Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Journaling for 11.20.12… Thoughts on Loyalty

7:03 AM

Psalm 119:58…I have seen the disloyal and feel disgust because they do not keep your Word.

Loyalty. That is a character quality I admire and it goes to the top of my list. I have always been a "company man". Like Sackett always said in Lamore's western classics: "I ride for the brand."

I admire those who are loyal to their church, for example, and keep the commitment they made when they first joined it. Through thick and thin they pray for, minister to, and protect the back of every member and pastor.

Disloyals cut and run when things aren't perfect; when they aren't appreciated the way they feel they deserve; when they aren't included in "the loop" for every decision. Disloyals withhold their pledge to support the church with tithes and offerings; with prayers and compassion; with heartfelt support.

Yes, I have seen the disloyal and feel disgust…especially when they greet me in public as if we're old friends and buddies -- as if nothing ever happened; as if the knife is not still in my back. They never gossiped about the church; they never criticized the pastor and called for his dismissal (as if they could dismiss the calling of God); they never bad-mouthed the church or the pastor to others in the community; they never suggested a new church start -- dividing the Bride of Christ -- where they and other disloyals could go do it their way.

Grace, compassion and forgiveness can mend the rift disloyals have created, but it requires confession, sorrow, and repentance. Confession, sorrow and repentance on one side…grace, compassion, and forgiveness on the other. Just like our relationship to God when we violate His trust and are disloyal to Him. Confession, sorrow and repentance on our part. Grace, compassion and forgiveness on His part. Unity is possible -- like anything else -- through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Journaling for 11.13.12 … God’s Word is sweet to my taste

5:40 AM Psalm 119

I love Your teaching, Lord (97), as I meditate on it throughout the day. The Word reveals more and more about You, but produces both joy and sorrow in me. Joy because of Your truth and salvation; sorrow because of my failures and sins. I must depend completely upon Your mercy and grace for salvation…I have nothing of value to bring to the table.

How sweet is Your Word to my taste (103). So many find it bitter, Lord, but I find You and things about You in Your Word. Help me to understand it; help me to obey it.

Father, forgive my sins and cleanse me -- not just because I ask, but because of Your grace and the work of Jesus on the cross. How terrible and glorious the cross is. The terrible part was the darkness of my sin in effect that day. The glorious part is how Your grace and love overcame my darkness. Thank You, Lord, for so great a salvation!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Journal for 11.02.12 My Portion

5:19 AM

Psalm 119:57-64

Lord, You are my portion…You are enough for me. You have blessed me with "things", and friends, and family. But there are times when this is not enough. My soul needs You most of all. Forgive the times, and there have been many, when I have pursued other things more than You.

All around me You keep saying "here I am"…in nature, in the Word, in people, by Your Spirit speaking to my spirit. You are proactive in this relationship. You started it. All I can do is say thank You, Father.

"I don't know why Jesus loved me; I don't know why He cared; I don't know why He sacrificed His life; but I'm glad, so glad He did."

I am a friend (63) to all who fear You…at least I want to be. I know You want us to be one; to love one another. We don't do that very well. Just help me to do my part in the unity of the Body.

Father, in Jesus' Name, I want to thank You for all my blessings…my family, my salvation, my health, my ministry, and so much more. Thank You for Heaven, Lord. Thank You for helping me as a child to understand enough to embrace You as my Savior. Cleanse me and forgive me, Lord. Help me be second.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Journaling for 09.07.12…Delighting in the Lord

8:41 AM EST

Psalm 37

Near Atlanta this morning @ my Hyatt office. Hearing from You this morning, Lord. "Trust in the Lord…Take delight in Lord...Commit your way to the Lord…be silent before the Lord and wait."

Lord, today, help me find delight in You, in big and small things; I commit my way -- my road, my path in life, the direction of my life -- to You today and forever; help me be quiet enough in my spirit and mind to listen to You and wait for the best that comes from You.

Thank You for Your love and presence.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Journaling 09.05.12…Thoughtful of Him

5:45 AM

Psalm 65

Praise, Father, belongs to You and You alone. What have I accomplished that did not begin with You and was not empowered by You? You are the One who hears prayers -- it is not the air that I pray to. You hear me and respond in Your own holiness. You always do what is best. Even though iniquities overwhelm me -- sometimes the iniquities of others, but mostly my own. But You alone atone for the rebellion that is built into the hearts of men and women. Happy is the One that You allow to come close and live near You. (v1-4)

Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, who took my place in dying for sin, You have made it possible for me to be forgiven, cleansed, and looking forward to ultimate deliverance. There is no other one; no other way; no other truth. Forgive my sins and let me walk in Your presence today. You are the holy One, and You answer in Your righteousness (v5).

Thank You, Lord, for my family, each and every one; thank You for my ministry, my health, my church…my life! I have nothing that didn't come from Your gracious love. Be glorified today, somehow, in my life.

You said, "Behold I come quickly." I agree with John: "Even so, Lord Jesus, come." ~

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Journaling for 09.04.12…The Lord is near

5:47 AM

Psalm 4, 34

The Lord is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit (34:18). Lord God, I have seen this many times -- experienced it myself: Your nearness in times of brokenness and sadness; in times of disappointment and despair. Have I deserved this? Of course not. You and I both know that You could have, and should have, vaporized me long ago. But You made me a living soul -- gave me value and eternal worth. Your love, Lord is beyond my ability to comprehend: unconditional, complete, never-ending, compassionate, and forgiving.

Many adversities come to one made righteous by Your grace. Believers are not immune to difficulties and conflicts. Yet, You deliver us…in Your time, in Your way. Lord, be merciful today. Forgive my bent to worldliness and selfishness.

I bring to Your throne, with Your permission, my family (for which I am so grateful); my health; my church; my ministry; and my life. I bring them all before You as a thanksgiving, but also a commitment. Continue to show grace on each of these. May You be glorified today. I expect You will be glorified as You so wonderfully deserve.

Whether the world ends, Jesus comes, or I die today You should be glorified. Deep inside, Lord, I believe Your Word, trust Your grace, and depend on the power of Your sacrifice to save me. ~

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Journaling for 08.28.12 … God’s faithfulness

5:46 AM

Psalm 118

It is risky to put your trust in people. "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man -- than to trust in nobles." (v8,9) You, Lord Jesus, are my God and I will give You thanks (v26). No one else died for me. No one else offered me life and eternity. I will give You thanks for You are good (v27). Your faithful love has followed me and kept me…not because of who or what I am, but in spite of it.

I thank You for life's particulars…my family, my salvation, my health, my ministry. Fill my family, my children, with Your love and power today and give them a renewed sense of vision and calling. I need that, too, Lord. Be first. I'm trying to be second. ~

Monday, August 27, 2012

Journaling for 08.27.12…He is faithful

5:40 AM

Psalm 117

Lord, You are the faithful one…consistent, dependable, never any other way. Your love and compassion are everlasting. I, on the other hand, am not consistent and often change my mind or feelings. My love and compassion for the very same people You love and died for often wanes. Let me give You thanks this morning, Lord, for Your love and goodness. You should be glorified for ever. Thank You for my salvation, for one day I will be in Your magnificent presence and glorify You the way You deserve to be.

Today, like every day, please forgive my sins and sinfulness. Fill and bless my life, my family and my church. I thank You for each of these as well as my calling and my health and my life. Be first today. I am struggling to be second. ~

Friday, August 24, 2012

Journaling for 08.24.12 …Deep thoughts

5:40 AM

Psalm 114, 144

Lord, who am I that You care for me? That You even think of me? (v3) In the big scheme of things my life is like a passing shadow. Thousands of years ago people who thought they were rich, powerful, and significant -- served by others and making demands -- looked up at the same stars I look up to; lived under the same sun that rises for me day after day; and either praised You or didn't…just like me.

And yet, here I am talking to You; hearing from You; reading Your Word and conversing as if You really interact with me, a mere passing shadow.

Your greatness and power can never be understood by people like me, a mere mortal. It would flat out kill me to see You now and get a real glimpse of Your glory and wonder. The sounds and sights of heaven would crush my physical senses without a supernatural assist from You -- like You must have done for John and Paul and others when they were given glimpses. My mind would experience immediate overload and shut down from the overwhelming information and trillions of bytes of data it would try to process per second.

All of this, and yet, I am invited to make eternity my home some day… And all because You love me. You love me! Selah. I don't get it…but then I'm not God. I don't think like You, or reason like You, or love like You.

