Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Journal for May 31st…Stranger

5:40 AM

Psalm 119:17-32

Father, it has occurred to me that on my best day, when all seems right in my world and with me, it is still less than the life You have waiting for me in Heaven. It's like some people that are born into abject poverty and oppression. They just think that's how it is…that there's nothing better. You love me and want so much more for me but I am a sinner -- born a fallen man in a fallen world.

You, however, are to be glorified and praised! You are holy, set completely apart from me and this cursed earth. Thank You for the promise of Heaven and a New Earth. There is no earthly explanation for the goodness and kindness You show toward me…none. I have nothing to bring to this relationship: no holiness, no goodness; not even a decent prospect of godliness. I have nothing that You didn't give me. It's like when my dad used to give me a quarter to put in the offering plate. It really didn't come from me, but I gave it. Now, anything I have to give still does not come from me…it's all from You.

V18 Please open my eyes so that I may see wonderful things in Your law, in Your Word. The truth is, Lord, I'm a stranger v19 here on earth -- You made me a stranger the moment I took Christ's offer of salvation. I don't belong here because of You. Help me be more Heaven-minded.

Please have the pre-imminence today, Lord. Even though I'm a stranger here now too much of me is worldly. I really want to be second.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Journal for May 27th…His Love

5:27 AM

Psalm 27, 57

I call to You, Lord, in the Name of Jesus…precious, wonderful Jesus. You are the God of my salvation -- not just the salvation of my soul, but You save me in a hundred other ways every day. Like when spiritual attack comes, or when I'm just being worldly. While I can't avoid every consequence of the battle or my "self", You are engaged in the battle, too, and never give me what I truly deserve. Yes, You are the God of my salvation.

Your faithfulness reaches to the heavens. You can't help Yourself, can You?! Your love is just that deep for me. You gave Your Son to ransom me, buy me back, from the fate I deserve.

You have made it possible for me to hide in the shadow on Your wing…like a child that feels safe standing next to his/her daddy.

Fill me, Lord, with Your Spirit today. I want to live for You; walk with You; talk with You. Please put a strong hedge of protection around my family (and I give You thanks for my family; Your purpose for me in that regard is pleasant to my heart); around my friends and my church family…all in the Name of Jesus Christ and power of His blood.

Heaven for me; Heaven for me; Jesus will be what makes it Heaven for me…all its beauties and wonders I've been longing to see; but Jesus will be what makes it Heaven for me.

Desiring to be second.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Journal for May 26th… Be Gracious

5:40 AM

Psalm 56

Be gracious to me, God.

Lord, Your Word will often reflect the thoughts and impressions of my own heart. Many times Your very words express what I want to say better than I could do. Thank You, Father, for Your Word. You did not make us clamor and search for You; You revealed Yourself to us…to me! Thank You, Lord. I want to praise You this morning for everything. Yes, even while many are still digging out of the natural disasters in the world, and even while I, and folks I know, are struggling with one thing or another, I want to praise You. No matter what happens on earth, You are still just as worthy of praise! In the big scheme of things, You will outlast all this -- and because of Jesus, so will I !

Be gracious to me, God, as You already have v1. Man would trample me, fight me and oppress me, but You are gracious to me.

I praise Your Word v10, and I trust in You. I will try to trust You even when circumstances are difficult and dark; I will try to trust You…I want to trust You. Let Your Spirit build my confidence in You more and more.

There have been times that You delivered me from death (snakes, car accidents come to mind, for example); but You delivered me from death in the sense that You've allowed me to be alive. You haven't vaporized me yet. And, You delivered me from death, eternal death, the second death, through the horrible, but gracious, sacrifice of Jesus in my place. You have been gracious to me already.

Thank You for so many things. I will have eternity to thank You for my salvation; and for the family and friends that You have given me; and for putting me into ministry (even though I doubted myself more than You did sometimes). Thank You for my health, too.

