Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Journal for 12/13…God is good

Psalm 13, 43, 103

Father, as You know, I live in a hostile world. It is cursed and driven by sin. There are forces that pull men away from You, their Salvation, and feed their lust, greed, and selfishness. You have saved me, through the blood of Your Son, from their destiny. You have separated me out and given me a holy purpose for my life. I give You praise today for Your holiness, goodness, kindness, judgment, justice, and mercy. You are the highest God, the ultimate source of power and authority in all the creation…and You are good! Thank You for Your kindnesses toward me: a purpose, a family, my health, a ministry, and eternal life.

Send Your light (43:3) and Your truth to lead me. May they lead me to Your presence and worship and praise. Let them give me clarity and understanding of Your Word and Your way for me.

Only You can cleanse my sin, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood…and fill me with Your Spirit. Help me live this day for You and Your Kingdom. I don't want this day to be about me. I am second. ~

Monday, December 12, 2011

Journal portion for 12/11…God is on His throne

5:40 AM

Psalm 11

Father, there seems to be the misconception in the world that You are not engaged -- that You either don't care about what happens to us or that You can’t, or won't, do anything about it. Good people are attached by violent people and mean people can't wait to do harm to the weakest among us. But I believe that You are on Your throne and You are fully engaged. You know the thoughts and intents of our hearts and You hate meanness and cruelty and violence.

Lord, forgive my sins…I want to be on Your side! I know the only good thing about me is You, and that all I have comes from You. I am trusting You with my eternity, and believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, has suffered harshly in my place. You loved me that much.

Now, I ask the God who reigns, my Father and Redeemer, to forgive me, but also to fill me with Your Spirit today.

Thank You, Lord, for every good and perfect gift that comes from You…my salvation, family, health, and ministry. Nothing I have is of my own doing. May what I have be lived out for You today. Thank You for answered prayer…even prayers that seem unanswered to me. Help me to be patient and wait for Your timing; help me know Your will, for I want to do what is in Your best interest and that of the Kingdom. The only way I can do that is through Kingdom people here on earth.

Please put a strong hedge of protection around my family today; each of us need Your personal protection and blessing. Guard, empower, and grow my church/Your church. Make us worthy of receiving and ministering to new people.

The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven. His eyes watch… (4) To You, most high God goes all glory and praise today…and forever. I am second.~

Friday, December 9, 2011

Journal for 12/09…Revealed

5:45 AM

Father, if You had not revealed Yourself to me, I would never be able to know You. I am not in Your sphere of holiness and majesty and divinity. It takes a revelation of Yourself to me for me to understand. Thank You for coming into my dimension -- a fallen cursed world -- on my level where I could see and understand.

Thank You for the Word of God, written by men who You directed and inspired, so that I could see and understand further. You have not abandoned those who seek You, Lord (10).

Lord, I want to love You with my whole heart; I want to serve You the way You deserve (one thing I look forward to on the new earth is serving You completely and perfectly).

For the rest of this day let's talk…help me abide in You. I am second.~

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Journal for 12/08…Magnificence of God

5:31 AM

Lord, I often feel inadequate in Your service and overwhelmed by the enormity of conflicts, adversity and foolishness the world experiences -- and that believers experience. You, however, are always up to the task. And while You do not violate our right to believe or not believe; serve or not serve; follow or not follow You, You always come to those who choose to embrace the gospel and Your Son.

Anyway, I found a prayer by David Brainard yesterday that sums up my prayer this morning: "Lord, let me make a difference for You that is utterly disproportionate to who I am."

That means You would need to empower me -- magnify the results of my service and expand my ministry beyond what I would be able to do on my own. So in Jabez' prayer when he asked that You expand his territory, he may have been talking about land, but I would be talking about Kingdom influence and ministry. Extend my reach; grow my ministry; help me make a difference that is disproportionate to who I am without You.

Holy Spirit…fill me today. My thoughts tend to roam and I drift into other cares and concerns. Bring my focus back to You. I want to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

Psalm 8

You are magnificent, Lord…You created all things and they shout Your majesty all over the created world. You sent Your Son, Jesus, into the chaos we created by our sins to redeem the world. One day You will restore it all and establish Your magnificent authority once and for all. I plan to be there, Father…as undeserving as I am…because of what Jesus did for me. Be glorified today, Father. The world is on a suicidal course. You, however, are life and light; forgiveness and grace; mercy and redemption.

I am second. ~

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Journal for 12/07…The righteous Judge

5:38 AM

Psalm 7

Father, You are the examiner of the thoughts and emotions, and You are a righteous God. You also love me and have provided forgiveness for sins and a way to belong to Your side. Thank You for Your righteousness and Your judgments.

You have ordained a judgment for those who work iniquity and pursue Your people. They are destroyers, not builders; takers, not givers; brazenly godless, not believers in You. You are a righteous judge and I trust in Your ultimate justice.

The world is headed toward trouble, Lord…it always has been. Believers need to forsake sin and be filled with Your Spirit if they are to impact this fallen world with the gospel. Forgive my sins, hedge me in today, Father, in the Name of Your crucified and risen Son, Jesus Christ. Protect my family from harm and the Devil. Protect the believers that I know so that they will live for You in the heat of battle.

You are the righteous Judge who judged my sins on the cross in Your Son; now You must judge the world and unbelievers. I pray many more will be saved before it's too late.

Be glorified, O holy God. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come. I am second.~

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Journal for 12/06…Lord of all

5:38 AM

The weather is cold this morning, Lord…but I have a warm house and warm clothes. Without a doubt, You have blessed me this 62 years. Yet, Father, I still ask for more blessing, especially the presence of Your Spirit and the faithful love that comes from You. You are not just the Creator, but You are the Savior, too.

Psalm 6

Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am weak (2). Weakness is my natural state in this fallen world. Help me through until I'm at home with You in a new earth that is filled with Your holiness, joy, and service.

I only ask that You put a strong hedge of protection around my family in the precious Name of Jesus and the power of His blood. Empower us, and our church people, to fend off the attacks of the Devil and live for You. Be Lord of all. Make me second.~

Monday, December 5, 2011

Journal for 12/05…Morning prayers

5:34 AM

"I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed!" Thank You, Father for the rain. You gave us drought, now You give us relief. The times and seasons are in Your hands; my times and seasons are in Your hands. If people cannot see creation and acknowledge the Creator then how will they ever see and acknowledge the Redeemer He has provided?!

Psalm 5

Listen, Lord, to my prayers…for I pray to You. It's morning and I begin my daylong dialog with You. You must forgive my sins, Lord, for I want to enter Your presence and sin is not permitted there. Thank You for the forgiveness, cleansing, and kindness I have in what Jesus accomplished for me by dying in my place. I can only enter Your house because of Your faithful love, not any merit of my own.

I pray that today, and in things concerning the following days, You would make Your way straight to me. Help me serve Your Kingdom and Your King. I will rejoice in You, shout for joy forever in Your very presence in the New Earth/Heaven.

Protect, Lord, my family in the troubling days ahead of us. The world, this fallen, cursed world, is about to experience the pains of its own godlessness and evil ways. May Your people remain faithful to You and show others the way to Christ, the only Redeemer.

Walk and talk with me today, Lord. Help me be second.~

Friday, December 2, 2011

Journal for 12/02…choosing sides

5:28 AM

Today, Lord, is the beginning of our Prayer Weekend. Fill me with Your Spirit as lead Your people through these activities. Show Yourself to us and hear our prayers and honor our fasts.

Father, You are the glorious One…the only One that gives life and love to us. Thank You for helping me abide in You. May Your Words abide in me today. I pray that the meditations of my heart would be acceptable in Your sight. It's not easy Lord because, first, I am only a man; second, because the world and its cares and its amusements are such a distraction. Abide with me.

Psalm 2

Why do the nations rebel (1)? If God and His Anointed One are the final authority and ultimate power -- and since God is good, and love, and kind -- it doesn't make sense to follow any other course but His ways. Lord, the lines are drawn and I have made a choice. I have chosen to follow You; believe in You; serve You. I don't do so well sometimes, and even at my best I am not the kind of worshiper and servant You deserve. But I choose You over any other. Forgive my failures and sins, and strengthen me in Your grace. I choose You. Thank You, Lord, for choosing me. I am definitely second.~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal for 12/01…Meditation

5:35 AM

Well, Lord, we begin a new month. I know that times and seasons are not so consequential to You…time itself is in Your hands. You have the months, days, minutes and seconds numbered until Your Kingdom comes. And Lord, I know my days on earth are numbered, too. I will not always be in this body, but will one day have a new body, on a new New Earth and Heaven -- with You! This I believe.

Sin is so devastating, Lord, on so many levels. It takes its toll on humanity, on my country, on my church, on my family, and on me. Thank You, Lord, for so great a salvation that is received as a gift through the Lord Jesus Christ!

Psalm 1

Lord, I want to meditate on Your Word day and night. I try to be mindful of it throughout the day, even going over certain passages in order to better understand them. But there are so many distractions. I must continue to do my work and uphold my responsibilities and still meditate on Your Word. So please fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Walk with me; talk with me. Don't abandon me just because my mind wanders onto worldly things. Bring my thoughts back to You. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my God and my Redeemer.

I am second.~

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Journal for 11/30…Psalm 150

5:31 AM

My Heavenly Father, glory to Your Name. Be exalted -- You are exalted -- in all the universe. The world is a mess, Lord, but You know all about that. Your grace is greater than any and all sin…if only people would/could see that. We are too self-consumed and suffering from the curse to recognize Your love and mercy. I believe in You; I embrace the gospel; and I want to follow Christ. Help me put Him first today and be second.

Psalm 150

For Your abundant greatness and powerful acts (saving me is one of them) You should be praised! You, Lord, should be praised in every way and for everything and in every place.

You, Lord, should be praised…

IN the sanctuary and in Your heavens (1);

FOR Your powerful acts and abundant greatness (2);

WITH trumpets, tambourines, lyre and harp, dancing, flute and strings, cymbals (3-5);

BY everything that breathes (6)!! …that would be me!

