Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Is That All There Is?

Do you remember that song by Peggy Lee many years ago? She always expected the best and most exciting things to happen, and when they did, they weren't so great.
Why anyone loves this world with all its temptations, plagues, pain, troubles, adversity, and calamity is beyond me. Yet, even with so many miseries, one on top of the other, there are people who would love this world and do all they can to preserve it... to stay here!!
Don't get me wrong, I am the last person to advocate something like suicide -- that is never the answer. Never. But I am amazed sometimes at the pain and agony people will put themselves through so they can continue to suffer pain and agony.
It's always right to preserve life and give it the respect and protection it deserves. But we believers often lose sight of just how temporary and insignificant this "vapor" of a life is. In the vast configuration of things, God created us for so much more!
Okay, let's live on earth; let's work together for God's Kingdom; let's live in harmony in Christ's Church; let's try to preserve and defend life... but let's keep our eyes on the BIG PRIZE. The best isn't here on earth, it's what comes next that is most significant.
This isn't all there is!!


Neil Dawson said...

amen to that. as much as i'm enjoying the glen beck book "arguing with idiots," i've realized that i really don't care so much about the united states going down the toilet. does this make me un-patriotic? not at all. i served this country, i fly our flag, vote and hope for some kind of return to reason politically.....but knowing all the while that the united states becomes a "bit player" in eschatology. the sooner this occurs, the sooner Christ returns to kick some bring it on!
funny...but i'm reading two books now....the glen beck book is about hell (where our country is headed) and "heaven" by randy alcorn. what a contrast! :)- neil

Neil Dawson said...

amen to that. as much as i'm enjoying the glen beck book "arguing with idiots," i've realized that i really don't care so much about the united states going down the toilet. does this make me un-patriotic? not at all. i served this country, i fly our flag, vote and hope for some kind of return to reason politically.....but knowing all the while that the united states becomes a "bit player" in eschatology. the sooner this occurs, the sooner Christ returns to kick some bring it on!
funny...but i'm reading two books now....the glen beck book is about hell (where our country is headed) and "heaven" by randy alcorn. what a contrast! :)- neil

Neil Dawson said...