The only thing that can keep us at odds and apart is my sin. By nature I am the opposite of You. But You have that covered, too. So, I thank You for Jesus, Your Son, that paid a price You are willing to accept as payment for my sins. I believe the whole story -- hook, line, and sinker.

Now, awesome God, walk and talk with me today in my inferior, cursed surroundings. Continue to be who and what You are -- I will try to be more like You if You'll help.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Journaling for 08.23.12…Remembering

5:44 AM

Psalm 113, 143

143:5…I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands.

Sweet memories of tough times. It's amazing, Lord, how we look back on difficult times and remember things with fondness and a sense of nostalgia. I guess it's because there are good things to recall, but also, in looking back, it's possible to see Your hand in it all.

Forgive my unfaithfulness and answer my prayers in Your faithfulness v1. Protect me, like You always have, because I am Your servant v12, and masters protect their servants…even the imperfect ones.

Be glorified today somehow in my life, in my family, or in Your church. ~

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Personal Journal for 08.21.12…Amazing Grace

5:31 AM

Psalm 111

The Lord is gracious and compassionate (v4). Of course, I don't understand the depth and width of Your grace and compassion -- because I have so little of it. Even though I'm a believer, my patience wears thin; my compassion runs out; and my love for others will never match Your love.

You are holy…in stark contrast to my desperate need for a Savior; my need for a Redeemer. Forgiveness is my greatest need, and that's where Your compassion and grace come in. Redemption comes from You (v9). Thank You for all You have done for me. I am grateful, Lord Jesus, for Your grace; amazed at Your compassion. Never mind yesterday…today, Lord, fill me with Your Spirit and help me live for You.

Lord Jesus, I am sorry that I am not awe-inspired by Your Name as I should be, could be, and will be (v9). I want to be more "other-worldly", and less fixed on this rotting environment. Cleanse me, Lord…not because I deserve it (because I do not)…but because of Your amazing grace and deep compassion that "saved a wretch like me."

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like; I once was lost, but now I'm found; I was blind but now I see. Lord, today, help my life reflect Your amazing grace somehow. ~

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Journaling for July 03, 2012… God’s Word is Right


Psalm 33

One thing I know, Father, is that Your Word is right (4). Period. Just because our culture loosens its moral standards and makes homosexuality, abortion, adultery, fornication, lying and deceit an acceptable, even preferred mode of operation, Your Word is right!

The earth, Lord, is full of Your unfailing love (5), too. We see so much violence, anger, rebellion, heartache, injustice, and suffering in the world, but if we, Your people, would only look and see. Everywhere sin abounds, at that point, grace abounds even more! Help us, Your people, not to get too cynical; or get a sense of failure and defeat. Even if You let the world reap the results of its own ways, help us who believe to look forward to "that day" when You make all things new.

I'm just sorry that I am often part of the problem in the world. Even though I am not of the world, I am still in the world, and I have the same worldly impulses as anyone else. It's that unfailing love that I need; the constant mercy and forgiveness. Keep Your eye on me, Lord, and my family, and my church. We depend on Your faithful love (18). Help us to wait for You and what You plan to do (20). May Your faithful love rest on us, Lord, for we put our hope in You. (22)

Yes, Father, Your Word is right…every time.~

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Journaling for June 28th…On Two-faced “Christians” from Psalm 28

8:46 AM

Psalm 28

Lord, there are people that "speak in friendly ways with their neighbors, while malice is in their hearts."(3)

This not right…especially for Christians. When so-called Christians do this they inflict irreparable harm on other people, churches, church leaders, and pastors. They talk one way, because it's the church way, but their heart isn't with You.

For example, Father, there are people that leave a church saying cruel, mean, and false things about the pastor or others. But when one sees them at a community gathering, a restaurant, funeral or other event they shake your hand, smile, and act like you're old buddies. There's no remorse, no apology, not even avoidance. They caused lambs to stray and hurt many others, yet they go on as if all is well. With all this stuff left in their wake, they sail on.

Lord Jesus, forgive my sins and help me to have a forgiving heart; a sensitive spirit to others; and an honest relationship to all people. I don't want to ever treat Your Bride with such disrespect or cause "one of these little ones to stray."

May the Lord be praised…the Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him.(6,7) My heart rejoices, and I praise him with my song.

"In my heart there rings a melody… there rings a melody of love."~

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Journaling for June 20, 2012…about the battle

7:21 AM

Psalm 20

I am grateful, Lord, that your followers may come to You -- to Your dwelling place -- and seek Your answers; Your help; and Your presence. Father, my prayer is not that You fulfill my heart's desires (4) but that my heart's desires be pleasing to You…that my whole purpose would be Your whole purpose for me.

Victory? (6) Lord, I don't need victory in open battle. It's the inner battle where the victory is needed. Like Your servant, Paul, I am engaged in warfare inside me. I live in a culture where believers mask the battle and don't admit to it…but we all fight it.

I try to imagine heaven's atmosphere -- the environment. The pressure is off -- no battle for my mind and heart. No temptations that lead to sin, anger, selfishness, and gossip. Yes, it's beauties and wonders I am longing to see, but Jesus will be what makes it heaven for me.

So, Lord, never mind the king (9), give victory to me! Help me fulfill Your purposes.~

Monday, June 18, 2012

Journaling for June 18, 2012…Thanks for technology

Lord, You have been so good to me. Everything I have is from You and it is so undeserved. Thank You, Lord for my salvation, family, ministry, health, and future with You.

Thank You for the technology that allows me to share some of my thoughts with friends and others. Today I am testing my new laptop to make sure it's all set up. What a chore!  This journal post is a trial run, Lord.

I got a little sentimental this past week as Father's Day approached. Just remembering my dad and his "barbaric" ways. Help me be a little more barbaric, Lord, if it would please You.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Journaling for June 14, 2012…Musings on hate and love

John 15

Lord, You say an awful lot about hate in this chapter on discipleship…mostly verses 18-27. If love is an action, not just an emotion, then hate is also an action. I've heard people say "why do you hate me" when they have been wronged. The offender often says "I don't hate you." One is the recipient of an action; the other is talking about an emotion.

So how do I define love? Well, Lord, if I listed all the things hate would do then love would be the opposite. Hate (temper tantrums, lashing out, criticizing, judging, gossiping, undermining, etc) is all about "me".

Self-centered, self-righteous hatred can come in all forms and carry all kinds of labels. It can fly planes into buildings or split a church and run off the pastor.

Lord, help me to understand the nature of hate…and love. Help me to come down on the side of love -- because You did when You loved the world so much to give Your only Son to pay the price for man's hatred. Thank You for Your love…an action called the cross.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Journal for June 12, 2012…Words, words, words

7:06 AM

Psalm 12

My words are my words, Lord. I am responsible for what I say; I am in charge of my own speech (4). And speech has power. Words mean something. Lord, I pray my words today will not discourage, hurt, or embarrass anyone else.

Your words are always pure, without pollution of any kind (6). You are in heaven; You are holy; You are the source of everything good and right. I am on earth; I am not holy; I live on a cursed planet where what is worthless is exalted (v8) -- and I would be cursed, too, if it were not for the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank You, Father for the true vine!

I believe Your words will prevail today in the lives of many who trust You. They will prevail in judgment, too, for many who do not honor You.~

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Journaling for June 7, 2012…Deserved Praise

6:56 AM

Lord, I thank You for another day -- another chance to serve You. My mind will be at war with my spirit, but this whole world is a cursed battleground and right in the middle of it!

There is much to be thankful for and You have always been, and will always be, worthy of all praise and honor. You are the Creator, yes, but You are also the personal Savior and Redeemer. You have even called me Your friend. All of that is possible through the excruciating death of Your Son, Yeshua, on the cross.

Psalm 67

May God be gracious to us and bless us; look on us with favor. Selah…just think about that: an almighty God that looks on us with favor -- after all we've done. Your way, Lord, yes, let Your way be known in the earth, in this nation, in my church, in my family, and in my heart.

You have blessed us; You will continue to bless us. All the earth reaps the benefits of Your creation and Your generosity.

Experiencing your disappointment and judgment is better than not experiencing You at all.

One day the whole earth with honor, respect, and worship You. It's inevitable. In the meantime, help us -- those who confess Your Name -- to give You appropriate praise. ~

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Journaling for June 2, 2012…Restore us once again

7:16 AM

Psalm 136

Father, You are so merciful and gracious -- You have good reason to just wipe me off the face of the earth; to vaporize me; then forget about me. But, to my amazement I know that You love me and already paid the supreme price of love by giving Your life for me. "Thank You" is a shallow response and there is no way that I can ever repay what You have done. There is no doubt that I You, and You alone, are the Master of the universe, the Creator of all things, and the Redeemer of me.

