Saturday, July 2, 2011

Journal for July 2nd… Independence Weekend

8:31 AM Sunny, hot

Proverbs 2

It is the weekend that we celebrate nation's independence. Lord, more than anything else we need a return to Godly principles -- to the first principles laid out by our founding fathers.

It's a pattern, Lord, throughout the Word and a promise that I hold onto: that if the "righteous" will accept Your Word v1 then the perverse of the land -- those who even celebrate perversity v14 -- will be removed from the land. You clearly tell us to follow the way of good people (e.g. our founding fathers); and promise the wicked will be cut off from the land; and the treacherous will be uprooted v22. But Lord, we've strayed so far from the intent of our found fathers and so far from the Judeo-Christian roots of our country, is there any way back for America?

Yes, Lord, I would love to see a spiritual awakening in this land, and so would many others. Forgive our sins…forgive my sins…for it is so easy to stray from Your words and Your commands. Lord, I pray that out of this chaos and moral confusion that people will wake up to the truth of Your Word and return to the principles of our founders.

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