Friday, September 30, 2011

Partial Journal for 09/30…God has plans!

5:37 AM

Psalm 90

Father…from eternity to eternity, You are God (2). You are forever. Time is of no consequence to You, and I have so little of it. Teach to remember how limited and short life is, and that Your Kingdom and Your commands deserve my full attention. It's not easy, Lord, because even our best days have struggle and sorrow (10).

But this morning I come to You and ask that You satisfy me with Your faithful love (14); walk with me and talk with me; and let have joy and be glad because of You. Let Your work and Your splendor be seen by Your servants and Your children -- even if the world doesn't recognize You… most of Your people don't even recognize Your activity.

I pray that Your favor be upon me (although I don't deserve Your blessings; if it were not for Christ and His work on the cross I would have no standing with You at all); establish the work of my hands. (16,17).

Jeremiah 29:11-14

“Darril, I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me. When you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you, declares the Lord…”

Father, I know these verses were for Israel in captivity. But I am as exiled in this world as they were in Babylonia. They weren't home…neither am I. So I believer these verses are as relevant for me as it was for them. After all, You are the same and Your ways are still Your ways.

So I pray: Lord, you know the world tries to distract my attention and divert my loyalty to You. I want to follow Your plans, and receive Your future and hope for my life. Please hear me when I call upon You and pray to You. I am seeking You; help me Holy Spirit to seek the Lord and find Him. Help me seek my Savior and Redeemer with all my heart. Have first place in my heart and life. I am second.~

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Partial Journal for 09/29…a morning prayer

5:45 AM

Psalm 59

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want You forever to live in my soul; break down every idol, cast out every foe; just wash me and I shall be whiter than snow!

I will sing of Your strength (16) and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning. For You have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in my day of trouble. To You, my strength, I sing praises, because You are my stronghold--my faithful God.

I have enemies. I will always have enemies (1) -- if not humans then evil forces in the heavenlies -- but I pray for Your deliverance. Like You taught me to pray "deliver me from evil". Fill me with Your Spirit and cleanse me because my first obstacle is me and my bent toward the world and its ways.

Walk with me today; talk with me today. Help me pray in the Spirit and for the things that matter to You, not just the things that matter to me. Listen to my heart and shape my desires to fit Your will and purpose.

Be first all day long and help me to be second.~

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Journal portion for 09/28…regarding bad people

Father of lights and love… thank You for giving me, for allowing me to know, Jesus Christ and His grace. He came to my level, in my dimension, to live, love, and die…and thankfully, to rise again! You are on Your throne today and I want to serve Your Kingdom. Yes, I'll go through my routine activities, but I pray they will glorify You somehow and that I will have the mind of Christ.

Psalm 58, 88

It seems like bad people -- the wicked and the liars -- are bad from birth (3). You can see it in some children. We all have a bent for sinning, but some people are cruel and just plain mean. Now I know that believers are not perfect and slip into worldliness. They will steal or lie to get what they want at the time…for that there is no excuse. But there are some people that would kill and ruin the lives of others to get what they want. One day You will bring judgement and the righteous -- those found in Christ -- will rejoice. Yes, there is a reward for the righteous (11) and there is a God who judges on earth. All things will be leveled out some day.

Thank you for opening my spirit to the truth -- to Jesus. Thank You for the plan and purpose You have for me and all believers. Be gracious today (of course You can't help but be gracious); be Lord today in my life. Defend, bless, and encourage my life, my family, my ministry, and my church however You decide to do it.

I want You to have the preeminence and I want to be second.~

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Journal entry for 09/27…a morning prayer

5:45 AM

My Father that is in Heaven…praised and honored be Your Name. May Your Kingdom be my priority on earth today as it is Your priority in Heaven. Thank You for Your continued provision and multiple blessings. I would ask that You forgive my sins and cleanse me from all the things that offend You; and help me to forgive others, bear no grudges, and move on in service to You. Because of Christ and what He did for me, and in His Name I offer this prayer to You.

Lord, walk with me today; talk with me today; let Your Spirit give me wisdom and encouragement. Bless and enrich my times of Bible study and prayer. Fill me with Your Spirit, please.

Psalm 57

I call out to You, Father, in Jesus' Name, to tell You that I want to cooperate in bringing about Your purposes for me (2); be gracious to me -- come to my level -- and give me the strength, purpose, wisdom, encouragement, and guidance that only comes from You (1).

Be exalted, God, above everything; let Your glory be above the whole earth…it IS above the whole earth (5) but most people can't see it…yet.

