Friday, September 16, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/16…The River!

5:36 AM

Psalm 46

There is a river, praise the Lord! -- its streams delight the city of God (4). That city is the dwelling place of the Most High. God is within that city. And one day I will be, too. That city, the New Jerusalem will one day bring earth (the New Earth) and heaven (the New Heaven) together where God will live and reign and love us forever and ever.

The things of this earth are smoke and mirrors, a vapor, and so much waste compared to the glory and wonder of our future with Him.

Father, thank You for making me Your child. I have problems, face conflicts and adversities and struggle with disappointment and depression; but You are my refuge (1) and strength, a Helper who is always found in times of trouble. And Lord, I hold You to Your word: always found in times of trouble.

You are the faithful One. You are the holy One. You have all the mercy and grace in heaven and on earth. I am nothing without You; and even though I'm a believer, I still struggle with self, selfishness, sin, and the world. Yet, You died for me..for me! You have forgiven me and even called me to serve You. You couldn't find a more defective recruit!

I will remember who I am -- Your child. I will remember the River that will flow from Your throne in the City of God. I will remember that all of this around me is temporal and will be consumed in judgment. I remember Your promises, Your love, and Your help.

Today, Lord, help me be second. You be first. I am second.~

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