Please put a strong hedge of protection around my family and church today…in the Name of Jesus, the crucified, then risen Son of God and the power of His blood I ask it.

Just hearing my prayers, which I am confident You do, is a move of graciousness on Your part. Be gracious…be glorified…be God today. I am second.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Journal for May 25th…Needing God

5:32 AM

Psalm 55

How true it is, Lord, that You will answer me when conflict comes. You always have. Even when it is a friend that turns on me and tries to harm me. We used to have close fellowship v14, we walked with the crowd into the house of God. Yet "his words are smooth, but war is in his heart v21." War is in His heart -- I am taken by that phrase this morning. Why would a Christian have war in his heart? Lord, I don't understand when a believer would wish harm or defeat on another believer.

I will cast my burden on the Lord, and You will support me v22; You will not allow the righteous to be shaken. And Lord, You and I both know that the only righteousness I have is what I am given by my Lord Jesus Christ. The only merit I have is not from within me, but from the merit of the one and only Son of God, who died and gave Himself for me. I’m lost without You.

Psalm 85

Lord, we need You to return to us…to our church, to our nation, and to Israel v4. You are the God of our salvation and sometimes we feel abandoned. Yet it is I/we that have abandoned You. Revive us again v6 so that Your people, Your Bride and Your chosen nation, Israel, may rejoice in You. Show us Your faithful love, Lord, and give us Your salvation v7.

We need You to forgive our foolish ways -- I speak of believers and the people of Israel, for all of claim Jehovah v8. You salvation is near any nation that respects and honors You v9, so that Your glory may be seen in that land. Return Your glory to Israel. Return Your glory to the United States. Return Your glory to Your Bride, the church.

Even economic security and abundance is found by the nation that honors You v12. I guess that is true of individuals like me, and churches like mine, too. The Lord blesses His people!

Today, Father, I ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, the crucified, buried, and risen Son of God, that You would put a hedge of protection around my family today, around my friends, and around my church family. Hedge in Your people. There are people we will come across today that "have war in their heart." They may even be friends. We know Satan is up to no good…what a fool.

Thank You, Lord for my salvation through Your sacrifice. Fill me with Your Spirit today and be glorified somehow in me. I want to be second.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Journal for May 24th…King of Glory

5:37 AM

Psalm 24

Praise to the King of Glory! You, Lord, made the world and everything, absolutely everything, belongs to You v1,2. It was magnificent and glorious when You created it all; we tarnished it by our sinfulness. That's why You intend to make a New Earth and restore all things. I can only glorify You and praise You for the plans You have in store.

I must confess, I do not have clean hands or a pure heart v3,4. I wish I did. On my own merit I have nothing to bring to You. I come to You on the basis of Jesus' clean hands, pierced as they are (because of me), and His pure heart. Because of Him and through Him I come before Your throne and approach Your holy hill. That's the only reason I even have the capacity to seek Your face v6, to enter Your presence.

Yes, You are the King of Glory v7,10. You have been strong and mighty on my behalf many times. How do I know this? With all the destruction, sorry, pain, and even death that is a part of this life's experience, how do I know that You are the King of Glory, strong and mighty? Because You died to redeem me from all of this; and once it's all over there will be a new life, just like the resurrection of my Lord. First, the cross. Then, the life!

Be glorified somehow through me today. I am second.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Journal for May 23…When You Have Jesus

5:41 AM

Psalm 23

Father…You have been more than good to me. When I consider what I would deserve without the representation of Christ, You have been truly good to me. I thank You for my salvation, fixed in Heaven; for my life and ministry; for my family…the loved ones You chose for me; for my health; for every good and perfect gift.

