Friday, December 12, 2008

Hallelujah! My Girl Did It!

Well, she did it.
My daughter, Denise, graduated today with a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Counseling from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. 
It took a lot -- and I mean a lot -- of hard work. But she's completed the work, endured the hardship, and made it. Working various jobs, including shift manager at Starbucks, teaching classes at church, handling a counseling load through her school and through the church, playing keyboards in the worship band, and driving hours at a time to get back and forth from Kaufman, to Ft. Worth, to Weatherford, etc. etc. etc. -- I mean it, she worked hard!
I'm proud of her, of course. But I can tell you, putting parental bias aside, she is really an insightful, compassionate, and knowledgeable counselor. That's not just her daddy talking.  Well, maybe a little, but it's still true!
Pray for Denise to find a good position/ministry ... first she has to pass a major knowledge test, short of a bar exam for counselors in January. She'll be studying all this month and next.
Anyway, daddy is is mom.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This is the part I hate...

I love Christmas. I love the family traditions that we've developed over the years, and I love the music -- old and new. 
Many people seem to think that Christmas is the Savior of our economy. Already  today (Saturday) we've heard the shopper reports about "Black Friday". People look to this time of year to pull our economy out of the doldrums. Of course the world misses the whole point.
But I like buying and giving gifts, so I'm not completely adverse to the commercial hype.
This is the part I hate: Santa Clause. I'm sorry that the legend ever got started, because it's been carried too far. I mean, Santa has the attributes of Jesus: he lives forever, he knows if you've been good or bad, and knows when you're sleeping or awake. 
Alongside the stories and expectations of Santa we also teach the nativity story and all about Jesus. So on the one hand we tell them a fictional story about a character that has the attributes of God -- but one day we'll tell them that's a lie -- and on the other hand we'll tell them about a little baby surrounded by animals without really emphasizing His royal deity -- but that turns out to be the truth. 
I even heard a commercial on TV that said (and I quote) "without Santa there would be no childlike faith." You've got to be kidding!!
I've known a lot of kids who grew up without the Santa myth. Their parents never did the "Santa is coming tonight" thing. I'm one of them. Dawn and I didn't bring our kids up with Santa. They were just as happy and surprised by what they received on Christmas, but they knew it from their dad and mom. 
Santa is the part I hate about Christmas. The truth has been diluted with a cute little story that "harms no one." But why dilute the truth at all? It saves us from having to explain the difference and sort out truth from error.
May God bless your ministry today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Heavenly Hedge Against Hard Times

God never promised that we would not experience difficulty and hardship. When evil and adversity assails the world, believers get caught in the turmoil. Jesus said, "you will have tribulation." We are not immune to the things that befall our neighbors and friends.
However, there is a Heavenly Hedge for believers that are faithful and obedient. Based on the Word of God; and based on what I know about the character of God; and based on the history of God's care for His people I have the conviction that there is only one sure cushion against hard times.  It's tithing.
They say that when times are tough for Americans they tend to save their money instead of spending it. Which only harms the overall economy further. And our tendency as believers is hang onto our money and protect our resources...even to the point of not giving cheerfully to Kingdom causes.
But if God promises to His people that He will bless us when we give the full 10%; and if God promises to "rebuke the devourer" for us (that's whatever threatens our income and survival); then I believer the best hedge against experiencing the full impact of a chaotic world economy is giving, not saving; tithing not hoarding. 
...Just a thought.


I am challenging every believer to take up this challenge. God said He would bless those who bring the full 1o% into the "storehouse" (an offering room in the temple) so that expenses could be met for maintaining the house of worship. He even went further. He promised to "rebuke the devourer" on our behalf -- whatever it is that devours the fruit of our labor and threatens our economic security.
I'm challenging You -- no, God challenges You -- to tithe and see if He doesn't bless Your efforts to be obedient and give.
Well, that's my challenge. Give a full 10%  (of gross, not net) in 2009. Will take up the challenge? I double dog dare you!
May God bless your ministry today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama wins...a breakthrough?

All the mainstream media celebrates the election of Barak Obama as the 44th president of the U.S. In their jubilation many are saying that this demonstrates the decline, if not the demise, of racism in our country. The fact that a black man could be elected president proves we've come a long way.

But that's not what I see. When Obama carried many states because of the black and hispanic vote, it seems that race is what got him elected. I have two questions:
1. Is voting for McCain and against Obama simply because Obama is black racism? After all it's a decision based solely on one's preference for one race over another.
2. Is voting for Obama and against McCain simply because Obama is black racism? After all it's a decision based solely on one's preference for one race over another.
So I'm not seeing a breakthrough in terms of racism in America. Quite the contrary. Racism works in both directions. I see a country more divided over race than ever. Especially with all the threats of riots and rebellion if Obama didn't make it. What's up with that? That's not a racist threat?

Several other observations: 
1) A "religion friendly" government is about to end; faith-based initiatives started by President Bush and opposed by democrats in congress will be threatened.  
2) Look for attacks, via "The Fairness Doctrine", against conservative talk radio. The liberal congress and president will not go after the New York Times or MSNBC for their sever liberal bent, but they'll go after Limbaugh, Hannity, and others... maybe even FoxNews. 
3) Look for new bold initiatives to increase abortion rights and gay marriage. The gay agenda suffered some big losses in this election (there's always a bright spot), but now you'll see abortion friendly and gay friendly judges nominated and sworn into office. 
4) Taxes WILL go up. Obama promised to end the "Bush tax cuts" ASAP. I don't know about you, but I got a tax cut with Bush's plan, now I'll get an instant increase in taxes when Obama ends that program....and so will you. (and I fall well below the arbitrary line Obama has set that separates the middle-class from the wealthy.)
5) Watch for subtle attempts to subvert the Constitution of the United States; attempts to replace capitalism and free market with government controls on profits; and watch for attempts, ever so subtle, to oppress free religious expression by churches and religious organizations. 
6) Watch for a new tone on the national level -- a tone of anger, arrogance, and conservations and Christians are made fun of and relegated to the back seats of influence. 
Those are just a few precautions and predictions. The Word of God and evangelical Christians have been under attack during this election. The women on The View, Opray, and MSNBC  will be real tickled with the results of this election. But dear fellow believer, in the words of an old hymn: "Be not dismayed what'er betide, God will take care of you."
It is in difficult times -- times of financial stress, political unrest, and subtle/not so subtle persecution that the church grows, people turn to God, and Christ comes shining through. One of our greatest opportunities for evangelism and harvesting may be dead ahead of us. 
People will soon find out that Obama is NOT the messiah they thought he'd be. Some of them will turn to the true Messiah that doesn't need their vote, but wants their heart. 
So, Obama's election is not a breakthrough in the way the news media will portray it. But it may be a breakthrough in the months and years ahead for the gospel. Nothing happens that doesn't cross God's desk first!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Why Things Happen the Way They Do