Be praised today, Lord, in my life and in the life of Your people. ~

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Journal for 11/29…Exaltation

5:34 AM

Father…and I am so glad that I can call You, the Creator and God of everything my Father…I want to start my day with You on my mind. I'm mindful of Your Lordship and try to conceive of Your majesty, power, and light. Thank You for my salvation and the relationship I have with Your Son, Jesus Christ. Help me, Spirit of God, to abide well in Jesus today.

Psalm 149

Lord, You rightfully enjoy, and deserve, the exaltation of Your people. Let me be one that exalts You today in some way. You take pleasure in Your people (4), though sometimes I don't see how. We are so worldly and "self" motivated in our corporate activities. Lord, I pray that our assembly will praise and honor You…that it will give You cause for pleasure. I'm thinking ahead to the worship time(s) we have coming up this weekend. Let the exaltation of God be in our mouths (6).

I pray for two friends who will be undergoing medical tests this week, Lord. I pray for Your healing in their bodies, but for Your presence and grace even more.

Lord Jesus, You are the Reconciler. Several marriages and friendships are in need of Your reconciliation today.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, and the power of His blood, I pray for a hedge of protection around my life and my family today. Guard us and help us to please You with our decisions and activities. Help us resist the devil so that He flees from us.

My church family has a great opportunity this weekend to demonstrate faith and worship in some ways that are new and uncommon for some. Don't let us miss this opportunity. Begin working now in our hearts and families to convict us of sins we need to forsake and vows we need to keep -- to You and one another in Your church.

Help me abide in You today, Lord, and have You on my mind and heart. I am second.~

Monday, November 28, 2011

Journal for 11/30…Praise to the Creator

5:34 AM

Chilly morning, Lord. Thank You for the seasons and cycles of life. Even this fallen world enjoys the basic cycles of beauty and life that You created. How awesome the New Earth must be.

Psalm 148

You, Lord, set all creation in its place; all You did is give the command and all things were created (5). And nothing You created will pass away unless and until You say so (6). You set all created things in position forever and ever. That's just the way it is. Yes, we tarnished it with our sin, but You will aright that disorder some day along with Your salvation of those who put their trust in You.

You, and You alone, are to be exalted. Your majesty covers heaven and earth. (13) Help, Lord Jesus, to exalt You today in my heart and life.

Father, You created me, then You re-created me in Christ when I put my simply childlike trust in You. Forgive my sins and make me clean in the Name of Jesus Christ and through the power of His blood. You have the power to repair what I have broken.

Thank You, Lord, for so many undeserved blessings in my life, not the least of which is a personal relationship with You. Lord, I am drawing closer…please draw closer, too.

You are Creator; You have all the majesty. Be praised today as You deserve. I want to be second.~

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Journal portion for 11/23…Thanks

6:58 AM

Lord God, what a wonderful gift I have in Your Word. You are the master gift-giver! Everything I have is a gift, unearned and undeserved, from You. The world is in crisis--our nation is in crisis--but You said in Your Word that it would be that way before You come. You said that in this world, on this earth, we would have tribulation. The good news for believers is that there's a New Earth coming. Again, completely undeserved.

Psalm 143

Hear my prayer, Lord. You know what I have been seeking Your will about. (1) No one alive is righteous in Your sight (2) so my prayers are based on Your faithfulness and Your righteousness, certainly not mine.

As I look back, Lord, I recall the days of old (5). Previous times of Your faithful deliverance, answered prayer, and personal help. If You were big then, You are still big today. You will not leave me hanging without reason.

Thank You for letting me experience Your faithful love in the morning time (8). Thank You for this time when we talk and think about things together. Here's my prayer today (I couldn't say it better myself): Reveal to me the way I should go, because I long for You (8). Show me Your ways; Your direction; Your Kingdom priorities for my life.

Holy Spirit, teach me to do Your will…lead me on level ground (10).

I thank You, Lord, for my salvation -- the greatest gift of all for a man otherwise lost to life for eternity. Thank You for my family: my parents who introduced me to You; my wife and children that serve You. Thank You for my health. I certainly don't take it for granted, Lord. Thank You for my ministry…for letting me fit into Your Kingdom work.

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One, give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son. And now let the poor say I am rich, let the weak say I am strong, because of what the Lord has done for us!

May this day be one of thanksgiving, prayer, and abiding in You, Lord. And may Your words abide in me. Today, help me be second.~

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Journal for 11/22…Prison

5:30 AM

Psalm 142

You are certainly gracious, Lord, to give me insight and wisdom through Your Word and Your Spirit. The world is filled with conflict and adversity -- some, I must confess is of my own making. Like prison, the earth has its own culture and the prisoners are willing to harm one another to advance themselves; to advance their personal agenda; to advance their own selfish ends. Adversity, sin, and conflict is like a prison that binds up our freedom and joy and keeps us from experiencing the liberation that is in You. Free me from this prison so that I can praise Your Name.(7) You, Lord, came to set the captives free! Now I understand.

And one day I will be free completely and in Your presence. I will take my place among the others who have been freed and give You the praise You so rightfully deserve. Until then, help me to live for You in this prison and show others the way to liberation.

“If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain." This is my humble prayer today, Lord. Give me grace, enlarge my impact for the Kingdom, guide and correct me with Your hand, and protect me in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood.

Please, help me be second.~

Monday, November 21, 2011

Journal for 11/21…His Kingdom come

5:38 AM

My Father in Heaven…hallowed and praised is Your Name. I pray for a manifestation of Your Kingdom and Your will on earth. I pray for this in the life of believers and Your church… and in me.

Psalm 141

Listen to my voice when I call to You today (1), and may my prayers be pleasing to You and honor You like incense that rises up and pleases the senses (2). Help me to abide in You and for Your Words to abide in me. Do not let my heart turn to, and love, anything evil (4).

I pray for Your protection for me and my family. Keep us from the snares and deceit of evildoers (9)….including Your enemy and mine, the devil.

You will, Lord. That's what I want in the long run: Your will to be done; for Your Kingdom to be magnified; for Your Kingdom to be expanded. May the decisions I make, and the circumstances that would honor You, occur for Your glory.

Begin to even now to convict our hearts as we approach the Prayer Weekend. Bring Your people to a place of confession and forsaking of sin. Show Yourself to be real, mighty, and active on behalf of those who are called by Your Name..and call on Your Name.

I offer these prayers to You in the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of God, and the power of His blood. Help me be second.~

Friday, November 18, 2011

Journal portion for 11/18…Constant God

5:34 AM

My prayer today, Lord, goes up to a God that listens; One who is there. Thank You for always listening, even if I don't receive a response exactly how and when I want it. I know You hear me. Your Spirit even speaks to me through my spirit - a spirit, by the way, that is alive because of Your quickening! You are the One and Only Creator and Master…the Owner of everything. You own it; we simply borrow and use what is Yours.

Psalm 138

You, Lord, will fulfill Your purpose for me (8). Of that I'm sure. I'm not always clear on what Your purpose is, except in the big scheme of things. I know what You have called me to do, though I don't always do it well, but I'm not always sure of the details. But, then again, You will show me when it's necessary for me to know. The main thing is that I renew my mind and offer myself as a living sacrifice…and to abide in You and Your Word.

I know Your love is eternal and You won't abandon the work of Your hands or fail to keep Your promises. You glory is great and I will sing of Your praise (5). Increase my strength as You did David's (3), please.

You love is constant; Your faithfulness is constant (2) and You are constant. Praise goes to my constant, consistent heavenly Father. Because Your love and faithfulness are constant I know that the promises You have made about eternal life and Heaven are constant, too.

I pray that You will find some pleasure in the life of this inconsistent servant today, Lord. ~

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal portion for 11/17…Malicious talk

5:40 AM

Psalm 137, Proverbs 17

Lord, may my fondest thoughts and highest praise be reserved for "Jerusalem"…the place where You dwell. (137.6) The world offers little joy except for the places and people where You are at work. One day, however, all the things that corrupt the earth will be done away with and believers -- because of Your grace -- will be with You in holiness. To You belong all the glory for what You have already done, and for what Your Word anticipates that You will do.

Malicious talk is so hurtful and unnecessary. It's one thing to see it in the public arena and politics, but it's so out of place (but common) among Your people. Help me to always "conceal offenses and promote love" and not gossip, which “separates friends” (17:9). Gossip is certainly a killer, Lord. It kills friendships, fellowship, worship, and reputations. Help me rebuke gossip and reject participation in it.

“If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain." 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Be first today, Lord. I struggle to be second, but it's my heart's desire.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Journal portion for 11/16…His eternal love

5:36 AM

Majesty! Worship His Majesty! Unto Jesus be all glory and honor and praise. Majesty! Kingdom authority…You Lord are worthy of ALL praise. Adonai -- You are the Owner and therefore the Master of everything. We use and borrow what You've created, but it's not ours. Like a teenager that has "his" room, "his" car, "his" video games, "his" cell phone -- none of which he invested in or paid for. The real owner is the parent(s). We think what we have is ours because we use it. It is Yours -- all is Yours, Lord.

Psalm 136

Twenty-six times in this one Psalm it says "His love is eternal". I'm picking up a theme here, Lord.

Not only are You eternal, but Your love is eternal. Paul put it this way, "love never fails." True love never fails. What we call love, Lord, is not the same thing, for it fails with the circumstances and our feelings. Thank God, Your love never fails. I fail far too often, but Your love doesn't fail me. You still love me.

When I am down, discouraged, and disappointed, You still love me…and will eternally! I must remember that You love me no matter what.

When I sin -- even deliberately and willfully -- You still love me. So, please, Lord, forgive my sins…all my sins…and cleanse me by the washing of Your Word and the power of Your blood. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit (whose first fruit is love). Help me to remind mindful of Your eternal love. Be first, Lord. I want to be second.~

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Journal for 11/15…Who Chooses?

5:34 AM

Father, another day. Here's praying that it be a day of praise and thanksgiving to You. You alone should receive praise and glory, for You made it all; sustain it all; and all things will find their fulfillment in You. Thank You, Father, for salvation. Thank You for Jesus Christ and the chance we all have to find forgiveness and reconciliation. It's all You!