I think of how You restored Zion and caused the people to rejoice. You gave refreshment to a people that were parched by sin and rebellion. Like streams flowing in the stark wilderness You renewed, revived, and restored the life of Your people. I believe that is Your nature…it is Your way.

So today, as one needing forgiveness and redemption myself, I pray for this nation, the United States. Never in our history has everyone been a follower of Your ways, but the Word and the principles of the Bible were the underpinning and agreed upon basis for laws, citizenship, and progress. It is these principles that led to the abolition of slavery, overturning the practice of child labor, the establishment of most hospitals and mental care facilities, the advocacy of freedom around the world against Nazism, Totalitarianism, and the inhumanity of man.

Today, Lord, as a nation, we have lost our bearing. Forgive us for abortion, homosexuality, adultery, pornography, and other moral transgressions. Forgive us for turning from the foundations on which our nation was built and blest.

Like Zion of old, restore us again. Help true believers to remain faithful and strong in the face of hostility and opposition. Be the Lord today in the lives of those who claim Your Name.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Journaling for June 5, 2012…Not destruction but restoration

7:39 AM

Psalm 5, 35

Sometimes the people we minister to and pray for are the very ones that turn on us, accuse us and join the lynch mob to hang us out to dry (Ps 35:11-16). It's mystifying to me, Lord. Why don't people that claim the Name seek reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing? What benefit is there to the Kingdom for people to enlist others in their campaign of hurtfulness, involving the innocent, and harming a wider circle of believers?

You know, Lord, I find that in the journals of David he asks that his enemies and detractors be destroyed, taught a lesson, humiliated and driven away (ie. Psalm 35). But I find it hard to pray for that. I want my enemy's heart to be changed and his behavior toward me to cease. If we were friends, I want to be friends again. If we were co-laborers, I want to serve together again!

I always allow that there may be something to the accusations -- that some sin, error in judgment, mistake or weakness on my part -- may contribute to the division. That's why I don't seek their utter destruction, but would rather enjoy the peace of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the Lordship of Christ…for all of us.
I remember the statement from Mac Brunson: "Believers on the battlefield will fight the true enemy. Believers in the barracks will fight their brothers."

My experience through the years is that there is far too much fighting among the brothers. We are often so inward looking and selfish that we find reason to complain about the music, the lighting, the sermon, the organization, other people, etc, etc. It's all about us and what we like or don't like about the church and its members. And God help the member that fails, or sins, or errs in some way! In the meantime, while we fight against each other in the barracks, the world goes to hell in a hand basket!

Lord, help me to be a conveyor of peace, forgiveness, mercy, grace, reconciliation, and fellowship. Help me be a Kingdom builder, not a people destroyer.~

Monday, April 30, 2012

Journaling for April 30…Peace among believers

My first journal post in a while. Accepted the responsibility to teach at a school the last 6 weeks of the year..and that’s while I continue to drive a school bus. I still have my devotions and journal but time has limited posting.

Psalm 120

I certainly identify, Lord, with the psalmist…deliver me from lying lips and a deceitful tongue (2). This is just plain gossip. Lord, forgive me for ever gossiping about others in the name of openness and sharing information. I have been the recipient of hostile, damaging gossip so I know what it feels like. You have walked with me through the valley of that shadow…and I thank You for it. I called to the Lord and He answered me (1).

I am for peace; but, Lord they are often for war (7). When I speak it makes no difference at all. Wanting peace, unity and fellowship, I have received war disunity and division. That is not the way You intend for Your people to behave. Are they really Your people? Certainly not led by the Holy Spirit.

May my family and my church seek, protect, and maintain the unity and love that is found in Jesus Christ. We are His people by the grace of God. Help us not be haughty, selfish, or worldly toward each other.

Jesus be the Lord of this last day of April. It promises to be a busy day in many ways; please walk with me and let me sense Your presence all the way. Be first. I am second.~

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Journaling for 4-19-12…There is a plan

42 years plus a day.

Psalm 139

You are in all places, Lord. You are everywhere I go; You see everything I do; You know every thing I think of, dream of, wish for. You know my good thoughts and You know the despicable, disgusting thoughts, too. The darkness cannot hide me from You…nor would I want it to. The best part of this, however, is that there is a plan.

Now, I don't understand about my days being written in Your book and planned before a single day began (16). How that lines up with my autonomy is a mystery. But that's not the point. The point is, there is a plan! No life -- my life -- is not pointless without the Creator's plan. There is a direction for my life…a purpose. For that I am grateful, Lord. Just like there was a plan for Your presence in the world. You came with a specific plan to give Your life as a ransom for me. Every life, like Yours, has a purpose. A high and lofty purpose. It must be a holy purpose, too, when one considers the source of it.

When You find an offensive way in me (and I can assure You, Lord, that You will) please remember that I am dust; just flesh and bones in a fallen world. Forgive the offenses because of, and in the Name of, Jesus Christ and His blood.

You know so much about me, and yet, You love me; died for me; and will bring me to Yourself one wonderful day. May You forever receive praise and thanks from the heart and lips of this redeemed servant.

A hedge, Lord… that's what I ask for around my family and my fellowship of believers. A hedge of protection -- a bulwark that never ceases! You are my mighty fortress, Lord Jesus. And I thank You so very much. Help me be second today.~

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Journaling for 4-17-12…When songs of praise are out of place

Psalm 137

The Jewish people were being led away captive to a godless land; their city and nation was destroyed. Yet, their captors asked them, out of curiosity I suppose, to sing some of their worship and praise songs. They wanted to hear what they sounded like. They weren't interested in worshiping the true God (otherwise, they would not have destroyed the temple.)

Sometimes, Lord, singing songs of praise and joy are not fitting -- like when a Christian is in an unholy place. An unholy place in their heart; an unholy place where God is not honored by the activities occurring there; or when a believer is engaged in sin of some sort. There are entertainers that will throw a gospel song or other spiritual type song into the middle of songs about lust, romance, and worldliness. It doesn't fit. It's out of place. Just to sing a song or make an album of Christian songs doesn't purify the life.

Song of praise and adoration belong anywhere a life is surrendered to Jesus…in conflict and pain or joy and victory. Songs of praise are always fitting in the life of a true disciple.

May my life be worthy today, Lord Jesus, of songs of praise to You.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More Journaling for 4-11-12… Some thoughts on seeing God in Person

9:10 PM

I was thinking today about me, God, holiness, and how far away I am from where God is.

The gap between where/what I am, and where/what God is staggering…I have no idea!

And then I was thinking what I would feel and what it would be like to be in God's presence… would it be boring after a while? Would I ever lose the wonder of seeing Him for the first time?

Then I thought of the Grand Canyon. I've been to a lot of places and seen a lot of sights but I remember the GC. It was amazing. Now I know that some people raft down the Colorado River, or ride mules to the bottom; but mostly people just go to a place made to view the scenic splendor of the Canyon. It's marvelous. You can stand there for hours and never get tired of looking at it's beauty. And, as the sun moves across the sky the colors and tints and hues constantly change into all new dioramas of glory.

That must be the way it will be, Heavenly Father, Lord of glory, God of all Creation, when I see You face to face. If I survive the initial blast of glorious splendor, and after I regather my new supernatural senses, the glory of God must be constantly changing from glory to glory; from one majestic impression to another… the colors, the rolling billows of mist, rainbows, and glaring light…light in which the sun and stars pale.

How can anyone stop watching, adoring, and loving the God of Creation…the God of my salvation.

I can't imagine how wonderful the New Earth and New Heaven will be -- and who can tell the glories of the New Jerusalem?! Yet, the source of their glory is the Father. I wonder if I'll even look away from Him to see the rest of my eternal home. The Lord God, and the Lord God alone, will be enough to keep me transfixed for millenia after millenia. Praise be to the Lord of glory, righteousness, and splendor!

Journaling for 04-11-12…God’s comfort and ways

Psalm 131

Father… I want to begin by giving You praise for Your consistent character, Your faithful love, and dependable holiness. You are high above the sin and convulsions of this world. Yet, You sent Your Son here to die for sins; resolve the convulsions; and save those who would believe.

I will not get involved with things too great or too difficult for me (1). Help me to calm myself and quiet myself like a baby in its mother's arms…except it would be Your comfort that I need. The truth is, I am a little child. I am Your child. Help me to live up to the "family" reputation today. (2).