There are 13 reasons why things happen the way they do -- good things and bad. Our conflicts and blessings all occur because God has a plan for our lives.
The number one reason why things happen the way they do is:
God is bringing us into conformity to the image of Jesus Christ.
What makes Jesus the Lord, the Savior, the Messiah is not the healings, the miracles, and all the caring He showed to humanity. What makes Jesus, Jesus to me, is the cross -- the sacrificial suffering and death of Jesus!
Now if we are to be conformed to the image of Jesus it will require adversity, conflict, betrayal, disappointment, and suffering. Jesus warned us that for us to be like Him -- to follow Him -- we will have to "take up your cross daily". 
God wants us to be like Jesus. It will not happen without conflict and adversity!
There are 12 other reasons why things happen the way they do, but it will always include reason number one: to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
You can follow this series at -- the messages in this series are available for viewing or for downloading to your MP3 player.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Church Ain't a Service Center

Maybe it's because we live in a "what's in it for me" world; or maybe it's because people just expect to be given things without accountability or responsibility; but for whatever reason, many folks think the church is a service center...a place where handouts are freely given to all who ask.
People that never attend our church will call and ask for assistance with gasoline, their electric bills, or other financial emergencies. Of course now we send them to the Christian Help Center where other local churches assist in meeting these kinds of needs. The point I want to make is this: people think it's okay to just show up on our doorstep and ask for money. Some even get angry if we don't!
But often church members have the same worldly attitude toward the church. They act as if the church is here to service them, meet their needs, massage their ego, tickle their fancy. And if it doesn't, they'll just go to another one -- or maybe not even go to church at all. How short-sighted. They may even be deceived by Satan himself into thinking the church owes them something.
When will Christians learn the true nature of the church -- it's not where you come to get served; it's where you come to serve! It's not a place where you come to get anything; it's a place where you come to give. 
Where in the world is the sacrifice for heaven's sake?!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Way Things Ought to Be -- a Trip to Connecticut

I know Rush Limbaugh wrote a book by that title, The Way Things Ought to Be, but there are times when it is clear how things should be working out. 
Dawn and I have been taking a long weekend to visit New England. It's beautiful here. We hit the leaves right at their peek time. The glowing reds, yellows, and oranges are beyond words. Yesterday (Saturday) we went with friends from Connecticut on a drive into southeastern Massachusetts. We went through Sheffield, and Stockbridge (where Norman Rockwell painted), Lee and Lenox. We stopped at little shops and inns along the way. The kind of places you can only find in New England.
Today we visited Friendship Baptist Church, where I was the pastor for almost 12 years. We greeted and hugged a lot of good friends. Many of these folks we led to Christ or was used by the Lord to help them grow into Him. The church is still involved in all kinds of missions -- the way things ought to be. They still have strong discipleship groups on Sunday evening and throughout the week in people's homes -- the way things ought to be. And they are in the process of calling a new pastor from Ohio who preaches the word, loves doing missions, and wants to be innovative -- the way things ought to be.
Tonight, we had dinner with a couple that I had the privilege of marrying. I remember when they came to me for counseling. The young lady was a Christian but her pastor would not even consider performing the wedding because the man wasn't a Christian. But I didn't want to miss an opportunity like this and agreed to talk with them -- even though they had never been to the church before.
   The young man said that he as a computer techy and thought in concrete, scientific terms ... and he could not see how believing the Bible's idea of God was logical or see the need to "receive" Christ. I made a deal with him. I promised I would marry them, no matter what he did -- whether he believed or not -- if he would allow me to share the gospel during counseling and agree to ask me the hard questions with the chance to respond. He agreed.
   That man is on the pastor search committee that is helping to lead the church in finding a pastor. My heart gave God praise as he talked about seeking a pastor that studied and taught the Word rightly. His spiritual growth the last few years is clearly evident -- the way it ought to be. 
You know, a man does not need to have a building with his name on it, or have a town named after him, or hold a world's record in something. The deepest satisfaction comes when a pastor can see the work of God in the lives of other people. There is no substitute for knowing that people have come into an eternal relationship with God because of your ministry. There is no greater affirmation of a person's ministry than to see young people growing up to serve God and make the commission of Christ their life priority. That's the way things ought to be. 
May God continue to bless Friendship as they call their new pastor and move forward in obedience to Christ. 
But I also pray that Grace Fellowship, the place God has me serving right now, will also move forward in obedience to Christ. May all of our members be able to see the eternal, supernatural working of God in the lives of many, many people who pass through our wake. May we rejoice in the continued service of growing, obedient disciples of Jesus -- that 's the way it ought to be.
May God bless your ministry today. He has certainly blessed mine!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Disaster Affects Everyone

Yes, I haven't posted since August -- as my daughter is happy to point out. I was posting regularly until disaster struck -- Hurricane Ike. Disasters change everything. Let me name a few....
First, it interrupts the flow of life like bloggers. Why? At least for me, because I am a Victim Chaplain and I led a team of responders to care for a large, chaotic shelter of evacuees from the Beaumont area.
True, it was only open for a week, but it interrupted my routine.
Second, it interrupts the lives of the people living in the stricken areas. It destroys homes, washes away heirlooms, and robs a family of their pictures and memories. It causes the loss of income, even jobs, and the interruption of schoolwork. It separates friends and families who have to evacuate to different places.
Third, it affects the lives of responders like our Victim Relief Team from Kaufman. Schedules and families are put on the back burner while responders care for the needs of others.
There are other lives and institutions that are affected, but let these examples suffice for my purposes here. 
We are trying to raise funds to equip a Disaster Response Trailer. The radios are paid for, but a generator and other essentials are yet to be paid for. If you can help let me know. We are in need of about $4000.
God bless your ministry today.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Shack

The Shack, a fictional work by William Young, has become rather controversial. Some call it heresy. Others call it one of the great writings of modern Christianity.

I read The Shack. I liked the Shack. I have recommended The Shack to others and loaned out a number of copies -- I've given away even more.

People smarter than me have really cast some weighty stones at the book. But, you know what? I like it.

There's a few problems, but taken as a whole, it teaches some profound truths about God. You just have to put aside some of the preconceived notions you have about the Bible to appreciate the deeper truths it teaches.

Anyway, I've read blogs that support The Shack and those that are highly critical. Someone steered me to a good blog by a man I really have confidence in, Mart DeHaan of the Radio Bible Class. Please check it out for yourself.

Locally, you can get The Shack at Servant's Bookstore. It can be found in our Media Center, too. Or, it can be ordered online at Barnes and Nobel,, etc.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wanted: Imperfect People

How many Christians will attend church this week with the intent to impress? They put on their "going to meetin'" clothes and make sure they make a good impression. Underneath, however, there's confusion, conflict, and addictions. They make a good impression all right, but not with God. He knows.

How many Christians will attend church this week with the intent to cover up? They want to cover up their frailties and failures. They will never get help because they cover up their need. Maybe they should find a church that welcomes frailties and failures!

