Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Journal for 12/13…God is good

Psalm 13, 43, 103

Father, as You know, I live in a hostile world. It is cursed and driven by sin. There are forces that pull men away from You, their Salvation, and feed their lust, greed, and selfishness. You have saved me, through the blood of Your Son, from their destiny. You have separated me out and given me a holy purpose for my life. I give You praise today for Your holiness, goodness, kindness, judgment, justice, and mercy. You are the highest God, the ultimate source of power and authority in all the creation…and You are good! Thank You for Your kindnesses toward me: a purpose, a family, my health, a ministry, and eternal life.

Send Your light (43:3) and Your truth to lead me. May they lead me to Your presence and worship and praise. Let them give me clarity and understanding of Your Word and Your way for me.

Only You can cleanse my sin, in the Name of Jesus Christ and the power of His blood…and fill me with Your Spirit. Help me live this day for You and Your Kingdom. I don't want this day to be about me. I am second. ~

Monday, December 12, 2011

Journal portion for 12/11…God is on His throne

5:40 AM

Psalm 11

Father, there seems to be the misconception in the world that You are not engaged -- that You either don't care about what happens to us or that You can’t, or won't, do anything about it. Good people are attached by violent people and mean people can't wait to do harm to the weakest among us. But I believe that You are on Your throne and You are fully engaged. You know the thoughts and intents of our hearts and You hate meanness and cruelty and violence.

Lord, forgive my sins…I want to be on Your side! I know the only good thing about me is You, and that all I have comes from You. I am trusting You with my eternity, and believe that Your Son, Jesus Christ, has suffered harshly in my place. You loved me that much.

Now, I ask the God who reigns, my Father and Redeemer, to forgive me, but also to fill me with Your Spirit today.

Thank You, Lord, for every good and perfect gift that comes from You…my salvation, family, health, and ministry. Nothing I have is of my own doing. May what I have be lived out for You today. Thank You for answered prayer…even prayers that seem unanswered to me. Help me to be patient and wait for Your timing; help me know Your will, for I want to do what is in Your best interest and that of the Kingdom. The only way I can do that is through Kingdom people here on earth.

Please put a strong hedge of protection around my family today; each of us need Your personal protection and blessing. Guard, empower, and grow my church/Your church. Make us worthy of receiving and ministering to new people.

The Lord is in His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven. His eyes watch… (4) To You, most high God goes all glory and praise today…and forever. I am second.~

Friday, December 9, 2011

Journal for 12/09…Revealed

5:45 AM

Father, if You had not revealed Yourself to me, I would never be able to know You. I am not in Your sphere of holiness and majesty and divinity. It takes a revelation of Yourself to me for me to understand. Thank You for coming into my dimension -- a fallen cursed world -- on my level where I could see and understand.

Thank You for the Word of God, written by men who You directed and inspired, so that I could see and understand further. You have not abandoned those who seek You, Lord (10).

Lord, I want to love You with my whole heart; I want to serve You the way You deserve (one thing I look forward to on the new earth is serving You completely and perfectly).

For the rest of this day let's talk…help me abide in You. I am second.~

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Journal for 12/08…Magnificence of God

5:31 AM

Lord, I often feel inadequate in Your service and overwhelmed by the enormity of conflicts, adversity and foolishness the world experiences -- and that believers experience. You, however, are always up to the task. And while You do not violate our right to believe or not believe; serve or not serve; follow or not follow You, You always come to those who choose to embrace the gospel and Your Son.

Anyway, I found a prayer by David Brainard yesterday that sums up my prayer this morning: "Lord, let me make a difference for You that is utterly disproportionate to who I am."

That means You would need to empower me -- magnify the results of my service and expand my ministry beyond what I would be able to do on my own. So in Jabez' prayer when he asked that You expand his territory, he may have been talking about land, but I would be talking about Kingdom influence and ministry. Extend my reach; grow my ministry; help me make a difference that is disproportionate to who I am without You.

Holy Spirit…fill me today. My thoughts tend to roam and I drift into other cares and concerns. Bring my focus back to You. I want to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

Psalm 8

You are magnificent, Lord…You created all things and they shout Your majesty all over the created world. You sent Your Son, Jesus, into the chaos we created by our sins to redeem the world. One day You will restore it all and establish Your magnificent authority once and for all. I plan to be there, Father…as undeserving as I am…because of what Jesus did for me. Be glorified today, Father. The world is on a suicidal course. You, however, are life and light; forgiveness and grace; mercy and redemption.

I am second. ~

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Journal for 12/07…The righteous Judge

5:38 AM

Psalm 7

Father, You are the examiner of the thoughts and emotions, and You are a righteous God. You also love me and have provided forgiveness for sins and a way to belong to Your side. Thank You for Your righteousness and Your judgments.