It's a familiar passage, Lord, but always good to meditate on again, Psalm 23. When a person has Jesus, they have a shepherd - and every life, every soul needs a divine shepherd. We have all we need. I lack nothing that's important. There is rest, true divine rest for the soul -- those quiet moments of meditation in chaos and busy-ness. With Jesus there is renewed, or restored, soul/life. Jesus is able to make all things new. With Jesus a person has chosen paths down which You, Father, lead us/me. In our darkest times we have the company of the Lord, Your presence. With Jesus we/I have the balance of discipline and guidance that brings comfort in the chaos…always for my good. Lord, You are an advocate with me against my enemies. When a person has Jesus they have purpose and meaning, like a king anointed for service. And with Jesus, there is a divine love that pursues me all the time…all the days, and every day, of my life. And with Jesus, I have a future home in Heaven. I know the end of the psalm is about worshiping in the temple for all a person's life, but Heaven is the ultimate presence and glory of God! With Jesus there is always a future.

You are actively engaged in my life; loving me, comforting me, guiding me, and moving me in the direction of where You are, Heaven/New Earth. I tend to stray and get distracted, but one day I will be with You and all my friends and family that embrace You as Savior.

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty; the King of Creation! …Jesus, Jesus, Jesus: there's just something about that Name; Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain.

Be glorified somehow today, Lord, in this godless, self-centered world. I am second.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Journal for May 20th…the Vine

5:28 AM

Psalm 80

Lord, what a perfect passage for today - considering the news yesterday. Our president appears to be against Israel…which doesn't bode so well for our country. The majority of Americans, Lord, and certainly discerning Christians in the country are absolutely for Israel.

You are the God that is over all things and nothing is without Your consent. What the U.S. needs first, Lord, are believers that will start living the faith they proclaim. Be Jesus to their neighbors and friends; share the gospel; pray for Israel.

You brought Israel out of Egypt and planted her like a vine in a barren place. She became the shade and resources for the region v8-11; now people snipe at her and pick her fruit; even want to destroy her v12-13; she is at strife with her neighbors v6 (that's an understatement) and her enemies make fun of her. The U.S. is getting close to the same treatment, too.

But You, Lord of hosts, please return. Take care of Your vine, Israel v14. I pray they will not turn away from You v18, that You would revive them, and they will call on Your name. Please look down with favor and save Israel v19.

I pray the same for the U.S. If Your people, who are called by Your Name, would humble themselves, seek Your face, pray, and turn from their sins, then I know You would hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal the land. So I pray today that Christians would worship and adore You then lay their lives before You. Restore Your people -- in Israel, in America, and anywhere in the world that people profess Jesus as their Lord.

At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light; and the burden of my heart rolled away. It was there by faith, I received my sight, and now I am happy all the day! You are my Vine, of which I am just a branch.

And here, at my ground zero of spiritual warfare, please fill me with Your Spirit today. Forgive my past failures and lost battles. The victory is won in spite of me! Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus, for all You've done for me. Hedge in my family and church in the Name of Jesus Christ, the risen Son of God, and by the power of His blood.

Be Lord today. I am second.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Journal for May 19th…Ransom-Payer

5:44 AM

Psalm 49

Lord, I certainly want to praise You today for the ransom You provided for me. I also thank You for making the Truth known to me…for letting me know about Jesus and giving me the capacity to believe in Him.

People can trust in their wealth and riches v6 but it will get them no where with You. Now, You've certainly been good to me. There have been tough times and good times economically, but in the big scheme of things I've been blessed and blessed and blessed. I know that wealth and riches will not pay the ransom You demand v11; only You are able to provide the adequate ransom. Thank You, thank You, for that!

When we die, all of our assets, are left behind v17…we can't take any of it with us. Frankly, Lord, when I think of Heaven, why would anyone want to take what they have now to that beautiful and marvelous place. The best we could possess here on this fallen earth would quickly prove inferior to what You have there. Eye has not seen what You have in store for those that love You. It's a benefit of the ransom….the ransom You paid.

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the great and terrible sacrifice You paid for my sins. Mercy there was great and grace was free; pardon there was multiplied to me; there my burdened soul found liberty -- at Calvary!