I will sing (8) praises and praise You with my tunes today -- through music, or as go about humming, or singing aloud the songs that come to mind throughout the day. Your love is faithful -- You are faithful. Forgive my regular lapses into worldly thinking and help me have the mind of Christ. A little at a time, help me have the mind that was in Christ Jesus. ~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Part of today’s Journal…Trusting Him

5:44 AM

Psalm 56

Father, my heavenly Father…You are so gracious to me (1). There are human beings, some are believers that would call me their friend, who would trample me, twist my words (5), and just just stir up unnecessary strife (6). What's up with that? But You, Lord and Savior, are good to me, gracious to me, and the One I can trust. I know that You are for me, not against me (9). You have even given me a way out of sin and eternal death through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

When I am afraid, I will trust in You (3). I will praise Your Word (4,10) for the comfort, strength and wisdom it gives. Deliver me still from death and continue to deliver me from stumbling today; help me walk before You; be the light of my life.

Fill me, Lord, with Your Spirit. Cleanse me with Your Word. Abide with me. I want to abide in You and have Your Word abide in me so that we can be close; I know You would hear my prayers then…You have promised (Jn15:7). May the Counselor fill me and guide me today.

Trusting as the days go by; trusting as the moments fly; trusting Him whate’er befall; trusting Jesus that is all. ~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/21…not a fool!

5:43 AM

Father, without a doubt You are God -- the Lord, the self-existing One, the Creator. And yet, You are my Father and I am Your child. If were ever together its You and I. You, the holy and glorious Ruler of everything; me, the sinner and naturally rebellious human. The contrast could not be more stark: I am in need of a Savior and You are the one and only Savior. A perfect fit!

Psalm 53

Now we know that it's a fool that denies Your existence. And even people that know You're there but deny their accountability to You, or deny Your involvement in the world, or deny that You are the one and only Way…they are fools, too. Please don't count me in that crowd.

You are the God that restores (6)…that's mercy. You will restore Israel; You will restore the Church; You will restore the earth with a New Earth; and You will restore to me the holiness and joy that You intended for people to have.

I'm no fool. I believe that Jesus died for me and rose again. I could believe a lot of things, but I believe the gospel and the Bible. Fill me with Your Spirit today and wash me with Your Word. Walk with me as I walk with You. I may be the weaker part of this relationship, but at least I desire to do right and please You. Be first. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/21…a steadfast spirit

5:46 AM

Psalm 51

I always liked this Psalm, Lord. It is the perfect prayer for me just like it was for David so long ago. I, too, want the joy of my salvation restored day by day. And I want You to wash me and make me whiter than snow -- that's something only You can do (7). Help me keep my focus on You and create a clean heart for me (10)…the world bombards me and all Your people with images and ideas and sounds that are perverted and distracting.

So You, and You alone, must renew a steadfast spirit within me; and give me a willing spirit (12)… I am reminded of what You said through Paul, too: It is God that works in me, both to give me the will and ability to do Your good pleasure (Phil 2:13 personalized). I cannot do this on my own ability. Teach me wisdom deep within (6).

Thank You, Lord, for my salvation. Give me the mind of Christ today. Protect my heart, my affections, and desires. Give me Your integrity (6) and drive the power and protection of Your Word deep within my heart and mind. I will trust You and follow You the best I can, so help me be obedient and help me believe. Give me opportunity to share the good news--if You do, I'll take it. And, Lord, I pray for all the saints -- especially the ones I know. May they have Your protection and guidance today. Give them the desire and power to do Your will.

Be strong today, Lord. Be glorified. Be praised by my lips and my life. I am second. ~

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/20…simple praise

5:42 AM

Praise the holy Name of the Lord! Let my soul and all that is within me praise the Lord. Father, forgive me for forgetting all Your benefits. It's too easy to remember the negative and adversarial things that are a part of this fallen world. The truth is, You have forgiven my sins, healed my diseases, redeemed my life, crowned me with love and compassion, renewed my strength, and given me many good things (3-5).

You are full of compassion and grace; You are slow to anger and full of faithful love for me. I am grateful to You for letting me see the Light; for letting me come to You for forgiveness and cleansing; for giving me eternal life; for sending You Son, Jesus, to bear my sins and pay my debt on the cross.

Please don't deal with me on the basis of what I deserve. I would be doomed. Let Your grace and mercy and love overshadow me. You are love and grace through and through. There is no change, inconsistencies or flaws in You.

My praise and adoration are imperfect now, but there is coming a day when I shall be able to praise and glorify You in the holiness and perfection of Heaven.

