Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My Answer to a Dear Friend's E-mail


It's always good to hear from you...even when you're mad!! LOL

Well, this "king" infuriates me, too. And so do the people that voted for this yo-yo. Okay, now that I have that said....

God used to allow idiot kings to take the throne in the Bible, too. Sometimes to teach the people a lesson; sometimes to make things bad enough to draw people to Himself; but sometimes so His people will repent of their sins and get their act together.

I suppose all these can be true of Obama. But let me warn you: it is going to get worse before it gets better.

Did you see how the Republicans in congress--every single one except 3--stood up to Obama. It's about stinking time!!!! Finally, when faced with disaster, defeat, and overwhelming evil, they finally grew a collective backbone, returned to their basic principles, and did the unpopular thing....but the right thing.

That's what Christians can do now. Return to our principles, no matter how unpopular, and speak the truth. Fight the battles. And die if necessary. It's about time for believers to realize the war we are in -- have always been in -- and be the people of God.

This is all a great opportunity for the cause of Christ. Really. So keep your eyes on Jesus. They can take your income, your freedom, and your home, but they can't take Him away!

Praise His Name for this opportunity. Now, if the church will only grow a backbone, too.

“May He give you what your heart desires and fulfill your whole purpose.” -Psalm 20:4

Monday, February 9, 2009

She Did It!

I knew she would, too. Today, Denise (my daughter) passed her "bar exam" for counseling. She has spent countless hours studying for this exam. Today she passed the text easily. She's smart. She's good. But please don't tell her I said that.
Anyway, she's on her way now. I'm proud of her.
Praise the Lord!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Someone recently e-mailed me and said that with the liberal, ungodly socialistic package being shoved down our throat that the light at the end of the tunnel is getting smaller. As a conservative I am as upset as anyone else at the things in this legislation. 
Example? Millions given to renovate colleges and universities for future generations of scholars. Sounds good, but in the fine print no Christian college or faith-based school -- not even secular schools that allow worship on campus -- are disqualified from getting funds. On the other hand, it pays for all kinds of money to stop the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (abstinence-based education is not one of the options).
Any way, my point is that if the light at the end of the tunnel seems to be dimming, that's no cause for alarm. First, because nothing happens without being sifted through God's divine will. And, second, because I keep my eyes on a different Light. The world is not able to comprehend it, nor extinguish it. If anything, it's getting brighter!
So, Christian...look to the Light. Look to Jesus and "the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."