I don't want the "elite Christians" at Grace Fellowship. There's enough churches down the road that will welcome them. I want the people that haven't arrived yet. I want the believers that want to be discipled; that want to follow Christ; and they know they have a way to go.

Check out the short video clip that I just added to the site. It reflects my thoughts. I hope it reflect yours.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


“Because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth.”            

That’s right, Jesus actually told some church members that they made Him sick. And, frankly, there are times I feel His pain.

There are two kinds of Christians that make me sick. The first are the ones Jesus was thinking about in Revelation. They are the pompous, know-it-all, have-to-be-in-the-loop, “pillars of the church”.  They’ve been members for so many years, attended Sunday School regularly, and contributed to the church often. Yet, when it comes to really obeying the Bible and learning to live in a loving relationship with others, they stink! They make Jesus sick. They make me sick, too. I often wonder when certain Christians will grow up and act with forgiveness, understanding and love. We have a nursery for our infants and sometimes I can think of some adults that belong there.

The other kind of Christians that make me sick are the ones who choose to live in ignorance of the Bible. No way is God honored by believers remaining ignorant of the Word, but you’d be surprised how many are flat out ignorant of the Word. They are devoid of understanding its principles and the ways of God, but they still have an opinion of other Christians.

Jesus may be living in both of these kinds of Christians, but you can’t convince me He feels at home.

I guarantee you that at Grace Fellowship, we will teach, preach and practice disciple-making. And anyone who puts forth the effort, and is willing to turn the power of God loose in their life, will have the opportunity to experience the fullness of God.

Follow Christ with your whole heart, be grown up, and be a gracious Christian, and you won’t have to be a Christian that makes Jesus sick. You’d be doing me a favor, too. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sorry for such a delay in posting

I'm sorry for the delay in posting an article lately. It's been a busy July. I was out of town with our mission team to Connecticut. The team returned exhausted. Not only were we busy every single day but the trip was tiring.

We traveled in our new 26 passenger bus -- it really worked out better than a couple of vans. After making the trip two years ago in a 15 passenger van, this was wonderful. Long, but wonderful. We can make the trip driving straight through, including stops and meals, in an easy 34 hours.

This mission team is one of the best I've ever traveled with...and I've traveled with a lot of them over the years. Grace Fellowship can be proud of the maturity and dedication of these adults and youth. They knew their job and did it well.

This year we made a number of real positive contacts with adults -- either through our day camp ministry or some survey work in the neighborhoods. We were hoping the surveying would turn up more people, but in CT people just don't answer their door to strangers. But they need Jesus, so we'll pray for New Beginnings in Meriden, CT. They've got a huge job ahead.

New Beginnings also presented our team and Grace Fellowship with a plaque recognizing our service in Meriden. May the Lord reap the harvest and the praise.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm Getting Tired of "Church as Usual"

I know we each have our own comfort zones, but this ain't working. Doing "church as usual", you know, the way we've done it for a hundred years, ain't getting the job done!

Disciples aren't being made; the lost aren't being reached; churches are splitting out of worldliness; Islam is sweeping the world along with every New Age religion that comes along; and attendance to services, for most believers, is deemed optional. If attendance to worship with other believers is deemed optional you can imagine how "taking up our cross and following Jesus" is applied.

So maybe "church as usual" has got to change. I'm open to new ideas. How about mandatory discipleship classes -- that's right, I said mandatory. Maybe it's time we began to expect more from people whose names are on the church roll.

What if churches were to take attendance every Sunday morning, and evening, and see who is really loyal and supportive. I can hear the uproar now from the occasional attender and "just-enough-to-get-by" church member.

Forget Sunday School. That's right, I said forget Sunday School. Sunday School was invented by visionary men that brought unschooled child laborers to a place on Sunday where they get educated and hear about Christ. It was invented for lost people, for heaven's sake. Now, however, most churches have Sunday School for saved people while the lost are left to fend for themselves. Our actions tell a lost world: "to hell with you." (Hell is not a bad word, just a bad place).

I've got other thoughts and ideas on this, but let those three be enough to get us started thinking: what does it mean, in a world hostile to the things of God, to be a Christian? I mean really, what does it mean to be a follower of Christ? I'm getting tired of the ineffective, powerless, impotent "church as usual" ritual we follow.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Latest Reading

Want you to know what I've been reading lately and recommend a couple of books to you.

First, is The Barbarian Way, by Erwin McManus.
Second, is Pagan Christianity by Viola and Barna.
And for fiction fans I've just finished The Shack by William Young.

I highly recommend these books to you. The first discusses the type of people God really intends for Christians to be. The world will consider them barbarians, uncultured, backward. But that's what they thought of Jesus, too.

The second explains all the church and religious traditions we follow and where they came from ... and how they have no foundation in Scripture.

The third is about a father who lost his 6 year old daughter to a violent death, and how God confronts him with His love, reasons, and abundant grace.

There's a few others, but supper is ready and Denise cooked it.... gotta try this.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Sad News Today

Some years ago there a great woman in my church that had committed her life to Christ. For several years she grew spiritually and was very active in ministry. I remember many days when she organized and facilitated a ministry to children in a mult-housing complex in Torrington, CT. She was great with kids. I actually saw her lead children to Christ.

But something snapped. She had a baby -- a beautiful baby girl that I saw just last year -- she's about 10 now. We don't know what happened...if it was related to post-partem depression or other factors. But she became a completely different person. She left home, left her family, left her church, and left all that was good to live on the street. It was really weird. And sad.

Friday, July 4th, she was found dead. Alone. Probably from an overdose.

I remember her daughter coming to the altar week after week to pray for her mommy to come home. The girl who still lives with her father, loved her mother and longed to have her home. But drugs and sin will distort a person's perspective and take their minds captive.

While other people post their MySpace blogs today and talk of partying, drinking, and taking drugs, my heart is broken for those who have lost their families, their comforts, and their lives to these addictions. :(

Thursday, July 3, 2008

We're Now On the Web

Tell your friends -- you know, the ones you can't get to attend church -- to check us out on the internet. All you have to do is go to our website: and select the message you want to hear or watch. It's easy.

You can also view the messages in the event that you're out of town or ill that day. We're even thinking about streaming our services live on the internet so you can watch our services as they occur. That way if you're sick, you can still be a part of your church family.

Check it out.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


The word "mercy" has several applications in the English language. Two definitions found in the dictionary are:

1. Compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender
2. Compassionate treatment of those in distress

Whether a person is suffering stress and conflict, or they are guilty of offending another person, mercy cannot be received unless it is first given.

In other religious systems, such as Islam, mercy is not a dominate characteristic. But the heart of Christianity -- the very foundation of our salvation -- is mercy.

Christ was superior in showing mercy. From the helpless sick He healed, to the guilty offender He had forgiven (e.g. Zachias, dying thief etc), Jesus provided great mercy.