You have ordained a judgment for those who work iniquity and pursue Your people. They are destroyers, not builders; takers, not givers; brazenly godless, not believers in You. You are a righteous judge and I trust in Your ultimate justice.

The world is headed toward trouble, Lord…it always has been. Believers need to forsake sin and be filled with Your Spirit if they are to impact this fallen world with the gospel. Forgive my sins, hedge me in today, Father, in the Name of Your crucified and risen Son, Jesus Christ. Protect my family from harm and the Devil. Protect the believers that I know so that they will live for You in the heat of battle.

You are the righteous Judge who judged my sins on the cross in Your Son; now You must judge the world and unbelievers. I pray many more will be saved before it's too late.

Be glorified, O holy God. Come quickly, Lord Jesus, come. I am second.~

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Journal for 12/06…Lord of all

5:38 AM

The weather is cold this morning, Lord…but I have a warm house and warm clothes. Without a doubt, You have blessed me this 62 years. Yet, Father, I still ask for more blessing, especially the presence of Your Spirit and the faithful love that comes from You. You are not just the Creator, but You are the Savior, too.

Psalm 6

Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am weak (2). Weakness is my natural state in this fallen world. Help me through until I'm at home with You in a new earth that is filled with Your holiness, joy, and service.

I only ask that You put a strong hedge of protection around my family in the precious Name of Jesus and the power of His blood. Empower us, and our church people, to fend off the attacks of the Devil and live for You. Be Lord of all. Make me second.~

Monday, December 5, 2011

Journal for 12/05…Morning prayers

5:34 AM

"I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed!" Thank You, Father for the rain. You gave us drought, now You give us relief. The times and seasons are in Your hands; my times and seasons are in Your hands. If people cannot see creation and acknowledge the Creator then how will they ever see and acknowledge the Redeemer He has provided?!

Psalm 5

Listen, Lord, to my prayers…for I pray to You. It's morning and I begin my daylong dialog with You. You must forgive my sins, Lord, for I want to enter Your presence and sin is not permitted there. Thank You for the forgiveness, cleansing, and kindness I have in what Jesus accomplished for me by dying in my place. I can only enter Your house because of Your faithful love, not any merit of my own.

I pray that today, and in things concerning the following days, You would make Your way straight to me. Help me serve Your Kingdom and Your King. I will rejoice in You, shout for joy forever in Your very presence in the New Earth/Heaven.

Protect, Lord, my family in the troubling days ahead of us. The world, this fallen, cursed world, is about to experience the pains of its own godlessness and evil ways. May Your people remain faithful to You and show others the way to Christ, the only Redeemer.

Walk and talk with me today, Lord. Help me be second.~

Friday, December 2, 2011

Journal for 12/02…choosing sides

5:28 AM

Today, Lord, is the beginning of our Prayer Weekend. Fill me with Your Spirit as lead Your people through these activities. Show Yourself to us and hear our prayers and honor our fasts.

Father, You are the glorious One…the only One that gives life and love to us. Thank You for helping me abide in You. May Your Words abide in me today. I pray that the meditations of my heart would be acceptable in Your sight. It's not easy Lord because, first, I am only a man; second, because the world and its cares and its amusements are such a distraction. Abide with me.

Psalm 2

Why do the nations rebel (1)? If God and His Anointed One are the final authority and ultimate power -- and since God is good, and love, and kind -- it doesn't make sense to follow any other course but His ways. Lord, the lines are drawn and I have made a choice. I have chosen to follow You; believe in You; serve You. I don't do so well sometimes, and even at my best I am not the kind of worshiper and servant You deserve. But I choose You over any other. Forgive my failures and sins, and strengthen me in Your grace. I choose You. Thank You, Lord, for choosing me. I am definitely second.~

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Journal for 12/01…Meditation

5:35 AM

Well, Lord, we begin a new month. I know that times and seasons are not so consequential to You…time itself is in Your hands. You have the months, days, minutes and seconds numbered until Your Kingdom comes. And Lord, I know my days on earth are numbered, too. I will not always be in this body, but will one day have a new body, on a new New Earth and Heaven -- with You! This I believe.

Sin is so devastating, Lord, on so many levels. It takes its toll on humanity, on my country, on my church, on my family, and on me. Thank You, Lord, for so great a salvation that is received as a gift through the Lord Jesus Christ!

Psalm 1

Lord, I want to meditate on Your Word day and night. I try to be mindful of it throughout the day, even going over certain passages in order to better understand them. But there are so many distractions. I must continue to do my work and uphold my responsibilities and still meditate on Your Word. So please fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Walk with me; talk with me. Don't abandon me just because my mind wanders onto worldly things. Bring my thoughts back to You. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord my God and my Redeemer.

I am second.~