Psalm 101

Help me, Lord, to pay better attention to Your ways (2)…the ways of integrity. Today, as best as I can help it, I will not set anything godless before my eyes. In this day and age I see godless things all the time -- it's impossible to avoid it -- but as far as I am concerned, it will not be an intentional thing. Fill me with Your Spirit and give me Your wisdom and strength to live out this day for You. Help me to truly be second.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Journaling for 04-05-12…He is God

Psalm 95

Father…You are to be worshiped as the King above all gods. You made everything and have all creation under Your control. And You are the Rock of my salvation. These are just a few of the reasons I should shout joyfully and enter the place of worship and sing to You in song. Lord, today I worship You…if I dare. After all, I am far from holy and Your holiness is not even understood by me. Except for the Name and blood of Jesus Christ, Your Son, I would not be able to come into Your presence or even have a chance at salvation and eternal life. Thank You, Father, for the gift of life; the gift of salvation; but mostly the gift of Your Son.

There are two kinds of people that claim Your Name…those who worship You as if they are Your sheep; who place themselves under Your care and trust You. Then there are those that harden their hearts; whose hearts go astray; and do not know Your ways. I want to be counted in the first group -- a worshiper that entrusts his life to You.

Prepare our hearts as a congregation -- prepare me as an individual -- to worship You on the anniversary of Your resurrection. Be glorified in our worship; I pray You will be honored by our worship.

This day is Yours…not because I just gave it to You, but because You made it and are sovereign over it. Jesus is Lord. I am second.~

Monday, April 2, 2012

Journaling 04-02-12…Let the Praise Begin

Psalm 92

Father…it is always good to give You praise…to sing it, declare it, perform praise with musical instruments. You have made me rejoice, Lord, by what You have done. There would be no rejoicing without Your works. O sure, the wicked rejoice for a season but they will be eternally destroyed. (It makes me grateful for my salvation).

The Lord should be exalted now and forever! I will praise You as eternity for me begins at the home-going of all believers, then the marriage supper of the Lamb, then as I am privileged to see the New Heavens and New Earth come about, and then forever after that…I will praise You. Praise that is unpolluted by sin, sinful thoughts, and worldly dust -- praise from a pure heart! Finally. Yes, You will be exalted forever.

I say, let the praise begin!

This day is Yours. I know not what it will bring, but it is Yours. Be glorified somehow in this day through me or others I have touched. May Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, be praised and worshiped…and obeyed. That's why I pray, Father, in the Name of Jesus, Your Son. He who was dead (for me), is risen forever!~

Friday, March 30, 2012

Journaling for 03-30-12…to the God of eternity

Psalm 90

Father…from eternity to eternity You are God. There is no other. You created me and one day I will return to the dust from which Adam came. Time is of no consequence to You. A thousand years is like a few hours in the night--as I sleep they come and go unnoticed. What a stark contrast between You and I. Eternal, holy, wise, strong, and good verses temporal, sinful, foolish, weak and dirty…but the there is another difference. You are the Savior, I am the saved! You love me that much. You never go back on Your covenant…for that I praise You and am forever grateful.

So teach me to number my days and develop wisdom in my heart. Just turn, Lord, and have compassion. I pray that I will be able to see and recognize Your work, and that children will also. For the sake of Jesus Christ, let Your favor be upon me and my family. Establish the work of my hands. ~

Help Your church to minister to You; to love one another; to be a refuge and place of sanctuary from the world. But, Lord, minister to us -- the church You gave Your life for -- and supply us with the resources we need to continue. Thank You, Lord, so very much for the landscaper that is providing Your building with a makeover and update. I appreciate that provision from You.

Lord, we have families in our fellowship that are suffering conflict and adversity. I surely pray that You would favor them; help them; have compassion on them; and satisfy them with Yourself (Ps90.13,14).~

Be honored today, Lord Jesus, the lives of the believers I know, and in the lives of believers around the world. Be glorified. Be magnified. Be first. I am second.~

Monday, March 26, 2012

Journaling for 03-26-12…God is gracious and kind

Psalm 86

Father…of the Lord Jesus Christ, my Savior; and my Creator. You are alone in Your holiness, kindness, power, and authority. There are no other gods like You (8). So, I ask You to protect my life and those You have given to me. Be gracious to me, for no one else is gracious like You (3).

I will call on You all day long…let us talk and fellowship together throughout the day. Bring joy to my life…though I don't deserve such blessings. I know You are kind and ready to forgive (5) -- that's a wonderful thing to know, Lord…ready to forgive. Selah.

Teach me Your ways -- Holy Spirit, please help me to learn Your ways (11). Give me an undivided mind! That would be my prayer, Lord…an undivided mind.

I praise You, Lord, with all my heart (12) and look forward to the day when my praise is pure and comes from pure heart and undivided mind. But I know Your faithful love for me is great (13) and that You are a compassionate and gracious God. Give me strength for the day (16).

Because of Your graciousness and kindness I know it's not a waste of time to pray for my family, each by name. I pray also, for my church family, Lord…actually Your church. Help us to grow -- first in Christ and the power of His might; but also numerically…we will make disciples, Lord, with Your help.

The world, as You know, Lord, is hell-bent on destruction, but You are gracious and kind, quick to forgive those that come to You through Jesus and faith in His work on the cross. Be glorified in Your people today. Help me be second.~

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Journaling 03-22-12…Seeking God

Psalm 82, 112

Father…I come with a heart and mind that seeks after You; a heart that wants to be closer and love You. But my "self" gets in the way. There is a dark side to my nature that contrasts with Your light and life, with Your holiness and goodness, and with Your mercy and grace. I am being transformed, but the process is slow.

Forgive my sins, my inadequacies, and my tendency to live my own way without consulting Your Spirit. Fill me today with Your Spirit, please…even though there is no heavenly cause to do so except that You love me. I appeal to You, Father, on the same basis as David: on the basis of Your mercy, love, and compassion.

Please, Lord, based on the Name and blood of my Lord, Jesus Christ, not on any merit of my own (I have none), please put a hedge of protection around my family and give us wisdom and spiritual strength. And I pray for my church family that is growing in so many ways, but needs Your blessing to continue and increase. Please, Lord, be gracious to us. Help us to live for You. Help us to genuinely give You the preeminence so that we are second. Help me be second.~

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Journaling… 03-21-12 Worship is an action word

Psalm 81

Look at all the things we can do in worship sing, shout, lift up a song, play a tambourine, blow a horn (1,2)… and there is so much more revealed in other scriptures. Worship begins in the heart, but works it's way out in action. Part of worship is also to listen to God (8,13). He knows the ways we should follow (13); He would subdue our enemies (14) and He would satisfy us honey from the rock (16)…I believe that is His own personal presence more than anything else.

So, Father, help me worship You today through action, but also through listening. I will listen more closely. What will You tell me? Lord Jesus, I am sorry for being such a disappointment at times. Thank You, for being patient with me, for loving me, and for using this imperfect man. Be glorified today, for today I am second. ~

Monday, March 19, 2012

Journaling 03-19-12…Resistance in the World

Psalm 79

Father, sometimes Your people stray and live according to their own ways. The story of Your chosen people, Israel, should motivate us to be more faithful. Your people become the object of reproach to their neighbors and a source of mockery and ridicule (4). Perhaps the world is more angry when we profess to be Your people but do not live it out, than when we take an unpopular stand for the Truth. If we claim allegiance to You but do not live our lives for You it seems the world is tired of the hypocrisy.

Of course there are many, many other believers that experience the gravest persecution because they love You in a pagan culture and will not recant of their faith. They choose Jesus, then live their lives and give their lives to worship Him, and Him alone. ~

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From my Journal 03-13-12… God’s Presence

Psalm 73

Your presence, Father, is my good (28)…time after time I have made You my refuge. I tend to "wander, Lord; I feel it, prone to leave the God I love." It's my default condition to go my own way and do my own thing. Time and time again You let me suffer the consequences of my "wandering" then provide refuge when I return -- much like the prodigal father.

I am always with You (23); You hold my right hand and guide me with Your counsel, but then when it's all over You will take me up in glory! Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Father, thank You for times of worship and prayer. The world is absolutely lost in chaos, sin, and disaster; and it will only get worse. When I tried to understand all this (16), it seemed hopeless…until I entered Your sanctuary. Then, I understood the world's destiny. Lord, help me remain in Your sanctuary: close to You; receiving guidance; acquiring understanding. Coming into Your presence, Your sanctuary, makes all the difference for me. What an amazing privilege!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Journal portion for 03-08-12… God acts on my behalf

Psalm 68

May the Lord be praised! Yes, Lord, be praised and honored today. You are the One that bears my burdens; You are my salvation (19). You have acted many times on my behalf (28) especially on the cross where You died for me; paid for me; loved me unrestrained.