The process is supposed to continue with us. Christians, of all people, should be people of mercy. But we aren't. I often meet people who stay away from church because of the conflicts, divisions, and hostility they've seen among believers -- all without mercy for one another.

Mercy must begin in the church of Jesus Christ. No one but forgiven sinners are as qualified to show mercy. Let's apply the mercy we've received to others.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Keep Your Civilized Faith

You can keep your civilized faith, your domesticated, docile, acceptable, stereotype of Christianity.

There was nothing civilized about Jesus. His whole life ran contrary to the accepted norms and religious traditions of His time. He took risks. He was an innovator.

Jesus didn't come to save us from hell, which seems to be evangelical's preoccupation. Missing hell and judgment is a part of the benefits of salvation, but even more than that, Jesus died to put us into a community -- to give us a family; to make us children of God.

And Jesus never promised to save us from pain, suffering, and conflict. But He did promise to give our lives meaning. He has given us a purpose, a reason to live, work, and survive.

Domesticated believers take the path of least resistance and avoid conflict -- with the world and with other believers. But Christ never took that path, and neither should we.

Keep your civilized faith that makes no demands on you. For me, I'm willing to take some risks, be embarrassed, and take some knocks in the pursuit of following Christ. And you?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who says there's only one way to do things?

I like to try new things, to do things different from time to time. It's good to put a fresh spin on things and try a creative approach. This is especially true of church.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a worship rut and that I need some spontaneity when God's people come together. I've seen serious conflicts arise between believers when the traditional worship service is threatened with anything new. A change in the order of worship, dropping the time honored doxology, trying a contemporary song, not having a special music during the offering, or not having an invitation can cause heart failure for some traditionalists.

What about these ideas? Have our corporate worship service first, starting at 10, a brunch time, and then have Sunday School to follow it. Yes, flip things around. Where's the law that says we have to do Sunday School anyway?

I'd like to do without a printed order of worship and just have an announcement page or weekly news page. How about having the sermon at the beginning of the service and everything else after that? What about a service with no music at all? Or, no sermon?!!

If we have to have a Sunday evening gathering, why not do it at, say, 3:00? You know, go to lunch after Sunday School, come back for discipleship/fellowship, then go home early and get a good night's rest.

These are just a few ideas to get your cognitive juices flowing. You can probably come up with some ideas, too...but only if you can think past the traditions you've become comfortable with. If you get some new ideas let me know. Let's brainstorm. Who says there's only one way to do things?

Friday, June 13, 2008

An example of domesticated Christianity

First, I regret that the young lady in this story died. There's nothing good about the abortion industry. People die. Babies die. People are permanently sterilized or injured. That being said, the story on the FoxNews website tells how she died from taking abortion pills. But here's the paragraph you ought to read:

Manon Jones, 18, described by her mother as a devout Christian teen, opted to terminate her pregnancy at six weeks because she feared the pregnancy would cause conflict within her "Muslim" boyfriend's family, the Daily Mail reported Friday.

This demonstrates how Christians have become domesticated, civilized, and otherwise ineffective. A young woman designated as a "devout" Christian has pre-marital sex; attempts to have an abortion and kill a living baby; and all this from a boyfriend that is a Muslim. In addition, it was concern for the Muslim faith that drove her decision to have an abortion. Too bad concern for her Christian faith didn't lead her to abstinence.

The church has got to stop being acceptable to the world. Our decisions cannot be driven or influenced by what civilized society accepts. Maybe we need to redefine what a "devout" Christian is!

Supreme Court -- Supreme Error

Well, once again the liberals on the Supreme Court have acted foolishly and crippled the integrity, safety, and sovereignty of the U.S. They have just said that enemy combatants and murderers captured in the War on Terror -- people that could have legally been just killed on the battlefield -- have access to our civil courts in the U.S. That's right, these non-citizens, who would just as soon destroy our Constitution and all it stands for, have just been given standing in our civil courts!

Our own military personnel, citizens of the U.S., don't have access to civil courts, for heaven's sake. They have to be tried by military courts -- they can't appeal to a judge to have their case transferred to a civil court. Yet, our Supreme Court has given these foreign rogues access to OUR courts.

These people, the 5 Justices that voted to do this, are nuts!!

There. I had to vent. Do I feel better? Wish I did.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Marriage Amendment

An amendment to the Constitution has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. It must first pass both the House and Senate by a 2/3 margin, then be passed by 3/4 of the state legislatures. This will be a real fight, folks.

For your information, here's how the amendment reads:

Section 1. This article may be cited as the `Marriage Protection Amendment'.
Section 2. Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.

Roll up your sleeves and start contacting your representatives and senators. You have not heard about this in the media because the mainstream media is hostile to it. This is a fight worth engaging in.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Don’t You Ever Get Tired of Being "Normal"?

You were running well. Who prevented you from obeying the truth? are called to freedom, brothers.1

Why do some Christians expect others to dress the way they do when they come to church? Why do some Christians expect us to sing the same songs the church was singing 300 years ago? Is it because that’s what is “normal”?
And why do smaller churches try to copy what large mega-churches do? Do mega-church leaders get together and decide what church ought to look like for the rest of us? Do they decide what is “normal” for a church?
Why do all churches do Vacation Bible School, Sunday School, morning and evening worship hours all the same way? Who decided what was “normal”? And what makes “normal” church so desirable?
Don’t you ever get tired of being a “normal” Christian? “Normal” pastors, for example, are supposed to wear a suit and tie to preach, and they wouldn’t embarrass themselves by driving a school bus — especially if they don’t have to.
“Normal” Christians don’t risk their reputations, don’t risk their jobs, and don’t risk being thought insane. Whatever happened to the Jesus Freaks? They were truly freaks, but they won thousands to faith in Jesus Christ.
Sometimes I think trying to be a “normal” Christian prevents many from obeying the truth. From being real disciples. But God did not call us to conformity, He called us to liberation — to freedom. Freedom to be insane for Jesus!
Don’t you ever get tired of being “normal”?

1 Galatians 5:7,13 Copyright © June 3, 2008 Darril Deaton

What the 23rd Psalm Really Says

Continuing in our new series this coming Sunday, Famous Bible Passages, we'll be looking at the 23rd Psalm. Of course, you've heard it so often, even quoted it at funerals, that you think you know what it says.

Join us Sunday morning at 10:30 for this important message. You will never view the 23rd Psalm the same again. it won't be some mousy, mushy feel-good thing.

If you can't attend, ask for the DVD.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

New "Famous" Series for Summer

Starting today, June 1st, we will begin a new series for the summer. It will be a series on the famous, or favorite, Bible passages. Some examples are John 3:16, the Beatitudes, 23rd Psalm, the Lord's Prayer, etc).

We begin with John 3:16. This will be recorded on DVD and is available upon request at the church office or just email me...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Every Christian an Apologist?