Psalm 135

Praise certainly does belong to You, for You choose whomever You wish. We mortals think the choice is ours, Lord, to receive or reject You. But it is You who have chosen us…You have chosen me! As You told Your disciples, we don't choose You, You choose us -- to be with You and then live for You.

Of course, You know it's hostile here. Even in areas where there are so many "Christians". We are even hostile toward each other! It's driving me crazy, Lord (figure of speech).

Help me keep my eyes on You today, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit and Your encouragement. Answer my prayers if they are worthy and if they comply with Your will.~

Monday, November 14, 2011

Journal portion for 11/14…Some Praise

5:45 AM

Father, I want to thank You for so much, but this morning for the relationship You have drawn me into. I am thankful that You reached out and pulled me in. Without You I am nothing and I have no future…no purpose. You gave me a lot when You gave me Yourself.


Praise at night is certainly fitting. You should be praised all the time -- and when time is over. My hands and my heart will be lifted up to You today and tonight. Help me to praise You without ceasing…to pray without ceasing…to make intercession without ceasing. I am second.~

Friday, November 11, 2011

Journal for 11/11…the poor

5:41 AM

Almost slept through the night, Lord…but tried to pray for some folks as long as I was awake. Thank You for always being there. You are God…the one and only God. And yet, You take a personal interest in me -- my soul, my life, my day, my feelings, my circumstances. Thank You for the blessings and benefits that come from knowing You. If only I could live up to the service and worship You so rightfully deserve.

Psalm 41

Happy is the man that cares for the poor (1)…I believe that to be true, Lord. Christians have the responsibility to care for those that are truly poor. The problem I struggle with is this: The government has taken on that role and robbed the church of its responsibility--or maybe we abdicated and abandoned our responsibility years ago…I don't know. But this is the problem. I can't tell who is really "poor". So many of the poor have wide screen TVs and cable; they choose to be poor and not work; they game the system and take advantage of the true givers in society.

Lord, I have no doubt there are truly poor people -- like that home in Waco for adults with mental disabilities, they have no one and no money except that home--but Lord, so many people are not, or don't have to be, economically poor.

Now, there are those that are "poor in spirit" -- I can help those people should they want to be helped! Lord, give me the wisdom to help the truly poor, but also give me the resources, too. All I have is yours.

I don't have much money (I'm rich compared to most of the world), but if I don't use my resources for You now, it will be too late in eternity to do it. Give our church the resources to do a better job in ministry, discipleship and worship.

Thank You for the jobs you've given at least 3 members of our church this past week--others are still trying. Please bless them with good paying jobs. The ones I'm thinking of would be tithers, too, Lord.

Well, I guess what I'm asking for is wisdom and resources. LOL… who wouldn't want those?! Whatever You provide me with, Lord, remind that it's all for You. Be Lord today. I am second.~

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Journal for 11/20…God is great!

5:39 AM

Father, You are the One and Only God. Yes, there are other "gods" that people put before; and there are religions that pray to and worship false gods. But You are the Creator and should be recognized and worshiped by everyone. No one has done what You have done. You gave Your Son to die for me. He did it willingly and in obedience, and now I can have eternal life. Be praised by all Your people today around the world. Help them…so many are sick, hungry, persecuted, and dying.

Psalm 70

Let all who seek You rejoice and be glad in You (4), no matter what their circumstances. I know that's easy for me to say, living in relative freedom and comfort; but this is where You put me for now, and I will rejoice in You. Anyone who is truly saved will say, "God is great!" Hurry to help us, Lord God…You are our help and our deliverer (5). David said "Lord do not delay" and John ended the Revelation with "Come quickly, Lord Jesus". Your people anticipate and pray for Your help and salvation!

Help me be second, Lord.~

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal for 11/09…just a vapor

5:39 AM

Psalm 39

Father, You are eternal. It's hard for a man to grasp that concept of eternal…forever. We think 70-80 years is a long time, and if we are suffering it seems even longer. But we are only a vapor (5). In the big scheme of things--eternal things--we are vapor. You should be praised for being the Almighty God and having the nature of immortality and life. We are the opposite.

If this life is going to mean anything, it will be related to You and how we worshiped and lived for You. Men frantically rush around gathering possessions…possessions that end up in someone else's hands! (6) "Things" are not eternal, You are.

Lord, help me be less concerned with "things" today and more concerned with You and my relationship to You. I still feel a little under the weather, but rejoice that I have the capacity to feel at all! Prepare my heart and mind for intercession and in leading my church in the practice of intercession. Our/my relationship to You is the most important thing of all, not what we earn, have, or can possess.

My hope is in You, (7) deliver me from all my transgressions (8). Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord and help me nuture the relationship I have with You. May the time I spend as a vapor translate into something eternal in Your Kingdom. I am second.~

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Journal for 11/08…His Majesty

5:38 AM

Father, I'm feeling a little "under the weather" today, but I'm reminded of how healthy I really am, and that the body you designed for me will fight this little bug off in a few days. Your whole creation is amazing! Substituted for 7th grade science yesterday and am reminded of the geological wonders that pour from Your genius. You, indeed, are an awesome God…the only true and majestic God.

Majesty…worship His majesty; unto Jesus give glory and honor and praise!

Lord, it's still a battle down here. The earth is still fallen and cursed. Sin continues to grip humanity and plagues Christians, too. One day we'll be delivered from all this and worship Your majesty in person -- face to face. And all because of the debt You paid for me on the cross. Indeed, majesty belongs to You!

Psalm 37

"Darril, a man's steps are established by the Me, and I take pleasure in Your way. Though you fall, you will not be overwhelmed, because I hold Your hand."(23) "Turn away from evil and do good…I do not abandon my faithful ones." (27,28)

Thank You, Lord for the encouragement and promise of Your presence. I am only a "faithful" or "righteous" one because of the faithfulness and righteousness of Jesus Christ. All that I have of eternity value was gracious given by Him; imputed unto me. That's why I will trust that You establish my way and help me when I fall to not be overwhelmed.

You are always first; make me second.~

Monday, November 7, 2011

Journal for 11/07…a Morning Prayer

5:47 AM

Good morning, Father. Thank You for all You have done for me; for all the blessings given without merit. I would like to praise You today because of Your grace and mercy, forgiveness and protection.

Psalm 37

I want to be counted today among those who trust in You (3) and that does what is good. I want to take delight in You (4), not the world, not my works, but in You. Make the desires of my heart conform to Your will and Your ways. Help have the mind of Christ more and more.

Help me be patient, even "silent" (7) before You and wait expectantly for You and what You are working out in my life.

In the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, my Risen Savior, hear my prayers and fill me with Your Spirit. Lord Jesus, walk with me and talk with me throughout the day. It's not easy to be second, for my nature is to put myself first. But today You be first. I am second.~

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Journal for 11/02…Trust and obey

5:36 AM

Psalm 32

This is really quite amazing, Lord…the forgiveness of sins and help. You are truly amazing, Lord. You forgive transgressions and cover sin (1) -- that alone is cause for praise and much thanksgiving. In addition to that You give instruction and show me the way to go (8). Your eye is on me and You give me counsel (I'm not always the best listener, Lord). Your faithful love surrounds me because I trust You. Sure, my trust is not as mature and complete as it should be; but I trust You more each day.

Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

Today, I will be glad in the Lord and rejoice (11) -- not because all my circumstances are good and happy, but because You are good; You are forgiving; You are there for me.

Be glorified today, Lord, as we talk. Help me to abide in You and Your Words abide in me. Be first, Lord Jesus…I am second.~

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Journal for 11/01…Nothing to prove

5:34 AM

Father, You have been so good to me. In affliction and conflict You have always loved and cared for me. You did not always seem to be there (22) but You were always watching, protecting, teaching…You saw it all (7).

Psalm 31

I was reminded today, Lord, of a time when I was in my 20s and our church has in a tight spot. We needed a larger building along with some other things. I read verse 8 in my devotional times and began to use it in my prayers: "You set my feet in a spacious place." I know You remember, Lord, but I want You to know that I remember, too. Soon, quite by "coincidence", we learned a school was vacating the church building they had been using. Being the first to inquire of the owners, we were able to get our "spacious place" and increase our ministries and service to You and to others.

So many other times, Lord, You have helped me…You have nothing to prove to me. Calvary alone proves Your love and mercy for me. Many other occasions remind me of Your provision and goodness. So much so, that if You don't answer every prayer, if you don't rescue me every time, it doesn't matter. I remain indebted to you on so many levels and will always believe. You have nothing to prove to me. You have already given me far more than I deserve.

That's why You should be first and I should be second.~

Monday, October 31, 2011

Journal for 11/31…protection

5:38 AM

Wonderful Father! You love me with an everlasting love; Your kindness far exceeds anything I deserve; and Your mercy…well, Your mercy embraces me and holds me up.

Psalm 91

Where else can I go, Lord, in times of distress but to You. The world offers no solace, that's for sure. Even people that love and support me have limitations. But You, Lord, have my best interest in mind and the power to make the difference. My refuge is in You (2) and Your faithfulness is always a protective shield (4), even in difficult times.

Help me abide in You today, Lord Jesus, and Your Words abide in me. I want my life, like my prayers, to glorify You somehow.

Be Lord today… I am second.~

Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal for 10/28…be near

5:38 AM

Good morning, Father. You are always here no matter what. You created everything, including me, and oversee all that You have made. You never violate our freedom to choose and we've made some bad choices, Lord. The world is fallen because of people like me. Yet in Your grace and mercy You provided a way back…a way back to You. So, I thank You this morning for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for me…in my place. Forgive my sins in His Name, and help me to remain focused today on the things that matter. To that end, please fill me with Your Spirit and His wisdom.

Psalm 88

You are the God of my salvation, (1) and I must remember that when I call to You. If You would concern Yourself with my greatest need, certainly You would care about the lesser things, too. I am a man without strength (6), at least not much strength of my own. Sometimes I feel like You aren't there; that You don't care; that You've abandoned me…but I will still pray in morning (13) and all day long (9). And I have to tell You that sometimes I feel like darkness and discouragement is my only friend (18). But I will remember what You have already done for me on the cross, and that in the big picture of things, You love me, have plans for me, and want to abide in me. Encourage me today, Lord. Show me a sign (87:17).