In the Name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the power of His divine blood, I ask for a hedge of protection around my family today. Each of us need Your help in the battle. I pray for my church family -- some are sick, some are facing difficulties and adversity, some are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, others face trials I know not of -- hedge them in, too. Our nation's leaders need divine wisdom, Lord, but seem to reject it; but I pray for them anyway. Please, God, do bless America. You paid the ransom for every single person in this country and You love them all.

To my Ransom-Payer I say thank You. Walk with me; talk with me; nudge me when necessary. I want You to be first. I want to be second.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Journal for May 18th…The Goal

5:37 AM

Philippians 3

Lord, it's clear from Your Word that You are "goal-oriented". Creation starts out with You having a plan and a design for the world. You spoke and it came into being. Your goal was accomplished. Jesus made it clear why He came to earth: "to seek and save the lost" and "to give My life as a ransom". He was clearly goal-oriented and He got it done.

Paul was the same way v10. He said that his goal was to know Christ and the power His resurrection… "to know Christ" in a personal, experiential, intimate way. It was what drove Him each day. We can have mini-goals, like eating right, looking good, feeling better, and making it through another week. But there ought to be a goal that drives our tastes, preferences, and personal desires; that determines what we study, where we work, and how we treat other people. A goal like knowing Christ.

Lord, You've had a hold of me since I was very young v12; my goal is to get a hold of You because You have taken hold of me. You reached down from eternity to this fallen world and got a hold of my life and my soul to save me for all eternity. The least I could do is get a hold of You.

One thing v13: put the past behind me and always look ahead where my future is; look ahead where God's call is on my life v14 and Jesus awaits.

A goal; take hold; one thing. Now there's a 3-point message. Think I'll use it for the Baccalaureate message this coming Sunday evening for the graduates.

For me…today…I pray in the precious and powerful Name of Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, that You would put a strong hedge of protection around my family. Without Your help we are mere men and women fighting and losing the battle in our own strength. Hedge in my church family-may we mature and grow…numerically as well as spiritually. I pray for those men I witnessed to yesterday -- one in particular -- that they may get a hold of Jesus in their life, too.

Thank You for so much…my health, my ministry, my salvation, my family, my friends, my experiences, and Your forgiveness. Yes, for Your mercy.

Be glorified, Lord. I am second.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Journal for May 17th…Songs

5:30 AM

Psalm 47

Praise! Yes, Father, songs of praise offered up to You this morning v6. Praise to the Lord, the almighty, the King of creation! Let my soul praise Him, for He is my Rock and salvation!

Lord, You are truly awe-inspiring v2. Just Your creation is enough to give a person pause.

I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder and there proclaim, my God how great thou art!

There are even godless people that would even kill humans to protect the awesome environment You created -- they are awed by its magnitude, intricacies, and beauty. But I see a wonderful Creator behind the creation. And I know that there's a time coming when You will re-create it all…a New Heaven and New Earth! If this cursed world (because of sin) is beautiful, then the New Earth is beyond my imagination.

You are the King v2 over all the earth, and I must remember that no matter what happens, You are still seated on the throne v8. Nothing gets past You. It's all headed where You want it to go. The promise I believe and hold onto is that You have chosen my inheritance v4…and it's wonderful and eternal. And I know that anything I have, or will ever have, from You is because of Jesus Christ.

Then, along with songs of praise are songs of instruction. Thank You, Lord, for music, music of all kinds. From songs of praise to songs of instruction v7, to songs of encouragement and joy. Thank You for the gift of music. May I honor You with it today.

Be glorified today, Lord. I am trying to be second.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Journal for May 16th…His Goodness

5:42 AM

Psalm 16

Father, You are good to me. Through all the tough times and adversities, in the big scheme of things, You have always been there. You are my portion and cup of blessing v5. "Things" have never satisfied the deep longings and true needs of my life. I will praise You for the counsel and direction You have given me v7; even though I can't say I've always taken Plan A. I want to keep You in my mind always v8. My whole being is affected by Your presence: my body can rest securely, my soul is able to be glad, and my spirit rejoices because of You v9.