Thank You, Lord for so much…my salvation; my family; my ministry; my life; my health; my future with You and the personal relationship I already have with You. Be glorified today in all of it somehow. I am second.~

Monday, September 19, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09-19…Mr. Complainy Pants

Psalm 49

Father, You are magnificent! Whether I'm having troubles or abounding in good things, You will always be magnificent. One day I will see You in person and be overwhelmed with the glory that is Yours. The things of this life will pass away in the light of Your presence.

You talk about those who trust in their wealth and boast of their abundant riches (6); and You talk of how their wealth cannot redeem them. I certainly agree. My trust is in You and what You did for me through Your Son, Jesus Christ, for my ransom. But, Lord, sometimes living in this material, natural world -- fallen as it may be -- is made somewhat easier by a little bit of money.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not praying for wealth and so much money that I can't count it. But I pray that I had enough, that my church had enough, that it's one less problem to deal with. My focus could be on other things of greater importance. I have friends that have lost their houses; lost their jobs; experienced upheavel in their lives. It isn't their "love of money" that brought distress but the lack of it…the lack of enough to get by. It's a struggle that is tiring, Lord. Just sayin'.

It's true that when we die, we will take nothing at all (17), and frankly, Lord, I don't own anything material that I'd care to take with me. The home You have prepared for me is all I need -- more than what I deserve! I trust You for my ransom: You will redeem my life from the power of Sheol/the grave, for You will take me (16).

I guess this prayer is a complaining session -- and a praise session. Complaining about some troubles (of course You promised that we would have troubles in this life)…so I apologize for whining. But it's a praise session, too. Look at all the blessings You have provided me. I am surrounded by good things, a wonderful family, friends that care, a ministry to serve You, good health for an old coot, and the promise of Heaven!!

Wow, Lord, that kind of puts things into perspective doesn't it?! Thank You, Jesus for dying in my place! Thank You Spirit, for living in me! Lord Jesus, be first today. I am second! ~

Friday, September 16, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/16…The River!

5:36 AM

Psalm 46

There is a river, praise the Lord! -- its streams delight the city of God (4). That city is the dwelling place of the Most High. God is within that city. And one day I will be, too. That city, the New Jerusalem will one day bring earth (the New Earth) and heaven (the New Heaven) together where God will live and reign and love us forever and ever.

The things of this earth are smoke and mirrors, a vapor, and so much waste compared to the glory and wonder of our future with Him.

Father, thank You for making me Your child. I have problems, face conflicts and adversities and struggle with disappointment and depression; but You are my refuge (1) and strength, a Helper who is always found in times of trouble. And Lord, I hold You to Your word: always found in times of trouble.

You are the faithful One. You are the holy One. You have all the mercy and grace in heaven and on earth. I am nothing without You; and even though I'm a believer, I still struggle with self, selfishness, sin, and the world. Yet, You died for me..for me! You have forgiven me and even called me to serve You. You couldn't find a more defective recruit!

I will remember who I am -- Your child. I will remember the River that will flow from Your throne in the City of God. I will remember that all of this around me is temporal and will be consumed in judgment. I remember Your promises, Your love, and Your help.

Today, Lord, help me be second. You be first. I am second.~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/15…His throne is forever

5:29 AM

Psalm 45

Father…with thanksgiving I greet You this morning. There is always something to be thankful for in Your presence. You provide me with all kinds of blessings -- sometimes hard for me to see through the clouds of adversity -- but they are there. You are there.

Your throne, God, is forever and ever (6). No matter what happens, or appears to happen, Your throne will always be over everything.

Be glorified in my life and in my family, Lord. Be glorified in my church -- Your Church. It's a struggle on this fallen planet, Lord. Some days are more difficult than others. Help me to remember that You still rule. Rule over me. Rule in me. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Part of my Journal for 09/14…Redemption

5:48 AM

Father…I want to thank You this morning. Your blessings and benefits are too numerous to mention. There are big things like my salvation and redemption from sin -- Your own Son giving His life for me; things like my family; my health; and putting me into the ministry. Then there are smaller, but no less miraculous things, that You give and do every day. Thank You, Lord. I praise and acknowledge You for being the one and only Sovereign in the cosmos, and certainly on this earth. The good thing -- the wonderful thing -- is that You are good, kind, compassionate, merciful and that You love us.

Psalm 44

Redeem me because of Your faithful love (26). If for no other reason, I plead my cause today, Lord, on the basis of Your love. I certainly don't plead on the basis of my merit. It is because of Jesus and what He did for me on the cross that Your love is made plain to me. Your love is faithful when I am not. Just like You are holy when I am not.

Lord, You may let me go through trials, discouragement, and affliction…even cause it (22). But I want to remain counted as one of Your people and I want to be strong -- it will take Your strength in me.