Father, I thank You for cross…for giving Your Son so generously and graciously for my sins; so that I might be saved and have an everlasting relationship with You. You have already proven Your love for me on the cross -- and many, many times since.

Sometimes my morning prayers sound all the same, Lord, but the praise and thanksgiving I have in the early morning quiet hours is the same. I thank You for my salvation, for my family, for my ministry, and for my health. Thank You for bearing my burdens (19) and seeing me through so many conflicts.

I look forward to so many things -- in this life and afterward. I may not see all my desires and expectations completed on earth, but Lord, I've seen enough; been blessed enough; been used by You enough to fill a lifetime. Heaven, which to me means Your presence, is a wonderful place. Be glorified on earth as You are in heaven.

Fill me with Your Spirit today and walk/talk with me all day. I love You and want to praise You with my life. I am, after all, second.~

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Journal portion for 03-07-12…God bless the nations

Father, my kind and faithful heavenly Father…I come to You this morning grateful for so many things. I can hardly express my gratitude and wonder. So clearly You have orchestrated exactly what You intended to happen. You truly care about Your people and my family.

Psalm 67

Let the peoples praise You…all the peoples and all the nations (3,5) and let the nations rejoice. Until now I have not been very connected to the "nations", but I pray there will be rejoicing in other nations because of what You have done. You can take a life, any life, and use it to Your glory. I would be exhibit A, of course, but I can certainly think of so many others. History is replete with examples of people You have used -- people never thought worthy, smart, or good enough to be used my You. Bless the nations, Lord. May the nations rejoice because of what You have done.

I pray, Lord, that You would continue to be gracious to us and bless us, undeserved as it is. 1,2) Look at use with favor so that Your ways may be made known on earth (to the nations). May Your salvation be made known among the "nations".

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

I pray that You will always have the preeminence and that I will be second.~

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Journal portion for 03-06-12…God is awe-inspiring


Father, how awe-inspiring are Your acts toward me and my family -- indeed, toward all mankind (5). From the wonders of creation and nature, to answered prayer, to divine protection, to an intimate, personal relationship with You…to the Cross itself! Your acts are awe-inspiring (3,5).

Shout praise to God; sing praise to God! Even when You test us take us through fire and water (10,12) and bring us out with abundance.

God has listened; he has paid attention to the sound of my prayer (19) -- sinner that I am. He has never turned His faithful love from me (20) -- even when I was not faithful.

Lord, walk with me today. Talk with me. Abide with me and help me, Holy Spirit, to abide in You. I truly want to be second.~

Monday, March 5, 2012

Journal Entry for 03-05-12…My God who answers prayer

Psalm 65

God, You are the One who hears prayer(2). Even if iniquity overwhelms me You, and You alone, atone for my rebellion(3). Thank You for Jesus -- for giving up Your Son to die in my place. I owe You everything.

I want to thank You, Father, for Your grace that removes my guilt and Your mercy that heals my hurt, my pain, and the consequences of living in a fallen world. I am no longer of this world but I am still in it. Help me live among these people; help me love these people; help me live for You and not myself.

Before they were born we gave our children to You. After they were born we dedicated our children to You. So they are Yours…for Your service…anywhere, anytime, and however You choose. Thank You for being good to us. Thank You for my family, for my health, my ministry, my life.You answer prayers In righteousness (5). After all, You are the God of our salvation.

You have answered our prayers in many ways…in many wonderful ways. Thank You for the undeserved privilege of bringing our earthly, human concerns and desires to You. Just help me focus on Your desires, Your ways, and Your will, and not my desires. Walk with me today. Let's talk. Help me put You first today. I am second.~

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Journal portion for 02-29-12…Faithful God

Psalm 59 Leap Day

Lord, I will sing of Your strength and will joyfully proclaim Your faithful love in the morning (16). In spite of my own failings, You have been a stronghold for me, a refuge in days of trouble. Yes, I begin this morning giving You praise for Your grace, compassion and love. There is no one like You. You have all the power and are the source of light and life for everyone.

Forgive my sins. If You will, cleanse me and fill me with Your Spirit. I have no basis on which to pray except the Name and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ -- the One that was crucified for me; rose from the dead for me; and one day is coming back for me.

Place, if You will in Jesus' Name, a hedge of protection around my family today; help us keep our heads up in spiritual alertness; help us live for You today. Hedge in and protect my church family; help us to grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man; fill us with Your Spirit.

You are my stronghold; I sing praises to You (17)…You are faithful God. Be first today, Lord, and help me be second.~

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Journal portion for 02-28-12… Thank You, Lord

Good morning, Lord! Just a thank You for my salvation; my life; my ministry; my family; and a personal, intimate relationship with You. The depth of Your love will never be understood, but I am grateful for it. Your grace and mercy, Lord, are awesome and wonderful. Thank You for saving me and opening my eyes -- quickening my spirit -- so that I could receive You and put my faith, however imperfect, in You.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Journal portion for 02-20-12…So glad God isn’t like me!

Psalm 50

Father, I know You will judge me and that I will have nothing to plead except the sacrifice of Jesus on my behalf. I don't for a minute think You are like me (21) and that You will forget what I have or haven't done. I will appeal to Your love, compassion and mercy, Lord.

And today I offer You a thank offering (14,23). Thank You for so very much…my salvation, my family, my health, my ministry. Mostly, thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for desiring an intimate, personal relationship with me. Help me to order my conduct (23) in ways that will please You.

I do not for a moment think You are like me (21), otherwise You would have vaporized me long ago; I would never have experienced Your grace; I would not know the release and freedom of Your mercy. No, You are not like me…for that I give You eternal praise and glory. Have the preeminence today, Lord. I am second.~

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Journal portion for 02-16-12…My family; my life…thank You

9:23 AM @ main office/after bus run

Lord, I have to give You praise and glory for what You have done in the lives of my children and their spouses. Hedge them in, please, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood…because of Your merit, not mine, and not theirs. I appeal to Your grace and compassion. Thank You for my wife of 42 years. Wow, what a treasure she is! Fill us all with Your Spirit of wisdom today and in the days to come.

Thank You for my life. And thank You for sparing my life from hell and everlasting punishment. I don't want to be cast out of Your presence, and I know that I am safe because of the power of Christ's blood and the depth of Your love for me. Certainly I have nothing to bring to the table. All I have is Jesus -- and I believe that is enough.

Be praised and glorified today through my family. Please, Lord, help us be second and give You the preeminence. ~

Monday, February 13, 2012

Journal portion for 02-13-12…God’s presence

5:58 AM, Psalm 73

Father, without question, God's presence is my good! (28). That's my thought and prayer as I begin this day and week. I ask for Your presence Jehovah-Shammah. Forgive my sins and wash me with the blood of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Fill me with Your Spirit of wisdom. Help me, dear Spirit, to be conscious of Your presence in me and around me. Be glorified today somehow. I am second.~

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Journal for 02-08-12…How He knows and loves me

5:45 AM, Psalm 38

Father, You know all my thoughts -- good and bad; righteous and sinful; Godly and self-centered. I can't hide anything from You. You know my heart's desire, whether right or wrong. I praise You for having the power to know me, and for love that surrounds me at the same time. I can't get my mind around it: how much You despise sin and how much You love me. You are surely justified in whatever judgment You make. But make that judgment based on the merit of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and the power of His blood; not on the merit of my sin and integrity. You are worthy to be praised and exalted for ever and ever. And by Your grace, Father, that's exactly what I will do.

Heaven is not so much about the glory and splendor of the place, but about the One that occupies the throne there. It's about You being with Your people. So, as I think of Heaven, I think of being in Your presence…face to face.

Be glorified in this fallen world today through Your people scattered about the globe. We are a remnant, but help us live out Your love, Your grace, and Your forgiveness. I am second.~

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Journal for 02-07-12…Trusting God

5:41 AM, Psalm 37

Thank You, Father, for the reminder to trust in You. I do not need to make my own way, but rather commit my way to You, trust in You, and then You will act. Your support is far better than anything else.

Fill me with Your Spirit today, Lord. I cannot do this apart from Your grace and power. I need Your wisdom and guidance.

Thank You, Lord, for recently answered prayer and guidance. May I, and my family, follow You, live for You, and stay close to You at all times.

