My first journal post in a while. Accepted the responsibility to teach at a school the last 6 weeks of the year..and that’s while I continue to drive a school bus. I still have my devotions and journal but time has limited posting.
Psalm 120
I certainly identify, Lord, with the psalmist…deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue (2). This is just plain gossip. Lord, forgive me for ever gossiping about others in the name of openness and sharing information. I have been the recipient of hostile, damaging gossip so I know what it feels like. You have walked with me through the valley of that shadow…and I thank You for it. I called to the Lord and He answered me (1).
I am for peace; but, Lord they are often for war (7). When I speak it makes no difference at all. Wanting peace, unity and fellowship, I have received war disunity and division. That is not the way You intend for Your people to behave. Are they really Your people? Certainly not led by the Holy Spirit.
May my family and my church seek, protect, and maintain the unity and love that is found in Jesus Christ. We are His people by the grace of God. Help us not be haughty, selfish, or worldly toward each other.
Jesus be the Lord of this last day of April. It promises to be a busy day in many ways; please walk with me and let me sense Your presence all the way. Be first. I am second.~