Saturday, January 5, 2008

From my midday journal

11:35 A

Christians are "the salt of the earth" because You say so, not because they've done anything special. I am the salt -- You made me "the salt" the moment I became a Christian.

The problem is, some salt loses its flavor -- it's influence -- and is good for nothing. It's still salt, but it's good for nothing. Lord, I know a lot of believers that are that way. They're "salt", but they have no flavor, no influence. They're good for nothing. They're useless.

I don't ever want to be good for nothing. Lord, please don't ever let me become useless. \O/

1 comment:

pepsi_#1 said...

Pastor I believe that as long as you continue to love God, love your Family and love Us(your church family)and continue to want to further God's Kingdom and show it each day, I don't think you will lose your "flavor"!