Psalm 33
One thing I know, Father, is that Your Word is right (4). Period. Just because our culture loosens its moral standards and makes homosexuality, abortion, adultery, fornication, lying and deceit an acceptable, even preferred mode of operation, Your Word is right!
The earth, Lord, is full of Your unfailing love (5), too. We see so much violence, anger, rebellion, heartache, injustice, and suffering in the world, but if we, Your people, would only look and see. Everywhere sin abounds, at that point, grace abounds even more! Help us, Your people, not to get too cynical; or get a sense of failure and defeat. Even if You let the world reap the results of its own ways, help us who believe to look forward to "that day" when You make all things new.
I'm just sorry that I am often part of the problem in the world. Even though I am not of the world, I am still in the world, and I have the same worldly impulses as anyone else. It's that unfailing love that I need; the constant mercy and forgiveness. Keep Your eye on me, Lord, and my family, and my church. We depend on Your faithful love (18). Help us to wait for You and what You plan to do (20). May Your faithful love rest on us, Lord, for we put our hope in You. (22)
Yes, Father, Your Word is right…every time.~