Friday, July 29, 2011

Journal for July 29th…Thanks

9:37 AM

Luke 15

"The Pharisees and scribes kept grumbling, saying, 'This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."

Father…thank You, thank You, thank You that sinners are welcomed. Otherwise I wouldn't stand a chance. Not only do You welcome sinners, Lord Jesus, but You eat with them! You invite a close, intimate, personal relationship with those who would otherwise be cast out forever.

You even said, "Darril, if You will abide in Me, and My words abide in you, then your life will be fruitful for the Kingdom." Lord, I'm just happy to be IN the Kingdom; how much greater is the privilege to serve You and the Kingdom, too. ~

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Journal for July 28th… the B-I-B-L-E

7:12 AM

Proverbs 28

Thank You, Father, for the Bible. Thank You for giving me wisdom and insight in terms I can understand (most of the time). How relevant and penetrating Your Word is. No wonder You told us to abide in You and for Your Word to abide in us. People wonder why their prayers are not answered, yet clearly "anyone who turns his ear away from hearing the law--even his prayer is destable v9." Help me, Spirit of Jesus, to abide in Him today and drive His Word, Your Word, deep into my heart … not just so my prayers will be answered but so my relationship to You will grow stronger, and my faith will increase.

You must be awesome, Father. I close my eyes and try to imagine what heaven and the new earth might be like, but I don't have it in me. Being from a cursed and fallen world I don't have it in me. I have no reference point. I know this: while others debate Your love and mercy, even Your very existence, I enjoy a personal, intimate relationship with You. So I know, from firsthand experience that You are good, kind, compassionate, and merciful… and with me, patient.

The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me; I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.

I trust Your Word when You say, that if I confess my sins You are faithful to forgive my sins, AND cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I want to be filled with Your Spirit today so that I might please You, obey You, and love You.

Silently now, I wait for Thee; ready my God Thy will to see; open my eyes, illumine me, Spirit divine.

Be first today, Lord. I am second.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Journal for July 27th…Taking cover

7:06 AM Warm, in the 100s again today

Father, it is with great wonderment that I pause a moment to consider Your creation. Intricate as it is, the world is even more beautiful. I can't even imagine its beauty and grandeur before the fall…before the curse. I believe with all my heart that You will one day create a New Heaven and New Earth. What an exciting possibility. I also believe that because of Christ, and no merit of my own, I will see it and be a part of it. It is Your grace and mercy that has saved me from the curse. For that I give You my thanksgiving today.

Proverbs 27

A part of Your creation was time itself. Verse 1 reminds me that tomorrow is in Your hands. I don't know what it will bring. Joy or sadness; health or sickness; gain or loss -- it's not in my control but Yours.

The sensible see danger and take cover…v12. I see danger in the economic situation in America, but how can I take cover? The fallout of selfish, godless decisions in government will surely affect me and everyone else. The only cover we have is You. I know the world will experience unparalleled tribulation in the last days. Are we getting close? All I know is that I trust in You. My life, my family, my friends, my fellow believers are in Your hands….and that's better than going through adversity without You. You can walk on water; You can keep the boat from sinking; You can calm the storm. But even if You don't, I am safer with You than anywhere else.

Forgive my sins and cleanse me, Lord. I want to abide in You and let Your words abide in me. Fill me with Your Spirit, please. Give me wisdom and a fruitful day for You. Assist me as I prepare to teach and preach Your Word. What a privilege. Help me to rightly divide Your Word. I could start by applying it to myself. I can't blame the devil for my sins; I can't blame the environment (for though it's under a curse, Your creation is still awesome); I can only blame myself for wrong thoughts, wrong actions, wasted time, wrong priorities, and self-interest. Let Your Word be fruitful in me today and have that cleansing effect, and that wisdom effect, and that spiritual effect upon my life as You intend.

Have the preeminence. I am second.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Journal for July 26th…the race

7:28 AM … Hot again today, 100+

2 Timothy 4:6-8

Lord Jesus, I have disappointed You at times -- I've disappointed myself and others -- but in the big picture of things I pray that I will be able to say like Paul did: "I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."

Even if I don't come in first place I want to finish the race. I don't want to give up or give in before the race is over.

