Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm Getting Tired of "Church as Usual"

I know we each have our own comfort zones, but this ain't working. Doing "church as usual", you know, the way we've done it for a hundred years, ain't getting the job done!

Disciples aren't being made; the lost aren't being reached; churches are splitting out of worldliness; Islam is sweeping the world along with every New Age religion that comes along; and attendance to services, for most believers, is deemed optional. If attendance to worship with other believers is deemed optional you can imagine how "taking up our cross and following Jesus" is applied.

So maybe "church as usual" has got to change. I'm open to new ideas. How about mandatory discipleship classes -- that's right, I said mandatory. Maybe it's time we began to expect more from people whose names are on the church roll.

What if churches were to take attendance every Sunday morning, and evening, and see who is really loyal and supportive. I can hear the uproar now from the occasional attender and "just-enough-to-get-by" church member.

Forget Sunday School. That's right, I said forget Sunday School. Sunday School was invented by visionary men that brought unschooled child laborers to a place on Sunday where they get educated and hear about Christ. It was invented for lost people, for heaven's sake. Now, however, most churches have Sunday School for saved people while the lost are left to fend for themselves. Our actions tell a lost world: "to hell with you." (Hell is not a bad word, just a bad place).

I've got other thoughts and ideas on this, but let those three be enough to get us started thinking: what does it mean, in a world hostile to the things of God, to be a Christian? I mean really, what does it mean to be a follower of Christ? I'm getting tired of the ineffective, powerless, impotent "church as usual" ritual we follow.

1 comment:

THSTARS said...

Is "mandatory discipleship" biblical...?