Monday, April 4, 2011

Journal for April 4th

5:44 AM

Psalm 34

v19 "Many adversities come to the one who is righteous, but the Lord delivers him from the all." v22 "The Lord redeems the life of His servants."

Father, You remind me that adversity is a part of being in the fallen world. Right now the lightening and thunder of a storm are flashing and rattling outside. The storm is over the homes of the saved and unsaved alike. It's a part of the natural order of things. But in Your gracious love and mercy You also remind me that You are still there and will ultimately deliver me through the storms. Thank You, Father for the way You care for me and watch out for me. I want to praise You for Your great goodness. You are so powerful, yet so gentle and kind. Why You love me I will never know; but how You love me is clear: You gave Jesus to die in my place. That makes me one of Yours because I believe it all the way.

Thank You for forgiving all my sins and weaknesses, but at the same time I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit and guide my steps today -- even the insignificant and small things would appreciate Your touch and input.

Psalm 64 v1 "God, hear my voice when I complain. Protect my life from the terror of the enemy." Satan, the evil one, is the ultimate terrorist. Protect me and my family and my church from his terroristic ways. And, I don't want to be a complainer, but when I do bring things to You, thank You in advance for hearing me. I need someone to talk to, and You're the best listener ever!

Be glorified somehow in my life today.

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