparing for the messages, Heaven has become even dearer and more desireable to me. Heaven is not a city floating in the clouds, or a ghostly place with ghostly inhabitants. It is a robust, full of life place where people enjoy success, work, pleasure, fun and fellowship.
Maybe all of us should be pre0ccupied with Heaven. It's our home, our future, and the place where our Savior and loved ones are.
The series can be seen on our website at or ordered and viewed on DVD.
I wonder what it would be like to place catch with Jesus. I always wanted to surf...I think I'll get my chance, if I want it. Sound weird? Maybe. Maybe not.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm not a Republican, I just seem vote Republican

Someone asked me about this the other day, and in today's political climate, I thought I'd exercise my freedom of expression (while I still have it) and answer: "Are you a Democrat or Republican?"
Sure, I've voted for Democratic candidates before when what they stood for mattered to me. But that was a long time ago. It seems I only vote for Republicans lately. But I do know some good public servants today that are Democrats on the local level.
You see, I'm a conservative. I have certain beliefs and values. I believe in a small federal government and that it's the role of the federal government to protect the homeland "from enemies, foreign and domestic", not regulate toothpaste, which medical treatment I can recieve, car emissions, nativity scenes, religious expression or free enterprise. I believe that less taxes stimulate the economy, not more taxes.
I also believe in the sanctify of human life. I belief God created human beings and our "abortion on demand" policies, and "abortion for convenience", tells God we think He made a mistake. It's like telling God that His crowning creation is disposable!!
I believe that our nation was founded on certain Judeo-Christian principles that will keep us strong, or only lead to our destruction if we abandon them.
I vote for candidates that hold to these and other conservative principles. And it seems that Republican candidates tend to hold to these principles more than Democrats. I'm open to correction if I'm wrong.
So, when I vote for conservatives with biblical foundations, more often than not they tend to be Republicans.
I think I'll join the Tea Party, however. I think the next time there's a Tea Party gathering around here you might find me there.
Bottom line? I belong to a set of principles, not a political party. So, I vote for Life. If you have to pick a single issue, make it Life. If anyone thinks unborn life is cheap and disposable, they're going to think your life is cheap and disposable, too!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is That All There Is?

Do you remember that song by Peggy Lee many years ago? She always expected the best and most exciting things to happen, and when they did, they weren't so great.
Why anyone loves this world with all its temptations, plagues, pain, troubles, adversity, and calamity is beyond me. Yet, even with so many miseries, one on top of the other, there are people who would love this world and do all they can to preserve it... to stay here!!
Don't get me wrong, I am the last person to advocate something like suicide -- that is never the answer. Never. But I am amazed sometimes at the pain and agony people will put themselves through so they can continue to suffer pain and agony.
It's always right to preserve life and give it the respect and protection it deserves. But we believers often lose sight of just how temporary and insignificant this "vapor" of a life is. In the vast configuration of things, God created us for so much more!
Okay, let's live on earth; let's work together for God's Kingdom; let's live in harmony in Christ's Church; let's try to preserve and defend life... but let's keep our eyes on the BIG PRIZE. The best isn't here on earth, it's what comes next that is most significant.
This isn't all there is!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Heavenly Music!

There are certainly different kinds of music that is a part of the worship scene. In America we think that music is limited to what we call traditional, contemporary, southern gospel, or black gospel. Of course, in Africa or Indonesia they never heard of any of those styles of music. As a matter of fact, some places use drums as the driving instrument, and rythym, not melody as the main factor. Southern Gospel would scare them to death and Contemporary/Traditional music would be offensive.
Is there a best style of worship and best kind of worship music. The answer is YES!
The best style, in my humble opinion, is whichever style draws the most number of people together at one time for praising God. In some cultures that would be Black Gospel with the creative organ stylings that mark that sound. In other cultures it would drums and bamboo sticks. While in others it might be guitars, flutes, or bagpipes.
I like what Greg Laurie said in a newsletter someone sent me today: "Music is not an art form, it's a heart form."
There you have it. Music is our heart response to our Creator and Savior. If we can only get our personal preferences past the style, and unite around the words, then God would truly be glorified. Now, that's heavenly music!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

What if things go wrong?

That's a loaded question. We already know that things will go wrong. It's not because Obama is the president; or the Dems hold congress; or that terrorists are out to kill us; or that the economy and the dollar are heading down the proverbial toilet. Those are all symptoms of a bigger problem.
We live in a dimension of darkness and hardship. It's about time we face it... this is not a world conducive to the welfare of humanity.
But wait! It wasn't always that way. It was once an environment that was fully compliant with, and in unity with, the needs of human beings. It was a paradise; a utopia. But alas, Sin and Satan ruined it. Don't despair. Everything God is doing has one purpose, one intent, and only one outcome: the removal of Sin, the demise of Satan, and the renewal of Paradise!
What if things go wrong? Keep your compass calibrated toward God. He's the eventual winner!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hang on, 2010 could be quite a ride!!

It would be possible to list a lot of bad things that could happen in 2010... things related to terrorism, accidents, economic woes, higher taxes, hurricanes, and, well, you get the idea.
On the other hand, everything that happens -- and I mean everything -- moves history closer to God's ultimate purpose. The fact is, Christians wouldn't be so depressed if they understood the undercurrent of God's activity. And, as I always say, "with Christ the best is always yet to come." Our best days are ahead of us!
So lets hang on together and ride this out. God is in it...whatever it is.