Fill me, Lord, with Your Spirit today. Forgive and cleanse my sins so that the Spirit has something to work with. Help me run the race today. I am second.

Forgive and silence the detractors and those that would do harm to Your anointed, and therefore, to Your Bride. Forgive me when I have spoken ill of Your servants. This is a race we cannot lose because of personal differences and conflicts. This is the real thing.

Please have the preeminence in my life today.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Journal for July 15th…Renewed Mind

7:06 Going to be hot…again, 100+

Galatians 2:19-20...I have been crucified with Christ. Yet, I am still alive, and the life I now live in this body I live by faith in the Son of God - who loves me and gave Himself for me.

Philippians 2:13...It is God that works in you both to give you the desire and the power to do His will.

Romans 12:2... Do not be conformed to this world [and its ways] but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove [to yourself] what is that good, pleasing and perfect will of God.

Galatians 5:22-23... The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control.

Romans 6:12-13... Do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its desires; and do not offer up parts of your body as weapons of unrighteousness. Instead offer yourself to God as one that is alive from the dead; and your body as a weapon of righteousness.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20…Don't you know that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body.

Romans 12:1... By the mercies of God, I beg you, to present your body as a living sacrifice - holy, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual act of worship.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24…Now may the God of peace sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you will do it.

Lord, most believers do not live a sacrificial, crucified life. I struggle with it everyday. Thankfully, You are ready to forgive and help me move along in my walk -- not because of anything I have done, but because of Jesus, Your Son, and all that He accomplished on that terrible cross. It's not the devil that I can blame; and the world, even with all it's charms, is not to blame; me…my un-renewed mind and personality…that's the problem. All the outward reformation in the world won't bring a revival to me, my country or the world. What it takes is a renewal from deep within the spirit and soul.

I praise You for the kindness and goodness You have shown me all my life. You are compassionate and full of faithful love. Help me prepare for the mission trip coming up to CT.

Be first today. I want to be second.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Journal for July 22…Future

8:37 AM @ satellite office; Sunny & hot

Proverbs 23:18

Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off.

Lord, You always have things under control. You are holy and just, good and merciful. I need all of that. Thank You for the promise of a New Heaven and New Earth. It's amazing how many people have missed or misunderstood this teaching about our future as believers. The joy, peace, worship, and all the other activities are far beyond my understanding. I know it won't be boring. But most of all You will be there and we'll be free sin altogether.

I certainly do not deserve anything You have done or provided for me. Sure, I've led some people to faith in You, pastored and preached, and generally served You since a teenager. But there are many others that could that. If You could raise up the stones to praise You, You could raise up someone to serve You…there is always a remnant; always someone. Thank You for using and blessing me so very much.

Forgive my trespasses; I am trying to forgive those who trespass against me -- it's not so easy, You know. I want to think future not past.

Abide with me today and let Your words abide deeply within me. Thank You for the Gospels I've been reading through this week. It is awesome to follow Your life and see the holiness, goodness, and love. And I know You are the same today as You were then. You've certainly been good to me.

Be first. I am second.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Journal for July 21st… So rich

7:02 AM Sunny & hot again…could use some rain, Lord.

Proverbs 21

How awesome Your wisdom is, Father. If only I would hide all Your words in my heart. Sacrifice is good, but just doing what is right from day to day is more acceptable to You v3. You don't want sacrifice that isn't from the heart, especially if a person lives one way and then comes to church and goes through the motions v27. Thank You for reminding me this morning that how I live and treat people is my worship -- it is my sacrifice and offering to You.

I am rich, truly rich. Compared to those who are lost and do not know the Lord of Heaven, I am rich. Compared to those who live in third world countries and have no healthcare, no clean environment, or may not have good water to drink, I am rich. Compared to those with no friends and no caring, loving family I am rich. And compared to those who have a nagging and hot-tempered wife I am abundantly rich v9,19. I can live inside the house! :-)

Be first. I am second.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Journal for July 20th…a dialogue

7:07 AM Sunny…again; over 100 today

Thank You, Lord, for the Gospels. Reading through them again--always fresh, new, and helpful glimpses of You. "No word from God is ever without power" -- so said the angel to Mary. How could anything from You lack power? Not possible. You, Father, are the Creator from which everything came into being. The very idea was Yours.