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above Ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." To God be the glory, great things He has done; so loved He the world that He gave us His Son!

He me have an undivided mind today, Lord (86:11). I am second!~

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Journal for 10/27…interceding

5:28 AM

Father…Of all the powers and authorities in the world -- in the universe -- You are above them all. You supersede all others in power, glory, and grace. Your kindness is more than I deserve, but You love me and desire to be with me. So, Lord, abide with me today. Help me to have an undivided mind (Ps86.11).

Psalm 87

The old city of Zion, Lord, reminds us of the New City that is coming. You will make perfect all that is crooked; right all the wrongs; and make clean the whole world…no longer under the curse and no longer fallen. The Most High Himself will establish her (5).

The past is behind me. The present challenges me. But the future -- the future you have for me -- will last forever. It is a future that makes facing today's challenges worth the sacrifice and effort. Help me to please You today.

There is so much to thank You for, Father. First, for Your Son. Thank You for my Savior and Friend. I cannot imagine the sacrifice He paid for my sin. Love has no greater example than that. Thank You for my life, my family (my wife in particular), my parents who introduced me to You, my health, and the opportunity to serve You.

I pray today for the believers in Iran -- Youcef, in particular, who may be executed for not denying his faith in You. I pray for believers in China, Iraq, Somolia, Yemen, Egypt and other places where persecution is rampant…where it's open season on Christians. How will we live, or die, when that happens in the U.S.? Believers here are soft and indifferent…worldly. Give wisdom to the Christians that serve in the government. Help them make the hard decisions about economic and social and faith issues.

In my life, Lord, be glorified somehow today. I am second.~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Journal for 10/26…A servant’s prayer

5:37 AM

Master… I want it to be about You today. I want to be a servant, a helper, like You are. I want to glorify the Father like You did, and You still do. You said the Father is glorified if I bear fruit in my life and ministry. I can't do that alone. I have no power or ability that doesn't come from You. Your Spirit in me must do the work, so help me be a servant-vessel through whom He is able to bless others.

Psalm 86

This psalm is a simple one…a fitting prayer for my life today, Lord. Please listen to me and answer me, Lord, for I am needy in spirit. I have nothing, and can do nothing without You. Isn't that poverty, Lord…to be without something? I am nothing without You. Poor without You. Powerless without You. Even if I'm committed to being Your servant(2), Lord, I am fruitless without Your protection, grace (3), joy (4), and strength (16).

Here’s what I desire of You, Lord. First, I will praise You with my heart…I want You to be praised today (12); second, I want You to be honored by my life somehow (13); but I ask You for an undivided mind!(11) Teach me YOUR ways and help me be loyal to the One I serve (who served me by going to the cross).

Show me a sign (17) of Your goodness, Lord -- in my life, yes, but in and through my church, too.

Help me to glorify the Father, today. I am second.~

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Journal for 10/25…it’s about Him

5:26 AM

Father, help me to focus on You today and not me, not my needs, not my desires. It's all about You, or should be. You are the center of my universe. You are light. You are life. You are love. Your glory is inconceivable by a mere mortal like me. Everything comes from You and is returning to You. You will deal with all things as You choose. Beside being the Creator and the Judge of all things…of me…You are also my Savior…

O the love that drew salvation's plan; O the love that brought it down to man; O the mighty gulf that God did span at Calvary! Mercy there was great and grace was free; pardon there was multiplied to me; there, my burdened heart found liberty at Calvary!

Psalm 85

Lord, You will provide what is good (12); but my focus, Lord should be on You, not Your provision. I don't want to look for Your benefits and blessings…I want to look for You! I want to know Christ, and the Father through Him. Fill me today with Your Spirit and forgive my sins. Help me see beyond myself and my circumstances to see You. My goal is know You and the power of Your resurrection (Phil 3:10). Focus: to know You.

Help me be second today.~

Monday, October 24, 2011

A Journal Portion for 10/24… I am a pilgrim

5:57 AM

Good morning, Father…there are good things and not so good things about this day. No matter what happens, though, I know You love me and that You have my best interest in mind. I must give You praise for Your overriding power and glory. The world is fallen and cursed because of me and people like me, but salvation and redemption come from You. There is a future. There is hope. There is a Savior.

Psalm 84

How lovely is Your dwelling place, Lord (1)… it's all about abiding in You, or You abiding in me. I am Your dwelling place now; I am Your temple. In and of itself this temple is not a fitting place for Your glory and goodness, but You put Your Spirit in me. Help me abide in You and Your Words abide in me. Help me to pray and talk with You. David thought the priests were the happiest people in the world because they lived in the temple (4)…and that they praised You continuously. Be praised today and every day.

The thing is, Lord, the world is not my home. I like to have a place, a routine, and sense of settledness. I guess everyone does. But home is where You are. It's the New Earth that is coming along with the New Jerusalem. This is a journey -- and a short one, too. The happiest people are the ones who depend on Your strength and whose hearts are set on pilgrimage (5). I have to treat this life with all its circumstances, adversities, and victories as a pilgrimage toward You. I am a pilgrim!

This pilgrim wants You to be first. I am second.~

Friday, October 21, 2011

Journal for 10/21…waking up!

5:40 AM

Father, You are over all the earth. You are its Creator and the One that makes life and light happen. It is a fallen world, but You have a plan. Some would call me silly or naïve, but I believe the Bible, Your Word, and all it says will come to pass. My understanding, of course, only goes so far. In the big scheme of things I know very little. But I am certain that one day evil will defeated and cast down; right and righteousness will prevail -- and last for all eternity on a New Earth.

Psalm 78:65-72

Sometimes it seems like You are sleeping and You just allow bad things to happen without notice. Then You awaken (65)…and when You do, the world knows it! I am learning that it's in those silent times that You are not just allowing evil to have its way, but You are doing some constructive work on me. Jesus, my Redeemer and Friend, was a "man of sorrows". How can I be like Him, and have the mind of Christ, without sorrow?

I was just a little boy and lost in my sin when You not only awakened to save me, but You woke me up to Your truth. Thank You, O Lord, for that! You gave me light and life. I believed You in such a simple and childlike way. I want to believe and trust You the same today. Wake up -- quicken -- my spirit to Your presence and love and grace.

Awaken today, Lord, in me. Fill me with Your Spirit and help me maintain an attitude of Christlikeness. It's not easy…it goes against my human nature; but You, Lord, have rescued and saved me from all that offends You. Now help me to reject it (all that offends You), too.

Be first, Lord. I am second.~

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Journal for 10/20…Remembering God

5:52 AM

Psalm 78:40-64

Father, You have done wondrous things for Your people -- not just Israel, but for the United States. Much like Israel of old, America has been blessed, protected, and filled with Your goodness. Yet, we have forgotten our roots, our spiritual heritage. We have become warped like a faulty bow (57) because of our rebellion against You. Forgive our sins, Lord…both national and personal.

There was a point, Lord when You abandoned the tabernacle at Shiloh (60) -- the tent where You resided; where You met with Your people. I am Your tabernacle now. I am Your temple. I pray that You would fill this temple, this tent of meeting, with Your Spirit. Do not abandon me and leave me alone. In the Name of Jesus Christ, help me to present my body, Your temple, as a living sacrifice, and may I be holy and acceptable unto You (Rom 12.1). Renew my mind, for it surely has a bent toward the world without Your Word and Your Spirit.

The history of humanity, America, the church, and my family demonstrate Your grace, goodness and kindness…and patience. You love us/me more than I can ponder. May Your glory always shine through, Father. Thank You for all You have done…and all You will do.

I am second.~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Journal for 10/19…general praise and discussion

5:44 AM

Psalm 78:32-39

Father, I sit here in the calm of the morning, drinking my coffee, reading Your Word…as if all is right with the world. There are other believers in this fallen world that face hardship, persecution, pain, separation, even death because of their faith in You. They will not relent in their faith that is tested every day.

My faith is tested every day, too, but in different ways. Like the Israelites coming out of Egypt You have blessed and provided for me…sure it's been tough sometimes, because, after all this is a cursed earth I live on. They took Your blessings for granted and rebelled anyway. They were tempted to take advantage of Your promises and their hearts were insincere toward You (37). I don't want to follow their path. I want to be sincere toward You; I want to follow You; I want to please You with my life.

You are compassionate and have atoned for my guilt; You have not destroyed me or let me down one single time (38). How many times have You turned Your anger aside (38), for me and other believers.

I am grateful that You remember that I am only flesh, a wind that passes (39), but that's no excuse. Thank You for being my Redeemer. I am grateful for Your salvation, compassion, and mercy. Help me abide in You today. There will be competition for my attention, but help me defer my priorities to You. Be first. I am second.~

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Journal for 10/17…Fathers

5:48 AM

Psalm 78:1-31

Lord, You are a wonderful Father…You love Your children and do what is best for them. Sometimes fathers do what is best for their children when they do not understand, or when they are not pleased. But a loving father does what is right and what is best for his children's future. Eventually they will see the reasons.

You are that kind of Father…You do what is best for me whether I understand it or not; whether I like it or not. I particularly don't care for Your discipline (just sayin'). But one thing I know: You love me.

I pray for the fathers and men that I know. I pray that they will obey You and then pass Your Word and Your ways to the next generation, to a "future generation" (6). I pray that we will pass along our confidence in God, and that we'll help our younger people to not forget Your works (7), and help them keep Your commands.

One generation does not have to follow the rebellion of the previous generation (8). Strengthen and encourage the fathers I have influence with. May we all be filled with Your Spirit and pass Your favor along to succeeding generations.

Be first today, Lord. I am second.~

Monday, October 17, 2011

Journal portion 10/17…He is good

Psalm 77

Father…You have been good to me. Without a doubt, You have done far greater than I deserve. Why you love me and give me another chance is beyond my human understanding. I also know You love the foulest sinner, the meanest person, and the worst offenders…people that aren't my friends. Jesus died for us -- for me -- while still in sin. And the most amazing thing is this: You want to be close to me; have a relationship with me; and draw near to me. Just amazing.