Holy Spirit, in the name of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, cleanse my sins and fill me up with Yourself, Your wisdom, and Your presence today. Redeem my life, my efforts, and all that I am.

I have heard what You did for our forefathers -- not just the Bible patriarchs but the founders of this nation. They all tell about Your leading them and empowering them with wisdom, and that the work they accomplished was Your work (1,2). Redeem our nation again, Lord. We are drifting from You. But as for me, never let me drift. Prod me, remind me, and draw me back to You. Redeem our land. Redeem my life.

You are our Redeemer. There is no hope besides You. Period.

I am second.~

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Journal Portion for 09/13…Revival

5:46 AM

Psalm 42

O Lord, I pray that You will send Your faithful love to me today and that Your song will be with me in the night--it will be a prayer to You, the God of my life (8).

Psalm 43

All I know and ask is that I desire for Your light and Your truth to lead me (3)… don't let me get in the way, as I often do. Let me come into Your presence--to Your dwelling place. I want You to be my greatest joy and I will praise You (3-4).

You, Father, are the Creator -- my Creator. But You are also my Savior and Redeemer. Your Son paid it all; all to Him I owe; sin had left a crimson stain; He washed me white as snow.

Revival, Lord -- that's what we need. I need it; the church in general needs it; this nation needs it…or else I'm afraid we will bring hard times and judgment upon ourselves. Forgive our national sins; forgive Your church for its cold, organizational "churchianity"; forgive me and aid me in my struggle to serve You and not the enemy of holiness.

Jesus, be the Lord of all. Thank You for Your Spirit -- please fill me today. Be first in my church, my family, and my life. I am second.~

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal for 09/12…My Song in the Night

Lord, I want to thirst for You (2)…You are the one and only living God. There is no other God besides You, and I want to desire Your presence; I want to be with You; I want for my heart's desire to be knowing and pleasing You.

I am not "deeply depressed" as the writer of this psalm is, Lord, but I'm disturbed by the trend of world and national events. I am especially concerned about the number of people that claim to belong to You but live for themselves: no fellowship, no prayer, no abiding in Your Word. The world tries to stake a claim on some part of every Christian's heart. I know, for it's after me all the time. Thank You for reassuring me of Your involvement and love.

The Lord, it says (8) will send His faithful love by day; His song will be with me in the night--a prayer to the God of my life. Lord, thank You for the many, many songs and prayers You have given me in those night seasons. You are my Song in the Night!

Help me thirst for You. Help me be second.~

Friday, September 9, 2011

Journal for 09/09…Since Jesus Came into My Heart

5:46 AM

Father…let me enter Your presence this morning. I have no sacrifice or offering worthy of Your majesty except for the one You gave me -- Your own Son, Jesus Christ. I come in His Name; I plead His death and blood offering as my own. He alone is worthy of praise, adoration, and obedience. He is my offering, and I know that this sacrifice is acceptable to You. I accompany my offering with confession of sins and the need for forgiveness. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Be glorified today in my life somehow.

Psalm 39

Your Word reminds me again today how short life is. Let me know how transitory I am (4). My life span, if I lived to be a hundred, is nothing -- absolutely nothing -- in Your sight (5). I am a mortal man, a mere vapor in the vast scheme of things. Why do we collect possessions and make so much of this life, when someone else will get them. We can't keep them (6).

But my hope is in You, Lord (7). I believe there is an eternity to be lived beyond this life; and there's a place to live in beyond this place; and a future to look forward to after this present darkness has passed. Yes, I trust in You. I believe Your Word. I'm counting on Jesus to know me, love me, redeem me, save me, and be with me forever.

  1. I’m possessed of a hope that is steadfast and sure, Since Jesus came into my heart; And no dark clouds of doubt now my pathway obscure, Since Jesus came into my heart.
  2. There’s a light in the valley of death now for me, Since Jesus came into my heart;
    And the gates of the City beyond I can see, Since Jesus came into my heart.
  3. I shall go there to dwell in that City I know, Since Jesus came into my heart;
    And I’m happy, so happy as onward I go, Since Jesus came into my heart.

Pasted from <>

Be first today Lord, I am second. ~

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Journal for 09/08…sing praises

5:49 AM

Father…this morning I'm grateful to belong to You. What an extravagant price You paid for that to happen. You paid the ransom to get me back from the clutches of sin and death. Am I perfect and holy now? Not even close. As long as I'm in this fallen world I will always be a part of it. But being Your child, blood bought and paid for, I will one day enter the New Heaven and New Earth…and finally I will be free from all the things that detract my full devotion to You. Thank You so much for my salvation; for my family; for my friends; for my ministry; and for my health. You have been more than good to me. Yes, I am grateful.