The same is true of the gospel. The very idea of salvation; of sending Your Son to earth; of providing a sacrifice in my place -- all Yours.

Proverbs 20

Darril, anyone can get into a quarrel and let it continue unresolved; but the wise man, the honorable man, will try to find a solution and a way to resolve conflict v3.

Father, You know I am not the wisest of Your children but I don't like unresolved conflict. As far as I'm concerned I will do my part. Sometimes, however, people will not let things go, or will insist on their way, their perspective, their solutions -- even when it's obviously driven by wrong motives or anger. I try to give where I can and agree when it's right. Please give me more wisdom. I wish I had Your mercy and grace, too. Help me forgive those who "trespass against me" as You have forgiven me…my trespasses against You are countless.

I will determine your steps, my son v24. How can you possibly understand your way without my help? That's for sure, Lord. I want my decisions to result from prayer and abiding in You. I am human and tend to err without You.

Oversee and bless this day as I study and prepare a message for Your people…may it be Your Word I preach/teach, and endorse it, empower it with Your Spirit.

I want You to be first. I am second.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Journal for July 19th…God’s plans

7:11 AM Sunny & hot

Father, You are as glorious today as yesterday, and as You will be tomorrow. The world goes from day to day, crisis to crisis, revolt to revolt, and yet You remain constantly good, always holy (set apart), and sovereign. I am grateful that Your grace, glory and mercy never change. I wouldn't stand a chance!

Proverbs 19

Your decrees, Lord -- Your will -- that's what matters. "Many plans are in a man's heart, but the Lord's decree will prevail" v21. I can make all kinds of plans, but You have the final say. I don't want to do anything that is not within Your plan. I remember the ways to understand what Your will may be: does it conform to the Word; what impressions do I receive from the Holy Spirit; what do you say when I pray and abide in the Word; what is the trend of the circumstances; and what do other people say/think and counsel.

Help me to be sensitive to these "signals" and not be so self-interested or into the immediate events to miss out on Your best. With a much bigger picture in mind -- the world in chaos, Israel being threatened, economic woes, and natural disasters, etc -- I don't want to miss out on what You're doing by being consumed with my little corner of the cosmos.

Be glorified today, Lord -- I know You will. Your glory doesn't depend upon me. I'm just fortunate to have been invited by the gospel to join the chorus of praise and adoration.

Be first. I am second.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal for July 18th…Broken spirits

7:14 AM Sunny and hot…again

Father, You and You alone are worthy of praise and adoration. Your perfection and kindness never change. I do not have to wonder or worry from day to day what kind of mood You're in. You are always gracious and kind to me. Of course, You're not always happy with the way I've behaved or with some of my thoughts, but You are always ready to accept me, hear me, and forgive me. Rather than judge me based on my merit -- which there is none, none at all -- You judge me based on Jesus Christ and what He has done for me. His merit, praise the Lord, is my cover and my salvation.

Proverbs 18

"A man's spirit can endure sickness, but who can survive a broken spirit?" v14

I think of, and pray for, all the young people and children today who have a broken spirit. They just want the approval and love of caring parents, but they don't get it. So many parents are self-consumed and self-involved. Many are wounded in spirit themselves. Broken marriages, selfishness, worldly pursuits…all have left children to fend for themselves -- physically, financially, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually.

Lord Jesus, You are the One we need. This week, Lord, bless our VBS and the kids whose lives we may impact for You…with You. And may the adults, the believers at our church, "be sensitive to plight of the children they see. Even if they are dressed and fed and healthy in body, their spirit may be broken. Bad characters and drugs and alcohol may be offered to fill the void when only You can do that…You and loving parents.

"A man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord." v22

…and I found a good one, too, Lord. Or rather, You found her for me. What a match You made when You brought us together. I can see the same working in the way my kids found their spouses. You're awesome.

Now if a man that finds a wife obtains favor from the Lord, then why all this rush to celibacy in the middle ages? I don't get it. Favor comes from having a wife, not in sacrificially denying yourself a life partner. Well, these are just my ramblings, Lord.