Always be ready to give a defense to anyone
who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you
. -- Peter

An apologist, according to the dictionary, is “one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something .” Applied to Christianity an apologist would be a person who can defend and explain the Christian faith. The late Paul Little, the late C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, and Norman Geisler are several whose books are still available from bookstores and the internet.
The thing is, according to Peter, every single believer should develop into an apologist. Every believer should have some kind of response to anyone who questions their faith.
You don’t have to be an expert in theology or be fluent in languages of the Bible. All you have to do is have an intimate, personal relationship with Christ and be in the process of becoming a disciple.
I overheard one teenager, who had recently received Christ and been baptized, talking to another teenager. He said, “I like to hang around the church any time I can And have you noticed how I’m not as angry as I used to be? I’m different since I became a Christian.”
Now that’s an apologist in action! And he didn’t even know it. He was confirming what Jesus had done in His life.
You can grow in Christ by becoming active in discipleship, Bible study, and a mission or ministry team. You too, can be an apologist.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sgt. Herb Pettigrew

Herb's life was the Lord, his family and the army -- in that order. He served in the Army and National Guard for almost 40 years. It was time, so the Lord let Him go home on Sunday afternoon at 4:06 PM.

I've only known Herb and Liz for about 3 years, since moving to Grace Fellowship, but he was always one of the warmest people I've met. Always ready to laugh. I'll miss him at the "Spit and Whittle Club" at McDonalds each morning.

He was a blessing to me. Thank You, Lord, for another fine man you've allowed to grace my life.

Israel Anyone?

We're beginning to look at different travel agents for a group tour to Israel next year sometime. Summer is the best time, but it's the most expensive, too. The Fall is the best time, weather-wise and cost wise. Winter is next best.

I'm talking to a tour company that I worked with before. They are very accomodating and helpful. Let me know if you're interested in going to the promised land.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

I'm Just a Hog for You, Baby

I admit it, I listen to the old 50s music on XM Radio. Phase 1 of the Rock and Roll era was from 57 to 63 -- then the British invaded. So, many songs on the 50s channel predate the beginning of Rock and Roll. I heard one the other day: I'm Just a Hog for You, Baby. The chorus says: "This little piggy likes pizza; this little piggy dig potato chips; but THIS little piggy wants to feast on your lips!" I can't even type it without chuckling.

The thing is, many of the songs, even in early southern blues and rock and roll, talk about sin, God, God's plan for marriage, right and wrong. Like the song "You Send Me": "I want to marry you and take you home." That's a far cry from "One Night with You" that came later. All the early critics of rock and roll would be glad to return now to those first lyrics and styles.

Our lives are like the transition of music stylings, too. If we don't watch out, our lives will slowly, almost without notice, slip one little step at a time into a activities and attitudes that we would never have entertained before. Keep alert to a growing indifference toward sin and relaxed morals. Being "a Hog" for the things of God is okay. Really.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Global Warming or Islamic Jihad?

Well, I'm supposed to be scared to death of global warming, according to proponents of a faulty science scheme. But let's suppose that global warming is real. How long before it destroys the USA? A century or two? Fifty years? A decade?

I'm also supposed to be afraid of Islamic Jihad -- the militant Israel haters and America destroyers -- murderers and terrorists. These people are serious! They want us wiped off the face of the map. They get into our country over porous borders with plans to kill us and undermine our culture.

Between global warming and Islamic Jihad, I think Islamic Jihad poses the imminent threat. If the Al Gore's of the world would spend as much energy trying to protect our children and innocent citizens from terrorists as they do protect a few caribou from oil rigs, we might indeed be safer and more self-reliant.

Let's see: Global warming, on one hand, that stimies productivity, is based on psuedo-science, and flushes millions of dollars down the toilet, verses Islamic Jihad that wants me dead NOW! I think I'd rather the USA be concerned about the Islamic Jihad.

Note to believers: God is still on His throne and absolutely nothing happens that doesn't cross His desk first! And whatever happened to Christians abiding in the shadow of His wing? He is our Savior, and the One who loves our very souls. So, I'm okay with world events as long as I abide in Christ, and He in me. He, afterall, is sovereign, and "all power is given unto [Christ]." All power means all power. Whew! Now don't you feel better?!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

A good example of discipleship

I witnessed a good example of discipleship tonight -- actually over the last several months. It involves the music program at Kaufman ISD. I recently attended the concert for the Junior High and High School bands. They were awesome, and they've won a number of significant awards this year. Yes, indeed, it was a great concert.

Tonight I attended the concert for Nash Intermediate School -- 5th and 6th grade bands. It was a good concert, too. A few more flats, some woodwind squeaks, and less polish than the high school band, but they were good. The band instructor, Teri Sanchez, a member of our church, explained how several students were highly motivated and practiced a lot. They had reached performance markers on the high school level and were recognized and given awards.

I thought, this is how discipleship works. Go for the newer believers first like this music program goes for the youngest children. Over several years of practice, learning, instruction, and more practice they will mature in their craft. They will be more than tolerable to listen to. They will be quite enjoyable.

In the church, we need to make disciples out of believers as soon as we can. Start them out learning the notes, how to make an instrument "work", and laying the groundwork for future maturity and ministry. At first the music they play will be simpler, squeakier, but challenging. Eventually they will find themselves sight reading in high school competitions.

Being in the band since 5th grade does not make a performer an automatic sensation in high school. Work, discipline, and obedience will make the novice into a master musician over time. Christians are the same way. Just being in church and attending week after week, even for years on end, does not automatically make a believer a mature, productive disciple. In fact, many long time church attenders think they have the right to administrative and leadership positions because they've been in church so many years. But they may be immature, ineffective, run of the mill Christians. (Lord, save me from being a "run of the mill" Christian).

Discipleship starts early; stays consistent; makes demands on the Christian; and insists on cooperation and submission to authority. But the result will be sweet music to God's ears as the whole church ministers and worships from the position of maturity and power.

Monday, May 5, 2008

May -- give me warm!

Now, don't get me wrong but I love the north. (To most Texans, the north means Oklahoma). I love Ohio and really love New England. One reason is the four distinct seasons, glorious leaves, and real snow -- lots of real snow.

But this Texas winter is tough. At least in the north you know whether or not to wear longjohns and you know how many layers you need to stay, you stay warm. In Texas, however, it can be frigid in the morning and warm in the afternoon. So if the forecast says upper 60s and you dress for that, you wind up leaving the house at 5:3o AM dressed for 60s. Only thing is, it's 32 at 5:30 AM!

Look, once the "piggies" get cold, it's over. I don't care how warm the rest of you is, if those piggies are cold, you might as well give up.

Anyway, my point in all this rambling is I'm glad for the warm weather. I can ride my bike and save money, but most importantly I can leave the house with a short sleeve shirt on in the morning without freezing to death. Give me warm!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Exciting Day -- What a Great God!

I have just a few things to praise the Lord about today...

