Friday, October 24, 2008

The Church Ain't a Service Center

Maybe it's because we live in a "what's in it for me" world; or maybe it's because people just expect to be given things without accountability or responsibility; but for whatever reason, many folks think the church is a service center...a place where handouts are freely given to all who ask.
People that never attend our church will call and ask for assistance with gasoline, their electric bills, or other financial emergencies. Of course now we send them to the Christian Help Center where other local churches assist in meeting these kinds of needs. The point I want to make is this: people think it's okay to just show up on our doorstep and ask for money. Some even get angry if we don't!
But often church members have the same worldly attitude toward the church. They act as if the church is here to service them, meet their needs, massage their ego, tickle their fancy. And if it doesn't, they'll just go to another one -- or maybe not even go to church at all. How short-sighted. They may even be deceived by Satan himself into thinking the church owes them something.
When will Christians learn the true nature of the church -- it's not where you come to get served; it's where you come to serve! It's not a place where you come to get anything; it's a place where you come to give. 
Where in the world is the sacrifice for heaven's sake?!!

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