I want to abide in You today, and let Your words abide in me. Walk, sit, and ride with me throughout the day as I meditate on You. Help me pray. Talk with me. I need Your insight and wisdom. I need Your forgiveness and love.

I need You to have the preeminence and I need to be second.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Journal for July 15th…Yosef

8:06 AM Sunny and warm

2 Peter 3:18

Father, what an imperative you give to me through Your Word: "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." That's what I want -- to grow. Not just any kind of growth but to grow in the grace and knowledge (first hand experiential knowledge) of Jesus Christ. My desire to grow must be met by Your Spirit's power and ability to transform me and help me.

Today I pray, Lord, for Your servant and pastor, Yosef Nadarkhani, who is facing the death in Iran for failure to recant his faith in Christ. He has led many, many Iranians to faith in Jesus, and friends say he will no likely recant. Lord, he's been in prison for several years after the death penalty was imposed. He hasn't recanted before, and probably won't now. I pray for Your grace in his life and that of his family and friends. I pray for all the Christians in Iran that aren't allowed good jobs or other societal benefits because they identify with the Messiah of God, Yashua. My problems pale in comparison to believers on the front line that offer their lives daily for You. Save Yosef's life and give him freedom…freedom to continue winning many Iranians to Christ.

Truly, to Yosef, You are first and he is second.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Journal for July 14th…Awakening

8:14 AM Satellite Office, Sunny & hot

Psalm 44

V1 "O God, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us, what deeds you performed in their days, in the days of old."

Lord, when I think of the revivals in Israel and recorded throughout the world over the centuries, I pray that it would happen again -- to America. We need another awakening…one that draws men to You. One in which You are recognized and glorified. One where we repent of our abortions, homosexuality, fornications, greed, substance abuse, child abuse, divorces, racism, and unbelief. An awakening where people call out to You, not government, for the answer to our national and personal conflicts.

V13,14. "You have made us the taunt of our neighbors, the derision and scorn of those around us. You have made us a byword among the nations, a laughingstock among the peoples."

This once great and God-fearing nation, respected by the world, is a joke to many. There was a time when our leaders would call on You for divine intervention, not try to accommodate everyone's religion and spare their feelings.

You are still the One and only powerful, almighty God. You, and You alone, have sent Your Son to redeem us from our sins. May we turn back to You. May Jesus Christ be praised and glorified. May we become a God-fearing nation again.

Start with me, Lord. Forgive my sins; cleanse my heart; renew my mind. I will abide in You and let Your words abide in me. Please have the preeminence. I am second.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Journal for July 13…Words (a brief dialogue, too)

7:24 AM Sunny and hot

Proverbs 13

From the words of his mouth a man will enjoy good things v2; The one who guards his mouth protects his life, the one who opens his lips invites his own ruin v3.

Lord, that is the truth!! I've had those times when I said something and immediately wished I could reach out, catch the words in mid-air, and take them back.

"Darril, your words can encourage or discourage people today. Think before You speak."

(Where have I heard that before, Lord)

"I gave you language for a reason -- to glorify me and communicate to others. Use it for Kingdom purposes…not like others who use language to lie, steal, and praise themselves."

Father, You know I'll need Your Spirit to remind me and use me. May the words I use tonight in our Bible Study be appropriate and helpful, explaining Your Word.

Thank You for Your Word. I don't know how we could get along and learn so much about You without it. Like language, Your Word is a gift to us. Forgive me for neglecting it; for not studying as I could. I always love reading and studying the Word. I pray that all the believers I know would come to appreciate it, too, and read it daily.

A note of thanksgiving, Lord, for each member of my family, for my church and all the great Christians I have known, for my salvation that is truly from You, and for having a ministry to serve You…and for my health. You have been too good to me.

When morning gilds the skies, my heart awakening cries, may Jesus Christ be praised!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Journal for July 12th…Worthless Things

7:14 AM CT  Psalm 12

Father, You deserve more praise and honor than we give You. Be glorified today. Draw the hearts of those searching for truth to Yourself. Help believers -- help me -- shake off the world and what it occupies of our/my mind and heart.