I ask Your forgiveness for being agitated (8) by others that prosper in their way. We will have enough. I trust You to care for us…based on Your love, not my own merit but the merit of Jesus Christ and the powerful glory of His Name.

I am second.~

Monday, February 6, 2012

Journal for 02-06-12…His faithful love

5:42 AM, Psalm 36

Father, Your faithful love reaches to the heavens; Your faithful love is so valuable that people take refuge in the shadow of Your wings; spread Your faithful love over those who know You. For with You is life's fountain. In Your light we will see light. Wherever I go, whatever I do, Your faithful love is there.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for loving me faithfully…even when I am unfaithful, You are true and dependable. You pursue me for some reason. I am deeply sorry for the sins and selfishness that has separated us at times. Even then, Your faithful love remained in pursuit.

For Your continued care and protection, I thank You. For the guidance You have given to my family, I thank You. For dying in my place and then making it known to this heart of flesh, I thank You.

May Jesus, the Lord of creation, the King of glory, and the Lamb that was slain be glorified today. Until You come…I am second.~

Friday, February 3, 2012

Journal for 02-03-12…Acknowledging God

5:47 AM, Psalm 33

Lord, the whole earth will one day tremble before You (8), but not yet. The world does not look to You, nor does it acknowledge You or Your law. Neither does it embrace Your grace and mercy.

But for now, in my heart, I acknowledge You and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. I thank You for opening my eyes and helping me see the truth that is You.

Be first in my life. I am second.~

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Journal portion for 02-02-12…Simple thanks

5:41 AM, Psalm 32

What an awesome and wonderful God You are. You forgive sin and give instruction; You protect and give counsel. You are sovereign, yet You are intimate and close.

Thank You for the salvation revealed to me. Thank You for Jesus Christ, Your Son, giving Himself to pay my debt. Every good and perfect gift is from You, so there is so much to be thankful for!

Please give me wisdom, endurance and energy today. Be glorified somehow in my life. I am second.~

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Journal portion for 2-01-12…He leads and guides

5:45 AM, Psalm 31

Father, in the big scheme of things -- in a world with millions of people -- I'm just one more person, one more address, one more tax payer among many. Yet, You love me and know me. You know my name and personality, weaknesses and strengths. You thought my life and my soul of such worth that You gave Your Son to die for all my sins. I praise You, Almighty God, for the details. I am one of those "details" of Your creation … and You never forget the details. I will one day praise You in a place where my worship is unimpeded by my sins and other distractions. It will be pure worship from a redeemed and grateful heart.

You lead me and guide me because of Your Name.(3) In the meantime, I am here. Each day I make plans that I pray will glorify You; I think of my future and the things You would want me to do; and I depend upon You to lead me and guide me.

Walk with me today…let's talk. I may even sing You a song or two! As You lead and guide remain first in my life. I am second.~

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Journal portion for 01-31-12… God’s faithful love

5:34 AM, Psalm 31

Father, I come with praise for all You have made; for all You sustain; for all You rightfully rule. I am grateful that You are holy and righteous, for no one would stand a chance when facing eternity; life on earth would be terrifying; all would be dark and hopeless.

But there is hope and the promise of eternal life! That's something that only You could do!

The course of my life is in Your power (15). I trust You and wait for You to direct my paths. You faithful love (7,16,21) has been shown to me in times of difficulty and conflict. So I will love the Lord; remain a faithful one; and be strong and courageous -- for all this I would need Your help and protection.

Be first today, Lord Jesus. I am second.~

Monday, January 30, 2012

Journal for 01.30.12 … Praising my God

5:44 AM, Psalm 30

Father, You are good to me. You give me blessings I can't even count. You have lifted me up (1,2) and not allowed my enemies and detractors to triumph over me. And when I cried to You for help, You healed me. There is no reason for me to complain or be depressed or give up. You spared me (3) from among those going down to death. I depend, now, upon Your grace, love and compassion. Rather than be pitiful I will sing to the Lord (4) and praise His holy Name. Praise God that Your anger only lasts a moment but Your favor last a lifetime (5).

Lord, listen to me and be gracious to me; be my Helper (10). I am only human, living in a cursed and fallen world. Yet, I want to be with You; be on Your side; bring a smile to Your face; please You in some way.

Help me to remember all that You have done for me and that it's a cause for rejoicing not sorrow. Help me to sing to You and not be silent. Lord, I will praise You forever. And one day, I will praise You unobstructed by the flesh, the world, and the devil. It will be in Your presence; in Your house; in Your Kingdom.

Thank You, Christ Jesus, for the awful pain an sacrifice You endured for me -- I will never know all You did for me…and are still doing for me. What love! What compassion! What grace! I am truly second.~

Friday, January 27, 2012

Journal portion for 01-27-12… Waiting

5:48 AM, Psalm 27

Father, You are magnificent, glorious, and wonderful. You made all things with just a word; and You sustain all that You have made. You designed salvation for sinners and way back to You for the lost. For that I thank You (and my mere words fall far short of the praise You deserve).

Waiting is not easy, Lord. I live in an "instant" world. Instant results, fast food, and instant gratification -- that's the fallen world I live in. Help me, however, to wait on You (14) and be courageous. Help my heart to be strong as I wait. I know that the best for me, and Your Kingdom, will come if I wait for Your timing. I don't want to get ahead of You…as I often do.

And as I wait I will pray and prepare so that when the time comes I will be ready and useful.

You are the God of my salvation (9) and I know You care for me. Be Lord today. I am second.~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Journal for 01-26-12…Simple morning prayer

5:43 AM, Psalm 26

Father, You know all about me. You know my heart and my thoughts. Examine my heart and mind and help me to see my failings (2). Also, show me Your ways and guide me in Your paths; help me think Your thoughts. Keep Your faithful love before my eyes and help me live by Your truth.

I want to live today, even in the busy-ness of life and ministry, in Your presence -- raising my voice to You in praise and thanksgiving; I want to tell about Your wonderful works (7).

Redeem me. Be gracious to me. Help me stand on level ground and praise You. (11,12)

I will not make worthless men and evildoers my associates, but focus my association on You and Your dwelling place.

I appeal to You in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and depend upoin Your love, grace, and compassion for my life. I am second. ~

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Journal portion 01-25-12…Personal Lord

5:41 AM, Psalm 25

Lord, I appeal to Your compassion and faithful love. I trust in You; I wait for You (3). Make Your ways known to me and guide me (4,5); but guide me in Your way. You are the God of my salvation. Remember me because of Your goodness, not mine (7). As a matter of fact, I seek Your forgiveness on the basis of Your Name, Lord.

The secret counsel of the Lord is for those who fear Him (14). I desire and ask for that secret counsel, Father. Fill me with Your Spirit today and converse with me; show me Your ways; be gracious to me (16).

How amazing, how marvelous, that someone like me could have an intimate relationship with His holy and powerful Creator. I can appeal to You personally; talk to You personally; seek counsel and guidance from You personally. This is all possible because Your Son, Jesus Christ, died for me, paid for my sins, and draws me to You. Thank You, Lord, so very much. I will have eternity to give You praise and repay You -- or attempt to -- by holy and unpolluted service. That will be awesome.

But for today, forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit. Open my eyes to Your Word. We will talk often today. You be first; I am second.~

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Journal portion for 01/24/12…The glorious gospel

5:49 AM, 2 Corinthians 4 & 5

The Gospel, Lord, is glorious. Without it our eyes are veiled and we cannot see the things that are eternal. The gospel should make a difference in the way we think and act, because the gospel opens our eyes to light through Jesus Christ.

Religion is just another form of the enemies darkness--the veil he puts over men's eyes. We must not let "religion" creep into our church and our worship. It only hides the glory of Christ.

Lord Jesus, thank You for the gospel in my life. Thank You for removing the veil that blinded my eyes from seeing You. The day I turned to You the veil was removed. Of course that doesn't mean I instantly knew everything or was at once a spiritual giant, but my heart's eyes were able to see You and comprehend the truth.

Our churches are stuck in their ways -- not the things they do (well, most of the time) but in the lack of joy, insight, and life that comes from the very gospel we confess. Help us to see You, Lord, and follow after Your Spirit. Rather, and I'll make it personal, help me to see You and follow Your Spirit. I am second.~

Monday, January 23, 2012

Journal portion for 01/23/12…The 23rd Psalm

5:41 AM, Psalm 23

Lord, what blessings You freely give to those who love You. You are a shepherd that refreshes me and guides me along chosen paths. I pray that I would want You more and more, and anything else less and less. We have been through some dark hours together and You were always with me. I suppose there will be other dark days ahead…I trust You will be with me then, too.

Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit. I want to be in the place where You are able to be my advocate in the face of enemies. You give my life purpose and meaning like someone anointed to serve You -- someone designated for a particular ministry or mission. Help me stay focused on the big picture; on Your Kingdom's purpose.

Your faithful love will always be with me until I am finally home with You. May I dwell in Your presence -- now, as I worship and pray; later in the throne room of Heaven.

To God be the glory, great things He has done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son! Help me be second.~

Friday, January 20, 2012

Journal portion for 01/20/12… Prayer and the right things

5:35 AM, Psalm 20

Lord, I want to thank You today for so many things…my life, my salvation, my family, a ministry to serve You, and so much more. You are very gracious and merciful to me. Sometimes You act in response to my prayers, and other times You're just good to me because You love me and I belong to You. The prayer (4) is may God give you what your heart desires and fulfill your whole purpose. My prayer, however, to desire the right things and that my purpose would be right and true. Yes, I would like for You to fulfill all my requests (5) but I want my requests to be for the right things and according to Your purpose.

Thank You for the victories I've experienced over the years, and I thank You for the victory You bought and paid for with Your blood. Forgive my sins and cleanse me -- I appeal to Your grace, love and compassion…I offer no merit of my own. All that is good about me is You.

I will try to make my prayers unselfish and the kind that would honor and expand Your Kingdom, and Your church. Yes, answer my prayers, but fill me with Your Spirit and give me wisdom so that my prayers are about the right things.

I am second.~

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Journal for 01/19/12…Creation’s Testimony

5:39 AM, Psalm 19

It is true, my Father in Heaven, that the created universe, without speaking a single audible word, declare and proclaims Your glory…that there is a supreme, masterful designer and maker of everything.(1-4) It is a wise person, then, that hears Your instruction and listens to the testimony of nature (7).

Cleanse me today from sin and keep my from willful sins (12,13) and do not let them rule over me. My actions are one thing, but I pray that even my thoughts and the meditations of my heart would be acceptable to You (14). I don't think that is possible until we get home and are freed from this fallen world and the tendencies of our human nature; but I would still pray that my thoughts would increasingly please You.

Your Word established the world, set the boundaries, revealed Your laws, and came in the flesh to save me! How amazing You are! Help me revel in the glory revealed in Your creation today.

Deuteronomy 3:19-20

Choose life. This is the source of the pro-life movement's motto. There are some good reasons to choose life and honor the life God has created known as human beings: 1. The Creation Doctrine; 2. The Incarnation Doctrine; 3. The Salvation Doctrine. (Some meditations today, Lord).

I am second.~

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Journal portion for 01/18/12…Just praising God for who He is

5:36 AM, Psalm 18

Father, I come as a grateful child today and give You praise. It is good to recount the many times You have delivered me from difficult circumstances, hateful people, and hard times…and my own foolishness. I remember how You have helped me. I called to You who is worthy of praise (3) and I was saved many times. I know that when I cry to You that You hear me (6). You have been my support and have often brought me out the place where I was to a wider, better place. (18,19). It is Your way to bless Your people, to show Yourself strong, to show compassion and grace to the humble -- not the perfect or holy, but to the humble. You, and You alone, can illuminate my darkness and lead the way. (28)

You way is perfect and Your Word is pure. There is no one else like You; no God besides You; no Rock but the God who saves, loves, and helps (30,31). Be praised today, Lord … if not on earth, then in heaven. But right now, this moment in time, I want to praise You for Your grace, love and compassion. It is to Your grace, love, and compassion that I appeal.

Today I will praise You; today I will sing to You and about You. You are loyal to Your own. Thank You, Lord, for making me Your own through the extraordinary work of Jesus and the shedding His blood for me. You have bought the right to my life. Help me put You first and make me second. I am second.~

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Journal for 01/17…He will answer me

Psalm 17

Father, today I desire to honor You and please You somehow. Guard me and hide me from my enemies (8,9). David wanted His enemies thrown down and destroyed but I just want peace from them…I would be happy if my detractors were converted to You and would just follow Your ways. I know that I am not perfect, but my Savior is; I have no merit of my own to offer You, but my Redeemer does; I have no sacrifice great enough to offer to You, but my Lord does. So in His Name I am able to pray with confidence that You will hear me.

I know this, Lord: I will see Your face in righteousness (Yours and mine); and when I awake, I will be satisfied with Your presence (15). But until the day that I see You in person I will call on You because You will answer; You will listen closely and hear what I say (6). Thank You for hearing my prayers and caring for what happens to me and those I love.

Walk with me today and talk with me. Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Spirit. May You be my reason for living and the object of my affections. Guard not only me but all You have given me…my family, my church, my ministry, my health, my heart. I am second.~

Friday, January 13, 2012

Journal for 01/13…Thank You, Father

5:37 AM, Psalm 13

Father, there are always those who would be glad to see me fail, or see me hurt, or see my defeat. Why is it that way? What do they gain? You are faithful no matter what. I will always appeal to Your grace, love and compassion. No one has, especially me, has any standing before You without the merit you have imputed. Because of Jesus Christ I no longer am Your enemy. You took the initiative to help, save, and rescue me. There are others, who claim to belong to You, that have not learned the lessons of grace, forgiveness, and love. I just pray, Father, that I am becoming more like You and less like them.

Consider me, Lord, and answer me (3). Help me be patient with the process -- I know You are. Let Jesus, not the things of earth, be the source of brightness to my eyes (3).

I have trusted in Your faithful love (5) and becoming more victorious every day because of it. My heart rejoices in Your deliverance…first, from the second death through the blood of Jesus; second, from my self, my ways, my sins; and third, from the pains and distractions and conflicts of life (deliverance is not complete, but it's a process and I believe Your promises).

I will sing, in my heart and aloud, because of Your generosity toward me (6). I have so many blessings, and rather than complain about all the negatives, Lord, I want to thank You for all the good things -- all of them undeserved -- that You have generously given. My salvation, for example. Then there's my family, my father and mother, my wife and children; and my health, Lord; the calling and gifts for ministry You have given me. Then, of course, there's the promise and eventual realization, of the New Heaven and New Earth with You seated, ruling, and being worshiped right in the middle of it all!

You have blessed me, bless me still -- mostly with Your presence, not so much with things. Forgive my sins and cleanse me, then fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Walk with me. Talk with me. Here my prayers. Help me be second.~

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Journal portion for 01/11…God’s heavenly throne

5:30 AM, Psalm 11

I believe, Lord, that You are on Your throne (4). Your throne is in Heaven -- apart from, and untouched by, the corruption and sin of this world. I am so grateful that the ultimate power and authority in the universe is good, kind, loving, holy, gracious -- not mean; vengeful, not ready to harm. You know the hearts of all people (5). No one is beyond Your reach.

The righteous have a daunting task ahead, Lord. The world is not conducive to men and women of holy vision and righteous intent. It is a cursed and fallen earth I live in. I want to thank You for saving me from the effects of sin and from my self -- from my tendencies to march in step with the world. For as the ultimate power in the universe You have chosen to save individuals and devised a way to do it. Thank You for Jesus; thank You for the cross.

When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? (3) The foundations of our nation have been systematically chipped away since the beginning, but more so in recent years. The foundations upon which the church is built have been chipped away, too. No longer does Jesus have the preeminence in many quarters. The hearts of believers are blind and deaf to the Spirit. (I pray it is not so with me).

Thank You, Lord, for the promise of a New Earth and a New Heaven in which Your throne will take center stage! Praise God for the coming day of glory, salvation, and eternal life. I thank You already for the day when I can serve You without a personal agenda, personal sin, and personal weakness. As a new and completed creature I will be able to finally be the person that pleases You in every way…free from distractions and sin.

Until then, it is enough to know that nothing occurs without Your notice and that eventually, in You time and in Your way, all things will be made right. Just let me be a part of it -- not because of my merit, but because of Jesus and His blood, accept me…include me.

I pray for my family and friends today, Lord, and the spheres of influence we all have. May we live for Jesus and benefit from Your hedge of protection. Forgive our sins and fill us with Your Spirit today. May Jesus be first and each of us be second, for You are on Your throne.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Journal for 01/10…God our King in a messed up world

5:48 AM, Psalm 10

Lord, the world continues to act as if there is no accountability to You. Even those who claim to be religious and profess some kind of moral/religious high ground make decisions, oppress the weak, and attack their enemies as if there is no God at all! But whether leaders, rulers, and power brokers realize now or not, You are King forever (16) and the nations will perish from Your land. You respond to the humble (17) the fatherless and oppressed (18). And, Lord, the world is surely full of the humbled, fatherless (Haiti…even here in America, for example), and the oppressed.

