Thursday, November 18, 2010

With Christ in the School of Adversity

That’s right. Adversity is more than a painful experience or a challenge that threatens our peace and happiness. Besides being a “normal” part of living on this cursed planet, it is also a school where we learn a great many lessons. One lesson (and there will be a test later) is about how faithful we truly are. We also learn a lesson about the faithfulness and love of Jesus.

Sunday we will attend class with Jesus in the School of Adversity. Check out Matthew 14 then join us in person or via the internet as we attend class together.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thoughts on Second Chances

"Lord, when I read about Peter slipping into the water I think of myself failing You. But then You didn't reject / discard Peter. You reached out and took him by the hand and drew Him to Yourself. Thank You for giving me one chance after another. I walk and sink; walk and sink; walk and sink. But each time You rescue me and draw me to Yourself…and then continue to work in and through my life. I just pray that when it's all said and done that You receive the glory and praise You deserve."

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sick or Not, God Remains Awesome

I've been sick all week. You know, a cold with sore throat, larygitis, coughing, sleepless nights. When your head feels kind of woosie it's hard to concentrate on important things. One thing is certain, no matter how I feel God is still the same -- He remains awesome.

One friend of mine had a clear MRI this week; another friend's brother succumbed to our enemy, death; another friend's house burned to the ground; but Jesus died to rescue us from this cursed earth. he remains awesome. Thank You, Father, for everything.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Used My Miracle Mouthwash

Well, I'm sick with a head cold, sore throat included. So, I made up a batch of my Miracle Mouthwash (actually got it from my doctor) and boy do I feel better!!
Try it. See the previous blog for the recipe. I forgot to put in the recipe to add a normal dose of Mylanta to the concoction.