Well, we've completed our capitol stewardship campaign and received more commitments than our basic goal! The same week (Fri) we closed on the sale of our original property on Hwy 243, so it now belongs to KCCC and we've received our money. In addition to that, about 8 people, including 3 couples joined the church this morning.

And, if all goes well, I'll finish my tax return and get it in before the deadline on Tuesday.

So, God is indeed good. Thank You, Lord. "Praising Jesus, for the things He's brought is through." \O/

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Our building -- His building -- to the glory of God!

I am always excited when the schools use our building for a concert. I can hear the 6th grade band playing right now as I write this blog. The parking lot is jammed with cars parked on both sides to the street!

Praise the Lord for this opportunity.

We will be distributing tickets to Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames as people leave tonight.

I just get excited to be able to offer our building, the Lord's house, in service to others.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames

This is going to be interesting. When we booked HGHF for Easter (like last year) we didn't know that Spring Break would be the week before. That means that all our teenagers will out of school and unable to invite school friends during that whole week!

Sooooo....I'm proposing that we make this a town-wide evangelism effort. Sunday, and several days next week when kids are out of school anyway, we should put a flyer on every door in town. And, put a poster in every store window. This can be done!

We could pass out Free Tickets at Brookshires on Saturday, Sunday, and any other day that teenagers and mission team members can do it.

This is going to be interesting.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Miscellaneous Thoughts

Okay, okay...I know it's been almost a month since my last blog, but I'll get back to an "almost daily" posting. They may be short, but they'll be there.

Anyway, I want to praise the Lord for His goodness, for His kindness. Through the up times and down times, He remains faithfully present. I wouldn't trade my relationship to Christ for anything.

DiscipleNow weekend was great. There were some decisions made, but decisions don't tell the whole story. I was impressed by the number of teens that participated. I was equally impressed with the host homes, teachers and food preparers and other helpers. Everyone was really into ministering to these young people. Darin did a great job organizing and facilitating the event.

The "Still Building for Kingdom Growth" campaign is going great. People are getting on board. And giving has already increased -- even before the campaign commitments in April. Revivival and giving have always gone together.

My family is grateful for the many expressions of love and comfort we've received since my father's death in January. The good thing is that it is the only death He will ever have to suffer. From now on it's life forever. We will miss this temporary separation until the Day of the Lord!

Live for Jesus, that's what matters.

Monday, February 4, 2008

My Thoughts on the Superbowl

Well, New England lost the game. They weren't beaten by the Giants, they just lost it. They didn't bring their game to the stadium.

Now, of course, people around here are gloating over the fact that the team I was rooting for lost. Most of them are Cowboy fans. That's the irony. At least the Patriots made it to the Superbowl. Losing in the Superbowl with a 18-1 record is better than losing TWICE to the Giants that won the game.

It seems to me that both teams in the Superbowl are better than the Cowboys...even the loser.

My point is this: I'm ready to move on. It's a game. I learned about that while I lived in Cleveland during the Cardiac Kids era. I watched the Browns lose in heartbreaking overtime playoff games by a field goal. Now THAT was disappointment. The Patriots loss to the Giants was nothing in comparison.

God bless you all! And God bless the Giants.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Al Gore is "the man"?

Well, now a group of "christians", Baptists no less, have listened to Al Gore's sermon-like presentation on the inevitable dangers of global warming. One even called him a prophet.
Of course, this group, sponsored by Jimmy Carter, and addressed by other liberal officials, are not embraced by Bible-believing conservatives like me. Let me point out just a couple of things.

First, a prophet of God was a "forthteller" declaring the revealed word of God. It was from God and about God, not about an unproven scientific theory.

Second, I remember in the 1970s and 80s that there was a movement to change the lifestyles and habits of the world population because the planet was going to (not overheat) but return to the ice age!!! I wish these scientists would make up their minds.

Third, Jesus spoke of the end of the world as we know it on numerous ocassions. And His revelation to John speaks about the end of the world in gruesome detail. Global warming is not an issue. Jesus didn't spend one minute warning us about it. Search carefully from cover to cover; read the Bible with careful attention -- it ain't in there!!

Al Gore, if you would only use as much passion and energy trying to rescue men's souls from the real flames of eternity, you might finally do some good.

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Lord provides for His church

The church is the Bride of Christ. And Jesus protects, cares for, and fulfills His Bride. Yesterday was a good example of how He blesses her.

At Grace Fellowship we experienced the presence of the Bridegroom in our midst. He was loving, caring and good. A believer would be able to sense it -- the reality of His love and faithfulness.

Three teenagers gave their hearts to Christ and asked to be baptized or join the church; two families, one with a teenager, and another with six kids, officially joined our church.

One member told me that the presence of the Lord was "thick" today. I kind of like that.

Much more made it a good day, but just suffice it to say that the Lord proved Himself again. Every once in a while the Lord's presence will be "thicker" than at other times...just to show us He still cares. \O/

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Do you want to feel better?

Create a new file or document on your computer and name it "Hillary Clinton", then close it. Then, go to the file and right click on it; choose delete. It will ask, "are you sure you want to send Hillary Clinton to the Recycle Bin?" Click Yes. You'll feel better.

Now, on your desktop, open the trash bin. Choose "Empty Contents?" When Hillary Clinton disappears you'll really feel better!!

If you want to make your day complete, name the file "Bill and Hillary Clinton", then follow the process. You are going to feel so good when Bill and Hillary go away.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Praise the Lord anyway!

Back in the 70s, while everyone else was doing Disco, I was operating a Christian Bookstore and pastoring a church. A great deal of excitment was occurring in the Christian community... the Jesus People Movement, a growing house church movement, and Christian coffee-houses.
A very popular book at that time was called "Praise the Lord Anyway!" It was all about how bad things often happen to Christians. We live in the same tragedy prone world as anyone else. But God should be praised anyway.
From one perspective, it was kind of a pyschological thing -- kind of a "keep your chin up", "take your knocks", "stick it out" thing. But the basis for this idea is planted firmly in the Word. Job said, "I brought nothing into the world, and I'll take nothing out of the world, God be praised." David talked about praising God, even in the trials of life.
My point is, even when faced with life's more difficult trials, God is still the same no matter happens to us. Was He holy, kind, majestic, all mighty, and gracious before our crisis? Then He still is DURING our crisis, and AFTER our crisis.
So, Lord, I want to praise You anyway. My family has walked through the valley of the shadow of death recently, but You were with us. Thank You, Lord. I want to praise You for just being You. \O/

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My Father's Obituary

Robert Deaton, 77, of Weatherford passed away Monday, Jan. 14, 2008.Funeral: 10 a.m. Friday at Lakeshore Drive Baptist Church. Interment: 1 p.m. in New Gordon Cemetery, Gordon. Visitation: 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday at White's Funeral Home.Memorials: Donations in his name are requested to the Christian Witness Ministry, 1512 Highglen Trail, Kaufman, Texas 75142.
Robert Deaton was born April 18, 1930, in Ranger to the late Charles Nathan and Delphia Chipman Deaton. A graduate of Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Rev. Deaton was a pastor and planter of new churches in Texas and Ohio. In addition to pastoring, Bob taught school in Cleveland, Ohio, and Mansfield.
The Rev. Deaton also served as chaplain with Victim Relief Ministries and operations officer for Christian Witness Ministries. He was a member of Lakeshore Drive Baptist Church in Weatherford.
The thing Bob loved the most was the Lord and was proudest of his family and his ministry for the Lord.
He was preceded in death by a son, Bryan Deaton.
Survivors: Wife of 59 years, Marene Deaton; children, Darril Deaton and wife, Dawn, Marlene Deaton and Ronald Deaton; grandchildren, Darin Deaton and wife, Alexis, and Denise Deaton; sister, Pauline Pennock; and brothers, Charles W. Deaton and Jack L. Deaton.
Published in the Star-Telegram on 1/17/2008.