There have been times when You would not let me sleep (4) because of trouble and conflict. And I couldn't figure out why You didn't just rush in and rescue me (9). But I always remember Your works in the past and Your ancient wonders (11). I reflect and remember the many times You helped me; walked with me; and redeemed me.

I don't see the big picture You see. I don't always understand what it is You're doing, or what You're trying to accomplish in me, or why You would allow certain things to occur. When those times of confusion and doubt come, help me to reflect and help me to remember the things You've done before…starting with my salvation!

So many blessings that You've provided out of Your love and mercy. Truly, You must delight in blessing even me. There's no other explanation. Today, I want to abide in You and let Your words abide in me. I am second.~

Friday, October 14, 2011

Journal portion for 10/14…desecration

5:45 AM

Father, You have such patience. I get sick and tired of me before You do! Thank You for understanding the frailties and disadvantages I have to work with. That does not excuse my bent for rebellion and the desire to conform to this fallen world. I embrace the gospel and believe entirely in Your Son, Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of my sins. Help me be less conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of my mind; let prove what is Your good, perfect, and acceptable will…at least for my life.

Psalm 74

You have enemies, Lord, and as a result Your people come under attack. In some places they persecute, torture and murder the faithful. In other places they mock, ridicule and marginalize us. Even in Your congregation there are those who do not have the respect they should for the house of prayer…"they utterly desecrated the dwelling place of Your Name." (7)

In Egypt, for example, Lord, embrace the true believers whose houses of worship are being torched and looted, and believers are being killed. But in America, Lord -- right here -- there are people who have no respect for the house of prayer, its divine purpose, or its leaders. Be with my Christian brothers, empower them, around the world that face grueling circumstances because they will not deny You.

Lord Jesus, help me to always respect Your Bride, the church, and those You call to serve You; help me love and uphold all believers that give attention to serving and sacrificing for You and the Bride You gave Your life for.

Be glorified today, Lord, on earth as You are in heaven. I am second.~

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Journal for 10/13…being second in the church

Psalm 133

So, Lord, I pick up this publication to see what's in it. This month is dedicated to who is in charge in the church…meaning that there is adversity in the Body of Christ; turf wars over who is in charge of what; territorial conflicts over who should have the final say. Then, I pick up Your Word and today's Psalm starts off: How good and pleasant it is when brothers can live together! It ends with: For there (brotherhood) the Lord has appointed blessing--life forevermore. We tend to see more people avoid church in our culture than be drawn to it. The "blessing" of the Lord from our unity is missing.

What is missing is servanthood. What is missing is love. Forgive us, Lord, for our personal agendas, for our listening to and promoting gossip, for not loving others as You loved us.

Father, be glorified today -- I know You will, no matter what I do. But I'd like for my life to conform more readily to Your goodness and grace.

Lord Jesus, I want to abide in You today…walk with me, talk with me, sing with me. Fill me with Your Spirit. Be first, Lord, I am second…to other believers as well as to You.~

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal for 10/12…Precious in His sight

Psalm 72

I come to You, Father, with the sound of rain, refreshing, needed rain outside. Thank You, for always taking care of Your creation. You made it and can do what You want with it. I'm just thankful that Your plan for the created order included salvation for me and all who believe.

You, Lord, care for the poor, afflicted, helpless, and oppressed. They are precious in Your sight (12-14). In filling me with Your Spirit today, help me to care more for the ones You care for…see value in the ones You consider precious.

Thank You for the blessings You have given me -- truly I am gifted by Your grace with salvation, my family, my ministry, and my health. I am promised a home where You will dwell with Your people -- including me -- and all things become new! I like new.

Be first today, Lord…I'm trying to be second.~

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal portion for 10/11…renew, transform

5:48 AM

Father, You have been generous to me throughout my life. Today, I give You praise for Your giving nature and grace. You rule from Heaven and always will, yet, You bring Yourself to be personally involved in my life. You have blessed me beyond measure. I tend to complain when things aren't perfect, but how can they be in this fallen world. What I should focus on is the way You have blessed me.

Psalm 101

I will sing of Your faithful love and justice, Lord (1) and I will pay attention today to the way of integrity (2). I will not set anything godless before my eyes (3) intentionally. In this cursed world unwholesome images and godless things will appear through the course of a day, and people say and do things that are not Spirit-led, but I will not be the one today to set godless things before me. Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit. Let Your Word empower me and transform me -- renew my mind, Lord.

Be first today…I am second.~

Friday, October 7, 2011

Journal portion for 10/07… pursued or pursuer

5:53 AM

Psalm 7

Father, I thank You for all You have done for me. It's a battle here in this fallen world…a fallen world that I am a part of, was born into, and must live in for the time being. You have given me Your Spirit, Your Word and other weapons of warfare. Help me have the mind of Christ today in order to take a stand and stand my ground.

It occurs to me that we all have pursuers, (1) Lord. Sometimes there are people that never satisfied unless they hurt us, destroy our reputation, take our money, and cost us dearly. Some even purport to be our brothers in Christ. But there are pursuers like addictions and sins that just chase people down -- won't leave them alone for a second. Lord, be with all my friends that fight their addictions today, whatever they may be. And those that are drawn to the "sins that so easily beset us" (Heb12:1).

Lord, I want to become the pursuer today, not the pursued. I want to pursue the mind and thoughts of Christ. I want to pursue Your comfort that I can pass along to others. I want to pursue activities and ideas that honor You. Help me pursue Christ today as I work, minister, move about and take care of today's business. Help me pursue second place. ~

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Journal Portion for 10/06…troublemakers

5:37 AM

You are my heavenly and eternal Father, and I am happy that I can come to You this morning and actually talk with You. I am able to tell You myself that I trust Your grace, compassion, and mercy. I don't need a special access code other than the blood of Jesus and His good Name to enter Your presence. Words fail me, human language falls short of describing Your glory and majesty. Of course, I've never seen Your glory (yet) like John and Isaiah, but I have their revelation of it. Your glory even caused Moses' face to glow! All of this is recorded in the Bible, Your revealed Word, and I believe it. I will see You in person soon enough and worship You face to face.

Face to face with Christ my Savior; face to face, what will it be, when with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ Who died for me? Face to face I shall behold Him far beyond the crystal sea; face to face in all His glory -- jesus Christ who died for me!

Proverbs 6

Lord, in my time I've seen, much to my dismay, Christians that deliberately stir up trouble in the church…either against someone, about an issue, or just about anything. Trouble-makers they are. Somehow they have their own personal agenda, not Your agenda. They are first, not You. Forgive me if I have ever done that because Your Word says You hate that and that it's detestable to You (19). The church is Your Bride; the members are Your redeemed and called out ones; the ministers and elders are gifted by You. How can anyone treat Your Bride and Your people that way? Yet, they do it without a second thought…like it's normal and acceptable behavior. Forgive us, Lord, for what we have done to Your church. You hate it when trouble-makers stir up trouble among brothers.

Abide with me, today, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit. Help me remember and obey Your commands, for your commandments and Your teachings are a lamp and a light. They are the way of life and they protect me (23,24). Thank You for Your Word; Your wisdom; Your calling to follow You. Help me deny myself, take up my cross and follow You today. Have the preeminence in all things and make me second.~

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Journal for 10/05…just talking

5:30 AM

Father…You are my Creator and my Savior. You have always been, and will always be above everything You are above everything in power, yes, but in goodness and holiness and kindness. You ask me to be long-suffering because You have been long-suffering with me! Thank You for getting me through yesterday.

While I'm thinking about it, Lord. Yussef, the pastor in Iran, is in the hands of cruel and unjust men, trumping up charges against him so they can execute him. Fill him with Your Spirit no matter how it plays out. But I think of so many other believers today whose lives are lived in constant threat of persecution and fear. My problems are so petty and inconsequential compared to those who suffering, even languishing in jail because of their faith in You.

When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus we'll sing and shout the victory!

Psalm 65

Praise is rightfully Yours, Lord…all the promises that people make to You, and before You, should be kept (1). How can we expect Your favor if we cannot be trusted to follow through? I'm certainly glad that You hear my prayers (2). Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but I know You move on a different clock than I do.

You atone for my rebellions and have chosen me in Christ to serve You…there are blessings that natural flow from that truth (3,4). I am satisfied with You, but are You satisfied with me? I am not. But you answer me in righteousness (5), though my prayers are not completely offered in "righteousness" ( a little self-serving sometimes).

I love this: (9) You visit the earth and water in abundantly, enriching it greatly. (Does that mean You must favor New England right now over East Texas??) Hey, You gave me a sense of humor. :-)

The bottom line is that You have, and will, take care of us…my family, my church family, and my friends. Thank You for my health, Lord; my salvation; a ministry and ability to do it; my family, past and present; my wife of 41 years; and for Your guidance over the years. I am counting on You to guide me still. I need Your wisdom and Your thoughts on some things.

Let's walk and talk together today. Fill me with Your Spirit and remove the mounds of worldliness and crud that muck up our relationship. Help me have the mind of Christ today…

Oh be careful little eyes what you see…be careful little feet where you go…be careful little hands what you do…for the Father up above is looking down with love, so be careful Darril what you see, where you go, what you do.

Be first today, Lord…pick up my spirits with Your presence. I am second.~

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Part of my Journal for 10/04…focus

5:37 AM

Father…to begin with I want to thank You. I am grateful for Your kindness toward me. I tend to be inconsistent in a lot of ways, but You know about it and love me anyway. You, however, are always dependable, consistent, and true to form. For that I give You praise. How awful it would be to get up in the morning and wonder what kind of mood the Creator and Sustainer of life is in!

Proverbs 4

"Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life." (23) Lord, I want to love You above the world -- above myself. I want my affections and loyalty to be to You, and You alone. I want to be Yours no matter where I am or where I serve, on earth or in heaven. Don't let me love the world and be conformed to it…help transform and renew my mind with every verse I read and meditate on. I want my eyes to look forward (25) and not deviate from the purposes of Your kingdom for my life. I will try and carefully consider the path that I take, but need Your wisdom, guidance, and clear bidding.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own; and the joy we share as we tarry there -- none other has ever known.

