Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Journal for 11/09…just a vapor

5:39 AM

Psalm 39

Father, You are eternal. It's hard for a man to grasp that concept of eternal…forever. We think 70-80 years is a long time, and if we are suffering it seems even longer. But we are only a vapor (5). In the big scheme of things--eternal things--we are vapor. You should be praised for being the Almighty God and having the nature of immortality and life. We are the opposite.

If this life is going to mean anything, it will be related to You and how we worshiped and lived for You. Men frantically rush around gathering possessions…possessions that end up in someone else's hands! (6) "Things" are not eternal, You are.

Lord, help me be less concerned with "things" today and more concerned with You and my relationship to You. I still feel a little under the weather, but rejoice that I have the capacity to feel at all! Prepare my heart and mind for intercession and in leading my church in the practice of intercession. Our/my relationship to You is the most important thing of all, not what we earn, have, or can possess.

My hope is in You, (7) deliver me from all my transgressions (8). Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord and help me nuture the relationship I have with You. May the time I spend as a vapor translate into something eternal in Your Kingdom. I am second.~

1 comment:

Wendy said...

"May the time I spend as a vapor translate into something eternal in Your Kingdom."

Love this prayer...praying it for us all.