Long week...finally over

Finally returned to Kaufman late this afternoon. It's been a long, busy week. We held my father's funeral yesterday and it lasted an hour and forty-five minutes. It was an encouraging service, uplifting in many ways -- laughter mixed with tears.

I helped conduct the service and spoke of my dad's unique life. He witnessed to Albert Einstein, traveled with Billy Graham, employed and witnessed to Lee Harvey Oswald, and shared the gospel with Jack Ruby in jail. He helped untold thousands of people and shared the gospel to just about anybody, anywhere. I told a lot of funny stuff about him, then opened the mikes for others to tell funny stories. It was really great.

I appreciate your prayers for my family. Continue to pray for my mother...she's strong, but still, it's a sudden and difficult loss.

While I'll be going to W'ford every so often to help mom with business/estate things, it will be great getting back into my routines at church. Grace Fellowship has been really good to us through this time. My heart rejoices at the people's outpouring of love.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Long week and only half way through

It's been a long week already. We took care of the funeral home business today. Dad's funeral will be Friday morning at 1o AM at Lakeshore Baptist in W'ford.

The shock of dad's unexpected death still affects everyone -- especially my mom. But throughout the day we've encouraged each other with funny stories about his life. So we've laughed and cried and laughed all day. As a matter of fact, one of dad's desires was for people to tell funny stories during the service.

Alexis and Darin need complicate the whole week, she's experiencing some unexpected pain and will require a procedure tomorrow. We need God's grace this week.

I'll have to say one thing, I'm proud of the people at Grace Fellowship. My church family has been so supportive. I'm sorry there's not more people could do right now, because everyone wants so very much to do something. I thank God for the Body of Christ and for the local church I'm associated with. \O/

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday afternoon journal entry

I always tell disciples to read the Word and record what God said to them. Then, respond with what they would say back to God. Here's an example from my journal. It's part of a conversation I had with the Lord today:

12:27 P
"Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic..."
God: Late night TV is filled with charletons and thieves that rob people of their money and capitalize on their desire for the miraculous. If a person does not receive miraculous healing or financial help from on high they are told it is their fault -- their lack of faith. But it was the faith of friends, not the faith of the paralytic that brought My response. My grace is not boxed up by people's lack of faith.
Yes, I respond to your faith. And, yes, I answer prayers that are offered up in faith. "Without faith it is impossible to please Me." But praying for others, applying your faith on behalf of others, is the very definition of intercessory prayer. I love to hear intercessory prayer.
Example: Why should you even apply your faith and pray for the salvation of others? After all, they're not even believers and haven't even expressed faith for salvation toward Me. But it is your faith that appropriates My grace and power on their behalf -- that moves My Spirit to woo them to the Son. It is your faith that puts starts My divine wheels of salvation rolling on behalf of the unbeliever. Yes, they must come to a place of trusting Christ for salvation, but even that is not a mature faith that I is childlike. Your faith can greatly affect the lives of others.
Darril: Lord, please remind me, even push me, to pray for others. Remind me to appropriate my faith -- as imperfect as it is -- on behalf of my fellow disciples; the flock you have given me; unbelievers that I know; the city and school district I live in. Thank You for recording this story in Your Word for me. It helps me understand how powerful my prayers for others can be. One of the things that I appreciate about You, Lord, is that You show how simple it is to live for You. Does it take effort, faithfulness, and perseverance? Of course, but it's not complicated.
Be glorified somehow in my life today. I just pray that at the end of the day You will have found something pleasing about my life...even if it's just my faith to pray for others. Amen.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday's late evening journal--somewhere in the Caribbean

11:30 P “Why are you fearful, you of little faith?”
Things haven't changed much, Lord, in 2000 years. The disciples, those closest to You--those who should know what You can do--are fearful and faithless. Of course, no one could tell them they were faithless. They had all the marks of disciples. They were found near You most of the time and they appeared set apart from everyone else. But in what should be an ordinary circumstance, they came up short.
All of us face storms and threatening situations. How can we be surprised when we experience conflicts? Jesus, calming our seas, mastering our conflicts, and delivering us from trouble should a "normal" way of life for the disciple. Fear should never diminish our faith.
I know too many believers that have all the marks of a disciple. They are found in or around church and Christian people, and they appear set apart and different from everyone else. But they are fearful and faithless. They are afraid to step out and live for Jesus. They are fearful to step outside their comfort zone and take some risks of trust. When trouble comes they don't act any different or react any different than the average worldling. In reality, they have no testimony. Their life does not draw people to a supernatural Lord -- they live such natural and powerless lives. They are believers, but they aren't disciples. Does this all make sense to you? \O/

Another cruise day

Well, Denise placed second in the ship's Karaoke Superstar Contest. After eliminations and trials they had the big final tonight with judges along the lines of American Idol. They gave first place to a old guy with golden Ray Price voice. He was good.

Went into Georgetown, Grand Caymen today...much, much better than Jamaica. Very clean and modern compared to Jamaica, and not the oppressive spiritual atmosphere. That's not to say that there aren't issues and warfare occuring on the island. I still say that America is the place to be, and the place to be from. God has been good to us.

