Saturday, October 12, 2013

The world needs now more than ever.

Sat 4:07 PM

The world seems to be on a downward spiral. The United States is becoming a no-impact player in the world. We've lost our moral compass. The faith of our founding fathers is shunned and outlawed in the land they founded. We allow the killing of babies before they are born; homosexuality has received legal , protected, and equal status with heterosexual marriage; divorce, pornography and child abuse, and human trafficking are rampant. Oh yes, the world is declining and America is leading the way.

Christians are imprisoned, tortured, enslaved and murdered around the world. That's because true believers are Outsiders -- they don't belong here. The moment they received the Gospel they found themselves behind enemy lines.

But there's good news. The Gospel thrives in conditions like these. Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. We must remain true to Christ. And while I pledge allegiance to the United States, politics and national interests must take a back seat to the Kingdom of Christ.

Please, fellow believers, reject "churchianity", gossip, theological snobbery, and get your act together in the Body of Christ. Be a caring, productive member of the Bride of Christ. Love the church and the people in it as He does. Our faith has to get real. Lost men, women, boys and girls depend on it. The Kingdom of God deserves it. "Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow." Yes, we owe Christ and His Kingdom, not any kingdom of this world.

It's a paradigm shift -- we need, us believers, need an entirely new and different way of thinking, acting, and conducting our lives in the world -- but especially toward each other.

With Jesus, the best is still ahead of us no matter what is happening in the world. The world needs us now, more than ever.    -dwd

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