The boundary lines have fallen in pleasant places for me v6 --You have always brought into my life the right people v6, like my family and Christian friends, as well as ministry places--and I have had it relatively easy compared to other believers who suffer for their faith.

I simply want to thank You today for the blessings I have. It's so easy to complain about things sometimes, but the truth is that You hold for me "eternal pleasures" that I could never imagine. Thank You for being so good to me…and certainly for no merit on my part. All I have of worth came from You.

Protect me still v1, for I take refuge in You. Protect those around me that I love. Hedge us in and watch over us in the powerful Name of Jesus and His blood. Be good to us still. I can only ask that because of Your grace and loving mercy toward me and those around me.

My sin, O the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin, not in part, but the whole, is nailed to the cross and I bear it no more! Even so, it is well, with my soul.

Because of Your goodness all can be well with my soul. I am second.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Journal for May 13th…Wealth

Psalm 73

Father, I want to thank You, first of all, for Your presence in my life v23,28. The fact is, even in a fallen world and tough economy, there are always the rich and famous. They parade themselves on TV and give their opinion, as if their money and deviate lifestyle make them an expert in living. But my temptation is to envy the ease in which they live v4,12. But the truth is, you give them plenty of troubles v18. It Your presence that matters…now and in eternity.

When I come close to You in worship, into Your sanctuary/temple, then I understand! It all makes sense. They are only rich in dying things. I am always with You v23. You hold me up and guide my ways v24, and one day You will take me to Heaven out of this cursed world that others love so much v24.

Help me, Lord, to desire nothing on earth but You v25. Even if my body is sick and in pain, You be the strength of my heart v26. May I always be able to tell others about You, too v28.

Thank You for my salvation…it is totally from You, no merit of my own. Your grace alone brought the solution and then made it known to my dead spirit. I owe You everything. Thank You for my family - my wife, of all the women in the world, is the one perfect fit for me! Thank You for allowing me to serve in ministry to others and to You. Forgive my failures and sins; cleanse me through Your Spirit and Word.

Put a strong hedge of protection around me, my family, and my church in the Name of Jesus Christ, the risen One. We may not be the wealthiest people by worldly measures, but we have You and we are rich.

Be first today, Lord. I am second.

Journal for May 12th…His Side

Philippians 3

Father, You are glorious -- my mind cannot even conceive Your splendor and wonder. When I first see Heaven I know that it will be profound. I imagine that the only words I will utter will be words of confession and praise. I pray that Your kingdom would come on earth as it is in Heaven.

There are many enemies of the cross…people, Lord, that are not just indifferent, but are enemies v18. Earthly things are all that matter to them but their end is destruction v19. But I don't want to be in league with those types. My citizenship is not here on earth, but in Heaven v20. I don't belong here…but I get too comfortable here sometimes. I know that one day You will come and all of us who believe will be transformed from this wasting body and fallen world to a glorious body like Yours v21. You have the power to make that happen…You rose from the dead; You rule and manage all things from Heaven; and when sin has run its course, You will return, establish Your Kingdom once and for all!

I want to be on Your side, Lord. You were on my side when You died on the cross, now I want to be noticeably on Your side….to the point that others could imitate my example v17.

That's the choice: be friends with the world or be citizens of heaven. There are so many Christians that try to be both. I pray I'm not one of them.

Lord, in the Name of Jesus Christ, and in the power of His blood, I ask for a strong hedge of protection around each member of my family today; and around my church family, many of whom are growing in You, but facing difficulties and threats from our common enemy; and a hedge around this country -- don't give up on the U.S. yet, Lord. May good and godly people bravely step up and lead the congress and make a difference for truth and what is right.

Help me live on Your side today -- I want to be an asset to the Kingdom today, not a liability.