I've appreciated the devotions I've had this week -- going through several chapters of Matthew. Will be in Cozumel, Mexico tomorrow then at sea all day Saturday. Thanks for your prayers. We're praying for our church family and friends.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Late journal entry

11:05 P
I admit that we didn't travel the entire island of Jamaica today, but we went to the main shopping area called City Centre, and I was unimpressed. It was dirty, delapidated, and dark. In most places, the main tourist shopping area reflects the "best foot forward" of a city or island, but not Jamaica. The people pressed and pressed us more than I've experienced anywhere else to buy their goods or services. I guess they're just trying to make a living, but it was becoming a distraction. We could hardly have a private conversation. Lord, it's a dark and dismal place -- but much of the world is just like that.
You have blessed America, Lord, with so much -- so much we take for granted. You have blessed this country and the people with so many resources and benefits, yet most of us don't give You the honor and credit due Your Name. We just think we're special because we must deserve it. We deserve nothing. Everything good comes from You, even the vast and wonderful blessings we have in America. Truly, God bless America. \O/

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


At sea, of course, somewhere in the Caribbean Ocean. It always makes me marvel at earlier sailors. Today they have sophisticated communications, global positioning satellites, and the highest technology onboard the ships. In the days of the explorers, like Columbus and Megellan, they had a compass by day and a sexton by night. I mean, they actually determined their course over thousands of miles of open sea by the positions of the stars. They were courageous, and they were risk-takers of highest order. That's how they accomplished great things. Every day and night they worked to survive. Not only that, they worked with a long range goal in mind. That goal kept them going. Whether it was discovering a new route to foreign ports or charting new seas and coastlines, they had a reason for the daily challenges. At the end of the day they had something they could point to with a sense of deep satisfaction and accomplishment.
I am a risk-taker. I am willing to go into uncharted waters -- as long as I have a greater, divine purpose for doing so. I will endure the daily challenges and immediate threats because of the long-range purpose that I serve. Sometimes the very people that I thought would travel this road in partnership with me, fail to grasp the vision...even become hostile to it. As long as the Lord assures me that the vision I have fits His purpose for my life and His church, I am constrained to stay the course. I pray that my efforts will aid the pilgrimage of future risk-taking disciples.

Monday late evening journal

Missed my blog for Sunday. Been experiencing some problems getting online. This actually posted around 2:00 AM Tuesday morning, but I haven't been to bed yet and it's my Monday devotional and blog. Anyway, often when I am journaling I write as if the Lord and I are having a discussing. He tells me what He wants me to hear in His Word, and in my heart, then I respond to Him. That's the context in which the following is exerted from my journal today....

Matthew 6
"When you pray, don’t babble like the idolaters, since they imagine they’ll be heard for their many words."
Lord, some people go on and on in their prayers. They could be asked to bless the food, pray for a sick person, dedicate the offerings, or dismiss a service, but they'll only get to the point after they've prayed for a dozen other things that they pray for every single time they pray.
An example, Lord, goes something like this:
"Please pray for our food."
"Dear Father, thank you for this day, forgive our many sins, thank you for our many blessings...and bless our food. Amen."
Now there's nothing wrong with thanking You, Lord, for the day, our blessings, and for forgiving our sins, but the request was to bless the food. Lord, I always offer my public prayeres like lasers -- short, specific and to the heart of the matter. Sincerity, not longevity, seems to be Your desire. Right?
"Darril, that's right, but the opposite of long babbling prayers is just as offensive to Me: prayers that short but are insincere, and disrespectful. Prayers that fail to acknowledge the great wonder of the One you're talking to. Go ahead and pray short public prayers, my son, but take them to heart and don't make light of addressing Me. Teach disciples the proper respect for entering my presence." \O/

So my thought for you to consider today is this:
If you are not spending enough time in private devotions thanking God for everything and seeking forgiveness, don't use the public forum to catch up on your quiet time.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

From my midday journal

11:35 A

Christians are "the salt of the earth" because You say so, not because they've done anything special. I am the salt -- You made me "the salt" the moment I became a Christian.

The problem is, some salt loses its flavor -- it's influence -- and is good for nothing. It's still salt, but it's good for nothing. Lord, I know a lot of believers that are that way. They're "salt", but they have no flavor, no influence. They're good for nothing. They're useless.

I don't ever want to be good for nothing. Lord, please don't ever let me become useless. \O/

Friday, January 4, 2008

From my morning journal

09:47 A
Matthew 4:8..." the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 And he said to Him, “I will give You all these things if You will fall down and worship me.”
1. The kingdoms of the world are really not the Devil's to give
2. It boils down to worship -- that's what the Devil has wanted from the beginning
3. The Devil is constantly making promises he cannot keep
In contrast:
1. All authority has been given to Jesus, on heaven and on earth. He earned the right to own the kingdom's of the world. He didn't try to take short cuts or an easier route.
2. God, and God alone, is to be worshiped -- Yahweh. Not Allah, Bael or any other god. Jesus told him, “Go away, Satan! For it is written:
Worship the Lord your God, and serve only Him.”
3. Jesus makes promises and keeps them all!

Lord, I want to acknowledge that You are God, Jesus is Your Messiah, and the Devil is my enemy. I want my life to be an act of worship. I want praise and service to be in order every minute. The temple I worship in is my Body, the Temple of the Holy Spirit; the altar of sacrifice is the cross; my sacrificial Lamb is Yashua ha Messiah.
Forgive my sins based on the merit of Jesus Christ, not for who I am. Disregard my sin and wash me clean. You will be glorified and exonerated today in Heaven by millions of saints and angels; be glorified and exonerated in my life also! Let me join the hosts of heaven in giving You praise and thanksgiving. You, Lord, are worthy of all the honor, glory, and power for all time; and for this time -- for today. 10:03 A

Thursday, January 3, 2008

From my morning journal

09:04 A
This is My beloved Son.
I take delight in Him!

If God thinks so highly of Jesus, shouldn't we? If God takes delight in Jesus, shouldn't we?
How can any other god, or other "delight" come before Christ? Christ is the One the Father takes delight in -- and no other!

If God puts all others, and all the world aside for His Son, shouldn't we?

Perhaps one problem is that we are not as familiar with Jesus, His ways, His sacrifice, and His affections as we should be. God knew all about Jesus and took delight in Him! Maybe if we knew Christ more intimately, we too, would "take delight in Him!" \O/

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Thinking about some simple changes

I'm headed for a week's vacation next week, so some ideas I have will have to wait until I get back. I'm thinking about changing up the order of worship a little bit -- maybe even use a couple of different formats and rotate them.

DiscipleNotes. I've been putting DiscipleNotes in the weekly worship bulletin every Sunday for almost 2o years. I wonder how many people benefit from this addition to the bulletin. Perhaps I'll replace DiscipleNotes with the Scriptures that we read out loud each week. What do you think?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Keep It Simple in 2008

Okay, I have made a commitment to pay more attention to my blog in '08. I'll try to add an addition every day, even if it's just a few lines. So I hope you'll check it out. You can even make my blog page your start up page!

For today, I just want to suggest that you keep it simple in '08. Don't make great and overwhelming resolutions that you can't keep. It's better to just keep it simple and be successful than to be complicated and fail. If you have just one goal make it this one: I will grow as a disciple this year. The Lord will be pleased with my life at the end of '08. Some suggestions:

Read your Bible every day
Please get a plan to follow
Or you'll just go your merry way
and have a life that's hollow

Get a book to write things out
Your prayers and heart's desires
Talk to God, remove all doubt
For minutes or for hours

Take good notes on the pastor
Listen as the shepherd preaches
You'll grow in spirit much faster
If you mind what pastor teaches

Learn to have a servant heart
And meet the needs of others
If you will bow to do your part
You'll encourage all your brothers