Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal for 10/28…be near

5:38 AM

Good morning, Father. You are always here no matter what. You created everything, including me, and oversee all that You have made. You never violate our freedom to choose and we've made some bad choices, Lord. The world is fallen because of people like me. Yet in Your grace and mercy You provided a way back…a way back to You. So, I thank You this morning for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who died and rose again for me…in my place. Forgive my sins in His Name, and help me to remain focused today on the things that matter. To that end, please fill me with Your Spirit and His wisdom.

Psalm 88

You are the God of my salvation, (1) and I must remember that when I call to You. If You would concern Yourself with my greatest need, certainly You would care about the lesser things, too. I am a man without strength (6), at least not much strength of my own. Sometimes I feel like You aren't there; that You don't care; that You've abandoned me…but I will still pray in morning (13) and all day long (9). And I have to tell You that sometimes I feel like darkness and discouragement is my only friend (18). But I will remember what You have already done for me on the cross, and that in the big picture of things, You love me, have plans for me, and want to abide in me. Encourage me today, Lord. Show me a sign (87:17).

"Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above Ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." To God be the glory, great things He has done; so loved He the world that He gave us His Son!

He me have an undivided mind today, Lord (86:11). I am second!~

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