Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Keep Your Civilized Faith

You can keep your civilized faith, your domesticated, docile, acceptable, stereotype of Christianity.

There was nothing civilized about Jesus. His whole life ran contrary to the accepted norms and religious traditions of His time. He took risks. He was an innovator.

Jesus didn't come to save us from hell, which seems to be evangelical's preoccupation. Missing hell and judgment is a part of the benefits of salvation, but even more than that, Jesus died to put us into a community -- to give us a family; to make us children of God.

And Jesus never promised to save us from pain, suffering, and conflict. But He did promise to give our lives meaning. He has given us a purpose, a reason to live, work, and survive.

Domesticated believers take the path of least resistance and avoid conflict -- with the world and with other believers. But Christ never took that path, and neither should we.

Keep your civilized faith that makes no demands on you. For me, I'm willing to take some risks, be embarrassed, and take some knocks in the pursuit of following Christ. And you?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who says there's only one way to do things?

I like to try new things, to do things different from time to time. It's good to put a fresh spin on things and try a creative approach. This is especially true of church.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a worship rut and that I need some spontaneity when God's people come together. I've seen serious conflicts arise between believers when the traditional worship service is threatened with anything new. A change in the order of worship, dropping the time honored doxology, trying a contemporary song, not having a special music during the offering, or not having an invitation can cause heart failure for some traditionalists.

What about these ideas? Have our corporate worship service first, starting at 10, a brunch time, and then have Sunday School to follow it. Yes, flip things around. Where's the law that says we have to do Sunday School anyway?

I'd like to do without a printed order of worship and just have an announcement page or weekly news page. How about having the sermon at the beginning of the service and everything else after that? What about a service with no music at all? Or, no sermon?!!

If we have to have a Sunday evening gathering, why not do it at, say, 3:00? You know, go to lunch after Sunday School, come back for discipleship/fellowship, then go home early and get a good night's rest.

These are just a few ideas to get your cognitive juices flowing. You can probably come up with some ideas, too...but only if you can think past the traditions you've become comfortable with. If you get some new ideas let me know. Let's brainstorm. Who says there's only one way to do things?

Friday, June 13, 2008

An example of domesticated Christianity

First, I regret that the young lady in this story died. There's nothing good about the abortion industry. People die. Babies die. People are permanently sterilized or injured. That being said, the story on the FoxNews website tells how she died from taking abortion pills. But here's the paragraph you ought to read:

Manon Jones, 18, described by her mother as a devout Christian teen, opted to terminate her pregnancy at six weeks because she feared the pregnancy would cause conflict within her "Muslim" boyfriend's family, the Daily Mail reported Friday.

This demonstrates how Christians have become domesticated, civilized, and otherwise ineffective. A young woman designated as a "devout" Christian has pre-marital sex; attempts to have an abortion and kill a living baby; and all this from a boyfriend that is a Muslim. In addition, it was concern for the Muslim faith that drove her decision to have an abortion. Too bad concern for her Christian faith didn't lead her to abstinence.

The church has got to stop being acceptable to the world. Our decisions cannot be driven or influenced by what civilized society accepts. Maybe we need to redefine what a "devout" Christian is!

Supreme Court -- Supreme Error

Well, once again the liberals on the Supreme Court have acted foolishly and crippled the integrity, safety, and sovereignty of the U.S. They have just said that enemy combatants and murderers captured in the War on Terror -- people that could have legally been just killed on the battlefield -- have access to our civil courts in the U.S. That's right, these non-citizens, who would just as soon destroy our Constitution and all it stands for, have just been given standing in our civil courts!

Our own military personnel, citizens of the U.S., don't have access to civil courts, for heaven's sake. They have to be tried by military courts -- they can't appeal to a judge to have their case transferred to a civil court. Yet, our Supreme Court has given these foreign rogues access to OUR courts.

These people, the 5 Justices that voted to do this, are nuts!!

There. I had to vent. Do I feel better? Wish I did.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Marriage Amendment

An amendment to the Constitution has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. It must first pass both the House and Senate by a 2/3 margin, then be passed by 3/4 of the state legislatures. This will be a real fight, folks.

For your information, here's how the amendment reads:

Section 1. This article may be cited as the `Marriage Protection Amendment'.
Section 2. Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.

Roll up your sleeves and start contacting your representatives and senators. You have not heard about this in the media because the mainstream media is hostile to it. This is a fight worth engaging in.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don’t You Ever Get Tired of Being "Normal"?

You were running well. Who prevented you from obeying the truth? are called to freedom, brothers.1

Why do some Christians expect others to dress the way they do when they come to church? Why do some Christians expect us to sing the same songs the church was singing 300 years ago? Is it because that’s what is “normal”?
And why do smaller churches try to copy what large mega-churches do? Do mega-church leaders get together and decide what church ought to look like for the rest of us? Do they decide what is “normal” for a church?
Why do all churches do Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, morning and evening worship hours all the same way? Who decided what was “normal”? And what makes “normal” church so desirable?
Don’t you ever get tired of being a “normal” Christian? “Normal” pastors, for example, are supposed to wear a suit and tie to preach, and they wouldn’t embarrass themselves by driving a school bus — especially if they don’t have to.
“Normal” Christians don’t risk their reputations, don’t risk their jobs, and don’t risk being thought insane. Whatever happened to the Jesus Freaks? They were truly freaks, but they won thousands to faith in Jesus Christ.
Sometimes I think trying to be a “normal” Christian prevents many from obeying the truth. From being real disciples. But God did not call us to conformity, He called us to liberation — to freedom. Freedom to be insane for Jesus!
Don’t you ever get tired of being “normal”?

1 Galatians 5:7,13 Copyright © June 3, 2008 Darril Deaton

What the 23rd Psalm Really Says

Continuing in our new series this coming Sunday, Famous Bible Passages, we'll be looking at the 23rd Psalm. Of course, you've heard it so often, even quoted it at funerals, that you think you know what it says.

Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 for this important message. You will never view the 23rd Psalm the same again. it won't be some mousy, mushy feel-good thing.

If you can't attend, ask for the DVD.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

New "Famous" Series for Summer

Starting today, June 1st, we will begin a new series for the summer. It will be a series on the famous, or favorite, Bible passages. Some examples are John 3:16, the Beatitudes, 23rd Psalm, the Lord's Prayer, etc).

We begin with John 3:16. This will be recorded on DVD and is available upon request at the church office or just email me...