Thursday, February 21, 2013

Journaling for 02.21.13…God’s grace, love, compassion

5:31 AM Psalm 51

Father, from the very beginning of my life, at conception, I was sinful. It's the nature I was born with--the tendency to rebellion; the aptitude for unrighteousness. Yet You are full of grace, love, and compassion. The lie of Satan is that You cannot be trusted…that You are out to get me and can't wait to do me harm. The truth is that You love me and see me as Your child. Even with my rebellion and sin You call me Your own and take pity on my plight in the world's kingdom.

Give me a willing spirit. Do not take Your Spirit from me. I will teach others about Your love, grace and compassion. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.

Let me declare Your praise.

There is so much, Father, that I have to be thankful for. You have been good to me--more than I would ever deserve. Most of all, You have opened my eyes to the gospel and the loving sacrifice of Your Son in my place. Christ, and Christ alone, is the way to You. If only others I know could see this and give their life's priorities over to the King.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Journaling for 02-20-13…The great God loves me

5:38 AM Psalm 50

Father, You speak to the righteous and wicked alike, for You are over all the earth. You have the right, as Creator and Judge to speak to whomever You want; declare whatever You want; and judge every person according to their conduct and worship.

What can I possibly give to You that You don't already own? All creation, even the creatures of the field are Yours (v11). You possess it all.

Yet, You have a relationship with those who believe in You! You say "call on Me in the day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you will honor Me." (v15) You want to help me. You have provided for all I need and promised eternity to me; promised a new heaven and new earth to me; promised a home with You forever to me.

Thank You Lord Jesus, for dying in my place; paying for my sins; for opening my eyes so that I can see You, understand the gospel; for affording me the necessary grace for salvation.

Now, I ask, Father, in the Name of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, that You hedge in my family today; hedge in my church today. Protect us from the evil one…from ourselves, too. Thank You for rescuing me and for the salvation You have given to my family. May we serve You to Your satisfaction in this hostile and difficult world. Help us to remember You and see You, for You are Lord of all.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Journaling for 02.04.13 … Words of bitterness or praise

5:38 AM Psalm 64

Father, what a difference between the words of the wicked and the words of the righteous. The wicked "aim bitter words" at other people in order to do harm and get gain. (v3) But the righteous, or upright in heart, rejoice and offer praise to the God of their salvation (v10). Lord, count me among those that praise You and offer encouragement to others. You are the one and only Creator and Redeemer. If only everyone would embrace Your love and believe the gospel -- that Jesus has paid it all.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Journaling for 02.01.13 … A prayer to my strong tower

5:37 AM Psalm 61

Father, there is much evil in the world. It seems to get stronger and stronger. Evil men get meaner and more wicked. What a godless place this world has become. No one is safe…except those who belong to You. Oh sure, believers are tried, persecuted, and murdered, but there is a refuge for them that no one else has. You, Father, are my strong tower and I can find shelter under the shadow of Your wing. Even if the body is sore with pain, and the heart is tried and broken, there is a refuge for my spirit in You.

I am not a good vow keeper. Weakened by a human, or carnal nature, I can't even keep New Year's resolutions. I try, Lord, not to make hasty vows to You that I cannot keep. However, this I promise: I will trust in Your Word to be the truth; I will confess that only Jesus Christ is the way to You; I will cling to the old rugged cross and embrace the gospel as the sufficient price for my sins.

Living for You, Lord, may be more difficult than dying for You. This world is not a place conducive to holy living and the truth of salvation. But in my weakness today I pray:

First, I give praise and thanks for my salvation, my health, my family, my ministry, and my church family. You have blessed me beyond all that I deserve.

Second, I ask, in the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the power of His blood, that You place a strong and impenetrable hedge(from the outside or inside) around my family and my flock today. None of us deserve Your loving care and protection, but we belong to You, and that's the way You are!

Third, help me and those I love be a light, however dim or bright, in this present darkness.

Fourth, I ask that You care for Your Bride, the local expression of her that I'm associated with, and bless us with other Outsiders to fellowship with, wage war with, and worship You, the Almighty God, with. You know our needs. Please, Lord, strengthen Your church…for Your sake.

Thank You for this fellowship and the knowledge that You are with me -- in me -- this whole day. May Jesus be glad that He gave His life for me. May there be no disappointment today. Fill me with Your Spirit. Help me be second.