10:24 AM Sunny and warm
Had breakfast with a few of my friends at my satellite office this morning. Fellowship is always good for me. Thank You, Lord, for believing friends. Thank You for my life and my salvation, too. I heard the gospel; I understood it; I embraced it. Thank You for giving me understanding.
Proverbs 1
Discipline is good v23 and limitations are healthy. Discipline is Your way of protecting me and limitations are Your way of keeping me safe and near You. I want to be a "disciplined one", or disciple of the One who died for me. Forgive my ventures into self-centeredness and worldliness. I want You to be first in my life. I want to be second.
Sin is an attack on myself v18! Following You and being filled with Your Spirit is an attack upon sin. That's where I want to be. Thank You for the wisdom of Your Word and the understanding it gives me. It is the operations manual for my life and I'm blessed to have it.
My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like You; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.
Troublesome times are here, filling men's hearts with fear, freedom we all hold dear now is at stake; Humbling our hearts to God saves from the chastening rod, seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians awake! Jesus is coming soon, morning or night or noon, many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound; All of the dead shall rise, saints will meet in the skies (praise the Lord), going where no one dies, heavenward bound.
Years of time have come and gone
Since I first heard it told
How Jesus would come again some day
If back then it seemed so real
Then I just can’t help but feel
How much closer His coming is today
Signs of the times are everywhere
There’s a brand new feeling in the air
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky
Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh
Wars and strife on every hand
And violence fills the land
Still some people doubt He’ll ever come again
But the Word of God is true
He’ll redeem His chosen few
Don’t lose hope soon Christ Jesus will descend
Signs of the times are everywhere
There’s a brand new feeling in the air
Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky
Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh