Saturday, June 6, 2009

What We Know For Sure About the End of Time

The truth is, there isn't a lot that we know about the end of time. Yes, the Bible describes some of the "WHAT" events in vivid detail -- but many of those passages equally describe events that have occurred in world history. 
We don't know WHEN it will happen. The Bible doesn't give a date, only general events that would accompany the end of time.
HOW? We know a little about that. The world will be destroyed by fire instead a flood like the last time. But never fear, God establishes a new earth. Don't ask how. We don't know. But God is pretty good at creating things from nothing.
The WHO of end times includes all humanity with certain personalities that stand out -- there's a political, charismatic dictator that rules the world; a one-world religious leader that wants to bring all religions under one unbrella. Yeah, like that will happen. There are many other personalities that people like to talk about. But lest we forget, there's only one Personality that matters. The whole of time and eternity revolve around Him. We call Him Jesus Christ, but in that day He will have a new Name -- actually a lot of them. We'll have a new name, too. Sorry mom, "Darril" ain't gonna hack it in heaven.
Talk about all the details. Speculate on the when, and draw the obvious parallels between current events and Biblical prophecy. But all of that is secondary.
What we do know that is important is this: It's all about Jesus! He is the One we should concern ourselves with. Everything revolves around Him.
Well, that's it. The one thing we know for sure is that one day God will put a stop to all this idiocy and King Jesus will come again to earth -- this time to rule, not die. And Jesus accomplishes all He sets out to do.
One other thing. If you've entrusted yourself to Christ, you're in good shape when that day comes. And, if you continue to reject Christ, there will be hell to pay!!

1 comment:

chelsea said...

Glad you're writing again. Thanks :)