Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From my Journal, March 30

5:43: AM

Mark 5; Psalm 30

Thank You, Father, that I woke up! I have another day to serve You. Help me, through Your Spirit to make the best of it. This is a "study" day, Lord and I'll need Your Spirit to illuminate Your Word to me. Give me the thoughts and words to understand and then communicate Your truth.

v5 Your anger lasts only for a moment, but Your favor lasts a lifetime. Your favor is far more than I ever deserve. And I can attest to the truth that, no matter what things may happen, You have favored me. Thank You for my salvation -- only through Your genius was a way made for me to be redeemed from an eternity without You. You have favored me with my wife; my children; my parents who led me to You in the first place; a ministry and the ability to teach Your truth to others; my health and disposition. Thank You, Lord.

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