Song:Let others see Jesus in You; let others see Jesus in You. Keep telling the story, be faithful and true; Let others see Jesus in You.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Journal for May 11th…Maturity

5:34 AM

Philippians 3

Father, again today You, and You alone, are worthy of glory and praise. It has always been that way…it will always be that, too. There is none like You; no one else could touch my heart like You do; I could search for all eternity long and find there is none like You! You are too wonderful for my understanding, but I know this: You love me and gave Your Son to ransom me from this fallen world and my own wretched sin! Praise to God for that!

"Darril, a sign of spiritual maturity is the pursuit of My heavenly call in Christ v14,15. You can tell who is growing spiritually by their pursuits, by what's important to them. I will reveal these things to you if you will pursue Me. Anyway, Darril, You may not know all the truth right now -- certainly not as much as you will eventually -- but live up to what You already have attained v15,16." Thank You, Lord, for Your personal affirmation. You’re right, I see so many Christians engaging in religious and theological discussions, but they aren't living up to the truth they already know! I don't ever what to be that way…knowing Scripture but not applying it. I want to be a doer and not a hearer only.

Psalm 11

Lord, our foundations are being destroyed v3. The foundation of dependence upon You; the foundation of family; the foundation of liberty and freedom; the foundation of self-reliance. And when the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? We are in trouble.

What's that You say? "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world!" That's right, on the cross You started the process of making all things new. And for me, it was when I asked You for forgive my sins and come into life for ever and ever. "Yes, v4 I am in my holy Temple; I will not be moved; and in the end I will accomplish my will. Be of good cheer, my child."

Thank You, Lord, for encouragement. Be glorified today -- where You want and how You want!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Journal for May 10th…Knowing Him

5:38 AM

Philippians 3

Father, today I thank You for another opportunity to praise You, grow in You, and know You. My goal, v10 is to know You. Help me abide in You and You in me (John15:5) that I may know You better. You must start, please, by forgiving my sins and cleansing me with Your Holy Spirit and Your Word. My thoughts are constantly drawn to worldly things -- it's a distraction game we play: I try to think on Godly things and the world tries to distract me. But deep down I want to know You and the power of Your resurrection living through me.

I have never suffered much for being a believer. This fallen world has suffering enough of its own. But there are believers around the world today, Egypt and Syria come to mind, that are fellowshipping with Your suffering v10, because they are engaged in the spiritual battle. I want to pray for believers everywhere today that put their lives and family's on the line for their faith.

You got a hold of me one day, Lord. One day, for reasons beyond my comprehension, You got a hold of my life v12. There are/were better prospects than me, but You got a hold of me. Song: Jesus got a hold of life and He won't let me go; Jesus got into my heart, He got into my soul…. Now, I want to get of hold of what Your purpose is for me.

Help me to forget what is behind and always reach for what is ahead v13. For I know that with You, the best is always ahead!Thank You, Lord, for letting me know You.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Journal for May 9th…Relationship

Philippians 3

Father, I rejoice in the blessings that mine. Most of all knowing Christ. I want to rejoice in the Lord all day v1. As a matter of fact, I want to boast about Jesus to others v3. I don't mind telling people what You've done for me.

Mostly I am still taken back by the privilege of know Jesus, my God. Knowing You -- having an intimate, personal relationship with You -- surpasses anything of value in the world v8. Nothing I could experience, collect, or own in the world matches the supreme worth of just knowing Jesus Christ. O yes, it's a battle sometimes (all the time) … my humanity is drawn to the world and the things in it. I would rather have Christ and be found in You v9.

Sunday was a great day, Lord, and I thank You for it. Worship, baptisms, infant dedications, being with my family, etc. But this week will require more of You each day. I want to draw closer to You; please draw close to me.

Thank You for the righteousness I have through faith in Christ -- not of my own doing, but completely and wholely from You…the righteousness of God based on faith v9. And I certainly do believe, but help strengthen my faith.

