Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who says there's only one way to do things?

I like to try new things, to do things different from time to time. It's good to put a fresh spin on things and try a creative approach. This is especially true of church.

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a worship rut and that I need some spontaneity when God's people come together. I've seen serious conflicts arise between believers when the traditional worship service is threatened with anything new. A change in the order of worship, dropping the time honored doxology, trying a contemporary song, not having a special music during the offering, or not having an invitation can cause heart failure for some traditionalists.

What about these ideas? Have our corporate worship service first, starting at 10, a brunch time, and then have Sunday School to follow it. Yes, flip things around. Where's the law that says we have to do Sunday School anyway?

I'd like to do without a printed order of worship and just have an announcement page or weekly news page. How about having the sermon at the beginning of the service and everything else after that? What about a service with no music at all? Or, no sermon?!!

If we have to have a Sunday evening gathering, why not do it at, say, 3:00? You know, go to lunch after Sunday School, come back for discipleship/fellowship, then go home early and get a good night's rest.

These are just a few ideas to get your cognitive juices flowing. You can probably come up with some ideas, too...but only if you can think past the traditions you've become comfortable with. If you get some new ideas let me know. Let's brainstorm. Who says there's only one way to do things?

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