The world is a mess and needs redemption. You are the Redeemer. The world needs a good King. You are the King forever and ever. The world needs a Savior. You are that Savior!

I can't do much to affect the world -- not like You can -- but I can attempt to affect "my world" today. Forgive my sins and grant me pardon; fill me with Your Spirit and let me do something for Your Kingdom today. I am second. ~

Monday, January 9, 2012

Journal for 01/09…God in Heaven

5:44 AM, Psalm 9

New starts are a good thing, Lord. I know You are in the business of "new starts" and second chances. So another day is here as well as another week. The old song says, "every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before; every day with Jesus, I love Him more and more." So, with this new day I begin by praising You for Your overwhelming love and grace. You love pursues me…and that in itself is a amazing. You are in Heaven -- the place of goodness, glory and power. You are, and always will be, the One and Only true God. Lord, revel in Your glory today!

You are seated on Your throne no matter what people do (4) as the righteous Judge. And you will be there forever (9). You are not a judge or a God that abandons Your people -- sometimes we/I forget that. "No never alone, no never alone; He promised never to leave me, never to leave me alone."

Lord Jesus, thank You for the complete and finished sacrifice You paid for me. I have no way of knowing what You went through for me…but I believe it was for me. Forgive my sins and fill me today with Your Spirit. I will talk with You and try to listen throughout the day. Walk with me for this is not an easy path sometimes. Be first. I am second. ~

Friday, January 6, 2012

Journal Portion for 01/06…My Father’s grace

5:39 AM, Psalm 6

Father in Heaven… Your Name should be exalted above all others. Everyone should give You the honor and praise You deserve…but, alas, they don't. The world doesn't seem to be impressed by Your greatness, mercy, grace, love or power. People are not afraid of You -- not even "believers". Perhaps the world is moving to a place where the line will be more clearly drawn between true believers and those that aren't. You, however, will always be worthy of praise and glory; You will have the last word; You will be exalted!

Thank You for loving me and dealing with my sins and weaknesses on the basis of grace (2). You have saved me because of Your faithful love (4), and You continue to "save" me in many of the details of life on the basis of that same great love.

Here's the thing. I know I'm not the shiniest star in Your army or the most effective servant in Your Kingdom, but I am in Your army and I want to serve Your Kingdom. I can't do that if I'm dead (5). So, like David, preserve me, save me, empower me, and protect me. Forgive me sins and fill me with Your Spirit.

I know I disappoint You sometimes -- because I disappoint myself -- but there's where Your grace and mercy come in (2). So accept my prayer on that basis (9). Strengthen and protect me, my family, Your church, this nation and all believers who truly seek to honor You. Be glorified today in thousands of ways around the world, in thousands of dedicated lives. Lord Jesus, be gracious. Be merciful. Be first. I am second.~

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Journal portion for 01-05…God’s favor

5:36 AM, Psalm 5

Thank You, Father, for so many things -- all good and perfect gifts that come down from You. Things like my family; my ability to have food and warmth; my salvation; my Bible; and thousands of other things that most of the world does not enjoy. Of course the presence of evil is all around and the specter of America's decline looms large, but the church and Your Kingdom shines brightest in the darkness. May Your Kingdom come, and may Your will be done on this earth, as it certainly is in heaven.

I certainly plead my case to You this morning (3) and watch expectantly for Your response. The only reason I can even approach You is because of Your faithful love…it's not my merit, righteousness, or goodness. I was born in iniquity, but You are my Redeemer. So, I pray with certain things on my heart--with certain guidance requested. Lead me, Lord, in Your righteousness and "make Your way straight before me." I am staying the course and trusting that You are working in ways I cannot see to open the path before me.

Forgive my sins; cleanse me with through the power of Jesus' own blood; and fill me with Your Spirit. May every word I read in the Bible today go deep into my heart and soul.

Yes, Lord, You surround me with favor (12) like a shield; You bless me over and over again. May I remain as faithful to You when the going is rough and times are hard. Be glorified today, Lord. I want You first (even though it doesn't always work out that way), and I want to be second.~

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Journal portion for 01-04-12…God’s preeminence

5:34 AM

Father, You have given me another day in which to serve You and give Your glorious Son the preeminence in all things. You, and You alone are worthy of all praise, the Lamb that sacrificed Himself willingly for me. Men like me cannot understand the depth of love and mercy that paid for sin and allows me to serve in Your army. Be glorified today somehow in my life.

Psalm 4

Lord, You have helped me before (1), be gracious to me again and hear my prayer. You and I will talk throughout the day -- I will seek Your guidance and understanding on things; sometimes it will just be conversation between You and I. While I do not know what this day will bring, I know You are there, and You give joy like nothing on earth can (7). Why do people pursue with such energy the happiness that comes from things, from the world, that only disappear? You give more joy -- a kind of settled peace in my heart -- than all the world could provide.

Your church, Lord, the local one that I shepherd, and all Christians around the world face challenges today. Help us all to seek Your Spirit's guidance; Your Son's forgiveness; and Your wisdom. My Christian brothers and sisters that are persecuted, even dying today, because of their loyalty to You…empower them with Your peace in the pain. Others, Lord, who can't even sacrifice a tithe face even a tougher obstacle to serving You -- themselves! Give all of us a clearer understanding of our temporal place here on earth…that home is still ahead of us…and what a home it is!

All praise to the One who died in my place and rose again! Be first. I am second.~

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Am a Soldier

I am a soldier in the army of God. The Lord Jesus Christ is my Commanding Officer. The Holy Bible is my code of conduct. Faith, prayer and the Word are my weapons of warfare. I have been taught by the Holy Spirit, trained by experience, tried by adversity and tested by fire.

I am a volunteer in this army, and I am enlisted for eternity. I will either retire in this army at the Rapture or die in this army. But I will not get out, sell out, be talked out or be pushed out. I am faithful, reliable, capable and dependable.

I am a soldier. If my God needs me, I am there. If He needs me to serve, I am there. If He needs me to teach the Sunday school, to teach the children, to work with the youth, to help adults, to scrub floors, or to just sit and learn. He can use me because I am there!

I am a soldier. I am not a baby. I do not need to be pampered, petted, pumped up, picked up or pepped up. I am not a wimp. I am in place saluting my King, obeying His orders, praising His name and building His kingdom!

I am a soldier. No one has to call me, remind me, write me, visit me, entice me or lure me. No one has to send me flowers, gifts, food, cards or candy, or give me handouts. I do not need to be cuddled, cradled, cared for or catered to.

I am a soldier, fully committed. I cannot have my feelings hurt bad enough to turn me around. I cannot be discouraged enough to turn me aside. I cannot lose enough to cause me to quit.

I am a soldier. The devil cannot defeat me. People cannot disillusion me. Weather cannot weary me. Sickness cannot stop me. Battles cannot beat me. Money cannot buy me. Governments cannot silence me, and hell cannot handle me. I am a soldier.

My God has and will continue to supply all of my needs. I am more than a conqueror and eventually I will triumph. I can do all things through Christ.

I am a soldier. I will follow my Commanding Officer’s orders and endeavor to enlist others into this army. I will also train and equip new recruits to fight the good fight and endure to the end.

When Jesus called me into this army, I had nothing. If I end up with nothing when I retire or die, I will still come out ahead because I will have Him.

I am a soldier in the army of Jesus Christ. Here I stand! Will you stand with me?

Original Author Unknown, Edited Version Copyright © 2012 Darril Deaton

Journal portion for 01/03…Talking to my Father

5:37 AM

Father, there is no way that I could come to You except You draw me. I am fallen by nature, but You are holy and good. You are kind and merciful. There is no limit to Your grace…I'm counting on that. Each day You answer me -- maybe not the way I expect, or the way I would prefer -- but You answer me (4) according to Your wisdom. You must receive all the praise and glory there ever was and ever will be. You deserve it because of Your greatness and care for Your people.

I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me (5). Waking provides me with another day to serve You. Maybe I'll get it right this time. With Your help, I will be able to please You somehow.

Forgive my sins and cleanse me, then fill me with Your Spirit. Your wisdom, insight, and ability is what I depend on.

I want You to be first this year. I want to take second place in the scheme of my life. You are my salvation (8); it comes from no other. I am second.~