Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Truth About the “Ownership” of Palestine

Palestinians claim that Israel stole their land. No they didn’t!

After the Romans cleared out and decimated the mighty cities built by Jews like King Herod, Palestine was an arid, sparsely populated backwater that was eventually claimed (for land bridge reasons) by the Ottoman Empire, then by the British Empire. Jews have lived in the region continuously for well over 2,000 years. The British found themselves overseeing an indigenous population made up of Jews and Arabs-and sometimes Arab Jews. All were referred to as "Palestinians."

Ownership of the land was a patch work. Much of the land was owned by absentee landlords who lived in places like Egypt, and farmed by local Arab Palestinians. This may have made many Palestinians believe it was "their land," but sorry, that just wasn't the case. As the Zionist movement gained traction in the early 1900s, Jews around the world contributed to a fund to buy up tranches of land, and much of the land for the future Jewish state envisioned by the early Zionists was acquired this way.

Once again, the poor Arabs living on and farming the land may not have been happy to give up the land they lived on, but it was not "stolen from them," because they didn't own it to begin with. --Copied from Human Events

Journal Response to Ps 31

5:40 AM

Psalm 31

v2 "Save me by Your righteousness." That's the only way it can work, Lord, for I have no righteousness of my own…no merit that I can point to. Jesus is the only righteousness I have; the only merit in my life. The thing good about me, is You. I give You praise today, Father, for Your goodness. It's Your kindness, Lord, that draws me to You. The world is hostile even on a "good" day. But in Your presence is protection and peace -- because that's the way You are.

On the other hand, my own sinfulness threatens to drain me of physical and spiritual strength….v10 "My strength has failed because of my sinfulness." Thank You for what Christ has done to effect my forgiveness and salvation.

v20 You hide me "in the protection of Your presence." I remember as a child running to my parent's bedroom during a storm, or when I thought something scary was lurking in the night. Just being in their room, their presence, was peace enough for me. You are my Father now. I want to come into Your room and be in Your presence. The storm may still rage, but I'm not afraid when I'm with You.

v15 "The course of my life is in Your power." Lord, I turn my decisions over to You. Help me understand the course You have set for me. Not just in the big decisions -- although today I really need Your direction on some big stuff -- but also in the small decisions. You don't have to wait for me to ask, please. Just be in control; take over.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From my Journal, March 30

5:43: AM

Mark 5; Psalm 30

Thank You, Father, that I woke up! I have another day to serve You. Help me, through Your Spirit to make the best of it. This is a "study" day, Lord and I'll need Your Spirit to illuminate Your Word to me. Give me the thoughts and words to understand and then communicate Your truth.

v5 Your anger lasts only for a moment, but Your favor lasts a lifetime. Your favor is far more than I ever deserve. And I can attest to the truth that, no matter what things may happen, You have favored me. Thank You for my salvation -- only through Your genius was a way made for me to be redeemed from an eternity without You. You have favored me with my wife; my children; my parents who led me to You in the first place; a ministry and the ability to teach Your truth to others; my health and disposition. Thank You, Lord.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Part of my Journal, March 29, 2011

5:37 AM

Mark 5, Psalm 29

29:2 "Give the Lord the glory due His Name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness." You cannot be separated, Lord, from the splendor of Your glory. Heaven is far too magnificent for me to grasp, but it is filled with You and Your splendor, Your glory. If I am to worship You, then I must be able to approach You somehow.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for relinquishing Your glory long enough to come into my fallen world in order to save me. In the process, You have given me access to the Father. When I talk to Him in Your Name I am somehow in the presence of my God and Father.

"The Lord sits enthroned, King forever. The Lord gives His people strength." v10,11 One day everyone will acknowledge You as the King of kings. But today I do. I want You to be King in my life. Help me be second.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Part of my Journal, March 28

5:49 AM

Psalm 28

"Lord, I call to You; my Rock, do not be deaf to me." v1

"May the Lord be praised, for He has heard the sound of my pleading." v6

Lord, I call to You early in the morning and know You will hear me. You will hear me because You love me. I have no merit to bring to this relationship; You, and You alone, are good, holy, and kind.

You see me, however, as if I am righteous -- all because You chose to put on me the goodness and righteousness of Jesus. And what did He get in return? My ugliness, sin, and darkness. But His reward was resurrection and victory over death.

Your overwhelming grace is greater than my sin. I want to praise You for the grace and mercy You have extended to me. I just pray my life will reflect Your goodness in some way today. Thank You for hearing me. You don't have to.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

From My Journal, March 26, 2011

Psalm 56:13 … God is the light of life.

There is no death in You, Lord. You are light. You are life. There is no light or life in the whole universe without Your expressed, deliberate operation. Light is not the nature of the world. It was found by You in darkness, and it was empty. You spoke and light shone on the earth. You spoke and life appeared.

You, Lord Jesus, are the Light and Life of me. I have no hope, no chance, no eternal prospects apart from the Light and Life You impart to me … because You love me. It's all a matter of grace. Pure grace.