It's going to be a busy day and a busy week. There's a lot of details to remember and things to be worked out. Help me get it all done and glorify You in the process. And I sure don't want the busy-ness to distract me from consciously abiding in You. Talk with me. Walk with me. Be first. I am second.~

Monday, October 3, 2011

Partial Journal for 10/03…loyalty

5:47 AM

Proverbs 3

Father…You bless me this morning with the knowledge of Your salvation. No matter what happens today, I have Your redemption, Your grace, and Your mercy. This is not because of any merit of my own, but because of Your grace and the merit that is imputed to me by Jesus Christ, Your Son. My only merit is what You have given me in Jesus. You rule it all in majesty and honor. You can do no wrong. Your kingdom will prevail. These are some of the certainties I have today.

Loyalty, Lord, is what You honor (3) and faithfulness is what You encourage. Fill me with the power of Your Spirit and make loyalty my trademark from now on. My first loyalty is to You. You are first, I am second. Help me to be faithful to You and to my calling today.

My heart tends to fear circumstances and trust in my own wits; but I want to trust in You with my whole heart (5). I know that You would never leave me alone or disengage from my life and the circumstances that I face. Walk with me; talk with me; let us think together. I trust You…help me trust You more.

Abide with me today, Lord. Give me the mind of Christ and help me keep my focus as I study, pray, rest, and work. Thank You for the assurance of Your love and compassion. If anyone needs it, it's me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for all You have done for me. ~

Friday, September 30, 2011

Partial Journal for 09/30…God has plans!

5:37 AM

Psalm 90

Father…from eternity to eternity, You are God (2). You are forever. Time is of no consequence to You, and I have so little of it. Teach to remember how limited and short life is, and that Your Kingdom and Your commands deserve my full attention. It's not easy, Lord, because even our best days have struggle and sorrow (10).

But this morning I come to You and ask that You satisfy me with Your faithful love (14); walk with me and talk with me; and let have joy and be glad because of You. Let Your work and Your splendor be seen by Your servants and Your children -- even if the world doesn't recognize You… most of Your people don't even recognize Your activity.

I pray that Your favor be upon me (although I don't deserve Your blessings; if it were not for Christ and His work on the cross I would have no standing with You at all); establish the work of my hands. (16,17).

Jeremiah 29:11-14

“Darril, I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord…”

Father, I know these verses were for Israel in captivity. But I am as exiled in this world as they were in Babylonia. They weren't home…neither am I. So I believer these verses are as relevant for me as it was for them. After all, You are the same and Your ways are still Your ways.

So I pray: Lord, you know the world tries to distract my attention and divert my loyalty to You. I want to follow Your plans, and receive Your future and hope for my life. Please hear me when I call upon You and pray to You. I am seeking You; help me Holy Spirit to seek the Lord and find Him. Help me seek my Savior and Redeemer with all my heart. Have first place in my heart and life. I am second.~

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Partial Journal for 09/29…a morning prayer

5:45 AM

Psalm 59

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want You forever to live in my soul; break down every idol, cast out every foe; just wash me and I shall be whiter than snow!

I will sing of Your strength (16) and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning. For You have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble. To You, my strength, I sing praises, because You are my stronghold--my faithful God.

I have enemies. I will always have enemies (1) -- if not humans then evil forces in the heavenlies -- but I pray for Your deliverance. Like You taught me to pray "deliver me from evil". Fill me with Your Spirit and cleanse me because my first obstacle is me and my bent toward the world and its ways.

Walk with me today; talk with me today. Help me pray in the Spirit and for the things that matter to You, not just the things that matter to me. Listen to my heart and shape my desires to fit Your will and purpose.

Be first all day long and help me to be second.~

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Journal portion for 09/28…regarding bad people

Father of lights and love… thank You for giving me, for allowing me to know, Jesus Christ and His grace. He came to my level, in my dimension, to live, love, and die…and thankfully, to rise again! You are on Your throne today and I want to serve Your Kingdom. Yes, I'll go through my routine activities, but I pray they will glorify You somehow and that I will have the mind of Christ.

Psalm 58, 88

It seems like bad people -- the wicked and the liars -- are bad from birth (3). You can see it in some children. We all have a bent for sinning, but some people are cruel and just plain mean. Now I know that believers are not perfect and slip into worldliness. They will steal or lie to get what they want at the time…for that there is no excuse. But there are some people that would kill and ruin the lives of others to get what they want. One day You will bring judgement and the righteous -- those found in Christ -- will rejoice. Yes, there is a reward for the righteous (11) and there is a God who judges on earth. All things will be leveled out some day.

Thank you for opening my spirit to the truth -- to Jesus. Thank You for the plan and purpose You have for me and all believers. Be gracious today (of course You can't help but be gracious); be Lord today in my life. Defend, bless, and encourage my life, my family, my ministry, and my church however You decide to do it.

I want You to have the preeminence and I want to be second.~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Journal entry for 09/27…a morning prayer

5:45 AM

My Father that is in Heaven…praised and honored be Your Name. May Your Kingdom be my priority on earth today as it is Your priority in Heaven. Thank You for Your continued provision and multiple blessings. I would ask that You forgive my sins and cleanse me from all the things that offend You; and help me to forgive others, bear no grudges, and move on in service to You. Because of Christ and what He did for me, and in His Name I offer this prayer to You.

Lord, walk with me today; talk with me today; let Your Spirit give me wisdom and encouragement. Bless and enrich my times of Bible study and prayer. Fill me with Your Spirit, please.

Psalm 57

I call out to You, Father, in Jesus' Name, to tell You that I want to cooperate in bringing about Your purposes for me (2); be gracious to me -- come to my level -- and give me the strength, purpose, wisdom, encouragement, and guidance that only comes from You (1).

Be exalted, God, above everything; let Your glory be above the whole earth…it IS above the whole earth (5) but most people can't see it…yet.

I will sing (8) praises and praise You with my tunes today -- through music, or as go about humming, or singing aloud the songs that come to mind throughout the day. Your love is faithful -- You are faithful. Forgive my regular lapses into worldly thinking and help me have the mind of Christ. A little at a time, help me have the mind that was in Christ Jesus. ~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Part of today’s Journal…Trusting Him

5:44 AM

Psalm 56

Father, my heavenly Father…You are so gracious to me (1). There are human beings, some are believers that would call me their friend, who would trample me, twist my words (5), and just just stir up unnecessary strife (6). What's up with that? But You, Lord and Savior, are good to me, gracious to me, and the One I can trust. I know that You are for me, not against me (9). You have even given me a way out of sin and eternal death through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You (3). I will praise Your Word (4,10) for the comfort, strength and wisdom it gives. Deliver me still from death and continue to deliver me from stumbling today; help me walk before You; be the light of my life.

Fill me, Lord, with Your Spirit. Cleanse me with Your Word. Abide with me. I want to abide in You and have Your Word abide in me so that we can be close; I know You would hear my prayers then…You have promised (Jn15:7). May the Counselor fill me and guide me today.

Trusting as the days go by; trusting as the moments fly; trusting Him whate’er befall; trusting Jesus that is all. ~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/21…not a fool!

5:43 AM

Father, without a doubt You are God -- the Lord, the self-existing One, the Creator. And yet, You are my Father and I am Your child. If were ever together its You and I. You, the holy and glorious Ruler of everything; me, the sinner and naturally rebellious human. The contrast could not be more stark: I am in need of a Savior and You are the one and only Savior. A perfect fit!

Psalm 53

Now we know that it's a fool that denies Your existence. And even people that know You're there but deny their accountability to You, or deny Your involvement in the world, or deny that You are the one and only Way…they are fools, too. Please don't count me in that crowd.

You are the God that restores (6)…that's mercy. You will restore Israel; You will restore the Church; You will restore the earth with a New Earth; and You will restore to me the holiness and joy that You intended for people to have.

I'm no fool. I believe that Jesus died for me and rose again. I could believe a lot of things, but I believe the gospel and the Bible. Fill me with Your Spirit today and wash me with Your Word. Walk with me as I walk with You. I may be the weaker part of this relationship, but at least I desire to do right and please You. Be first. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/21…a steadfast spirit

5:46 AM

Psalm 51

I always liked this Psalm, Lord. It is the perfect prayer for me just like it was for David so long ago. I, too, want the joy of my salvation restored day by day. And I want You to wash me and make me whiter than snow -- that's something only You can do (7). Help me keep my focus on You and create a clean heart for me (10)…the world bombards me and all Your people with images and ideas and sounds that are perverted and distracting.

So You, and You alone, must renew a steadfast spirit within me; and give me a willing spirit (12)… I am reminded of what You said through Paul, too: It is God that works in me, both to give me the will and ability to do Your good pleasure (Phil 2:13 personalized). I cannot do this on my own ability. Teach me wisdom deep within (6).

Thank You, Lord, for my salvation. Give me the mind of Christ today. Protect my heart, my affections, and desires. Give me Your integrity (6) and drive the power and protection of Your Word deep within my heart and mind. I will trust You and follow You the best I can, so help me be obedient and help me believe. Give me opportunity to share the good news--if You do, I'll take it. And, Lord, I pray for all the saints -- especially the ones I know. May they have Your protection and guidance today. Give them the desire and power to do Your will.

Be strong today, Lord. Be glorified. Be praised by my lips and my life. I am second. ~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/20…simple praise

5:42 AM

Praise the holy Name of the Lord! Let my soul and all that is within me praise the Lord. Father, forgive me for forgetting all Your benefits. It's too easy to remember the negative and adversarial things that are a part of this fallen world. The truth is, You have forgiven my sins, healed my diseases, redeemed my life, crowned me with love and compassion, renewed my strength, and given me many good things (3-5).

You are full of compassion and grace; You are slow to anger and full of faithful love for me. I am grateful to You for letting me see the Light; for letting me come to You for forgiveness and cleansing; for giving me eternal life; for sending You Son, Jesus, to bear my sins and pay my debt on the cross.

