Friday, June 10, 2011

Journal for June 10th… Last days?

10:45 AM

Revelation 5

Just refreshing my memory, Lord, on world events in the last few years of history. A world leader, wars all over the place, economic upheaval, death for all kinds of reasons, natural disasters that kill millions and millions. But all the while I note several things. First, that God is the One who is in control. You not only allow the misery, but uses it as judgment upon the world. Second, the prayers of the saints are as incense in golden vessels to You. Third, the risen Lamb of God, the Lion of Judah, the One and Only Son of God is the One through whom the judgment comes. Oh that everyone knew Him, embraced Him, trusted Him now while there is time.

Father, it sounds as if today's world is racing toward this climax! At first it's sort of scary and unsettling; but then, by faith, I have to remember that I am safe with You. I am saved by You because of the shed blood of the Lamb. This may just bring on the New Earth much sooner. Suffering and persecution and misery only lasts for the night -- the night of this present darkness -- but Heaven and joy is forever.

Help me be a strong and positive force for my family; a strong and consistent encouragement to my flock. Thank You for the salvation I have in You. There is no other Name given among men by which we can be saved!

To God be the glory, great things He has done; so loved He the world (me) that He gave us His Son; but purer and higher and greater will be our wonder, our transport when Jesus we see!

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer, may I thy consolations share; 'til from Mount Pisgah's lofty height, I view my home and take my flight. This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise to seize the everlasting prize; and shout while passing through the air, "Farewell, farewell sweet hour of prayer."

Praise the Lord! The great and merciful Lord! Help me be second.

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