Psalm 68:4…Sing to God, sing praises to His Name.

In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody, there rings a melody. In my heart there rings a melody, there rings a melody of love!

Love lifted me; love lifted me; when nothing else could help, loved lifted me.

O come, let us adore Him; O come let us adore Him; O come let us adore Him: Christ the Lord!

Be first today, Lord. I am second.~

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Journal for 09/07…Random thoughts

5:47 AM

Lord, we need two things this morning: rain and a little healing from this cold. But seriously, the weather reminds me of how much You are in control. I can't explain to people why the destruction and devastation of the grass fires -- only You would understand that anyway. But I know in the past You've brought floods, made the sun stand still, and stilled storms on the sea. So, in drought or flood, storm or blizzard, I know You designed and control the weather cycles. In the New Earth we won't suffer such things. Maybe that's why, or at least one reason for, the fires and drought. Your people will appreciate the New Heaven and New Earth all the more!

I hate having a cold, too…especially in hot weather! But I sure appreciate my good health and a body You designed that is fighting off the germs. There are so many other health problems I could have, and I'm reminded by a simple cold how much You care for me.

From Psalm 37

Trust in the Lord and do what is good; Take delight in the Lord; Commit your way to the Lord… (3,4) I can see, Lord, that You want me to consider You and pay as much attention to You as You do to me. You are always mindful of me, but I get distracted so easily.

I do trust You for salvation and so much more, but my trust is still maturing and growing, too. I delight in You and Your Word. I can't think of anything or anyone that is more pleasant and joyful to think about and talk to.

And today, Lord, I commit my way to You. Help me by forgiving the sins that disrupt our fellowship and fill me with Your great and Holy Spirit. You be first. I am second. ~

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journal for 09/06…a personal praise

5:42 AM

Feeling a little under the weather this morning, Lord, but a cold virus serves to remind me of the good health I do have. It reminds me of the wonderful creation You have made and how my body is able to put up a fight against germs and viruses. How completely amazing the New Earth will be where there will be no illness, no viruses, no fatigue, no death. I really believe this, Lord. I trust Your Word on it. I believe Jesus died for me so that I would one day live forever free of the encumbrances of this fallen world -- including sickness.

Psalm 36

I love this Psalm. I can't say any better, Lord: Your faithful love reaches to the heavens, Your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountain; Your judgments like the deepest sea (too deep to fanthom). Your faithful love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings…You let me drink from Your refreshing stream, for with You is life's fountain; in Your light I will see light. Lord, spread Your faithful love over those who know You -- and I'm one of them (5-9)

Let the glory of the Lord shine within me; let Your majesty and love touch my heart; let Your light penetrate and help me see; in Your Kingdom, Lord, please let me play a part.

Be glorified today in Your own radiance and majesty, but also somehow, if possible, in me. I am second.~

Friday, September 2, 2011

Journal 09/02…God’s eye on me

5:49 AM

Psalm 32

Father, it is with thanksgiving that I come to You today. I am thankful for so many wonderful things You have done for me, not the least of which is my salvation. You loved me so much that You gave Your Son to die for me, and all I must do is put my faith in You.

Yesterday's business is done. But today is a new day with new opportunities. So I pray to You while You may be found (6).

"Darril, I will instruct you and show you the way to go; with My eye on you, I will give you counsel (8)."

Thank You, Father. Now if Your Spirit will only help me to listen! I will try to make my heart sensitive to Your counsel and guidance. I want to be effective for Your kingdom; never mind my preferences.

Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole; I want You forever to live in my soul. Break down every idol, cast out ever foe. Just wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.

Have the preeminence, Lord. I struggle to be second. ~

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Journal for 09/01…The course of my life

Psalm 31: 15 The course of my life, Lord, is in your power.

How gratifying it is, Father, to know that You have control ultimately…that my life is subject to Your power and not that of men. As long as I put You first and willingly surrender my life to You, You will protect me, guide me, and strengthen me.

I know what David means when he says that "my eyes are worn out from angry sorrow" (10). A person can cry and grieve to the point of exhaustion. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for taking my part; for standing in my place; for being the "man of sorrows" for me.

The course of my life -- not just the general direction of my life, but the day-to-day things -- is in You power. And Father, I trust You with my life. You have given so much to me and for me that I know You have my best interest at heart. Today is in Your power. Tomorrow is in Your power. And all the years to come, should You grant them to me, is in Your power…Your grace; Your mercy; Your love; Your compassion for me.

Be first today, Lord. Please. I am second.~