Please don't deal with me on the basis of what I deserve. I would be doomed. Let Your grace and mercy and love overshadow me. You are love and grace through and through. There is no change, inconsistencies or flaws in You.

My praise and adoration are imperfect now, but there is coming a day when I shall be able to praise and glorify You in the holiness and perfection of Heaven.

Thank You, Lord for so much…my salvation; my family; my ministry; my life; my health; my future with You and the personal relationship I already have with You. Be glorified today in all of it somehow. I am second.~

Monday, September 19, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09-19…Mr. Complainy Pants

Psalm 49

Father, You are magnificent! Whether I'm having troubles or abounding in good things, You will always be magnificent. One day I will see You in person and be overwhelmed with the glory that is Yours. The things of this life will pass away in the light of Your presence.

You talk about those who trust in their wealth and boast of their abundant riches (6); and You talk of how their wealth cannot redeem them. I certainly agree. My trust is in You and what You did for me through Your Son, Jesus Christ, for my ransom. But, Lord, sometimes living in this material, natural world -- fallen as it may be -- is made somewhat easier by a little bit of money.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not praying for wealth and so much money that I can't count it. But I pray that I had enough, that my church had enough, that it's one less problem to deal with. My focus could be on other things of greater importance. I have friends that have lost their houses; lost their jobs; experienced upheavel in their lives. It isn't their "love of money" that brought distress but the lack of it…the lack of enough to get by. It's a struggle that is tiring, Lord. Just sayin'.

It's true that when we die, we will take nothing at all (17), and frankly, Lord, I don't own anything material that I'd care to take with me. The home You have prepared for me is all I need -- more than what I deserve! I trust You for my ransom: You will redeem my life from the power of Sheol/the grave, for You will take me (16).

I guess this prayer is a complaining session -- and a praise session. Complaining about some troubles (of course You promised that we would have troubles in this life)…so I apologize for whining. But it's a praise session, too. Look at all the blessings You have provided me. I am surrounded by good things, a wonderful family, friends that care, a ministry to serve You, good health for an old coot, and the promise of Heaven!!

Wow, Lord, that kind of puts things into perspective doesn't it?! Thank You, Jesus for dying in my place! Thank You Spirit, for living in me! Lord Jesus, be first today. I am second! ~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/16…The River!

5:36 AM

Psalm 46

There is a river, praise the Lord! -- its streams delight the city of God (4). That city is the dwelling place of the Most High. God is within that city. And one day I will be, too. That city, the New Jerusalem will one day bring earth (the New Earth) and heaven (the New Heaven) together where God will live and reign and love us forever and ever.

The things of this earth are smoke and mirrors, a vapor, and so much waste compared to the glory and wonder of our future with Him.

Father, thank You for making me Your child. I have problems, face conflicts and adversities and struggle with disappointment and depression; but You are my refuge (1) and strength, a Helper who is always found in times of trouble. And Lord, I hold You to Your word: always found in times of trouble.

You are the faithful One. You are the holy One. You have all the mercy and grace in heaven and on earth. I am nothing without You; and even though I'm a believer, I still struggle with self, selfishness, sin, and the world. Yet, You died for me..for me! You have forgiven me and even called me to serve You. You couldn't find a more defective recruit!

I will remember who I am -- Your child. I will remember the River that will flow from Your throne in the City of God. I will remember that all of this around me is temporal and will be consumed in judgment. I remember Your promises, Your love, and Your help.

Today, Lord, help me be second. You be first. I am second.~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/15…His throne is forever

5:29 AM

Psalm 45

Father…with thanksgiving I greet You this morning. There is always something to be thankful for in Your presence. You provide me with all kinds of blessings -- sometimes hard for me to see through the clouds of adversity -- but they are there. You are there.

Your throne, God, is forever and ever (6). No matter what happens, or appears to happen, Your throne will always be over everything.

Be glorified in my life and in my family, Lord. Be glorified in my church -- Your Church. It's a struggle on this fallen planet, Lord. Some days are more difficult than others. Help me to remember that You still rule. Rule over me. Rule in me. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/14…Redemption

5:48 AM

Father…I want to thank You this morning. Your blessings and benefits are too numerous to mention. There are big things like my salvation and redemption from sin -- Your own Son giving His life for me; things like my family; my health; and putting me into the ministry. Then there are smaller, but no less miraculous things, that You give and do every day. Thank You, Lord. I praise and acknowledge You for being the one and only Sovereign in the cosmos, and certainly on this earth. The good thing -- the wonderful thing -- is that You are good, kind, compassionate, merciful and that You love us.

Psalm 44

Redeem me because of Your faithful love (26). If for no other reason, I plead my cause today, Lord, on the basis of Your love. I certainly don't plead on the basis of my merit. It is because of Jesus and what He did for me on the cross that Your love is made plain to me. Your love is faithful when I am not. Just like You are holy when I am not.

Lord, You may let me go through trials, discouragement, and affliction…even cause it (22). But I want to remain counted as one of Your people and I want to be strong -- it will take Your strength in me.

Holy Spirit, in the name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, cleanse my sins and fill me up with Yourself, Your wisdom, and Your presence today. Redeem my life, my efforts, and all that I am.

I have heard what You did for our forefathers -- not just the Bible patriarchs but the founders of this nation. They all tell about Your leading them and empowering them with wisdom, and that the work they accomplished was Your work (1,2). Redeem our nation again, Lord. We are drifting from You. But as for me, never let me drift. Prod me, remind me, and draw me back to You. Redeem our land. Redeem my life.

You are our Redeemer. There is no hope besides You. Period.

I am second.~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Journal Portion for 09/13…Revival

5:46 AM

Psalm 42

O Lord, I pray that You will send Your faithful love to me today and that Your song will be with me in the night--it will be a prayer to You, the God of my life (8).

Psalm 43

All I know and ask is that I desire for Your light and Your truth to lead me (3)… don't let me get in the way, as I often do. Let me come into Your presence--to Your dwelling place. I want You to be my greatest joy and I will praise You (3-4).

You, Father, are the Creator -- my Creator. But You are also my Savior and Redeemer. Your Son paid it all; all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain; He washed me white as snow.

Revival, Lord -- that's what we need. I need it; the church in general needs it; this nation needs it…or else I'm afraid we will bring hard times and judgment upon ourselves. Forgive our national sins; forgive Your church for its cold, organizational "churchianity"; forgive me and aid me in my struggle to serve You and not the enemy of holiness.

Jesus, be the Lord of all. Thank You for Your Spirit -- please fill me today. Be first in my church, my family, and my life. I am second.~

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal for 09/12…My Song in the Night

Lord, I want to thirst for You (2)…You are the one and only living God. There is no other God besides You, and I want to desire Your presence; I want to be with You; I want for my heart's desire to be knowing and pleasing You.

I am not "deeply depressed" as the writer of this psalm is, Lord, but I'm disturbed by the trend of world and national events. I am especially concerned about the number of people that claim to belong to You but live for themselves: no fellowship, no prayer, no abiding in Your Word. The world tries to stake a claim on some part of every Christian's heart. I know, for it's after me all the time. Thank You for reassuring me of Your involvement and love.

The Lord, it says (8) will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night--a prayer to the God of my life. Lord, thank You for the many, many songs and prayers You have given me in those night seasons. You are my Song in the Night!

Help me thirst for You. Help me be second.~

Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal for 09/09…Since Jesus Came into My Heart

5:46 AM

Father…let me enter Your presence this morning. I have no sacrifice or offering worthy of Your majesty except for the one You gave me -- Your own Son, Jesus Christ. I come in His Name; I plead His death and blood offering as my own. He alone is worthy of praise, adoration, and obedience. He is my offering, and I know that this sacrifice is acceptable to You. I accompany my offering with confession of sins and the need for forgiveness. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Be glorified today in my life somehow.

Psalm 39

Your Word reminds me again today how short life is. Let me know how transitory I am (4). My life span, if I lived to be a hundred, is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- in Your sight (5). I am a mortal man, a mere vapor in the vast scheme of things. Why do we collect possessions and make so much of this life, when someone else will get them. We can't keep them (6).

But my hope is in You, Lord (7). I believe there is an eternity to be lived beyond this life; and there's a place to live in beyond this place; and a future to look forward to after this present darkness has passed. Yes, I trust in You. I believe Your Word. I'm counting on Jesus to know me, love me, redeem me, save me, and be with me forever.

  1. I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart; And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart.
  2. There’s a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart;
    And the gates of the City beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart.
  3. I shall go there to dwell in that City I know, Since Jesus came into my heart;
    And I’m happy, so happy as onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart.

Pasted from <http://library.timelesstruths.org/music/Since_Jesus_Came_into_My_Heart/>

Be first today Lord, I am second. ~

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journal for 09/08…sing praises

5:49 AM

Father…this morning I'm grateful to belong to You. What an extravagant price You paid for that to happen. You paid the ransom to get me back from the clutches of sin and death. Am I perfect and holy now? Not even close. As long as I'm in this fallen world I will always be a part of it. But being Your child, blood bought and paid for, I will one day enter the New Heaven and New Earth…and finally I will be free from all the things that detract my full devotion to You. Thank You so much for my salvation; for my family; for my friends; for my ministry; and for my health. You have been more than good to me. Yes, I am grateful.

Psalm 68:4…Sing to God, sing praises to His Name.

In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody, there rings a melody. In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody of love!

Love lifted me; love lifted me; when nothing else could help, loved lifted me.

O come, let us adore Him; O come let us adore Him; O come let us adore Him: Christ the Lord!

Be first today, Lord. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Journal for 09/07…Random thoughts

5:47 AM

Lord, we need two things this morning: rain and a little healing from this cold. But seriously, the weather reminds me of how much You are in control. I can't explain to people why the destruction and devastation of the grass fires -- only You would understand that anyway. But I know in the past You've brought floods, made the sun stand still, and stilled storms on the sea. So, in drought or flood, storm or blizzard, I know You designed and control the weather cycles. In the New Earth we won't suffer such things. Maybe that's why, or at least one reason for, the fires and drought. Your people will appreciate the New Heaven and New Earth all the more!

