Saturday, November 29, 2008

This is the part I hate...

I love Christmas. I love the family traditions that we've developed over the years, and I love the music -- old and new. 
Many people seem to think that Christmas is the Savior of our economy. Already  today (Saturday) we've heard the shopper reports about "Black Friday". People look to this time of year to pull our economy out of the doldrums. Of course the world misses the whole point.
But I like buying and giving gifts, so I'm not completely adverse to the commercial hype.
This is the part I hate: Santa Clause. I'm sorry that the legend ever got started, because it's been carried too far. I mean, Santa has the attributes of Jesus: he lives forever, he knows if you've been good or bad, and knows when you're sleeping or awake. 
Alongside the stories and expectations of Santa we also teach the nativity story and all about Jesus. So on the one hand we tell them a fictional story about a character that has the attributes of God -- but one day we'll tell them that's a lie -- and on the other hand we'll tell them about a little baby surrounded by animals without really emphasizing His royal deity -- but that turns out to be the truth. 
I even heard a commercial on TV that said (and I quote) "without Santa there would be no childlike faith." You've got to be kidding!!
I've known a lot of kids who grew up without the Santa myth. Their parents never did the "Santa is coming tonight" thing. I'm one of them. Dawn and I didn't bring our kids up with Santa. They were just as happy and surprised by what they received on Christmas, but they knew it from their dad and mom. 
Santa is the part I hate about Christmas. The truth has been diluted with a cute little story that "harms no one." But why dilute the truth at all? It saves us from having to explain the difference and sort out truth from error.
May God bless your ministry today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Heavenly Hedge Against Hard Times

God never promised that we would not experience difficulty and hardship. When evil and adversity assails the world, believers get caught in the turmoil. Jesus said, "you will have tribulation." We are not immune to the things that befall our neighbors and friends.
However, there is a Heavenly Hedge for believers that are faithful and obedient. Based on the Word of God; and based on what I know about the character of God; and based on the history of God's care for His people I have the conviction that there is only one sure cushion against hard times.  It's tithing.
They say that when times are tough for Americans they tend to save their money instead of spending it. Which only harms the overall economy further. And our tendency as believers is hang onto our money and protect our resources...even to the point of not giving cheerfully to Kingdom causes.
But if God promises to His people that He will bless us when we give the full 10%; and if God promises to "rebuke the devourer" for us (that's whatever threatens our income and survival); then I believer the best hedge against experiencing the full impact of a chaotic world economy is giving, not saving; tithing not hoarding. 
...Just a thought.


I am challenging every believer to take up this challenge. God said He would bless those who bring the full 1o% into the "storehouse" (an offering room in the temple) so that expenses could be met for maintaining the house of worship. He even went further. He promised to "rebuke the devourer" on our behalf -- whatever it is that devours the fruit of our labor and threatens our economic security.
I'm challenging You -- no, God challenges You -- to tithe and see if He doesn't bless Your efforts to be obedient and give.
Well, that's my challenge. Give a full 10%  (of gross, not net) in 2009. Will take up the challenge? I double dog dare you!
May God bless your ministry today.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama wins...a breakthrough?

All the mainstream media celebrates the election of Barak Obama as the 44th president of the U.S. In their jubilation many are saying that this demonstrates the decline, if not the demise, of racism in our country. The fact that a black man could be elected president proves we've come a long way.

But that's not what I see. When Obama carried many states because of the black and hispanic vote, it seems that race is what got him elected. I have two questions:
1. Is voting for McCain and against Obama simply because Obama is black racism? After all it's a decision based solely on one's preference for one race over another.
2. Is voting for Obama and against McCain simply because Obama is black racism? After all it's a decision based solely on one's preference for one race over another.
So I'm not seeing a breakthrough in terms of racism in America. Quite the contrary. Racism works in both directions. I see a country more divided over race than ever. Especially with all the threats of riots and rebellion if Obama didn't make it. What's up with that? That's not a racist threat?

Several other observations: 
1) A "religion friendly" government is about to end; faith-based initiatives started by President Bush and opposed by democrats in congress will be threatened.  
2) Look for attacks, via "The Fairness Doctrine", against conservative talk radio. The liberal congress and president will not go after the New York Times or MSNBC for their sever liberal bent, but they'll go after Limbaugh, Hannity, and others... maybe even FoxNews. 
3) Look for new bold initiatives to increase abortion rights and gay marriage. The gay agenda suffered some big losses in this election (there's always a bright spot), but now you'll see abortion friendly and gay friendly judges nominated and sworn into office. 
4) Taxes WILL go up. Obama promised to end the "Bush tax cuts" ASAP. I don't know about you, but I got a tax cut with Bush's plan, now I'll get an instant increase in taxes when Obama ends that program....and so will you. (and I fall well below the arbitrary line Obama has set that separates the middle-class from the wealthy.)
5) Watch for subtle attempts to subvert the Constitution of the United States; attempts to replace capitalism and free market with government controls on profits; and watch for attempts, ever so subtle, to oppress free religious expression by churches and religious organizations. 
6) Watch for a new tone on the national level -- a tone of anger, arrogance, and conservations and Christians are made fun of and relegated to the back seats of influence. 
Those are just a few precautions and predictions. The Word of God and evangelical Christians have been under attack during this election. The women on The View, Opray, and MSNBC  will be real tickled with the results of this election. But dear fellow believer, in the words of an old hymn: "Be not dismayed what'er betide, God will take care of you."
It is in difficult times -- times of financial stress, political unrest, and subtle/not so subtle persecution that the church grows, people turn to God, and Christ comes shining through. One of our greatest opportunities for evangelism and harvesting may be dead ahead of us. 
People will soon find out that Obama is NOT the messiah they thought he'd be. Some of them will turn to the true Messiah that doesn't need their vote, but wants their heart. 
So, Obama's election is not a breakthrough in the way the news media will portray it. But it may be a breakthrough in the months and years ahead for the gospel. Nothing happens that doesn't cross God's desk first!