It is true v8 the wicked wander everywhere, and "what is worthless is exalted by the human race." Six pack abs and a slim figure; a sleek car and the best smart phone; and social networks that occupy hours of time. None of these, in the big scheme of things -- in view of eternity -- have lasting value. I wonder how my grandparents ever survived without Facebook or e-mail?? Lord, if as much attention were paid to You as to the world wide web the world would demonstrate more wisdom and prosperity.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the Christians You have brought into my life -- the ones that really love You, love me, and know how to forgive and encourage one another. While the world exalts worthless things, help us/me to exalt Jesus first of all…to give You the preeminence in our lives.

I am second.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Journal for July 7th…The Good Judge

Psalms 7

I thank You, Lord, for Your righteousness v17. I am so grateful that the mighty God, the One that will judge us all, is righteous, good, and just. Of course that means I would stand condemned before You without a chance for redemption. But the Judge Himself has provided the remedy -- His Son, Jesus Christ. I confess, Father, that Jesus stood condemned for me, in my place. I confess that I should have been made to pay for my sins but that Jesus paid for them instead. It's amazing…You can remain the righteous God of justice, sin can be atoned for, and I can be granted a pardon and eternal life.

Lord Jesus, I have had failures and successes; victories and defeats; proud moments and embarrassing moments. Only You know the balance of my life and which way the scales tip. But one thing is sure. I have eternal life because of You. You have come into this cursed world and redeemed "a wretch like me." You have provided the eternal promises of Heaven and a New Earth -- no longer any curse of sin.

How can someone hate sin so much and yet love it, too? The world, my world, struggles with the desire to please You and the desire to please "self". It's a battle for sure. I'm grateful that You remember that I am only dust and that my heart is Yours.

The world is a madhouse…in chaos! Without You there is no hope. You are not a religion. You are God. You are the One and Only Savior. Help me and all believers to grasp the importance of living for You, praying in faith, and abiding in Your Word. Please increase our conviction for our own sins and then the world around us, too. I know millions will not believe -- not even with concrete evidence of Your salvation. Their hearts are hard or carried away by the world. But I pray for believers today. Help us get our act together so that our influence at home, at church, at work, at school, and in the community may turn many of the unbelieving world to You.

I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today; I know that He is living, whatever men may say; I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer; and just the time I need Him, He's always near! He lives! He lives! Christ Jesus lives today; He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way. He lives! He lives! Salvation to impart. You ask me how I know He lives…He lives within my heart.

I am second.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Journal for July 6th…Principles

7:02 AM Sunny/hot

Father, You are, without any question, the God and Creator of all things. It is Your genius and power that brought everything into being. We can only look into space with our telescopes and marvel at the vastness and complexity of the universe, but You thought it all up! You control it still. The most amazing thing is this, however. Of all the creation, Your Son gave His life for me! I am just dust; I am a vapor. In the big scheme of things humans are unnoticeable specks in the cosmos. But You love us. I, for one, believe the whole gospel story, Lord, and You've confirmed my faith over and over again.

Lord Jesus, I fail miserably at giving You the preiminence in my life. You would be the absolute King if it weren't for me getting in the way. Thank You, for forgiving my sins and giving me Your Holy Spirit. You have made a relationship with my Creator possible -- for eternity -- by sharing Your righteousness with me. It's inconceivable, but true. Thank You.

Proverbs 6

Following commands is a way of life…it's the protection and strength of those who will listen and obey v13. We are not made to just do anything we want, anytime we want, any way we want. Like the universe there are principles and laws that govern life. You, Lord, gave us commands, and disciples must follow them in order to please You, glorify You in the world, and lead others to You. "If you love me," You said, "you will keep my commands." Yes, love ought to be enough motivation, but the fact that commands are a light to us and our protection only enhances the need to obey.

Thank You, Lord, for Your written Word that gives me the principles and resulting light for my life. May I preach it with honor and truth, but most of all, may I live it.

Be glorified today, Lord. I am second.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Journal for July 4th…Liberty

9:25 AM Sunny and hot

Father, I want to praise You for all You are. Words cannot never express Your majesty and glory. I have never seen Your majesty and glory (like John, Isaiah and others) but I have experienced Your grace, Your love, and Your deep, deep mercy. What I have not seen of You, since You are in heaven, is one thing; but what I know of You from Your everlasting forgiveness and salvation has convinced me of the glory and goodness I have not seen. The universe and the world around me screams for attention all pointing to You. How men can miss You in the creation alone is beyond me.

