Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Problem is ME!

Reading the first letter of John this morning for a devotional time. It, the Word, tells us not to love the world or the things in the world -- because it's passing away and has no lasting value. (People, of course, have lasting value, so love them. It's the "things" of this world we are not to love.)
Again, the Word says the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of one's life are all from the world, not from the Father.
So, who can I blame for my sins? For my wrong thoughts? For my wrong ways? I could blame the world, but I'm responsible for my own priorities. I could blame the devil. It's true he lays a snare for me and all believers -- but the Spirit helps us side step those traps if we want Him to. So the devil can't be blamed for my sins. After all, he's only being himself.
No, it's me. It's my own "flesh", as the Bible puts it. It's the junk that's inside of me that acts out. 
The problem is ME!
The good thing is this: Jesus is the remedy. Whew! Thank You, Lord.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Keep Your Eye on Israel!!

Sometimes nations get so self-involved that they forget their lack of significance. Like individuals, nations can get an overestimated view of themselves. One example is the question many Americans have regarding the Bible and end time events: "Where is America in Bible prophecy?"
The answer: it isn't there. The U.S. doesn't play a significant role in the consummation of the nations. That suggests one of two things:
1. America either no longer exists as we know it, or it has at least lost its influence and power -- it's no longer the one and only superpower.
2. Israel is the center of Biblical prophecy. The whole of history hinges on Israel -- not Rome, not Greece, not Europe, and not even the United States. Maybe one reason America isn't mentioned in Biblical prophecy is that America is not important to the story...Israel is.
In the news today, focus on Israel. Israel is where the action is going to be. And one other thing, to President Obama: you push Israel aside at the peril of the U.S. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

What We Know For Sure About the End of Time

The truth is, there isn't a lot that we know about the end of time. Yes, the Bible describes some of the "WHAT" events in vivid detail -- but many of those passages equally describe events that have occurred in world history. 
We don't know WHEN it will happen. The Bible doesn't give a date, only general events that would accompany the end of time.
HOW? We know a little about that. The world will be destroyed by fire instead a flood like the last time. But never fear, God establishes a new earth. Don't ask how. We don't know. But God is pretty good at creating things from nothing.
The WHO of end times includes all humanity with certain personalities that stand out -- there's a political, charismatic dictator that rules the world; a one-world religious leader that wants to bring all religions under one unbrella. Yeah, like that will happen. There are many other personalities that people like to talk about. But lest we forget, there's only one Personality that matters. The whole of time and eternity revolve around Him. We call Him Jesus Christ, but in that day He will have a new Name -- actually a lot of them. We'll have a new name, too. Sorry mom, "Darril" ain't gonna hack it in heaven.
Talk about all the details. Speculate on the when, and draw the obvious parallels between current events and Biblical prophecy. But all of that is secondary.
What we do know that is important is this: It's all about Jesus! He is the One we should concern ourselves with. Everything revolves around Him.
Well, that's it. The one thing we know for sure is that one day God will put a stop to all this idiocy and King Jesus will come again to earth -- this time to rule, not die. And Jesus accomplishes all He sets out to do.
One other thing. If you've entrusted yourself to Christ, you're in good shape when that day comes. And, if you continue to reject Christ, there will be hell to pay!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Hate, murder, assassination, terroism, jihad and more

I used all those trigger words so someone on the internet will be alerted to this subversive article.

I want my government to know that no matter what they do, I am a loyal, traditional, law-abiding, constitution-loving American. Even though I can't stand President Obama's liberal and un-biblical positions, I want him to know that I would jump in front of a maniac and attempt to take the bullet for you. Here's why:
1. Jesus took the bullet meant for me when He voluntarily jumped in front of the assault on my soul and died in my place. To be like Jesus, I would have to be willing to take the bullet for a sinner like you!
2. I'm afraid I don't know if you're a true Christian. Nothing you've said indicates that God has much to do with your life. So I want you to stay alive long enough to give your heart and life to Jesus -- the real Jesus -- not the radical, angry, get-all-the-white-o-people Jesus. 
3. Jesus told us to love our enemies. I'd rather not consider you an enemy, but in the spiritual sense you're against most of what I believe about God. So, I should pray for you and your salvation.

That's enough for now. I'm hoping that you, Mr. President, will live a long prosperous life until you give it all to Jesus. That's the only true meaning one can have in life -- an intimate, personal relationship with Jesus.
So let's get rid of hate, murder, assassination, terrorism, jihad and such. Let's move beyond all that to Christ.
You want a lasting legacy, Mr. President? In the end, only what's done for Christ will last. So live for Jesus, that's what matters

GF's Website

If you haven't done it lately, you need to explore the website for Grace Fellowship. ( It has all kinds of stuff on it -- and it's updated all the time. You can find information about the church, of course, but also a gillion photos, information about everything from VBS to missions. 
Our message from the previous Sunday(s) is available for listening or viewing!
In addition, there are a number of good articles on the left hand column. Scroll down and click on one of the very relevant and real subjects. Everyone is covered... children, parenting, teaching, and all kinds of things. These articles are changed weekly and it doesn't take that long to read them
I use the one that's always aimed at pastors (you're not allowed to read that part) LOL.
So check out the site -- DAILY.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Goes Around, Comes Around

Remember The Karate Kid? He would always say that: "What goes around, comes around." Everyone got excited at such a wise and wonderful insight. But even experts in eastern martial arts can occasionally stumble upon an eternal truth.

It was God that said, "cast your bread upon the water, and in due time, it will return to you." 

What you invest in the lives of others; what you invest in your church; what you invest in the spiritual truths of God will all one return to you. I can't say when, and I can't say how....that's God business. That must be why Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." How you treat others will ultimately affect how you're treated.

The converse is also true. If you invest in false realities, Satanic deceptions, and selfish attitudes it will come back to bite you. I can't say when, and I can't say how... that's God's business. But it will get you.

Live for Jesus, that's what matters. \O/