5:34 AM Psalm 30
Father, remind me to sing to You and praise Your holy name throughout the day (v4). I want to be counted among those that are grateful to You and show thanksgiving. Your anger lasts only for a moment, but Your favor lasts a lifetime (v5) and beyond. Clearly Your preference is to show favor and not anger. The giving of Yourself on the cross, Lord, shows the lengths to which You will go to show favor.
Weeping, Lord, may last the night (and this world is the night, filled with darkness); but joy comes in the morning! (v6) There is a "morning" that introduces an eternity where there is no night, no tears, no suffering, and no death. Thank You, Father, for so great a salvation!
Thank You, Lord, for saving my soul; Thank You, Lord, for making me whole; Thank You, Lord, for giving to me Your great salvation so rich and free. \O/