Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should leave a church and not try every avenue of peace and unity?
Where is the example in the Bible where Christians are encouraged to be disgruntled, dissatisfied, and critical of their pastor and church?
Where does the Bible condemn gossip and backbiting except in the case of getting other members to see things one's own way?
Where in the Bible does it say it ain't worship unless it's Traditional music? Or Contemporary music? Or Southern Gospel? Where does it say there has to music at all?
Where in the Bible does it say the pastor is an employee of the church and not the leader to be followed? Where does it say that the sheep rule the flock?
Where in the Bible does it say that deacons should rule as an administrative board and oversee the pastor's role?
Where in the Bible does it say that corporate worship and submissive humility is not required of every member?
Where in the Bible does it clarify that the Great Commission only applies to the pastor and other staff, but not to all the believers in the church?
Where in the Bible does it say that worship attendance is optional, Bible study is only for the teacher, and tithing is only for Old Testament Jews?
One way or another, at some point in their lives, some believers have come to believe that the church is theirs -- to use, abuse, love or leave, as they see fit. It's an infectious sin that crosses denominational lines. Big churches, small churches, traditional churches, blended and contemporary churches, new churches, older churches ... they all suffer from self-centered Christians. It's what the Bible calls carnality.
Christ will not let His Bride be trifled with forever -- especially by those who should know better. Let us worship in spirit and truth, not carnality and dishonesty.