He walks with me and He talks with me; and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there … none other has ever known.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Journal for May 6th…Faithful Love

5:38 AM

Psalm 6

Father, the amazing thing is that You even accept my prayers at all v9. The only explanation is Your faithful love v4. You have helped me many times -- none which I deserved; and I believe there is always someone else that can take my place, even do it better, yet You are faithful to me and allow me to serve You. I want to praise You today for Your faithful love. You set the bar for us to follow. You are loving, forgiving, and compassionate toward us…even when we mess up, fail, sin and falter. You show me that I should do the same for other people, especially of the household of faith, who mess up, fail sin and falter.

Psalm 36

Your faithful love reaches to the heavens v5 and Your righteousness stands tall and permanent like the mountains v6; Your judgements are like the deepest sea -- I don't understand why and how You do many of the things You do. Like, apart from Your love for me, there's no reason to save me. I have nothing to offer that You didn't give me. But somewhere in Your "judgement" You saved me, then called me into Your service.

You are the Light of the world…at least the Light of me! Only in Your light am I able to see light in the darkness of this present world v9.

Spread Your faithful love over me, over my family, over my church, over this nation. Give is another day, another chance, to make some difference for the Kingdom of God. Your very nature is faithfulness and I praise You for it.

Father, I adore You; lay my life before You; how I love You. Jesus, I adore You; lay my life before You; how I love You. Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lord God almighty, who was and is, and is to come!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Journal for May 5th…Presence

5:44 AM

Psalm 65

You, Lord, are definitely the God of my salvation v5. You answer me in Your righteousness even though I don't always understand why and how You answer. Nevertheless, Your works are awe-inspiring…from creation itself to my salvation to Your daily presence. Praise is rightfully Yours, God v1. I pray that you'll help me fulfill my vows to You from now on.

Only You can atone for my rebellions v3, and You do this through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

I look forward to Heaven, Lord. I know I will be more than satisfied with Your house and holiness of Your temple v4, the New Jerusalem. But even now You are One who hears prayer v2. Millions bow every day to gods that cannot hear, heal or help. But You hear me. Thank You for hearing my whining as well as other prayers. Your compassion is deep.

In a fallen world of pain, starvation, mean people, evil and cruelty the believer knows that Your ways overflow with plenty v11. You provide what we need; and as for me, I have been greatly blessed with stuff. Mostly I am blessed with the family I've been given; and I thank You for putting me into ministry 1Tim; I thank You for a church family that cares, and in which I see You move; I thank You for my health (although I have a few aches and pains this morning…at least I have a body that can feel, walk, and serve).

Jesus, I just want to thank You for being so personal…for walking and talking with me throughout the day. I need someone like You to bounce ideas off of…someone who overlooks the little dumb things and glosses over my frailties…and then gives me Your own thoughts. Fill me with Your Spirit, today, Lord Jesus. Help me to be second today.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Journal for May 4th…Dialogue

5:39 AM

(Note: Sometimes in my prayers and journals I write as if the Lord and I are having a dialogue. His impressions are written as if He were speaking to me. His Words are in quote marks)

Psalm 34

I will praise the Lord at all times v1…at least that's what I want to do, Father. The world is not a friendly place for anyone, least of all believers, so we get distracted by adversity. You promised many adversities would come v19, but that You would stay close. I need Your Spirit to help me "turn away from evil and do what is good" v14, and to keep my tongue from evil, too v13.

Thank You, Lord, that Your angel encamps around me, for I respect and honor You as Lord and King v7. You are wonderful to me and I wish that others would/could know You intimately and personally like I do. If they would only try and get a taste of what it's like to know the One that loves them so much v8. Lord, today there are people that are sad and brokenhearted; their spirit is crushed from the circumstances they endure; or the loss of a loved one, or the betrayal of a friend… if they only knew that You stood by to embrace them and love them. You are especially near those that are hurting v18.

