Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Day 2

We had about 50 kids again today...at least that many. 4 adults attended the adult Bible study -- that's the one I get to do. We talked about John 14:6 where Jesus claimed to be the only way to God, and that He was the Truth.

The team is worn out tonight. They've been staying up late preparing for the following days and having a worship time together. I have to tell you, the team performed like a well-oiled machine today. The transitioning of kids from one location to another was flawless. Our team is much more aware of their surroundings and where the kids are. They show these kids how much they care about them.

The accompanying photo is Jerry helping with refreshments. Each step along the way, kids are in touch with people that know Christ, and that are able to help them find Jesus.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Day 1 - Monday

We had over 50 kids today...the exact number is not known until we count enrolment forms. Our team was great. They did their jobs with servant's hearts. They worked like a highly trained, well-oiled machine. This picture is of the registration table where kids are enrolled, given name tags (different colors to identify their age/grade), the taken to their first activity.

The camp is divided into a Bible story/study section, a craft section, a game/rec section, and a refreshment area. The team members stay at their stations while the groups are all rotated every 25 minutes to another section anc activity.

We even had several adults that came and we did a Bible study for them. Sharing the gospel, of course. At least 2 people were identified as being interested in coming to a home Bible study group. The character building theme for the camp tomorrow is truth, or honesty. So, for an adult study we'll use "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life..."

I thought it went surprisingly smooth for a first day. We'll see what God has in store for tomorrow.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Praise and Preparation - Sunday

It has been a busy day. Our team of 17 joined Friendship Baptist Church in their morning worship service. It was a delight to see old friends still faithful to the Lord and His church. I had the privilege of speaking for a few minutes, or giving a "testimony", regarding Grace Fellowship. We have much to be thankful for at GF. The Lord will bless the church that "keeps its eyes on the prize of His calling...forgetting what is behind and reaching out for what comes next." DRT*
Preparing for the testimony helped me get a fresh look at our church. Other team members gave me some positive and helpful ideas the night before in our devotion time.

The afternoon was spent mostly with lesson, craft and logistical preparations for tomorrow. The team is divided up into smaller teams that specialize in some area of the mission. But the fact is, all of them are capable of stepping into any area of service and doing the job. The kids are showing a good deal of maturity and passion for the things of God. I love being with this team and being a part of this effort, but the truth is, they could do this without me. They've got the drive, experience, and heart to do this without me being there...and that's a good thing!

Late in the afternoon, however, things started to happen. One of our team was sick enough to go to the emergency room and be looked at. Some attention was paid to the issue, a prescription written, and we're on our way. It's important that you pray for us. About the same time the vehicle the women will need for tomorrow began experiencing trouble -- you know the routine: Check Engine light comes on; it starts to run funny; and seems to overheat. The van belongs to Janet Faccinto, our host, who called her husband. Several guys from Friendship came out, looked it over, and figured a vapor lock or something occurred. Anyway, restarting the car was like rebooting a computer -- we never know why, but rebooting mysteriously fixes a lot of things.

While at the hospital (the women of our team was there) the team prayed for a patient in great pain, on morphine, and waiting anxiously to be seen. Soon after praying for him they called him in. On mission, all the time.

I anticipate a "God-thing" to happen tomorrow. Stay tuned.


* DRT - Deaton Revised Translation

Saturday, July 28, 2007

On the Way - Saturday Afternoon

Well, we got to Chicago. I'm writing this in the airport as we await our flight in a few hours. Keeping 17 people together has proven interesting.

It seems a person can't find anyone to witness to if he tried to. On the first leg of our trip I was all set to witness to a young woman sitting next to me on our flight from Dallas. I talked to her for while, you know, trying to "pave the way" for more conversation. Well, she overheard someone call me "pastor" and assumed, guess what, that I was a pastor. It turns out that her father is the pastor of a church in Dallas! Is that cool or what. I gave her a couple of our Mini-Bibles and offered to make some for her dad's church. Oh, she's from Africa, and her abbreviated name ('cause the Lord knows I couldn't say her full name) is Mude... pronounced Moo-day. We talked about heaven a while and how it would be even brighter and whiter than the sundrenched clouds. She's a junior in high school and was really sweet. We both hoped we find someone just as nice to sit next to on our next flight. She's going to Washington D.C.

Then, after eating lunch, and losing complete touch with the rest of the group, I settled in by our gate to do some work on the laptop. But I started talking to a couple next to me and once again got my Mini-Bible ready for a witness. But alas, Alice Mills teaches English at a Christian college in California, and her husband Spencer has started teaching there part time. They're on their way to Las Vegas for a "Holy Spirit Conference". He reads D.L. Moody books and they've both been to the Holy Land. We talked about Israel and our experiences there. We all almost teared up at some of the stories we shared together.

Before we were done, we prayed together. They laid hands on me right there in the airport and prayed for our mission trip and for the whole team (which at the time was no where to be found). We were surrounded by several hundred people about to board a plane for fun and sin in Las Vegas! "For I am not ashamed of the gospel" is the motto on the T-Shirts we'll wear next week. We can't be ashamed in Texas, Connecticut, or the Midway Airport of Chicago! That attracted another Christian couple who came over and joined the prayer for our team.

So, I keep running into Christians. I suppose the Lord is really into this mission trip. God is so good. I hope I have time the rest of the week to keep blogging. Stay tuned.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Preparing to Go - Friday Evening

Sometimes I wonder if going a mission trip is leaving home or going to the field. I guess it's both. In order to go to the place of service you have to leave your home. It dawned on me that serving Christ, I mean, really serving Christ is always like that. To really be a disciple means leaving our comfort zone and going where things are unfamiliar.

We can get comfortable, even complacent, in our Sunday morning routine. We like our comfort zones. But the mission field is not inside the church walls. It's out there, beyond the routine and safety of "home".

We don't have to go far to be on mission, however. Every day, every where we go, we could be on mission if we would follow Christ out of our comfort zones.

We'll be in Connecticut soon and really beg for your prayers. You can get a copy of our itinerary in the church bulletin this week or from the office. Use it to pray for us. I've inserted an aerial photo of the park we'll be serving in Meriden, CT.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Where In the Bible Does It Say...

Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should leave a church and not try every avenue of peace and unity?
Where is the example in the Bible where Christians are encouraged to be disgruntled, dissatisfied, and critical of their pastor and church?
Where does the Bible condemn gossip and backbiting except in the case of getting other members to see things one's own way?
Where in the Bible does it say it ain't worship unless it's Traditional music? Or Contemporary music? Or Southern Gospel? Where does it say there has to music at all?
Where in the Bible does it say the pastor is an employee of the church and not the leader to be followed? Where does it say that the sheep rule the flock?
Where in the Bible does it say that deacons should rule as an administrative board and oversee the pastor's role?
Where in the Bible does it say that corporate worship and submissive humility is not required of every member?
Where in the Bible does it clarify that the Great Commission only applies to the pastor and other staff, but not to all the believers in the church?
Where in the Bible does it say that worship attendance is optional, Bible study is only for the teacher, and tithing is only for Old Testament Jews?

One way or another, at some point in their lives, some believers have come to believe that the church is theirs -- to use, abuse, love or leave, as they see fit. It's an infectious sin that crosses denominational lines. Big churches, small churches, traditional churches, blended and contemporary churches, new churches, older churches ... they all suffer from self-centered Christians. It's what the Bible calls carnality.

Christ will not let His Bride be trifled with forever -- especially by those who should know better. Let us worship in spirit and truth, not carnality and dishonesty.