Amidst the beauty and genius of Your creation is me, and sinners like me. We are the dark spot of creation. We/I, unlike the trees, mountains, and stars, have a choice to make and a tendency to make bad ones. But You gave us/me a chance for restoration through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You, thank You, thank You. He somehow took all my sins -- the guilt and punishment -- away from me and somehow assigned His righteousness to me! Amazing! This may sound crazy and far-fetched to some people, but Lord, I believe the gospel hook, line and sinker. You are my liberty; You are my liberation; You are my freedom from my "self", my sin, and my once bleak eternity.

Proverbs 4

Thank You for a reminder, Lord, to keep focused. Focused on wisdom, teaching, and good instruction. You tell me to "guard my heart" v23. I need such a reminder because the world competes so strongly for my attention and affections. I will guard my heart with Your help. Thank You for Your Spirit in me that assists me in such things.

Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us sing; power and majesty, praise to the King! Mountains bow down and the seas will roar at the sound of Your Name.

Be glorified, Lord on this Independence Day. I am second.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Journal for July 2nd… Independence Weekend

8:31 AM Sunny, hot

Proverbs 2

It is the weekend that we celebrate nation's independence. Lord, more than anything else we need a return to Godly principles -- to the first principles laid out by our founding fathers.

It's a pattern, Lord, throughout the Word and a promise that I hold onto: that if the "righteous" will accept Your Word v1 then the perverse of the land -- those who even celebrate perversity v14 -- will be removed from the land. You clearly tell us to follow the way of good people (e.g. our founding fathers); and promise the wicked will be cut off from the land; and the treacherous will be uprooted v22. But Lord, we've strayed so far from the intent of our found fathers and so far from the Judeo-Christian roots of our country, is there any way back for America?

Yes, Lord, I would love to see a spiritual awakening in this land, and so would many others. Forgive our sins…forgive my sins…for it is so easy to stray from Your words and Your commands. Lord, I pray that out of this chaos and moral confusion that people will wake up to the truth of Your Word and return to the principles of our founders.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Journal for July 1st…Discipline

10:24 AM Sunny and warm

Had breakfast with a few of my friends at my satellite office this morning. Fellowship is always good for me. Thank You, Lord, for believing friends. Thank You for my life and my salvation, too. I heard the gospel; I understood it; I embraced it. Thank You for giving me understanding.

Proverbs 1

Discipline is good v23 and limitations are healthy. Discipline is Your way of protecting me and limitations are Your way of keeping me safe and near You. I want to be a "disciplined one", or disciple of the One who died for me. Forgive my ventures into self-centeredness and worldliness. I want You to be first in my life. I want to be second.

Sin is an attack on myself v18! Following You and being filled with Your Spirit is an attack upon sin. That's where I want to be. Thank You for the wisdom of Your Word and the understanding it gives me. It is the operations manual for my life and I'm blessed to have it.

My Jesus, my Savior, Lord there is none like You; all of my days I want to praise the wonders of Your mighty love.

Troublesome times are here, filling men's hearts with fear, freedom we all hold dear now is at stake; Humbling our hearts to God saves from the chastening rod, seek the way pilgrims trod, Christians awake! Jesus is coming soon, morning or night or noon, many will meet their doom, trumpets will sound; All of the dead shall rise, saints will meet in the skies (praise the Lord), going where no one dies, heavenward bound.

Years of time have come and gone          

Since I first heard it told                        

How Jesus would come again some day      

If back then it seemed so real                

Then I just can’t help but feel                

How much closer His coming is today     

Signs of the times are everywhere       

There’s a brand new feeling in the air     

Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky          

Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh

Wars and strife on every hand                

And violence fills the land                       

Still some people doubt He’ll ever come again                                                    

But the Word of God is true                   

He’ll redeem His chosen few                      

Don’t lose hope soon Christ Jesus will descend                                             

Signs of the times are everywhere     

There’s a brand new feeling in the air     

Keep your eyes upon the eastern sky          

Lift up your head redemption draweth nigh