"Darril, if you seek Me, I will answer You…in My time, of course, and in my way; but I will answer You. I answered You when You called on me for salvation, and so many other times. My love for You is not diminished since then." Thank You, Father for hearing me. Forgive the sins and disappointments that obstruct our relationship. "Done." Cleanse me today with Your Word and fill me with Your Spirit. "Stay in My Word, it's my Spirit's power in you." Thank You for all You have done, and will do, in my life. It is Yours to take or use as You see fit. Thank You for Jesus and what was accomplished through Him on the cross. I will never forget it. "I love you, too."

In the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood, please put a strong hedge of protection around me, my family, my church, Your people and all the leaders in our nation that claim You as Savior. I look forward to eternity apart from this cursed world; but one thing I have is You in the midst of this fallen world…for that I am grateful. "I will be You until the end of the age." Yes, I remember You promised that. I believe it, too. May Jesus Christ be praised!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Journal Entry for May 03…His Faithful Love

5:48 AM

Father, today I ask that Your faithful love would rest on me 22, for I put my hope in You. Anyone, anything else would disappoint -- especially me -- but You are faithful in Your love and compassion for me. I will depend on Your faithful love to deliver me and watch over me 18,19.

I begin my day with praise of Your overwhelming power and genius. Everything came into being because You spoke and it was 9. So I know a word from You is all it takes and it's done…whatever it is. Throughout the day I will sing and hum praises to You 3 while Your work continues in my life 4 to whatever end You decide. I need Your counsel 11 and truly want to know Your plans for me. I already know Your marvelous plans about salvation (praise You for that alone) and about Heaven!, but day to day, in what are just small things to You, I need Your counsel.

Without a doubt, Lord, You are in charge. I do not know why some things take the course they do, but I know You have the end result.

Protect me with Your armor today, Lord. The enemy so easily infiltrates my life and my thoughts. Thank You for my salvation, but give me the mind of Christ; protect my heart from other loves and preferences - be first and make me second; fill me with Your Spirit so that I will be honest with You and myself, and help live in integrity; provide opportunities for me to share or care today; increase my faith, even that comes from You; and make the Word, Your Word, strong in me today…teach me and fire me up with Your Word. Protect my family in the Name of Jesus and the power of His blood; the same for my friends, my church, and our nation. And Lord, let there be a spiritual awakening in our hearts and lives.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Journal for May 2…Glad

5:38 AM

Psalm 32

Even now, Lord, as I read Your Word and converse with You, it is raining outside and I hear the thunder rolling in the distance. We need the rain, but more than that, we need You. Father, I come to You to begin this day in Jesus' Name. I have no standing before You except what You have given me by grace. I am in Your presence today by invitation only. Had it not been for Jesus and the heavy price He paid for me, I would be lost and separated forever. My heart is glad because of Your mercy.

Happy is the one (me) whose transgression is forgiven, who sin is covered v1. I confess my sins to You -- how foolish it would be to try and hide them. But in my spirit I am open before You and acknowledge my transgressions v2. The amazing thing is that You do not charge me any longer with sin…You charged Jesus! I confess my sins and You take away the guilt!v5 It's not fair, it's not logical, but it's what You did through Jesus Christ.

This is not about my sin, it's about Your grace; Your Mercy; and Your concern and love for me.

What I pray for today, in the Name of Jesus, is for Your instruction v8. Show me the way to go. Keep Your eye on me and give me counsel. Don't keep Your will from me. You promised to do this. My hearing is not so good sometimes and I am not on Your frequency, but I have Your Spirit within me, so help my infirmity (inability to pray rightly) Rom.8:28, and give me counsel in my spirit.

I will be glad in the Lord today…I will rejoice v11. Even in difficult and trying times You are still worthy of praise and glory! My mistakes and misjudgments, while giving my enemies fodder to accuse me, have never diminished Your glory one bit. I will shout for joy v11. I am glad, so very glad, that Your mercy found me.

Be glorified today, Lord…in my family; in Your church; in my life; in this nation; in the lives of our elected officials. Let the revival start right here, in me.