Thursday, November 17, 2011

Journal portion for 11/17…Malicious talk

5:40 AM

Psalm 137, Proverbs 17

Lord, may my fondest thoughts and highest praise be reserved for "Jerusalem"…the place where You dwell. (137.6) The world offers little joy except for the places and people where You are at work. One day, however, all the things that corrupt the earth will be done away with and believers -- because of Your grace -- will be with You in holiness. To You belong all the glory for what You have already done, and for what Your Word anticipates that You will do.

Malicious talk is so hurtful and unnecessary. It's one thing to see it in the public arena and politics, but it's so out of place (but common) among Your people. Help me to always "conceal offenses and promote love" and not gossip, which “separates friends” (17:9). Gossip is certainly a killer, Lord. It kills friendships, fellowship, worship, and reputations. Help me rebuke gossip and reject participation in it.

“If only You would bless me, extend my border, let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm, so that I will not cause any pain." 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Be first today, Lord. I struggle to be second, but it's my heart's desire.

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