Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Journaling for 08.28.12 … God’s faithfulness

5:46 AM

Psalm 118

It is risky to put your trust in people. "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man -- than to trust in nobles." (v8,9) You, Lord Jesus, are my God and I will give You thanks (v26). No one else died for me. No one else offered me life and eternity. I will give You thanks for You are good (v27). Your faithful love has followed me and kept me…not because of who or what I am, but in spite of it.

I thank You for life's particulars…my family, my salvation, my health, my ministry. Fill my family, my children, with Your love and power today and give them a renewed sense of vision and calling. I need that, too, Lord. Be first. I'm trying to be second. ~

Monday, August 27, 2012

Journaling for 08.27.12…He is faithful

5:40 AM

Psalm 117

Lord, You are the faithful one…consistent, dependable, never any other way. Your love and compassion are everlasting. I, on the other hand, am not consistent and often change my mind or feelings. My love and compassion for the very same people You love and died for often wanes. Let me give You thanks this morning, Lord, for Your love and goodness. You should be glorified for ever. Thank You for my salvation, for one day I will be in Your magnificent presence and glorify You the way You deserve to be.

Today, like every day, please forgive my sins and sinfulness. Fill and bless my life, my family and my church. I thank You for each of these as well as my calling and my health and my life. Be first today. I am struggling to be second. ~

Friday, August 24, 2012

Journaling for 08.24.12 …Deep thoughts

5:40 AM

Psalm 114, 144

Lord, who am I that You care for me? That You even think of me? (v3) In the big scheme of things my life is like a passing shadow. Thousands of years ago people who thought they were rich, powerful, and significant -- served by others and making demands -- looked up at the same stars I look up to; lived under the same sun that rises for me day after day; and either praised You or didn't…just like me.

And yet, here I am talking to You; hearing from You; reading Your Word and conversing as if You really interact with me, a mere passing shadow.

Your greatness and power can never be understood by people like me, a mere mortal. It would flat out kill me to see You now and get a real glimpse of Your glory and wonder. The sounds and sights of heaven would crush my physical senses without a supernatural assist from You -- like You must have done for John and Paul and others when they were given glimpses. My mind would experience immediate overload and shut down from the overwhelming information and trillions of bytes of data it would try to process per second.

All of this, and yet, I am invited to make eternity my home some day… And all because You love me. You love me! Selah. I don't get it…but then I'm not God. I don't think like You, or reason like You, or love like You.

The only thing that can keep us at odds and apart is my sin. By nature I am the opposite of You. But You have that covered, too. So, I thank You for Jesus, Your Son, that paid a price You are willing to accept as payment for my sins. I believe the whole story -- hook, line, and sinker.

Now, awesome God, walk and talk with me today in my inferior, cursed surroundings. Continue to be who and what You are -- I will try to be more like You if You'll help.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Journaling for 08.23.12…Remembering

5:44 AM

Psalm 113, 143

143:5…I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands.

Sweet memories of tough times. It's amazing, Lord, how we look back on difficult times and remember things with fondness and a sense of nostalgia. I guess it's because there are good things to recall, but also, in looking back, it's possible to see Your hand in it all.

Forgive my unfaithfulness and answer my prayers in Your faithfulness v1. Protect me, like You always have, because I am Your servant v12, and masters protect their servants…even the imperfect ones.

Be glorified today somehow in my life, in my family, or in Your church. ~

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Personal Journal for 08.21.12…Amazing Grace

5:31 AM

Psalm 111

The Lord is gracious and compassionate (v4). Of course, I don't understand the depth and width of Your grace and compassion -- because I have so little of it. Even though I'm a believer, my patience wears thin; my compassion runs out; and my love for others will never match Your love.

You are holy…in stark contrast to my desperate need for a Savior; my need for a Redeemer. Forgiveness is my greatest need, and that's where Your compassion and grace come in. Redemption comes from You (v9). Thank You for all You have done for me. I am grateful, Lord Jesus, for Your grace; amazed at Your compassion. Never mind yesterday…today, Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and help me live for You.

Lord Jesus, I am sorry that I am not awe-inspired by Your Name as I should be, could be, and will be (v9). I want to be more "other-worldly", and less fixed on this rotting environment. Cleanse me, Lord…not because I deserve it (because I do not)…but because of Your amazing grace and deep compassion that "saved a wretch like me."

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like; I once was lost, but now I'm found; I was blind but now I see. Lord, today, help my life reflect Your amazing grace somehow. ~