I hate having a cold, too…especially in hot weather! But I sure appreciate my good health and a body You designed that is fighting off the germs. There are so many other health problems I could have, and I'm reminded by a simple cold how much You care for me.

From Psalm 37

Trust in the Lord and do what is good; Take delight in the Lord; Commit your way to the Lord… (3,4) I can see, Lord, that You want me to consider You and pay as much attention to You as You do to me. You are always mindful of me, but I get distracted so easily.

I do trust You for salvation and so much more, but my trust is still maturing and growing, too. I delight in You and Your Word. I can't think of anything or anyone that is more pleasant and joyful to think about and talk to.

And today, Lord, I commit my way to You. Help me by forgiving the sins that disrupt our fellowship and fill me with Your great and Holy Spirit. You be first. I am second. ~

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journal for 09/06…a personal praise

5:42 AM

Feeling a little under the weather this morning, Lord, but a cold virus serves to remind me of the good health I do have. It reminds me of the wonderful creation You have made and how my body is able to put up a fight against germs and viruses. How completely amazing the New Earth will be where there will be no illness, no viruses, no fatigue, no death. I really believe this, Lord. I trust Your Word on it. I believe Jesus died for me so that I would one day live forever free of the encumbrances of this fallen world -- including sickness.

Psalm 36

I love this Psalm. I can't say any better, Lord: Your faithful love reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountain; Your judgments like the deepest sea (too deep to fanthom). Your faithful love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings…You let me drink from Your refreshing stream, for with You is life's fountain; in Your light I will see light. Lord, spread Your faithful love over those who know You -- and I'm one of them (5-9)

Let the glory of the Lord shine within me; let Your majesty and love touch my heart; let Your light penetrate and help me see; in Your Kingdom, Lord, please let me play a part.

Be glorified today in Your own radiance and majesty, but also somehow, if possible, in me. I am second.~

Friday, September 2, 2011

Journal 09/02…God’s eye on me

5:49 AM

Psalm 32

Father, it is with thanksgiving that I come to You today. I am thankful for so many wonderful things You have done for me, not the least of which is my salvation. You loved me so much that You gave Your Son to die for me, and all I must do is put my faith in You.

Yesterday's business is done. But today is a new day with new opportunities. So I pray to You while You may be found (6).

"Darril, I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give you counsel (8)."

Thank You, Father. Now if Your Spirit will only help me to listen! I will try to make my heart sensitive to Your counsel and guidance. I want to be effective for Your kingdom; never mind my preferences.

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want You forever to live in my soul. Break down every idol, cast out ever foe. Just wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Have the preeminence, Lord. I struggle to be second. ~

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal for 09/01…The course of my life

Psalm 31: 15 The course of my life, Lord, is in your power.

How gratifying it is, Father, to know that You have control ultimately…that my life is subject to Your power and not that of men. As long as I put You first and willingly surrender my life to You, You will protect me, guide me, and strengthen me.

I know what David means when he says that "my eyes are worn out from angry sorrow" (10). A person can cry and grieve to the point of exhaustion. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for taking my part; for standing in my place; for being the "man of sorrows" for me.

The course of my life -- not just the general direction of my life, but the day-to-day things -- is in You power. And Father, I trust You with my life. You have given so much to me and for me that I know You have my best interest at heart. Today is in Your power. Tomorrow is in Your power. And all the years to come, should You grant them to me, is in Your power…Your grace; Your mercy; Your love; Your compassion for me.

Be first today, Lord. Please. I am second.~

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Journal for 08-31…The blues

5:44 AM

Psalm 30… I will exalt You, Lord, for You have lifted me up. The fact is, this world can get a person down, even the most faithful and avid follower of Christ. There are times, Lord, when I have the blues. Sometimes for no apparent reason, but sometimes because of the way I've been treated, or the way things are going, or how I've disappointed myself, or sometimes I'm just tired. While the reasons vary for the blues, You have often come along and lifted me up, encouraged me, renewed my hope, and reminded me of my purpose. Your love for me is too deep to understand.

You have not allowed my enemies to triumph over me. There is the devil, his minions, and certain people, too, who would love to do a little victory dance over my defeated life and/or ministry. I'm not one of those people who look for enemies, but I seem to attract them at times. If my sin is involved, please forgive me and fill me with Your Spirit -- help me make a mid-course correction. But even then, help me have the victory that comes only from You and don't allow my enemies, and Your enemies, to get a victory lap because of me.

(2) You are the healer of broken hearts, fractured relationships, and hurt feelings. You have healed me many times. And I suspect that as long as I'm in this fallen world I'll need healing again and again. I will trust You for the healing I need: be it emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual. You are Jehovah-Jireh. God my healer.

Be first today Lord. I am a thankful second. ~

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Journal for 08/30…May Jesus Christ be Praised!

5:47 AM

Psalm 30

Lord, You have lifted me up, so I will gladly exalt You (1) Of course, You should be exalted no matter what happens to me, for You are the One and Only Sovereign God, Creator, and Redeemer. But when I have cried to You for help, You were there; You healed what was hurting (2) Praise to God that His anger, His rightful anger, lasts only for a moment (5), but His favor…His favor lasts a lifetime and beyond.

Father, You used this Psalm many years ago when I was going through a very dark and difficult time of my life. You said (5): "Weeping may spend the night, but there is joy in the morning." Yes, Lord, joy comes in the morning! This world is fallen and difficult; it is cursed and heartbreaking. But joy comes in serving You. There is a morning that I have to look forward to when all things are settled; the enemy is destroyed; and death and sorrow are no longer a part of our existence.

I pray today for my family, my friends, and my fellow-believers who may be experiencing hurt, illness, heartbreak and confusion. May they hold on…joy comes in the morning!

When morning guilds the skies, my heart awakening cries, "May Jesus Christ be praised". Alike at work or prayer, to Jesus I repair; May Jesus Christ be praised. Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find, May Jesus Christ be praised! Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this May Jesus Christ be praised!

Be praised today, Lord, in this world…through believers everywhere. You be first. I am second.~

Monday, August 29, 2011

Journal 08/29…Storm’s aftermath

5:34 AM

Psalm 29

Give the Lord the glory and strength. Give Him the glory that is due His Name. Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness (1,2) In His temple all cry Glory (9)

Father, I do not comprehend Your glory, Your splendor, Your holiness. I am unclean, as the prophet said, and am among unclean people. I am a part of a fallen and cursed earth. My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought, my sin, not in part but the whole was nailed to the cross; and I bear it no more. Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! O my soul! I give You thanks for every good and perfect gift that I have. The truth is, the only good about me is You. And anything I have that is good comes from You: my salvation, my family, my ministry, my health, and my promise of the New Earth and Heaven to come….all from You!

So the day after Hurricane Irene rips through the eastern U.S. the verses I read say "the Lord sat enthroned at the flood." This is true of Noah's flood but of each and every flood and natural disaster we experience on earth. It also says, "the Lord gives His people strength; the Lord blesses His people with peace." So I pray for all "Your people" as they recover from the storm; and for all Your people that will be responders to the disaster; and for all Your people who may demonstrate Your peace in the midst of the trials and difficulties to those around them. Be glorified in a million ways, Lord, in the aftermath of the storm.

I am second.~

Friday, August 26, 2011

Journal 08/26…Level ground

5:48 AM

Psalm 26

(v12) My foot stands on level ground; I will praise the Lord in the assemblies.

I always liked that verse, Lord, because the way the world fluxuates and changes -- up one day and down the other, secure one day and threatening the next -- Your Word remains consistent and the foundation of Your truth and the gospel never moves. The only thing that I can count on for sure is You. Even those I love and depend on are victims of the world, and they, too, battle the ever-increasing onslaught on worldliness and change.

I will praise You when Your people assemble; I will be there among the congregation giving You thanksgiving and praise for what You've done and for Who You are.

Be first today. Help me to be second. ~

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Journal 08/25…general thoughts

5:39 AM

Thanks for the rain yesterday, Lord. At least we are reminded of what rain is and that someday it will come again. Droughts and floods, earthquakes and tsunamis, volcanoes and blizzards…You are still God, still in charge, still the King, and will one day make the earth all new again. I have Your Word on it!

Psalm 85

(v4) Father, return to us -- this nation founded on Godly principles; the churches that are worldly and drifted from You -- God of our salvation, and abandon Your displeasure with us.

(v6) Will You not revive is again? Forgive our sins…forgive my sins… and heal, restore, reclaim what is rightfully Yours. We desperately need the "wind of God", the Spirit of the Lord, to sweep across our land and into our hearts.

What can I do to advance Your Kingdom? What, where, how, and when should I be able to make the best contribution to the cause of the Kingdom of my Redeemer? Isn't that what we should all be asking? How can I make the greatest impact in the days that are left? There are so many people that are offended by the ways of the devil, and so many believers that are easily drawn into a secular mindset. I know, for I am tempted every day to ignore Your Spirit and go with the flow of worldliness.

Fill me with Your Spirit. Forgive my sins and bent to sinning.

When morning gilds the skies, my heart awakening cries: may Jesus Christ be praised! Be first and have the preeminence. I am second.~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Journal…the gifts just keep on coming

5:45 AM

Someday, Lord, I'll wake up in Heaven. But today I am grateful to wake up right here. May this day be a day of serving You and abiding in You. You are a wonderful Father and Your love is rich and deep for me. You forgive sin -- even sent Your Son to pay for mine. Help me to abide in Christ today; may the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight.

The gift goes on. First it was the gift of eternal life and grace -- bought and paid for by You!

Then there is the gift of the Holy Spirit that lives in me (that can't be easy!) and helps me, prays for me, and teaches me. After that, the gift continues with my own gifts and abilities tailor made for me…not for my pleasure, and not for my benefit, but for the pleasure of You, my Redeemer, and the benefit of Your Church. Help me remember that the gifts You give me are not about ME, and not for ME, but for YOUR CHURCH. It is the common good (I Cor 12:7) and to serve one another (1 Peter 4:10).

I am second. ~