Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our building -- His building -- to the glory of God!

I am always excited when the schools use our building for a concert. I can hear the 6th grade band playing right now as I write this blog. The parking lot is jammed with cars parked on both sides to the street!

Praise the Lord for this opportunity.

We will be distributing tickets to Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames as people leave tonight.

I just get excited to be able to offer our building, the Lord's house, in service to others.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames

This is going to be interesting. When we booked HGHF for Easter (like last year) we didn't know that Spring Break would be the week before. That means that all our teenagers will out of school and unable to invite school friends during that whole week!

Sooooo....I'm proposing that we make this a town-wide evangelism effort. Sunday, and several days next week when kids are out of school anyway, we should put a flyer on every door in town. And, put a poster in every store window. This can be done!

We could pass out Free Tickets at Brookshires on Saturday, Sunday, and any other day that teenagers and mission team members can do it.

This is going to be interesting.